The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 10, 1921, Image 1

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    j -
m 77-n -
l HE
Governor Isauea Proclamation
Asking th Support of
Everyone I
The Idea of acttlng aald a week to
b -known Oregon Prune Week,
during which time effort! will be
nude to Induce every resident of the
BUte to consume a quantity of Ore
con fruit, credited to Fred A. KurU
on of O. Frederick Kurt, the pioneer
of the prune Industry In Oregon.
Plans for the camplagn Include a
proclamation by the Governor. In
which he will ask the cooperation of
the people of the State to get behind
the movement to boont one of Or
fcoft'a leading products; the active sun
port of the trading clubs and coramor
clal organlxatlons; publicity through
the preas of the State, announcing the
address of the grower' agenta where
order may be ent for quantities of
the fruit which will be laid down at
ny railroad elation of poalofflce at a
price within the reach of all: spec
Ul prominence given by the botela
and restaurant In serving the fruit
during the campaign, and many other
forceful waya of bringing the prune
prominently before the people.
Tola years prune crop la given a
30.000.000 pound. Of tola amount
there remain approximately 22,000.
000 pounds, unold and In the landa of
the grower and packor. The grow
er have decided to aell their product
at a reduced figure In order to close
out their holding and to leave a
clean slate for next year's crop. By
this taothod. It is claimed, both the
grower and the consumed will be bent
fitted. Leading men of the Stale, In all
line of activity, hivo given their
hearty approval to the plan and ar
unanimous In ttelr prediction that
when launched the campaign will be
a great success, resulting in unending
good to the prune induatry.
i. dlah of five Oregon prune for
breakfast.' one morning each' week In
mi. tor eacn person in uregon. whij The revival' meeting at the Camp
clean up the entire crop. Why not;Creek MMlodlst church. Rev. F. N. j
order your supply now!
The ihwp men. lumber men and
other large employers of labor sre ex
pected to take advantage of the whole
Male price of prunes prevailing during
Prune Week. February Hth to 19th.
The Oregon Prune Campaign Com
mittee Is Ioc s tod at 732 Morgan
Kullillng. Portland.
To the People of the State of Oregon: ! "iriu. fpringriem wurenouse t o
! Mrs W. I.. Rouso in reiwrted as Im
The prune Industry is one or the iprovg un,,r a w(ok8
greatest horticultural Industr-en wlthii j K.Nt(f of CrMweJ w, ,R
thn Stale of Oregon. Nearly roriy ,
inoiiHiinu arm. oi our im.-m whui-
lural lands are planted with prune
trees. Lust year, despite adverso j
weather conditions, thirty million,
pounds of prunea were harvested In
the state Of this number but eight
million have Uit sold. The twenty-
two million pounds unsold represent ycu U) buj, ,.ect s1)r!ngfejj ware-j M'89 Borothy Ditto Is entertaining
an enormous aet to the State of Ore- )0UH0 company. , IMP. Paul Nixon from Uillfoniio.
on If they can he moved and placed j Dr, s. Ralph Dippel. dentist. Spring-! Mr- N,3ton ,B on olJ tlmer lre
in tho hands of consumers. The fact f(el(j Oregon Beany says he'd a' took a washer-
thut they aro lying joopardizes this en
ormous Industry. The people of the
State of Oregon should give wldost co
operation to tho prune growera to
meet the grave situation.
I hereby designate the week from
February Hth to February 19th, In
clusive, as prune weok within this
stato. I call upon the good spirit or give a une cnicsen supper iwonaay
our people to Join in a movement to eve Feb. 21st at the Methodist church
assist this Industry, not only for tie for the benefit of the M. E. choir,
good of the Industry ltsolf. but for the Arter tho supper a aoncert la to bo
good of the people of the state as a given by the choir and as an added
whole. I urge that every home In ettraction several special singers
Oregon take advantage of the oppor- have been obtained from Eugene,
tunlty which Is" prosentod by the prune ! Among them is. Frank Jue, a Chinese,
growers to become well stocked wilhrom all will enjoy hearing. The
hls nourishing and healthy fruit. I; tickets will admit you to both the
esk cooperation from hotels, grocers,
resturants, 1 or from any other source
avhlch may glyo assistance, and I also
bespeak the hearty cooperation of the
press, which ' is alwa'ys given ln the
furtherance of every1 proper and bene
ficial movement. This is a serious
situation. i involving the Welfare "Of
thousands, of our best cltrsens."
