THU1'.T.AY, ArilH. SI. VXCtE ETC I IT i i !' 0 i1 ONE BEAUTY OF OUR BAKING I that It appeals to tie eye a well ns the apiotlte. Our lay or cakes, jolly roll. pies, etc. aro so good to llok nt thoy cro ate an lrrc"sstnble desire for a taste to see If thoy aro as fine as tho' look. Thoy aro ftnor. All wo a?k Is fur you to como and ioo th'in. You'll order some and the first will prove our claim. EGGIMANN'S "A Cood Bakery" I MRS. BEDELL PASSES SUDDENLY Mrs. Harriet Bodell died suddenly in a taxi office In Eugene on Wednes day evening of last week. She was seized with a fit of coughing, brought on by asthma, and it was thought that death was caused by the rupture of a blood vessel. She was buried at Laurel Hill cemetery. She was 57 years old. The family has been well known in this region for many years, having lived at Laudox and other point in the country. Lately, Mrs. Bedell has made her home with a daugtter. Mrs. Narvilla Miller. In Eu gene. Mrs. Cassie Smith, and a son, Claude Bidell, are living in Spring field at the present time. PIANO; RELIC OF YEARS AGO ON EXHIBIT HERE Pendleton. I132.227.8S is amount to be spent on Umatilla county roads for 1921. HS V IT Ik ON MY way TO L G. Helmer BOOT AND SHOE GARAGE "I've walked all over the streets of this town until I'm darned near ruined." "But my owner is going to take good care of mo, I know." "For he's on hisway to L. C. Ilelmer's bhoe repair shop, and that means I'll have a good stout sole in place of the worn-out af fair I have now." LETS REASON When a motorist gets a puncture in his tire, doe pie throw the tire away oi have it repaired? When a small hole wears through the sole of your shoes, it is just as unwise to throw away the shoes las it is for the motorist to nhrow away a tire. Both shoes and tires cost real money these days. THEN ACT! E. E. Lee has on exhibit'on and for sale a rare combination of machin ery for grinding out music; and it U real music, sweet music, not latter day jazz. To call it a music-box would suggest a little contrivance to be sot on a center table. But this is a heavy oak case about eight foot high, three feet wide and two foot deep. Tre interior is an intricate mass of machiuery. which is an inter esting study in Itself. The front can be easily removed, and all the opera tions observed. The combination Is an orchestra in itself. The main piece represents a piano, strung perpendicularly, operated by perfora ted steel cjisks, about 30 inches wide et upright; each disk playing one piece of music. The disks can be raised, lowered and exchanged, aut matlcaly. by machinery operated by a motion of tre hand. Attachments representing two drums, cymbols and orchestra bells accompany the piano, or they can be detached b)the move ment of a little lever on the outside with the finger. It Is a musical won der. Co and see It. It Is owned In Springfield,, and has been In a pri vate residence here for several years. Can I Get My Money Back THIS QUESTION is one of the acid tests which every careful person should apply to investment pro positions. IN THE CASE OF THE 8 GOLD NOTES of Mountain States Power Company, provisions to insure the marketability of the investment are unusually complete. IF (AN INVESTOR who has purchased direct from us wishes torealize cash on his Notes prior to the maturity date, we simply arrange to transfer his holdings to other investors. Our customer-ownership plan is a permanent policy. There is a steady demand for this sound security. v WE FRO VIDE A PROMPT AND READY MAR KET for our 8 Gold Notes in the event a holder wishes to sell. Exceptional care is taken by our or ganization to make these notes a liquid investment' SAFETY AND 8 per cent ANNUAL RETURNS NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION STATE OF OREGON, ) COUNTY OF LANE, ) as. SCHOOL DIST. No. 19 ) Notice is hereby given that at the school district bond election hereby called to be held at the City Hall in the town of Springfield, In and for Sclool District No. 19. of Lane County Oregon, Wednesday, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1921, between the hours of two o'clock P. M. and seven o'clock P. M.. there will be submitted to the legal voterB the questicn of contracting a bonded indebtedness in the sum of Forty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Hollars (J47.500.00), for the purpose of erecting and construct ing a high school building and pur chasing a site tlerefor, in and for said school district. The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words "Bonds Yes" anl "Bonds No"; and the voter shall place a cross tX) between the word "Bond3" and the word "Yes" or be tween the word "Bond" and the word "No" wl ith indicates his choice.. The polls for the reception of th ballots cant for or against the con tracting of said indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of two o'clock P. II. and remain open until the hour of seven o'clock P. M. of the same day when the same shall be closed. By order of the distr'ct school board of School District No. 19 of Lane County. Oregon, this 12th day of April, A. D 1921. James Laxton, ctaiman, district school board. Attest: A. M. McKlnzey, district clerk. Mountain States Power Company II. M. Hyllchby & Company Fiscal Agents IJyllesby engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers Rcseburg Large amount of new acreage to be set out to brocoll this year. I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON I EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE pTHcnx claiming by, tlirougl or under him In and to :wld mortgaged pro mis Fri O Stickles, Sheriff of Lane or.nty. i.'n goti. First publcatlo.i March 31. 