TIE f - - ... ,. . 1 tf- of o r it fcnilNGFIEU), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TIIURSDA Y, MAY 19, 1921. NUMBER 18. i4 J; ii1 1 MEASURES TO BE VOTED ON i AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION Three constitutional amendments and two atatntory measure are to ho submitted to tie voters of Oregon at the special ctct-tloii to be held on June 7. All of them are refered by ttia nKlntnt!v assembly. Katli of them except tho lust Is supported, In ttio state pamplltt. by an argument ore pared by a Joint commute of the two hotisua of the JrglKlatlvo assembly, appointed for lint purpose. We glvo below a brief nummary of these jneasures, In their order, with the numbers they will hour on the ballot. Home of thm would require moro space than wo can at thla tlmojom inatul to set them fourth so that lley could be clearly understood. Numbers 200 and 301 Amendment flxliiK the limit of I''" regular session of tho legislative a!!!i!y ft BO tl i y limiting the time for the Introduction of MIU, except appropriation and pub- lie defense bills, to the first 40 days; Uv enttlled. 'Hygcnlc marriage ex flxlng the limit of a sp-clal aeaalon liminaton flnl nMBM) blll." There at 20- daya; fixing the compensation nBV0 b,on mhny aUftmpU , Oregon of membera ut five dollar per dav,jnm, olh(,r Mates. In late years, to besides mileage of thr-e dollara for lvKuInt() hy jKlatlon the matter to wry 20 loll, a of ncceaaary travel ; whch 1nU ,,, r,ferg LpRH,atlon eacl wuy. in (,U( n muttera may be brotigl t Into Tho time limits fixed for the boh j uch shape, In the course of tho next nlong nre probably baaed on sound ( few year, as to constitute a real and conslderat'on; the limit of tlm-e foi salutary reform.. Rut this bill, In all tho Introduction of bills will probably (Jf Its parts. Is so awkwardly thrown promote care and thoroughness In the together that, even If the voter thlnkn preparation and consideration of ( that a needed reform should be otig1 1 measures; the compensatlou sterns by the methods Indicated In this bill, Just; some voters will doubtless think we honestly think ho will do well to the mileage allowance excessive. Numbers 302 and 303. Amend-1 inent. to provide for tho Ihsua of bonds not to exceed three per cent of tie asscscd vaftintlon of all pro I Petty In tho state, to create a fu.id to bo known as ih"Vor!d war vet erans' Htato aid fund." The aid provided is optional with the service msn: either a cash bonus based on length of rorvloe, not to tx- e'd a total of $500; or a loan on real estate, not MwiJtmr75 per cent of valuo. The possible maxl-.tnia mum of such loan U stated as $4000; but the legislative act upon whicl tho amendment Is based allows only $3000; ho -.that Is the available limit f the loan If the amendment carrlesw Terms of Issue of bonds and certain other details to be flxd by statue. The beneficiary must have been at tlo time of entering the service, an I must be at tie time of upplylng for tho benefit a resident of Oregon. It Is Mt forth in the argument, In effect, that all the operations of the proponed legislation will ensure to ! the pcrmaiK'iit benefit of tho state of Oregon; that it will tend to tho de - velopment of undeveloped property; Htlmulato home building; Identify tho Interests of tl beneficiary with tho state; stabilize population and In dustry. A careful study of tho pamphlet will be necessary to give the voter n clear view of the workings of the pro posed measure. Numbers 304 and 305 An amend- ment, In the form of an addition, to section 15a. art. 5 of the. constitution, the effect of which Is to give the governor power to veto the emerg ency clause of any bill, will out af fecting the rest of the bill. At pro sent, the governor, must veto thements Springfield High Sch OOI presents their Commenement Play "Home Ties" A Cometfy Drama In 4 acts OVEU 2ia HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT Between act stunts and Orchestra Specials BELL THEATRE FRIDAY, MAY 27th Reserved Beats on sale Tuesday May 24, at Eggknan's. SCHOOL BOND SOLD; THREE TEACHERS ELECTED At It meeting Monday evening, tie achool board accepted the bid of Keeler Droit., a well known firm of bond dealers, and cloaed a deal for the aata of the achool house bond voted at the late election to that firm. They take the whole Issue of 147,000. Tire