Prompt and hearty response from the
MIm Jean Mored. phyalcal education
expert, and boy club leader, will or
ganise a Hoys Club at Springfield to
hold weekly meetings. The club will
be for boys fourteen vsr old and
over. The first meeting will be bHd
next Monday evening at Wlnxereneld
Halt at Fifth and Main street at 7:30.
A welcome la extended to all boys
and their parents who are Interested
in boy's Club work Miss Mored vis
ited Springfield early this week and
finds a lively Interest In tie proposed
Hoys Club.
people of Oregon In the purchase of
one of our , greatest home products
will relieve the situation and bring
about a quick betterment of condi
tions. I am certain the appeal of the
prune grower will net be In vain.
Vory alnccrely yours,
' Governor.
We wish to extend 'our sincert
hanks to our friends and neighbors
for the kindness and sympatly during-
trr rfcent , berea)rerahnr. Also
for the beautiful floral offering from
the 4 La.
Mr. and Mrs Freeman Hill.
8. Q. Moebler sold ac arload of
spuds to E. . Morrison this week,' and
owing to the extra quality of them
received a fancy price.
Egglmana's) bread made clean,
wrapped clean, and sold clean.
M. B. Huntley has received orders
front the government to report ul
''or: land the fifteenth of this month.
I You break 'em up and we will tlx
,'em, tiose chairs and tab). Buley
and Ellison a Carpenter Shop.
Mr. Smith, father In-law of Rev. F.
N. Wltbata, has been vlsUtiur Mt.
and Mrs, Wlihara. at Marcola and1
Camp Creek for 'the past wek. Hie
home ia In Kansas.
Buy Kerr Poultry Supplies. Nose
better. Our prices very low. Ask
us Springfield Warehouse Company.
Dr. 8. Ralph DIppeL dentist. Spring
field. Oreaon.
Wlthsm oastor. was expiated to close
hi at n!ght af'er two weeks contin-
uance. Th-re was good attendance
considering the weather and the". , ., . . , ,,
. . i have been discovered at the reception
roaus gooa nuer , ana : gooa result, ;
iuv. wuiiam several days, returning
Tuesday. .
Buy Kerr 'Dairy Feeds). None
hrtoer. )Tliey got results. Priced
vvn Wednesday visiting her hiiilai;J :
wh() , t th0 (OClll h0Hplur Mr8
sVff aUq vMUh1 wIth Mrs n, a.
N,.d any lawn grasses, rose hushes
,Mlllls or plllntg of any kJm,? Let
over eufaoftue wlth you v(.
wl get tfcm for you fQr ,egB trjl51
I W C. Moshler of Oakrtdpo came
down Tuesday to visit at the home of
his parents.
The M. R. Churel Aid Society will
.supper and the concert,
'vlted to attend.
All are In-
MUtoh. Municipal power A llgl t
plants plan' to Increase power plant.
Albany. Samples oil well' at La
comb yie)d rich assay.
Baker. Eighty-five per cent of the
13,000,000 pound Oregon wool clip is
still unsold. ,
The new Frosh of the Springfield
Jllgh were entertained 'Friday Feb.
4th by the rest of tha Hlgt. SchooL
Tbey received several bard knocks
but came out grinning and ready for
more. We hAve tested their nerve,
their bravado and 'their endurance
and have found them good sport.
We will teat them to be loyal and
true to S. H. 8. and to respect tha
Whit knd Dluc and then we will
turn them over as men and w.omen to
i extend their executive power over the
Froab to come.
We also have found great pos
sibilities for fame In this class, for
Instance, Eileen Kllleen Is quite a
toe dancer and she danced for us
Friday night
Here's hopeln' they all follow in the
path of those dear old dignified
Seniors of the class of 1921
'Olo' Springfield will enter Into
two contests. The debating team
against Eugene High and the basket
ball team against Cottage Grove.
Both teams are "priming" for the
contests, earl of the teams being
from larger schools.
Cottage Grov "walloped" Monroe
with a big score and Monroe "walked"
on Springfield, so it appears that
'ole' Springfield will have to shake a
"wicked leg." 8. 1L 8. has lost eve
gsrae this sason except one, last
season they only won one, this year
its up to them to win at ' lesst two
and Cottage Grove looks about . as
promising aa any of them. Tha
game ts Saturday night The debat
ing team Is the first one organised
in the Hint School to compete with
other schools for several years.
