The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    TliUKSfcAY. APIUL 28, 1021.
- vntr cnnivr.trnri n NJirwa
ii n .
U that It appeals to tie eye aa
well as the appetite. Our lay
er cakos. Jolly rolls, pies, etc.,
are so ,nod, to llok at they ere
ate an Irreslstablo dost re for a
taste, to see If they are as fine
as they look. They are finer.
All we ask Is for you to come
aud see thorn. You'll order
some and the first will prove
our claim.
"A Good Bakery"
IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THU j At the last session of the legislature
STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK, there was passed a bill granting to
COUNTY. I soldiers and sailors of the Mexican
Anna Macauley. Plaintiff, ts. Neil civil and Indian wars, an exemption
Macauley, and all persona unknown, of $1000 from taxation on their home
if any. having or claiming an Inter-1 -stead, if they lave one. or on other
est or estate in and no the herein-property; this exemption also extends
after described real property. Do- to the widow of a soldier or sailor if
To Neil Macauley, and all persons un
known, if any. having or claiming
she remains unmarried.
In order to receive the benefits of
this act the soldier or sailor or the
interest or estate In and to the widow must make aoDlleation to the
hereinafter rescribed real property, 'county assessor or to the county
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE O" court setting forth the description of!
OREGON: t the property on whlcL he asks for the
iou are nereoy notmed mat Anna exemption and other facta necessary
Macauley. tie holder of Certificate of 'to establish his rights to. the provl
Delinquency numbered 1398 issued -'-n J sions of the acL
the 5th day of April, 1916. by the Tax Blanka for this purpose will be
collector of the County of Lane Stat re.xly in a few days and can be had
oi uregon. lor me amount oi upon application at the office of
t h A B nwt Vwil n IT tiA mAnnt than '
and delinquent for taxes for tht year
1914. together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon, upon the real pro
perty assesed to you, of which you are
tl e owner as appears of record, situa
ted in said County and State, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Lot 9. Section 26. Township 14,
South Range 4 West of Willamette
Meridian. Lane County, Oregon cor.
taining 11.10 acres.
Tea are further notified that said
Anna Macauley. has paid - taxes on
said premises for prior or subsequeat
years with the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows:
September 16, 1916. the sum of $2.16,
taxes for the year 1915.
March 3. 1917, the sum of .86, first tne
lalf of the taxes for the year 1916.
October 5. 1917. the sum of .86 sec-
end half of the taxes for the year 1916.
April 3, 1918. the sum of $1.77. taxe-
for the year 1917.
April 3. .1919. the sum of $1.79, taxes
fcr the year 1918.
April 5, 1920, the sum of $2.13 taxes
for the year 1919.
the county assessor.
Affidavit can be executed before the
assessor or any one qualified to ad
minister oath.
In accordance wltt a decisslon Trom
the Attorney General this law Is In
effect and the exemptions will be
granted on the 1921 assessment.
The Springfield hospital.' wt lch has
been owned by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Adrian and managed by Mrs. Adrian
for several years was sold last week
to John T. Baker, of Eugene. Mrs.
Rosabelle Tucker, of Eugene, a trained
nurse of long experience, has leased
the property, and Is now in charge of
hospital. Mrs. Adrian's health
has been much impaired lately,
making it advisable for her to give
.. n 1. T" h. j- k .1 J ' 1. .J !
ui mr ui k. ii v Aunau 9 nave uiuveu
to an apartment In the Sutton block.
Reasons That Commend
This Sound 8 Investment
There are many solid, substantial reasons why the
Yn Gold Notes of Mountain States Power Company
are a splendid investment, particularly to residents.
Here are four of them:
1. Safety -evidenced by ample assets and earning
2. Income promptly paid every six months by cash
ing interest coupons at any bank.
3. Proceeds from note sales are invested in property
extensions to serve growing business.
4. Ready marketability. If a holder who has pur
chased direct from us wants to convert his notes
into cash prior to maturity date, The Company
handles re-sales.
A Safe Investment for Cash or Partial Payments
Mountain States Power Company
H. M. Hyllesby & Company
Fiscal Agents
Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation
' Engineers and Managers
At the regular meeting of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen,
Local 1, on Monday. April 25tt. 1921 j
the following officers vrere elected for
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution and order of saio
In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr-
'cult Court of Lane county. Oregon, on
All of said above amounts bear the ensuing term of six month:
interest at the rate of 12 per cent per
Said Neil Macauley, as the owner
of the legal title of the above describ
ed property, as the same appears of
record, and each of the other persons
above named, are hereby furtLer
notified that Anna Macauley will ap
ply to the Circuit Court of the County
and State aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the lien against the property
above described and mentioned in
a!d certificate. And you are hereby
summoned t" appear within sixty day
after the first publication of this sum.
