The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 19, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1021,
Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
Entered at the Poatofflce at Springfield, Oregon, aa Second-class Matter.
February 24. 1901 '
One Year
Six Months..
, i a ' Three Motths...
. $1.00 Single Copy
nne Tear. When Paid In Advance
Sometimes In the winter we won- shrinks up, changes to a darker color
der what has become of all the flies and Is enclosed In a sac. In this si:
that were around In the house tn the the wings develop and the legs form;
fall. Many of them hide away n In about three days the sac opens and
cracks and crevices and stay al win-! the fly cornea out. These do not
ter. In spring as soon as the weatl er j grow at all. Thty always stay tl e
become warm they come out and, same sue tnai mey were wnen mey
iUII.K l'lvnty of fresh Jersey milk
for sale, delivered vvenlngs. I'hons
Springfield 34 re. tf.
1 ' t
FOR RAL& Wl. It Lloyd Loom woven
baby buggy. Revcrslblrt gears. Call
at 111 D street. . pd.
FOR SALE Oly 6wner. I food high
lots; 4 room house; good barn and
chicken house. All for IS00. Must
sell on account of poor health.
Ralph Clark, 8th and O streets,
Springfield. Oregon.
begin laying eggs, starting a new come out from the sac. The tiny
family. little files we see on the window
The fly chooses a warm moist plac '" r nt bby Tner aM
where food in convlently near; a I1 rown n(l b,e ,0 ,aT lust
manure pile, a garbage can. wet news the ,are ",ied n-.
Mners or decayed fruit or vegetables Files can travel long distances
snake fine places for her to lay her, do not usually fly far if food Is near
A fly may lay from 120 to 150 eggs
all at one time, andl she mar ly
You gentlemen who own horses:-
One set of Loffer plates will, and
are guaranteed under ordinary use.
at hand. When the fly
week old she beglus laying
to out wear two sets of old
plates. Think what a saving. I put
them on at the same price as the old
style and a traveling honte-shoer will j
reset them at your barn for seventy
but' nurse, ai icasc one nere i
i in town is resetting at that flKUre.
Is about a'Try ,lem enllemn.
lagging dogswe make the right
flv mv in afew week k,nd' Wheel work and wagon work.
nil si nnn limp, nnm an ft mnv hit " . .
V . ..... . 1 , . 1 the area! erandmother of millions of m lne mon reasonable prices In town
three or four batches of eggs during ilne reat granamomer oi minions oi ,,, , .
. . . , . i other flies 1 "OMn " equipped to turn out
truck bodies.
wood racks and In fact
one summer. A fly may begin laying
. ,, ... . . anyxnmg in the woo line. Acetellne
The eggs are very, very tiny and . feet are coveredl with smnll hairs ..., . 1
white. I which catch and hold, not only filth
If tie weather is warm these eees and d,rt- but a,8 tbe erm of
will hatch in about ten hours, out of ase9- The fly ,8 carries these which cause such diseases us Hook
each eee comes a slender whit worm ' 8erm8 ,n lts stoniact and deposits , worm.
.which burrows into the manure pile
As we said before
It always pays lo buy HOME PRODUCTS. Support
your home industries by demanding their products and
watch the community grow.
Your dealer handles our full line of feeds and flour
manufactured here at home for you use them be a
booster for HOME PRODUCTS.
i welding and brail tig.
Loffers on Second street.
or down into the ground. It has no
legs, but still can travel quite fast
It has a mouth and several quer
looking appendages on the under part
of its bodly whlct enable it to move
around. It eats all the time anl
when It about five days old the body
them on food; in the sugar bowl; on Just as soon as spring comes tic
the baby's bottle or In any other con- j killing of files should begin. Kvory
venient place. Flies have been known 'jhlng about the house that will serv
to cary the germs of Typhoid fever, as a breeding plate ror the flies
Infantile Diarrhea, and Tuberculosis, j should be cleansed or destroyed. If
The germs of Tuberculosis seem to be ;tn'9 ,8 dlone In every community th.
especially favored by the fly family, i
number of flies that will be hatched
Flies also carry the- eggs of worms
We give Red Stamps 2ri discount Extra
If you want to pay cash, say so. See
what you can do for cash and also
get Red Trading Stamps, an extra
saving for you.