aale waa at par. The bonda run twenty year. Reductions of tho inlnclpul to begin after ten yearn. The dlbtrlct has an option to pay tho pry rata, amount or more. Rate of Interest at 6 per cent At the same meeting, Mrs. Carpen ter, teacher of mathematlra, and Miss Martha Williamson, domestic sclenco teacher, In tho high achool, wore re elected. Mr. Lombard waa elected to a grade position. In place of Miss I'uchett, who had been elected, but did not accept. , whole bill or let It all etand. i Numbers 306 and 307-"-A irnnosed mark. No. 307. and let somebody who can pass a better mental test In thli particular line than (he framer of thl bill could could lave a try at tho Jr.b. It is instlO'!Me whether either the statement of purpose orivote3 by tne People, tho syllabus of the act sets forth thej Astoria has completed real purpose of the bill; but If tlrtPer cost'ng $1,200,000. Idea that would naturally be gathere ? J Fl Industry growing, fortune reading of tho wholo Jumble i" 'at Aiimsvllle has ts tho correct one. wo have no heslta. j planted. - Hon In pronouncing the blll a bad on-? 'The gist Of the matter Is found In part or aecuon i: it lorutai me : llsKUHiica of a marrlago license to per- sons who have not both passed an!;'fy- examination by a competent and regularly I'cetised physician "as to their Icatth, In regard to contagious or communicable veneral d'f",iBt's. and mentality, as shown by the pyal (Continued on page four) . HALL'S STORE CLOSED Hall made his recent Wit en W. A fiiii-ceHtilvo un non ncemn! of what i i i wyie set forth as forced sales, the people of the community did not gen-j erally take the urgency of the case' seriously enougn. Hut tt now ap-, pears that he was simply making a. j frank statement of the actual state j tf the cane. After his last announ ced salo had been going a few days, j n notice appeared on the door: "In the hands of the receiver. No sales made. No repairing." Tho store waa closed and Invoicing was going on. This week a notice has been up, stating that the business is in the bands of W. L. Sabln, assignee. The stock we understand, la to be offered for sale. At present, Mr. Hall Is out of business; whether permanently or not may depend on future adjust- INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Salem carpenters working; at from $5 to 17.50 a, day. Deschutes county to vote on $50, 000 road bond Issue. O. W. n. N. Co. spent $10,767,820 In Portland In 1920. Of tils wages were $6,541,948. Salem. Burned Willamette gym naslum to be rebuilt. Hood River. flnler and Trout Lake auto stage line starts. Bouth Portland to have branch li brary costing $18,000. Riverside, Linn .county, to have a community bouse. . Astoria. New Youngs Day sawmill completed and starts operations. Engineers of the Oregon bureau of mines and geology will undertake field projects this summer In at least six mining districts throughout tho state In the mapping and Investiga tion of mineral resources that will call for tie expenditure of tho major portion of 'the $25,000 state appro priation available during the year, according to the announcement of 11. M. Parks, director of the bureau. Mr. Parks will superintend In person the further Investigation of the Col umblA county Iron and coal deposits which are looked upon as some of the most Important mineral bodies In the state. State highway commission orders overland crossings on railroads In JTnlon end Daker counties costing $275,000. Eugene. $150,900 modern apart ment house to be built. Salem Capital Journal. "Total taxation for 1920 In Oregon Is M!, 117,367. as against $32,596,695 In 1919, an Increase of $j520,672. The In- 'crease Is due largely to special levies a shipping One farm- i 110 acres! j Co. consld -ring building the jCswego Canby cutoff. ' , ouwiuaru un to. io ru:ia three tanks of 100,000 gallons capa Portland to gt another five story concrete automobile warehouse. Echo. 20.000 sheep sheared at Watternhurger plant. Tie Oregon City newsprint mil s cut wages 20 per cent; also same cut at Salem paper mill. Marshfleld. Starting of two Coos LDay sawm'lls employing 300 men to ' r?'