Chairman, Geo. Davenport; vice-chad,
man. Earl N. Dillard; ' secretary,
Donald McKinnon; treasurer, J. W
Coffin; member of conference com
mittee, W. P. Tyson; member board
cf trustees, H. J. Cox.
Members of Conference Committee
ueo. uavenport, chairman: Earl N !
Dillard and W. P. Tyson.
Board of Trustees
P. A. Wooley. chairman;
Skinner and H. J. Cox.
Employee Member of District
the 25th day of March. 1921. In a suit
wherein on the 22nd day of Marol
j 1921. In the above entitled court, E.
W. Franklin, plaintiff, recovered Judg
j ment against the defendant, J. Cam
jeron for the sum of $150.00 with in
terest tlereon at the rate of trc per
annum since the 22nd day of March,
! 1921 and $30.00 attorney's fee and
$27.50 Interest and $6.41' taxes and
$10.00 cost of suit and accruing costs,
which Judgment was enrolled and
docketed In the Clerk's office of said
'Court In said County on the 22nd day
Board u,r.h iqm n.,,1 .aid fiwutlon snJ
For District 1, Dan W. Crites. Kprdcf of Baje me directed command
ine next meeting of the -District
mons. exclusive cf the day of sail 3oard will be held
f'rst publication, and defend this May 9th, 1921.
action or pay the amount due as abov
shown. together with costs and accrued
interest, and in case of your failure to
do bo, a decree will be rendered fore
closing the Ifcn of said taxes and cosis
at Marshfield on
Preventative Medicine.
Ing me In the name of the State of
Oregon. In order to aitisfy said Judg
ment. Interest, taxes, attorney fees,
costs and disbursements and accruing
costs to sell the following described
real property to wltt
Lot 9 block 23 Frasler and Hyland's
addition to Eugene, as recorded In
, Book 46, page 353 mortgage records
of Lane county, Oregon,
j Now, therefore. In the name of the
! State of Oregon, in compliance with
said execution and order of sale and
in order to satisfy said Judgment, In
terest", attorney's fees, taxes, costa
and disbursements and accruing costa,
will on Saturday the 30tt day of
The tendency of medical science Is
toward preventative measures. It U
against the land and premises above easier and better to prevent than to
pamed. cure. Pneumonia, one of the most
This summons Is published by dangerous diseases that medical men
order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- have to contend with, often follows
worth, Judge of the C'rcult court of a cold or attack of the grip. The
the State of Oregon for the County of cold prepares the system for the re
Lane and said order was made and ception and develpment of the pneu
daed the 3rd day of March, 1921, and nionla germ. The longer the cold
the date of the first publication o! hangs, on, the greater the danger.
hlu llimmnni is thn 10th AAV fit Tuba (Miamkilrlaln'ii r'...rVi namoHvl
Mrch. 1921. and the date of the la.t as soon as the first Indication of alAp,n' mi' at the bour ?na 0'f,?fk
...hiitinn win h tr 15th Ha f ,.,.m .1.1 , .In the afternoon of said day at the
May, 1921. with the least possible delay. It Is
All. process and papers in this pro- folly to risk an attack of pneumonia
ceeding may i served upon tne wren this remedy may
undersigned residing within the State tor a trifle.
of Oregon, at the adVess hereafter persons claiming by, througt or under
i I m ii and t uq 11 mnrl era trn1 rr.
rnlai a , m!ah Cameron or any other person or
II 1 1 D t-4B , ' II ... . a
iw.. n Ch.. t.,;. ' Public auction, auDjeci 10 reuemp-
county. Oregon.
First publ'catlon March 31, 1921
Last rubl'catlon April 28, 1921
outhwest front door of the County
l Court house In Eugene, Lane county,
be obtained !0regon' offer for sa,e and 8 tor C
jtion as provided by law, all of the
,! right, title, and Interest of the said
fdefendent J. Cameron, signed Jer.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Eugene. Oregon.
The News $1.75 in advance.
Why not letB print
order of butter wrapper.
next I
When the Prices Fall-
Do you get the benefit? If not, why not? Gray's
Cash & Carry store reduces prices on the first drop of tho
market and not a few months later.
Full Cream Cheese, per lb 30c
Wedding Drcakfast Syrup
No. 10 Pails, dark 83c
No. 10 Pails, light 89c
Jams, Assorted Flavors, 2 cans "7 25c
Quakles, a dandy Corn Flake 10c
Sugar Com, 2 cans 25c
Seaport Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c
Fancy Italian Prunes, 4 !bs 23c
Covo The vegetable salad and cooking oil
Pints 25c
Gallon $1.40
Pure cane and berry
10 lbs. 90c. ' 100 lb. sack $8.50