TAGE SIX THE . BPRINGFIKLD NEWS ' I World Wide Circulation" Edited by Jay Dekt Co. THE FRESHMAN STUNT The frosu class presented a unique little "skit" before the assembly Tuesday. Two old maids were trying to make a "mash" as the Irishman said, on a preacher, but Kot them selves In trouble when they spread the news that the preacher was com Ins and had a dead baby In his car pet bar. It turned out to be a doll that he was taking to some child. Walter Tost was the preacher an Alfred townsend, the Irishman. Ivan Oowart and Wlnnifred Long were tba hotel keepers. Lula Edwards an 1 Jessie Spencer were the old maids. Mabel Humphrey rare a reading and Wlnnlfred Long and Mabel Roof favored as with a piano duet AN ODE TO BEANY PERKINS Beany, Beany, all the Ume Beany, Beany, like a ryme, Keeps Jingling thru my head L'ntil I am near dead. Beany. Beany, please be mine. Beany, Beany, thou art devine. 1 kin Jes feel it in my bones As though It was In forty tones. Beany, Beanyf I lore but thee. Beany. Beany, thou art my flea. I kin still smell your big feet; Four by ten like a sheet. Beany, Beany, I am your skirt. Beany, Beany, let me wash shirt My love is all for yo; Beany Perkins, please be true. WATCH YOUR STEP It took three and four days for some people's Thanksgiving dinner to settle. This is nn absolute fact and 1 never knew that some people could make such hogs of themselv For Instance, there's SI Weber. Here it Is Thursday and he hasn't come back yet I always did have a sneak Ing Idea that 81 was klnda inclined to have a weakness along that line Miss Williamson, our science teach er, also ate one turkey leg too many but I did think that she could stand the temptation. But the worst of all Is to have that Thanksgiving dinner hang on so that you don't get up in time to get to school until eleven to'clock like Cliff Fandrem's case. your SOUP Jokes in other books remind us We may have some stale one too; But if you wont contribute, What can the poor editor do? How much time do you spend on your English? Half hour railroad time. What do you mean by railroad time? Including stops and everything. What effect has the moon on the tide? None. It effects the untied. I am trying my best, teacher, to get ahead. Heavens knows, you need one There was a young man named Worth, He was born on the day of his birth; lie was married, tney say, On his wife's birthday And died on his last day on earth. Willie climbed Into the tub To get cleaner was his hopes. He planted both bis little feet Upon a cake of soap. Willie should be careful He mafe an awful splash. Which leaked into the kitchen Making soup of mother's hash. He was seated in the parlor And he said to the lights: "Either you or I, old fellow. Will be turned down tonight". To prove: that a piece of writing paper is a lazy dog. Proof: A piece of has Ink lines. 2. An cline. 3. An Inclin A slope up slow pup. a lazy dog. Therefore a piece of writing paper is a lazy dog. IS, HOW DO YOU SAY IT? By C'N. Lurie Common Errors ' in Pngtish How to Avoid 1 hem "AIN'T." IN TIIi:SU articles, some of the more common errors In speech ami writ ing are pointed out. Careful study of these short lctmnna, with the ue of standard . grammar, will asMl reader in acquiring the liabll of speak Ing and writing correctly. One of the most common errors Is the tis of ain't." This word I a combination of the verb "urn" it ml the adverb, "not," or of the verb "are" and the adverb "not." Very intiny ersoin j say "ho ain't," "she ain't" or "1 ain't," but few. If any. of them would any "ho ! am not or "he are not. Indeed, while the use of "ain't" with "I" or "we" or "you" 'or "they" or plural mxius Is, j strictly speaking, grammatically cot- ' rect. the use of "ain't" Is certainly In elegant and Is condemned by many authorities on English grammar. It . should disappear altogether from the i language. In spite of Its long history. I Correct usage "I am not" or "I'm not"; "he, she or It Is not, or Isn't"; we, you. they are not." (Copyright n P P " I f f " i r 1 1 : . mm i t : mi" , " . "i . LJ lilt-. 1 Sh- JV 1 I J ."' ' . , I 1 I ,1.. ,1 kk 4AJ ' II I I III I ' i . I I , I I I l . 