Eugene looks like a pretty big bite
for the first time bat as said before,
they are about as promising a any
of thera fate doesn't care who it
gives the victory to. -
Here Is the proposition there U
going to be two contests, basket ball
bare and debate here. Now make
a point to attend one" of them.
If yon can't stand excitement go to
the game and if yon enjoy tie match
ing of wits go to tie debate. The
negative debate will be held In the
High School Friday evening and the
affirmative in Eugene.
A number of startling discoveries
We ,ntere8ted ln the FroiUi
1 w
ill start on them.
Kndicott came home after the recep
tion with mud on his shoes, of couro
a person naturally would get mud on
their sloes in the country.
Misses Chariot!; Stewart and
Alice Mortensen walked to Thurston
hist week. They said they went to
visit school but you know schocl
trvea for many excusesv lley
I Beany Perkins and Skinny Man
: Kief have blisters on their kneos
j from the vibration that is taking
; place Just now. ' They are a little
shaky aiout the debate.
woman to thev reception only she is
wore at him. Some compliucut eh,
Jeff Brattain stumped on Torbet's
toe the other day. Jeff Intended to
go between his legs but miscalculated.
Syrus Weber is the youngest eham
p'on dish-wusher in captivity today.
He is giving Deke lessons.
Mr. Walter Post made arrang
ments to take Miss Volstadt to the
reception but hud to postpone it on
account of a hum tire on tie front
wheel of his "wheel borrow."
Our "largest" Frosh has her eye on
the debate leader. Oh, boy! '
.Miss Andrey Fowler takes great
delight iu announcing her new spo.'t
'teasing Johnny Hawkshaw,. thi
Mr. "Soup" SIgnorls now receiving
guests on Sunday evening at his
home ln '"West Springfield. Mister
"Soup" calls lis house "Aul Inn."
There's lota and Jots of gossip
around this 'old school.' 'We've taken
our lives in our hands when we write
it up but we'll have one consolatiln
Browne Sextette Jubllle Singers
entertainment was given Monday
night at the M. E. church instead of
Friday night a expected An nr-
avoidable altercation of dates made
he change necessary.
The entertainment was given under
he ausplcies of the 4Ls and a great
deal of credit should be given them,
for making such entertainments pos
sible for tn people of the community
A large crowd attended and the talent
displayed was appreciated by . all
In spite of the rain there was a
Igood attendance at the semi-monthly
meetlngof the Ladesf Civic Cta
Tuesday evening. Various topics
wre discussed and ' planned. One
of which was urging the early cleau
Ing of premises and getting the rub-
,blsh together and in convenient pla-
ce so there will be no delay when tae
City sends its wagons out for col
lecting. Another dfsucssion was the plant
ing of trees in parkings. Prices were
quoted for both ornametal and useful
trees. These prices can be obtained
by applying to the Civic Club. The
need of a volunteer fire department
was also talked- of. 8eventl other
fclana were made which will be pub
lished later.
If you see some other fellow tryin
For to make some project go.
An' yon can boost it up a trifle, '
That's your cue to let him know
That you're not going to knock It
Just because It aint your stout:
But that you're going to boost a
little '
'Cause he's got the beet thing out
. w . - , . World Outlook,
Hasel Hill, one of the nine-year-old
twla daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Free
man Hill of this city died at Olympia,
Wail, Feb. 5, 1921. The two girls
have been going to school at Oakvilla,
and staying with an uncle.
Haxel was taken suddenly ill Wed
nesday morning and was taken to
Olympia Thursday and operated Ci
for appendicitis. Word wsi sent to
her parents and Mrs. Hill left Friday
put was too late, as the little gin
died before hf.r mother could arrive, j
.Hazel was born in Springfield, Oct.'
26. 1912. resides her mother ani
father, M. and Mrs. Freeman Hili, I
and twin sister, Wavel Hill, are twoj
brothers. Freeman and Arclle and a
sister, Belzona.
The funeral was bed at' the Walkei
chapel Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. Rev.
Harry Nrt officiated, followed bv
interment in Laurel Hill cemetery.
Sunday evening the local troop of
iHoy Scouts held a union service at
'f be Methodist church in comemora-
tion or the uoy scout s anniverar.
Johnny Hutchins gave the scout och.
nd Howard Hughes gave the scout
laws. Jew? Deet next gave reasons
why a bry etould belong to the
scouts. Mr. Deets is assistant scout
master. Mr. McFarland, scout mas
ter, gave a report on the condition'
of the scout tfroop. Special music
was furnished by the University
men's and girl's glee clubs.
