THURSDAY, DltCKMHEH 23. 1920 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE The FARMERS EXCHANGE $m4m. " II - Mm - - i j. r , L 1 MM M tT M. r v w mi ' m Beauty Chat A Christmas Thank You Wo'ro wishing you a Merry Chrlotmaa the merriest you've ever known. And we thank you for bo gen erously remembering this store in your Bhoiilng. Berry Piano & Furniture Co. while the small blonde should have j something fluffy and frilly. K you buy your dot lit rendy-made you ran only pick the best of the limited choice. If you have them made to order you ran select styles and rolora to please yourself. If you ' are colurlena, pale akin, and mouse- colored hair, avoid neutral shade, and blarlc. A aoft color combined with something quit vivid if best for thin type, which ran at and neither too dull nor too bright color. . If you are dark, roe plnka, browns, pastels of any color; blnck If yoar skin has color; crenn white, yel lowa, will be lovely. If you are blond el low Impossible. Black, dieu blue, violet, dark brown, (tray bluen. plnas, lavender, green of a soft tone theie are moat becoming. If you are lucky, enough to have auburn hair, greens of aoy abade, rich browns, gray, gray-blue- and green-blue, k render, orchid, coral pink, never plain pink, cream white If touched with color. Study yourself to are which allude are beat. (Copyrtahtl By EDNA KENT FORBES WHICH IS YOUIt COLOR? ON'K of the which offset a the many advantage! of tha ready-to-weiir trudc In the toun try la, that all women wear certain aet atylea and color combination, re gardlen of their ntiien. Hie small blonde who ought to buy a drwa of autne aoft abade between violet and blue, get an ordinary rt of blue that niakea her commonplace Instead of distinguished In apncuraiice. The tall, dark woman with the urne rich coloring, flnds the an me tyle nnd col or, and buy and wear an Identical dreaa. Ten to one he ahoutd be wear- M ; ' iwl Try aeveral color against your face until you find the moet becoming. Ins n bronze color and Unci that cllnz, FARM REMINDERS A commercial creamery with a dully capacity of 2000 pound t of 1 butter and an output .of 11C.000 J pound a a year, a market milk depart ment handling 200 gallon dally, a cheese factory with a capacity of jf.OOO pounds of milk dally, a 60 quart I Perfection' Drcadnaught brlnt tee ! cream freezer these are tome of the ; facilities the department will offfr ijflregon dairy factory short course i Rtuilenta In tie elgiyt wee.ks term starting January 3. Dairy, O. A. C. The high school girls of Coo founty served lunches to 395 persons at the annual teacher's lnntltutet and yndor direction of the home demon stration agent cleared $115. The unche served were nutritious and easily prepared as hat lunches In .rural school. Extension Service, O. A. C. The Benton county home demonstra tion agent Is helping the parent teach er association of Corvallis weigh and measure the girls and boys of the Hchool, and to plan diet that will bring the underweight children up to "The Shasta" A New Train to California "The Shasta" is an all standard sleeping car train without extra fare. Leaves Portland at 4:00 P. M. Arrives San -Francisco 10:00 P. M. following evening , IMPROVED SLEEPING CAR SERVICE to San Francisco and Los Angeles All Shasta Route trains handle through standard sleeping1 aars Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland to San Francisco Through standard sleeping car to Lob Angeles Leaves Portland at 8:40 A. M. Arrives Los Angeles 8:15 A. M. second morning Winter Excursion Tickets are on sale to Southerin California Cullforniu'a bright and warm sunshine will nelP you take on a new lease of life. Spend the wintry days boslde summery seas; on spotty golf courses or well kept tennis courts; motor over splendid highways; theHe and many otJicr outdoor pleasures await you fn Sunny California. FREE on request "California for the Tourist", a new booklet graphically describing the different resorts Inquire of local agent for fares, routes, sleeping car reservations and truin service, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agont, Portland, Oregon From today until Christmas, the 25th, we are going to give our customers and all the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts at whole sale prices. The regular selling price is- marked in plain figures on each article. You can see that we mean what we are advertising. We do a little better, we give Red Trading Stamps with every purchase Clothing and Dry Goods a Men's silk ties, reg. $1.25 and $1.50, special 95 C Men's silk ties, reg $2 and $2.50, pecial .'