The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 19, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Those From Vigorous Breeding
Stock Necessary in Order
to Get Strong Chicks.
On Vigorous Mala Will Take Car of
From ta 12 Hana of General
Purpoa Class and 12 to
15 of 8mallar Breads.
(Prepared by tha United Btatee Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Fertile eggs from vigorous stock ara
essential Id good liutctilns. They are
obtained only from atock properly
mated and kept under the bent possi
ble condition to secure lienlth and
vitality. Egg from overfat breeding
atock do not usuully prcduco many
strong chicks.
If breeding birds ara confined, they
ahould be fed a varied aupply of groins,
meat, and green feed. The green feed
helpa to keep fowla In good breeding
condition, any poultry specialists of
the United States Iepurtinent of Agrl
culture. Free runge la usually Impor
tant In the production of hotchoLle
egga, aa It la much eaHler to keep up
the vitality of atock handled In this
manner thun In birds that are yarded.
From 8 to 12 femnlea of the Amer
ican or general-purpose claas and 12
to 13 of tha Mediterranean clnsa ran
The Right Kind Ara Uniform Egg.
he mated with one male, depending on
Ms age and vitality and where the
fowls are yarded, but this proportion
may bo Increased where the birds have
free range. Good ventilation In the
lioune Is a great help In keeping the
stock In good breeding condition.
Should 8lct Uniform Eggs.
Abnormal, small and poorly-shaped
eggs should be discorded. Do not wet
eggs which have thin or very porous
appearing sheila. Eggs should be set
when fresh, If possible, and It la not
advisable to use eggs for hatching
which are over two weeks old, al
though stule ones frequently hatch.
Selecting uniformly large eggs of the
same color Is one of the quickest ways
to secure uniformity In the offspring
and Increase the size of the eggs. It
Is well to clean dirty eggs by rubbing
lightly with a damp cloth, taking care
not to rub off any more of the natural
bloom of the egg than la necessary.
Duck eggs usuully require washing,
which does not appear to Injure their
hatching qualities.
Kggs for hatching should be collect
ed two or three times a day In frees
Ing wenther to prevent chilling.
I! rood y liens allowed to sit on eggs In
the laying nests all day may hurt the
hutching qualities of the eggs. For
convenience In handling, eggs, In
large numbers, are generally kept In
a cabinet or turning rack, In a room
Mesne Provided for Constructing and
Connecting Bladsa With Oper.
ating Mechanism.
The Scientific American In describ
ing an Improvement on a windmill.
A Vlsw In Side Elevation With Cer
tain Bladea Removed for Clearness.
the Invention of O. Olsson of Ord,
Neb., suys:
r , f 5,"" :
where the lemperolurt la between bo
and 00 degrees F If possible, al
though they will stand wider variation.
It Is not necessary to turn eggs kept
only for a few days, but this should
be don dally with those over a week
old. Various commercial turning de
vices are aold by poultry aupply com
panies, or the eggs may be kept In
cabinet drawers and snuffled about
with the hands by removing a few
eggs from the trays. Commercial egg
cases sometimes are used fof holding
tha eggs for hatching.
Kggs from different varieties of the
same class of poultry may be Incubat
ed together, but It Is not advisable to
mix egga from the Mediterranean or
egg breeds, such as foghorns and
Mlnorcas, with Plymouth . Hocks or
Orpingtons, as . the eggs from the
smaller breeds often hatch a little
earlier than those from the larger
breeds. Neither the hen nor the In
cubator will hatch strong chickens
from weak germs or from eggs which
have not received proper core.
Rapid Increase in Acreage in
the Past Few Years.
Best and 8urast Way to Improve Crop
la for Each Farmer to Select
Seed and Give Plant Good,
Clean Cultivation.
(Prepared by tha United States Depart
men l of Agriculture.)
Mllo has long since passed the ex
pcrlmental stage as a farm crop In the
southwestern United States, accord
Ing to Formers' bulletin No. 1147, re
cently Issued by the United States De
partment pf Agriculture. This Is
shown by (he rupld Increase In Its
acreuge und value In tho punt ,19 years.