Dr. Varney of the Baptist church
delivered the address of the evening
on boyhood and the scout movement.
Have you read the want ads.'
,mnybe someone likes to read it. Real
news is scarce.
Lee Sankey purchased himself
some red cardboard and is now mak
ing a lot of Valentinea to send to the
most beautiful girl In High School.
O, who will 'be the fortunate cu.!
"Musty" Cole da Jealous. Pudty
lovrt" nays Laurel 6rifinv Sonu
girl can expect tils. Altho Lee de
nies it, we know it !s true.
Thomas Brattain has taken quite
an Interest in the little toe dancing
,Frch. Heartless"' Tom" Vassal last
opec-fd his heart for a woman's love.
Dallas planning street paving cam
paign this spring.
Aurora baa authorized erection of
a 125.000 high school.
A Polk County power company haa
added 1000 horse power turbine.
Eugene High School aIds course In
cement work, plumbing and wiring.
Linn County absorbs $75,000 state
filghway bond Issue.
Portland to have new fre!gtt ter
minal at Gullda Lake.
Pengra Five mile flume to be built
to Lost Valley.
Senate votea $2,500,000 for Roose
velt highway along coast
Salem packing plant to - build
$10,000 additional storage room.
. Talent to secure box factory.
, , Portland -exports Cor January $5,-
000,000 wheat and lumber.
Highway commission lets contracts
for 15 miles paving and 6 bridge.-
Fort Rock, Lake County, to tare
potash development work. .
, Potato holding increased 18,000,003
bushels , over 1921. , Delicatessen still
ask 25 cen'a a poujad for potato sala -
Aatola port commission, . will . e.
pend 31t,000 this coming year.,..'
Brooklin. Working , days reduced
to live in S. P. railroad shops. ,
Salem. Two House, bills ; . provide .
$30,000,000 to loan house builders and
$20,000,000 to loan ex-service men on
land. , .. ; ; . . ;
Bend. Brooka-Scsloti. sawmill re
sumes with shift of 110 men.
Eugene. State University receives'
second. linotype for. its printery. ,
Lane County: to spend $15,000 on :
earth fill between Elmirm and Veoeta
Canteloupe and . melon . Industry to
be developed at Vale-
PorUand spent $1,238 on sewers In
. Umatilla. Huge, bnlro-electrlc pow
er plant at Umatilla Rapids to irrigata
598.300 acres at approximate cost of
$25,000,000 is plan of near organisation
comprised of delegates from ' eight
towns and cities ln the county. Site
for dam excellent and, would develop
120,000 horse power year around.
Astoria. Gas and oil. encountered
at depth of 500 feet at Lower Colum
bia Oil ft Gas Company's well.'
Clatskanie. New rock quarry ia
Nehalem district to be opened soon
Cottage Grove. New ice plant soon
to be In operation, '
Portland. St Charles Holel under
going extensive Improvements at ap
proximate cost of $50,000.
Salem. Purchasing of supplies for
newspapers of Oregon 'in wholesale
quantities Is contemplated by the Ore
gon Publishers' Syndicate which filed
articles of incorporation here recently.
Hood River. New city hall to be
opened soon.
Christian Church
Geo. R. Varney, pastor. Sunday
School 10 A. M. Preaching 11 4. M.
knd 7:30 P. M. Morning . subject
Education. Evening subject Is there,
a second chance? A cordial invita
tion extended to all.
Say it with Prunes.
Remember Prune Week.
Order your Prunes now for Prune
There is merit in assisting the strick
en peoples of the Far East and Eu
rope, also In helping foster an Oregon
J industry.
Eat Prunes during Prune Week.
Prunes at ten cents a pound, laid
'down at any freight depot in Oregon,
brings this luscious fruit within the
reach of all.
Eat more Prunes.
Remember yvur. Eastern friends with
a box of Oregon Prunes.
California has her Raisin ,Week. Let
us show the world what Oregon can
do. Observe Prune Week.
Oregon's first Prune Week wilj ,be
winner. Succeeding ones will prove
tie wisdom of keeping Oregon money
In Oregon..
Oregon prune growers have been hit
hard. You can benefit them by bene
fitting yourself. Eat' prunes during'
1'iune Week.
The provident provider will purchase
for his progeny plenty of prunes at
present prices.
A dteh of prunes a day keeps the
Doctor away.
' Let us figure on that next Job of
printing. We taav yea messy. ,