.$1.45 Men's silk shirts, reg. $10 price, special S6.95 Men's heavy wool sweaters special S6.35 Men's heavy wool socks, special 65 C Hoy' suits, knee pants, guaranteed to wear, special 'S9.85 Men's mackinaw coats, reg. $12, special S7.29 Grocery Specials 2 loaves bread, Saturday only 25 C Cottolen, large size..- SI .70 Cottolenf medium size ...... (JOC. Cottolen, small size 50 C ' Bananas, per lb. ... ". ... . 10 C: M. J. B. coffee, lb 50c Edwards Dependable 3 lbs. SI .45 Bulk coffee, reg 45c 35c ' 3 pounds for $1.00: K. C. baking powder 50c eize 42 C K. C. baking powder 25c size 21c ' K. C. baking powder 15c size , . 13c Shillings baking powder 1 lb 45c Vermicelli, 3 pkg. for 20 C Compound, per lb 20 C Tomatoes, per can IOC Peas, per can 1 5 C Argo corn starch, 3 for 25 C Swifts pride washing powder large package 29 C Velvet, Prince Albert, George . Washington and Union Leader 2 for 25 C Star and Horse Shoe per plug 82 C Potatoes per 100 lbs SI. 49 Mill run, per sack, SI. 80 normal. Extension Service, O. A. C. Cost of feeding insects in Oregon one year is estimated at 24 million dollars. The brunt of this enormous loss is not borne by the progressive .farmer who plows his lands) welL useB good seed, and follows the spraying and preventive measures re commended by the state experiment station. Entoiuoogy, O. A. C. .Oregon farmers are beginning to scrutinize contracts offered them for their surplus produce, to see whether loopholes have been left whereby the purchaser may void the contract if prices fall. Such terms as standard oack, merchantable product, and first class canning cherries, open the way for the buyer to reject the produce or force lower price, while they do not Invalidute the contract for the seller if prices rist Political Science O. A. C. NOTICE FOR' PUBLICATION U. S. Land office at Roseburg, Oro gon, November 5, 1920. Notice la hereby given that Ralph H. Walker, of Vida, Oregon, who, on December 18, 1916, made Homestead Entry, serial No. 010902. for WH NWtf. NV4 SV4. Section 12, Town ship 17 S, Range 3 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before E. O. Immel U. S. Catarrh Can Be Cured Cutnrrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional condi tions. It therefore requires constltu tionnl treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Ulood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CaTARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of tho disease, gives the patient ptienrtU bv Improving the pen eral health unJ assiMs nature in doing Its work. All drusxrlats. CI- - a free. F. J. Cheney & C ' ledo, Ohio. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, oir the 10th day of January, 1921. . ! Claimant names as witnesses: Wm. R. Price, of Vida, Oregon; Chas. W. If. McCoy, of Vida, Oregon; Jos. Wakefield, of Vida, Oregon; Ed. L. Winter, of Vida, Oregon. W. H. CANNON, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Ada B. Van Valzah and Robert Clark Van Valzah, executors of the estate ot Robert Crier Van Valzah, deceased, have filed their final account in the matter of said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, and that Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day has beeu fixed by the said Court for the hear ing of objections to said account and for flnai settlement of said estate. Any and all objections to Bald account and the final settlement of said estate must be filed with the Clerk of sail Court on or before the said date ot hearing. Dated this 16th day ot December, A. D., 1920. Ada B. Van Valzah, -and Robert Clark Van Valzah, Executors of said estate. CHARLES A HARDY, Attorney for Executors, Dec. 16 Jan. 13-20. Eugene, Oregon. THE FARMERS' SANTA CLAUS? j