1 I ill. Hill I T Tl 111""" 1 1 ' ' If :rl W l ? ,W , 1 1 i; ' II I 111 i I I ( ; , J . . ll 1 1 ; U 1 : J' 11: 1 il LNJ3' -i ; ZyU 2 iff. : li.H.i' i.Mr ,; I ,. !' lLi' i'WliW ito w vrTi Vv A ! IW.V X ! In'lV ! y )a r liAiVL? i fi i i&WK I Lvi Wi ii U ill IVL!I I': ' A VV ATT ' ' "'ll::,:!,i!'H1;!i,l Tl t . . i ll I : 1 1 i 1 ? J . i . ? f M t ' M I ' . ti . i.t :LluJ t 1 FOX AM) COTTONTAILS e of ye H. K derided that the only st the i lVA MSy ( all the wood animals to have a good opinion of htm was to gl a big dinner, for he litnl mu how got rntlier a bad name among the animal for being so trleky. So nil duy long lie went about tell ing all the animals that when It was dark unite dark they were to come to Ids hottse and dine. There were the Squirrels and the I Coons, the "Possums and the Hear fam ily and all the Jtahhlt family. Including A LINE 0' CMEER By John Kendrick Bangs. A GOODY SHOP. I'd Ilk to And a blf department tor tt'liow hrlv war All until thjr bubbled o'r With nil th I bins th Soul of man riulrs To satisfy In full Pa bt dlr A goodly stock of Sympathy and Cher. A dl'poaltlon pronf afalnat lb Snaar, A Counter spread with Kindly Thought to lift The heart that's chilled out of Its arctic drift. Conelsnmenta of Good-Will and Laughter clean. A cure that's sure for Tellow Streaks and Fpleen. Aad Fabrics fair weft featly through and through With tove. and Faith, and Hop and Honor true. (Copyright ) writing paper ink line lu slope up. 4. 5. A slow pup How lt5bried THE BARBER-POLE. THE Prophet Ezekiel mentions bar bers "Take thou a barber'a razor" but the distinctive barber-pole Is ef much later date. The barber In medieval times was also a surgeon, and as the principal operation then was bleeding, he bung out his brass bowl and a pole with a red stripe te indicate the bandage. Our modern gold-ball-tipped, red and white pole come from these symbols. (Copyright.) PRUNE ACREAGE INCREASES Salem, Ore., Dec. 1 Forty thou sand acres of prunes are now to be found between Portland and Ash land, as compared .with 10.000 acres a few years ago. according to a sur vey just made. This season the Ore gon crop, on account of rain, was re duced to 25 000.000, pounds. -O- Good Advice Take Chamberlain's Tablets as soon as you have finished your sup per and they will produce a gentle movement of the bowels on the fol lowing morning. They will also im prove your digestion and make you feel better in every away. Here! Lantern Slide Pictures of Astoria Entertainment Lecture GIVEN BY R. L. DUNN, for the Benefit of CHRISTIAN CHURCH BUILDING FUND AT SPRINGFIELD CHRISTIAN CHURCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 7:30 P. M. ADMICSION FREE AN OFFERING RECEIVED YOU COME! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! OT11K1C tlu I tell uiy bohM buutu somatlng wot I tink. And he say to me you no better speaka dut way out loud eef you Ilka to stay een deef a place longa time. He eay, "Eef you roasta ladles, Pletro, ees alia same keeka dirt on your own grave." But wot he tella me ees no scare ver mooch. Eef I Ilka somatlng I like plenta mooch and ef I no Ilka I gotta deesgnst. So I speaka wot I tlnk eef ees breaka my neck, I no care. When da war broke out somebody eenvent camouflage for maka e very ting looks wot alnt. Weeth da camou flage one ship ees look a Ilka two ship and two ship look a Ilka no ship. Weeth plenta paint everytlng ees made for tooka deefrence Jusa for fool a other guy. ' And now when da war ees queet some da women ketpa right on do sama fluff. I see one woman other duy weeth so moocha paint on could foola U-boat. Kef we use so moocha black powder on da Germans as wom en ue while powder on da face meblie we gotta heem licked ltjng time ago. Seemn Ilka only ting some cheecken do now ees scruhba da nose white, paint da cheek peenk, maka red Hps and putta google een da eye weeth blaek stick. Llkn data way da face itick out Ilka sore thumb. And when ees come on da street she maka more iioImi as da fire engine. One girl tella me she Jnsa putta nout'h on for stoppa da shine. Rhe gotta so mooch on I feegure mebbe she tlnk her face ees a headlight, I dunno. Longa time ago I reuda some place dut da pen ees stronga like da sword, or somatlng. For way some da women looka now I feegure du powder puff ees greater ns da wash rng. Bui I dunno Wot you tlnk? Marion County Spud Crop Good Mt. Angel. Ore., Dec. 1 One of tho laKOHt potato crops ever harvewted in Hi!k part of Marion county will be hhipped from Mt. Angel UiIb year. In addition to the fjuantity of epudft they are of exceptionally quality. Am ft Susie Cottontail and her brother Jim rule and many other. You may be suiy that no one ate any dinner that day. They all saved their appetites for Mr. Fox's night time feast, for, as Mr. Coon