From approximately J3,000 acres lu
1801), valued at f-'OU.OOO, the crop had
Increased lu 1018 to 1JU5.0U0 acres,
talued at ILM.'WO.OOO, neurly fifty-fold
In acreage and more than one hundred
fold lu value. The Increase In
acreage In the ten years from 1000
to 1U14, IncluHtve, lina been rapid and
substantial, totaling about 1)00.000
acres, with on added value of SIS,
Mllo has not yet reached Its econom
Ic limits In either acreage or produc
tion. These, It Is said, should In
crease still further as the value and
the oduptatlun of tho crop ore more
generally understood. Many acres of
lund In the district where mllo Is
adapted that are now used or devoted
to other less protltuble crops may be
used to advantage by growing mllo.
The best and surest way to Improve
the crop Is for each farmer to select
hl seed, prepare a good seedbed, and
give tho crop good, clean cultivation.
Mllo Is used for feeding all kinds of
stock. It tuny be used either as a
grain ration or a roughage ration for
horses and cattle. The use of the
crop for slluge Is Increasing. The
grain Is also used as' food for man,
mllo meal being said to equal corn
meal either for separator use or In
combination with wheat flour.
Detailed Information concerning the
varieties of mllo and their proper cul
tivation, harvesting, storing and uses,
ore contained In a new bulletin, which
may be bad upon request of the
United States Department of Agri
culture at Washington, D. C
Best Rotations.
Rotations making use of a gross
crop offer grain, with a cultivated
crop following the grass, continue to
give best results.
Advantage of Cowpeas,
Cowpeas furnish a pasture crop dur
ing a period of the year when tuch
forage can be used to the best ad
vantage. An object of the Invention Is to
provide means for constructing and
connecting the blades or vanes of a
windmill with the operating mechan
ism. A further object Is to provide
means for perventlng the windmill
from becoming forced out of operatlou
by a sudden blast of air. The wind
mill Is so mounted as to obviate the
necessity of o regulating vune, aud
Is entirely automatic In Its action.
Drilling In Mixture of Red Clover, Al
aika and White Clover Seed In
creases Yield.
In the case of rough blue grass pas
ture lund which has always been In
pasture and which should never be
plowed, It Is possible to get a little
more feed per acre by going on the
land In late March or early April with
a disk drill aud drilling In n mixture
of red clover, nlsike and white clover
seed. In some cuses It helps a greut
deal to go on with a disk harrow and
tcaf the pasture up thoroughly.
TV THIS next yard to where Mr IMg
A lived with her five plggle children
was an orchard and on the ground the
Ave piggies could see when they peeked
through tho cracks In the fence heaps
of apples, and though their mother
told them they were green and not fit
food for even a pig the piggies looked
at them with longing eyes.
Ill 11 jr IMg was smarter than his
brothers, and so more often got Into
trouble, for his brothers were content
to eat warm porridge or their dinner
and then go to aleep with their mother,
but Hilly rig was not
He always slept with one eye open.
and aa soon as his rootner and broth
ers were sound asleep he would open
the other eye and Jump up.
Then oround he would look for
something to do which he couldn't
when his mother was awake.
He had often looked through the
cracks In the fence at the apples In
the next yard; but one day, to bis
surprise, he found he could squeeze
himself part-way through, far enough
to reach the fruit
It did not taste quite so nice as he
hod expected It would, but oil piggies
think Stolen fruit sweet and after be
had eaten one or two he began to like
the green apples.
There were plenty within bis reach,
B; CM Lcuria
Common Errors in English and
How to Avoid Them
KAMUAUIAKS generally ore
VJ agreed that It Is not correct to
apply the term "raise" to the rearing
or education or bringing up of chll
dren. The verb "raise" Is applied with
propriety only to crops or cattle, never
to human beings. "She raised a fam
ily of eight children," says a charity
report; It should have said, "She
reared" or "she brought up." The
Standard dictionary ridicules the ex
pression, attributed to a Southern
county, "She raised thirteen head of
The term "brought up" Is the more
modern of the two ; the term "reared"
Is older. The misuse of the term
"raised" Is a colloquialism that Is com
mon In some of the Southern and
Western states.
Some authorities criticise the use
of tho verb "grow" In connection with
crops, asserting that we should not
soy, "We grow wheat on our farm,
but should say, "We raise wheat"
1M? r
I fit Y rfCfct 1
od lie ate and ate, never thinking of
topping until his mother, awakening
from her nap, saw bis hind legs, and
Jumped op with a grunt
Then Billy pig tried to Jump, too,
but to his surprise, though be wiggled
ant squirmed, he could not move.
He bad eaten wo many apples be
could not get back through the bole,
and though his mother poked and
pulled, he was held fast
Such squealing and grunting never
was heard. The brother piggies did
the squealing, though none of them
could outsqueal Billy I'lg, and Mra.