.,ev "Pl"et situation. East side mm to resume soon Portland. Ten of the eighteen Columbia- river sawmills operating. Lumber conditions Improving and majority of Oregon mills resume operations. Nyssa school building nearing com pletion. Much building in progress In resldental district. Nearly a million dollars to be spent for state highways and bridges this season. CHAS. F. KEZAR Chns. F. Kezar. a retired fnmmr from Alberta, who came here about two years ago, died at. his home on south' D street, between Mill and 1 2nd. last Saturday morning, of hard enlng of the arteries. The funeral! waa at Walker's chapel. Monday! afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. Thos. D. Yarnea. The burial was at Laurel Hill cemetery. Mr. Kezar was about 64 years old. He leaves a widow and three children by former marriage; one daughter. Mrs. R. A, Denny, living in Eugene; another daughter ln Chicago, and a son ln Alberta. " CIVIC CLUB NOTES Parents ch:uld attend teachers meeting, and discusa with the edu cators what the world holds for their children after school days are over, And how well tie school la doing Its work to prepare them for their work" Jn life. Most discussions deal with methods of subjects familiar in the " In our children and let us try to keep schools, but should take'up also thelQ"are pegs from round holes. Co- ways and means to make boys and girls Into healthy, keen minded men and women, with hlgl Ideals of Ameri can citizenship. The - school roo and Its txaminatlona are not the end nd aim of education but the straight ith to broader and iattar koate aaa . I FOUR O. A. C. 8CHOLAR8HIP3 TO BE COMPETED FOR The Department of Industrial Joor naltsm of the O. A. C. Is offering four cant, scholarships of $100 each, to be competed for by high school gradu ates of thla year or those graduating within the past year who have not entered college. Competitive contests will be con ducted In Springfield by F. D. Hamlin, principal of the high sctool. Thus far one senior, Miss Maurine Lombard has entered. Three separate contest will determine the winner; the firs! In esay writing, Judged on originality the second In the form of effeclency tests; the third on ability In extem poraneous writing. The first contest will be conducted In tie various high schools of Oregoa in the next two weeks. Printed rules governing the contest are being sent out to the high schools from the college. Detailed Information can be obtained from Supt. Hamlin. Regular meeting of the Chamber tf Commerce. Friday evening. May 20th at Morrison's hall. ORDER. OF EVENT8 FOR THE COMMENCEMENT SEASON The order of the events connected with the closing of the school year, as now laid out, is about as follows: Tie postponed May Day program wlil occupy the whole of Friday after noon, the 20th, beginning at 1:30, tie weather permitting. It will be on the Lincoln school grounds, and all the grades will contribute to the program which consists of Hongs, drills, May polo dance and other features. May Queen, Myrtle Harvey. Maids of fconor: Atizellne "Fischer. Cnndanfoi Ufc,)han' -Sophia Shahan, Elizabeth Hughes. We have not space for. the! fuH Program. At tho High School building, at 8' p. m. Friday, a literary program will i bo given, consisting of one number by! each 6t tte claaaes of the high 'school, j iue mgn ocnooi orcnesira. iea py Prof. Perfect, will furnish music for the occasion. After the program, a pie social will be given. The pro ceeds to go to the benefit of the Armenian Relief fund. The Ugh school assunved responsibility for the keeping of three orphans, on an estimate of $G0 each for a year $180 in all. The order of the work for the last week of the school will be as follows: Sunday evening, the 29tt, the bac calaureare sermon will be preached at the -Methodist church by the pastor Rev. Thos. D. Yarnes. Theme: Mak- f,nlucKy- the two young people ac Ing Our Dreams Come True." Ircompanied by Margarets mother Friday evening, the 27th. tiu motored to Albany, Called on the Rev. Senior Class play, "Home Ties,"' will j Mr- Poling, of the Presbyterian churcr., be presented at tie Bell theatre. Th ,and were united in the holy bonds of receipts will go .to the general high i matrimony. They came back the school fund. Monday, the 30th, being Decoration Day will be a holiday for the school. t Tuesday and Wednesday, final ex nminattons. Tuesday evening, 31st, reception to !'Sen!or c,ass at the residence of Supt Jlamlin. Wednesday evenlngv June 1st, i(Sen,or reception by th Junior elass, Tlursday. 