M. J. B. Coffee, per lb. . 43c
3 lbs. ..' $1.25
Drifted Snow Flour, per 49 lb. sack $2.29
A large can of Salmon, per dozen 1.08
Just a few of our many bargains
Nice Broom, just a few left for Sturday only. Regular
75c quality 35c
Potatoes, per 100 lbs 89c
Farmers Exchange
The Store of Bargains
Buy your Chick Food here at $3.49 per 100 lbs.
;out will be greatly decrease!.
Every boy and girl may do a great
dea toward destroying the fly. A fly
swatter Is good; sticky fly paper Is
also very good.
Do not sit on the sticky fly paper
let tie fly do It.
can carry C. 000 000
1. The fly
t. ini ny wipes mm reet on your
3. The fly may get on the baby s
j bottle?
4. lie riy is a, menace to every
one? 5. The fly can produce in a single
summer 6,488.560.000,000 others?
It Is in your power to deprive
Fly of a home and living!
Measures to be Voted On
(Continued from page one)
"Perhaps You Don't Know",
says the Good Judge
How long a little of
the Real Tobacco
Chew will last.
Nor how much gen
uine chewing satisfac
tion the full, rich real
tobacco taste will give.
Ask any man who uses
the Real Tobacco Chew.
He will tell you that
this class of tobacco
will give more satisfac
tionand at less cost
than the ordinary kind.
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
iiii'ii i.iia.i in him i mniteirtrtyti mil, i Tin',,
In Q
( ( new size jj
clan's certflcate presented to the
county clerk. Should one or both of diseases caused by constipation Is ap-
Hucn applicants .ran 10 pass tns i pt-ndlcltls. If you would avoid this
neaiui ana mental test, then they
! si all not be permitted to marry un
less one or both are rendered sterile.
Here the two defects which
are the objects of the examination
are jumbled together and treated
alike.' If either one of the applicants
! is found to be mentally defective or
afflicted with veneral disease, which
ever It may be. in either case, le may
be married If he Is sterallzed, he
cannot be married if be is not. Ilea-
Leon that out to its ultimate conclu
sion for yourself. Mr. Voter. The
tnarriage of artificially and officially
sterilized persons. Is actually offered
as an argument In favor of this bill.
Numbers 308 and 309. A proponed
law, amending certain sections of
the Oregon laws, to permit women lo
serve as Jurors, prescribing certain
exemptions, making certain changes
In the mode of selecting Jurors, and
providing that in criminal actions in
volving a person under 18 years of
age half of the Jury sLall be womwn.
The argument in favor of this meas
ure Is presented by the officers of
half a dozen women's organizations,
instead of by the legislative commit
No negative argument Is presented
on any of the measures.
Evils of Constipation. dangerous disease, keep your bowels
Perhaps the most serious of tie regular. For this' purpose Chamber
Iain's Tablets are excellent, easy to
take and mild and gentle In effect
Why not let
order of butter
us print
your next
. . 10 cigarettes for 10 ota
f Handy and convenient; try
them. Dealers now carry
t both sizes: 10 for 10 cts
20 for 20 cts. ;
It's Toasted
. . (Oregon Crown)
Sprinefield Warehouse Co.
YOU certainly want to
save money, and you
would like to have better bakings.
Then use Calumet. It's the
biggest thing you can do to im
prove the quality of your bakings
and lower baking costs.
Calumet is made in the larg
est, most sanitary Baking Powder
Factories In the Woild. No Bak
ing Powder is made under better
conditions none can be better in
It contains only such ingre
dients as have been officially en
dorsed by the U. S. Pure Food
Authorities. An absolute guar an
teethat it is pure.
It received highest Awards,
World's Pure Food Exposition, Chi
cago Paris Exposition, Paris,
France positive proof of its super,
lor merit
It is used by more house
wives, domestic scientists and chefs
than any other brand. That would
pot be the case, if it were possible
to secure a higher quality leavener.
It is sold at a moderate price.
All you have to do is to compare
costs to determine how much yoii
can save by buying Calumet
Pound canof Calumet contains full
ItTos. Some baking powders come in ,
Vj ozHnBtead of 16 oiansBejure
you get a pouncTwhen you want it".
CV Cratm
t cups pastr?
flour, I level Ua
pona Calam.
Cup butter. IH cup
gianulatea sugar,
Yolks of lasca. H
cup cold walsr.
Whlteaof laiga. I
teaapooa orans
Sx tract. Than out
i Ut racular wajb