Tig granted until the farmer came
running to see what had happened.
He tried to pull Billy Pig out by the
hind feet but it was no use, and he
had to call the hired man to belp
before the boards could be pried apart
and Billy Pig set free.
Such a scolding as his mother gave
him he had never had before, and he
waa glad to creep Into his bed without
his supper, but he did not sleep, for
green apples are not good for even
pigs to eat. Just as his mother told
him, and Blly Pig had such a pain
and cramp that be never again want
ed to eat green apples.
A WOMAN wrote to me recently and
A said she bad suffered from ca
tarrh tor many years an3 was getting
gradually deaf. She wanted some
remedy, and asked If catarrh was cur
able. I gave her all the advice I
could, but such coses of course, become
too serious to be handled by one whose
specialty Is general health and looks.
and I told her to go to o physician.
For catarrh Is curable, end onyone
who suffers from the least trace of this
annoying affliction should start at
once to cure themselves. If possible,
they should go to a high or dry cli
mate ond live where fir and pine trees
grow thick, since nothing Is more ef
fectlve than breathing the pine-scent
ed air every day. If for any reason
this Is Impossible, they shculd plant
Keep the Throat Nose and Mouth
Clean and Antiseptic.
their yards full of pine trees, and put
up window boxes filled with dwarf
pines and firs, so the air coming
through the windows bears the healing
scent. For city dwellers this Is es
peclally good.
The nose and throat should be
sprayed twice dally with some anti
septic solution, preferably one given
by o doctor who understands the case,
Anything with pine In it is sure to
be effective. This treatment will cure
any mild case of catarrh, advanced
THIS forerunner of the modern li
braries were the collections of
mnnuscrints and cluv tablets wlit.h
the ancients made. The llterarv u.
brary' of Ashbrutmnlpal at Nineveh
... a rAA v . . .
dotes dock it ooo-oo u. u. . uther
libraries ana collections or Archives
have been discovered at N'lPDur. Rub v.
Ion, Larsn, Kvech, und other lost ci
ties. Some of these seem to date back
to almost J!000 B. O.
Votaries Attend to That
History reneuts itself, but posain
- -
doosu't have to. Bostou Transcript
Hdw ItfStiiried
Marguerite Armstrong
- x"''XJ'"'.
i h
l ' " Jl
Marguerite Armstrong la regarded as
one of the most charming women- In
the "movies." She Is an unusually
dainty blonde, and well liked because
of being of the especially refined and
pretty type. She has been playing the
leading role In a recent popular pro
duction. -1
cases need a different form of treat
ment Though living among the pines
will cure anyone, they say.
The principle Is to keep the throat
end nose clean, to kill the poisonous
formations, ond so, to build up a
stronger throat.
J USA between you and me no for
spreada round I gotta leetle sug
gest I tella you somatlng bouta wot
ees go on een deesa Washington da
capital U. S. A. place.
I tella one my frlen bouta hard time
I gotta for see da Pres. He say da
Pres was gonna start speaking tour
and mebbe was too busy for see me.
I asko my frlen wots matter ees da
Pres gotta trouble weeth Mrs. Pres
and no speoka to her. You know, I
no Ilka dat way and I feela sorry eeC
he gotta trouble weeth da family.
My fren say, "Wot's matter you,
Pletro, da Pres' he no gotta trouble
weeth da family. Wot for you tlnkt"
I say, "well you Jusa tella me da
Pres was gonna start speakmg to her
so how you tlnk I know wot for eea
da quarrel."
You know, I unerstonda goods Eng
lecsh so moocha my frlen, but be say
I was meestake. He tella da Pres
was gonna starta speaking tour. I
tella heem eef I was Pres and I gotta
trouble weeth da wife I starta speak
ing to her Jusa for general principle.
You know everybody gotta trouble
somatlme weeth da wife. But I tlnk
da Pres gotta righta idee deesa time.
Wot you tlnk?
By John Kendrlck Bangs.
TIET say the World baa gone
to pot
Because of all Uh saffron lot
Of Bolsheviks
And other tricks
That keep ua aU In water hot
But as for me. I'll not despair
Despite Earth'a burdena and Its
While 1 ran hear"
The laughter clear
Of little children everywhere.
What has ha
been doing since
h e graduated
from college?
He has been
trying to find -out
what he learned.
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