2nd. class exercises at the High school building In the morn ing. Picnic in the afternoon. Fridav, 3d, Commencement Day. Assembly, for grades and cards. Friday evaning, commencement ex ercises at the Methodist church. (eI10WS convention and took part In Address by Trof. John C. Almack, jf the parade at Albany Wednesday, the U. of O. Theme: "Tte Theory of Springfield's band ot 16 pieces at Success." , . tended as a part of the delegation and had 'the honor of leading the Grand community living. lodge in the parade, although It waa If the early Impulses and pet Idea's Intended that tho band elould march of children are .encouraged and de- w'.th the Springfield delegation, which veloped, the positions tley are to fill would have given the boys the pub wIU mean opportunity, and their work.Hclty they were entitled to. will be a pleasure instead of Irksome. The parade was one of the largest To find the natural Inclination 0f ,rraternal paradea ever held in tt children for what they are best Itted is to find the making of many a genius. We must work for capability operation ot parents and teach ira will bring harmony and help In the making of true and loyal citizens. WIU Gott Is opening a shoe repair shop ln a small frame bulldlag oo pesile the News offls. SPRINGFIELD 80LDIER BOY BROUGHT HOME FOR BURIAL The four brothers of the Neata family, wbos home was Just beyond the Laurel Hill cemetery, George F.. Jesse, Eary C and Vernon L., entered the United Slates service In tho world war. The two older went over seas, and were In the thick, of th fight In France and along the border. Jesse, the second son, was in scrvico on tie other side 25 months and 8 days. Fred, as the eldest was called. Saw about 13 months service over there He was badly gassed In one of the fierce battles along the bor der of France, early in September, 1918. He did not receive medical at tention quickly enough after he re ceived the dose of gas, pneumonia set in soon after he reached the hos pital, and he died In a few days. Tie brothers here have received word in the last few days that Fred's remains were on the way from Franco and were expected to arrive In New York on the 21. If there Is no un usual detention ln New York, they should arrive hre about the 26th. They will be buried in Laurel Hill cemetery, close to the old home. Tie American Legion here, of which, tho three surviving brothers are membera Trill have charge of the funeral and burial. Of course the remains cannot be exposed. The home coming and burial of tho remains of the dead soldier boy will be a severe trial to the parent.?, es pecially the mother, who is somewhat feeble; but since the son must suffer .the common fate of the soldier, it should be a comfort to know that his body Is brouglt back to his native country, and buried hard by his boy- hood home : '. SPRINGFIELD COUPLE SPRING A SURPRISE . , Two known Springfield young . people have been playing what they may consider a neat trick on their circle of friends, but the latter fetl mey e noen aggr.ereo in. being cut out of the chance of holding a grand pow-wow over the young couple as is usual In suet cases. Sid ney V. Ward and Miss Margaret Pearl Tomseth had been associated ln their work at thetleatre; he as manager and she at the ticket window. Every thing appeared to be going on as usual, and the aforesaid friends sup posed that If anything out of " the everyday course of ttlngs took place they would be called in to help out. But on the 6th of May, which wa3 Friday, a day which some people call same day. and went on with their or dinary duties as usual. The truth did not leak out until Tuesday of this week. All that the friends wl om they have thus slighted can do about it is to come up and tender congratu lations. The bride la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tomseth. The youni? couple will continue to live In Spring field. TtEBEKAHS AND ODDFELLOWS ATTEND ALBANY CONVENTION Rebekahs and Oddfellows to tta number of about 70 attended the Odd state outside of Portland and wai worth going miles to see. One of the large truck drivers that made the trip from here stated this morn ing that he didn't care If he did have to walk a (ewmlles for gasoline tla trip was worth U. ; " " The eighth grade examinations for the Springfield schools will be h.vJd at the Liaoola scl.ool building Jaae gLk; llkaaa lt. ,