rjrencd It. "We should be very ungrateful to Mr. Foi if we did not take to his din ner our v-ry beet spHlte; therefore, our stomachs should be empty." Mr. Fox let them In one by one and wss careful to draw all Uie shades and stuff the keyhole so the light would not show outside If anything happened thst Mr. Dog should be roaming through the woods. At last all the animals but Jlinmle and Susie Cottootall were there, and ery one begun to wonder where they CuiiltJ be ii ml whiif kept them so lute. It happened that Jlintnle and Sul foMoniiill were nt at all sure they would enjoy Mr Fx's dinner nod they bad run oer to the farm on the hill to have a dinner of nine gurdeti stuff of which they were fond. They had stayed longer than they hud Intended nod when they started for Mr. i'ox's Iioiinh werv hot aa cau tious as Ihey ijNualty were about throwing Mr. Dog off their track, Just as they were entering the wood who should come hounding after Lhem but Mr. Dog, who Imd followed them from the farm, and off ran Jlmrnle and Susie Cottontail looking for a hole in which to hide. Mr. Fox's house was the first re fuge they came to and In the door they burst, wth Mr. Dog at their heels. Of course, then wss no dinner and the party wss spolhil. for everybody ran, and Mr. Dog, not knowing which one to chae when he saw so many, went home without having caught any one. The next day Mr. Fox was talking with his friend. Mr. fVon. "No one of the animals would have gotten as Into such a fix but those Cottontails," he said. "In the first pise thHr ears are so short they never henrd quickly like some others of thst family, and then those tails why, they can be seen for ysrds and yards I I should have known better than to have akeJ them. "And every one knows they have no aene. The Cottontails run Into the first opening they see and never kerp on running as their cousins do, I have hsd my lesson. I shall rut tbem off my visiting list from now on." And that Is the reason the Cottoo tall family are never Invited to any dinners that the wood folk give their trails ran be too easily followed by Mr. rvg. (Coryriaht) Walking "Indian fashion", that la. with the feet pointed straight to the front. Instead of at the customary angle( bas been found to be good for weak arches, says the United States Public Health Service. wife Whew! is suferlng from shell- "My shock." "Impowtlblu!" "Not at all. At breakfast today she broke an egg that had seen better days." "Watch your-Step" hi a fine slo gan to be observed In buying shoes, say tha U id Led jSute Public Health Service. Get them large enough, built on sensible lines and most of your corns and bunions wlnll disappear. . f How To Be Healthy If you would enjoy gol health keep your bowel regular and your stomach and liver In good working order. This Is easily done by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. These tab lets strengthen the stomach and reg ulate the liver and bowels. They aro easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. They only cost a quarter. TfOU certainly want to X save money, and you would hk to have better bakings. Then use Calumet It's the biggest thins you can do to Im prove the quality of your bakings and lower baking costs. Calumet Is made in the larg est, most eanltaiy Baking Powder Factories In the World. No Bak ing Powder is made under better, conditions none can be better in quality. It contains only such ingre dients as have been officially en dorsed by the U. S. Pure food Authorities, An absolute guar an teethat it is pure. '""St imunwrn i i ! m v Vs?V Wit rtv at wsaa r A warn -u.' DALfXINC POWDER "bxt rcnsT" It received highest Awards, World's Pure Food Exposition, Chi cago Paris Exposition, Paris, Franre--po8itive"proof of its super ior merit. It 13 used by more house wives, domeHtlc scientists and chefs than any other brand.' That would not be the cans, if it were possibles to eecure a higher quality Icavener. It 13 Eold at a modernte price. All you have to do is to compare costs to dc-tcrmlno how much you can save by buying Calumet Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 f'Z. Soitifj l);ikinf tviwdersrriine in 12 7 , ire ) -ndof 1(J os. c;itih. IV-mini you yi-i a pound wlienyou vviirit t. Calumet Cr 3 cups pantry flour, 3 jevrl tea ixioua Calumet liukina I'owdi r. Y cup bulti r. 1 ui Kmnuliiteq aunur. Yolks of 3 rHK, H run cold water. Wliltrsuf Sckm. 1 tronpiion or anas rxlrart. 1liruu,i lutiieicgular way.