1921. I. ant Puhl'catlun April 2H, 1921 Preventative Medicine. The tendency of medical science is toward preventative measures. It in eaMer and better to prevent than to cure. Pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, often follows a cold or attack of the grip. The cold prepares the system for the re ception and develpment of the pneu monia germ. The longer the cold hangs, on, the greater the danger. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as socn as the first indication of a cold appears so as to get rid .of It with the least possible delay. It !s folly to risk an attack of pneumonia when this remedy may be obtained for a trifle. i Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of ha: j in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of Lane county. Oregon, on the 25th day of March. 1321. In a suit wherein on the 22nd day of March, ! 1921. in the above entitled court, K ' V. Franklin, plaintiff, recovered judg ment against the defendant, J. Cam jeron for the sum of $150.00 with in terest Hereon at the rate of per annum since the 22nd day of March, 1 1921 and $50.00 attorney's fee and $27.50 Interest and $C41 taxes and $10.00 cost of suit and accruing costs. which judgment was enrolled and .docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 22nd dv i of March, 1921 and said execution anl 'Xjrdtr of sale to me directed command ing me In the name of the State of Oregon, in order to sltisfy said Judg ment. Interest, taxes, attorney fees, costs and dlsburKements, and accruing ' costs to sell the following described real properly to witi Lot 9 block 23 Frasler and Hyland's addition to Eugene, as recorded in Book 46, page 253 mortgage records of Lane county, Oregon. Now, therefore,, in the name of the State of Oregon, In compliance with 1 said execution and order of sale and I In order to satisfy said Judgment, In I terest, attorney's fees, taxes, costs land disbursements and accruing costs, i i will on Saturday the 30tt day of j April. 1921, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the Southwest front door of the County j Court house Eugene, T.ane county, I Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash nt public auction subject to redemp tion as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the said defendent J. Cameron, signed Jeri- miah Cameron or any other person or NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN FORE. I CLOSURE OF TAX LIEN i IN THE CIKCl'lT COCRT OF TMiJ STATE OF OKEUON F- It LANi'. COUNTY. Anna Macauley, Plaintiff, vs. Nel Macauley( and all jcihoiis unknown. If any, having or clalm'ng nn Inter, est or estate in and to the herein after described real properly, De fendants. To Neil Macauley, and all persons uu known. If any. having or claltitlmr an Interest or estate In and to tin hereinafter rescrlbed real properly. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE O' OREGON: You ore hcreby notified that Anna Macauley, tie holder of Certificate of Dollnqu-ency numbered 1398 issued . n the 51 h day of April, 1910, by the Tax collector of the County of Lane 8ta' of Oregon, for the amount of $2.(15, the name, being the amount then duo and delinquent for taxes for tht year 1914, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon the real pro perty assosed to you, of wh'ch you are tl e owner as appears of record situa ted In said County and State, and particularly bounded and described n follows, to-wlt: Lot 9, Section 26. Township 14, South Range 4 West of Willamette Meridian. Lane County, Oregon con taining 11.10 acres. Yon are further notified that said Anna Macauley, has paid taxes on Raid premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: September 10, 1910, the sum of $2.16, taxes for the year 1915. March 3, 1917, the sum of .80, first . lalf of thy taxes for lb year 1916. October 5, 1917. the sum of .86 sec ond half of the taxed for the year 191H. April 3. 1918 the Mini of $1.77, Uxc for ihe year 1917. April 3. 1919. (he sum of $179, taxes for the year 191ft. April 5. 1920, i lie sum of $2.13 taxfB for the ye ar 1919. All of said above amounts bear Intend at the late of 12 per cent per annum. Said Nell Macaule y, as the owner of the legal llile of the above describ ed proH-rty, as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons above named, are hereby further notified that Anna Mncuuley will ao I ly to the C'ic ult Court of the County and Slain aforesaid for a decree fore closing the. lien uxitlnst the property above, described and mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty clay after Ihe first public ation of this sum inons. exclusive of the luy of sail Civit publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as abovi show ii, together with costs and accrued Interest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foi". closing the IW-n of said taxea and cosis agji'nst tie land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable O. F. Skip, worth, Judge of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane and said order wail made and da'ed the 3rd day of March, 1921, and the- date of the first publication of this summons Is the 10th day of March. 1921, and the date. of the lam publication will be the 12th day of May, 1921. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon tho undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at (ho ad'ress hereafter mentioned. ' L. M. TRAVIS. Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Eugene. Oregon. The News $1.75 In advance.