The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 23, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
Bam II. .Tyler. Editor. H. n. Krecland. Adv. Mgr.
Entered at the rostofflce at Springfield. Oregon, at Stacond-claas Mntter,
February 24. 1903.
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
One Year, When raid In Advance,.
Three Months
Single Copy
An import duty of 55 cents a
bushel on wheat la proposed in a bill
prepared by Congressman J. N.
Tincher of Kansas. The measure Is
designed for the protection of Ameri
can wheat producers from competi
tion from Canada. Australia, and
other countries. The bill wilj be re
ferred to the Ways and Means com
mittee of the House, who will con
flder it in connection with other
neasnres that will be presented for
the increase of various schedules in
the Democratic tariff law now on the
statute books.
the state may do Independently, but
also wrth those which should he done
by the federal government Indepen
dently and in cooperation with the
state and private owners. Responsi
bility of private owners in this whol-j j
program is not overlooked nor is the ADVERTISING WAS SOLD
twecn removal and replacement must
bp bridged by crop which arc ma
turing at proper Intervals.
105,708,771 PEOPLE
Washington, Dec. 17. Tho census
bureau today announced the popula
tion of the Tnlted States as 103. 70S.
771. This' a revised figure s'nre
October 7 and showed n gain of
The new figures will he used as a
hnsls for making reapportionment of
tho members of the house of repre
sentatives from the various states.
In 1905 there were 218 automobiles
registered la ' Oregon. To December
1, or the year 1920, 103,418 autos
wens registered, an increase in the
fifteen years of 103.200. The auto
tribe is Increasing and the horse is
vanishing. And that with gas harder
to raise than oats.
' (Continued from page one)
time has arrived to outline a definite
policy looking to the future well be
ing of the state and almd at keeping
productive and bringing to a state ot
productiveness vast areas best fitted
for the growing of successive forest
crops. In doing this the board re
cognizes that it should be concerned
sot alone with those things which
need for public action to make pons I-
blq practice of forestry by such pri
vate owners.
Ordinarily we think the vast area
of Government owned timber land
held and managed as National For
ests Is sufficient safeguard for our
future supplies. As a matter of fact
but one-fifth of the present available
standing timber of this Nation is In
Government ownership, the other
four-fifths being privately owned.
Economists, foresters and lumbermen
have realized for' a long time that
as a Nation we are drifting toward j
a future shortage of raw material tot
Even In Old New York the Average
Rate Was .3 Cent Under Average
Production Cose
Orc.tcn Agricultural "College, '
IS?. IVc 23. Like tnr ny On got; news
paper run a New York piij!ir
found it I tid to brl.u his advcrtiviitg
rates up to cost o. production plus
reavonablo rroflt. Kt had hi. p!-ul
surveyedby T II. .erd o. Llv-nla,
asnted by the ' crte . ublls!) hie
o.mptuiy. id this Is what i fnm I
The apT is puMihed In a town
keep alive the lumber industry and i tf HOfl t Is an ciat page, rlr i l
many others dependent upon It. The umn weekly, operated by the owner
V W .
V )
situation is not alarming. A short
age will not be apparent for many
years, but it should be realized that
we are dealing with a crop which re
quires from 75 to 150 years to mature.
The hopeful side to the question
is that unlike coal. Iron or any of
our minerals, which, when supplies
are exhausted, are gone forever, tim
ber is a crop and a new one can be
grown to take the place of one re
moved. The length of tinve require!
to grow a timber crop does, however.
dictate forslght. for a long gap be-
and two other men.
In the first nine months of thlj
year 56 per cent of the spate carried
paid advertising at the rate of 17.9
rents per column inch. In July sub
scription was Jumped from $1.60 13
$2 In an attempt to make ends in-ot.
Even at that, the 1050 subscriptions
and the 37 columns of advertising,
aggregating $5035.56 per year, failed
to produce production costs.
This paper was told to advance
its rate to an average of 18.2 cents
per column inch to break even allow-
If you nro a particular about the foods you uxHoclntu
with as acquaintance" you nmk us
SpnaU OrrfM
Your dealer bpIIh It.
Remember It's a Montana
wheat flour made here at home,
inand home products.
Ing for the owner's salary, rent. In
tereat and depreciation..
It was found that the actual cost
of producing the advertising Itself
was 14.4 cents per column Inch, nnd
this made no provision for carrying
the cost of printing the news and
"Advertising and circulation are the
only sources of Income for tho news
puper," says the report, "and Inas
much as circulation Income Is never
v4l! I I 1
Mm M 1 i pMk frwi
i whal we j
anywhere ueur the cost of (ho pro
ducing the average country wkly.
the deficit must be met by the only
other source of Income that of advertising."
(Continued from pUg one)
rotary of mate to do so at once In
order to avoid coogetlon in the de
partment at the first of the year and
also that they may avoid arrest for
failure to carry 1921 license plates
after January 1st. The state depart,
tnent has announced that the law
...III ft . . . ..
Hi no r:g my enforced by the
spectors of the department.
w clean oil
a dean enmc
cound in mtr ermkease oil 1
THIS lens shows some of the dirt that can be
found in any crankcase after a few weeks of
driving road dust, carbon and fine particles of
roetaL Such dirt circulates with the lubricating
oil through the engine, together with gasoline that
escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil
Have the dirty, diluted oil in your crankcase
drained out now before unnecessary wear be gins.
We can do that best for you with Modern
Crankcase Cleaning Service convenient, quick,
economical. We use Calol Flushing Oil, the scien
tific, thorough flushing agent which does not con
taminate the fresh oil. We assure proper lubri
cation for your engine by refilling the cleaned
crankcase with Zerolene of the correct grade.
Make a regular habit of Modem Crankcase
Cleaning Service. It gives better engine perform
ance and longer life to your car.
Many Springfield people am now
using Hlmple glycerine. Link thorn
etc.. ns mixed In Adlerlka. This
flushes liOTII Upper and lower bowel
o completely It removes all foul, ae-
cutnuln,td poisons from ulimoniurr
canal anr luevctit annemltrliia
Adler l ka relieves ANY CASK gn on
stomui h ;r nour stolnucli. Often
'KK8 constipation. In cum ra. of
liionlc stotiiH h tionM iiSK b'jttlb
prnt.'uced wonderful rtsult. K. 1J.
I'lnuery, druggist.
Make your wife a
present of a House
and Lot.
has them for sale
"Christmas comes
only once a year
the Old Reliable
Real Estate Man
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