PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DKCEMDKR 2. 1D20. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Brery Thursday at Springfield, Lint Connty, Oregon, by TYLER A FRULAND Basa. IL Tyler, Editor. H. B. rreeiand. Adv. Mgr. Entered at the Pcatofflc at Springfield, Oregon, m 8eccd-clis Matter, " February 14. H61 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U-tO Three MonthsC Ou 'Year - 8U Koataa.. L.. tl.09 Om Tr, Wkta Paid la Advance, MY fciw IAA BUY RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS Help Make tha New Yaar Healthier and Happier TO EACH HIS SHARE The message which Senator Hard in sent to his running mate la Indi cative of a new policy in National administration. Said Senator Hard ing: "My heartiest congratulations over the great Republican victory to which your strength added so mater ially. You are expected to play a full part In the coming Republican administratis." All through the campaign Mr. Harding indicated hi9 Intention not to try to make his a one-man administration, and follow ing the election he has reiterated this Idea. It is expected that Cool- idge will be Invited to participate iu cabinet meetings and will be called into conference on other important occasions. In this manner Mr. Hani- ing will be able to lighten his own burdens, and, moreover, the vice presi dent will be kept in constant touch with public affairs o that he will be ready at any time to undertake any work that may be, assigned him. -o- THE WEST IN THE CABINET Geographically and from the stand point of developing resckircea. the ; west is entitled to the portfolio uf j the Interior. Secretary Lane of the Wilson cabi net came from California and was : always a champion of progressive . policies in western matters. Subtle influences are at work to prevent the west from getting this i place to which it is clearly entitled I and switch it to the east J Big eastern interests desire to dominate In public Jand. oil and mineral development forestry and the exploitation of Alaska Most of these Influences are reac tionary and represent what is left of conservation policies that would lie up the west for the future. In the case of Alaska red tape and dilatory department methods have kept American enterprise out of that territory and population declines. . The west should not be deprived of the position of Secretary of the SCHOOL How Will r . c ""y I te cut At-fc- it.- c Single Copy .I1.TI Interior and it should be filled by an efficient western statesman. Congressman Mondell of Wyoming, Senator. Fall of New Mexico. Cover nor Campbell of Arlsona and Herbert Hoover are the type of men needed. We do not want our hydro-electric ; be received into the church. Tht powers, reclamation) Irrigation and pastor will preach both morning forest, mineral and oil resources tied. and evening. up forever. Manufacturer. ' Our choir will have special music, o (which will be enjoyed by all. Walla Walla. Vclley Spectator. Work has already began upon our "The country has passed through the Christmas program, and the children greatest era of prosperity that the are enthusiastic over It. world has over known, yet the people did little else but complain of high I TEACHER S EXAMINATION prices, the natural result of extreme The seml-annunl examination for prosperity. We are no doubt enter- tocher's certificate will be given In Ing now upon an era of depressed tho circuit court room at Eugene, prices, and before the end comes wo Ieeinber 15 18. 1920. The examlna will see or hear of mobs rioting and uon will start promptly on Wodnes elamorlng for a change of social and ,jay, December 15 at 9 a. in. For In. economic systems. O government in earnest About babies The government has made studies of mothers and babies in both city! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION and country. In S rural areas, ro-j U. S. I .and office at Rb.icb.irg. Ore presenting 6 states, information was ' gon. November 5. 1920. secured about the confinement care. Notice Is hereby given tliil llalp'i of the mothers of 29S7 babies. It H. Walker, of Vlda, Oregon, who. on was found that only five case received December 18, 1916, made Homestead prenatal care approaching the mini- Flitry, serial No. 010902. for WV mum standard of "adequate" care out-jNWVi. NV4 SWV4. Section 12. Town lined by the Child Welfare Conference ship 17 S. Range 3 E, Wlllumetto held In Washington, D. C, In May, J Meridian, has filed notice of intention 1919; and in 80 per cent of the cases, to make final three year proof, to ev the mothers reported having no pre-'tabllsb claim to the land above des. natal care whatever. Of more than 22.000 city babies studied by the government, and re- presetninrf every type of home In seven cities, more than three-fifths were born into families where the j lather's earnings were below thn i amount which was at that time the minimum for providing the bare ne-1 cepsitles of existence '.Only one In! ten was in a family where the father's! earnings reached a fair minimum for comfort. Mothers and babies are the same in tHe countrv and In the eltv. Thev . need the same care. The Kovernnient ihroueh I hp nr.-v- iHainn nf tha shii,nnrH.Tnwtir hin 1 would help the farm woman and the j city woman, whether the difficulty be ignorance. Isolation, III health, or low income, by educating her in ma ternal and infant hygiene, by sending out public health nurses, by provid ing health centers, and by going 60-50 with the states in the cost for this care. Why not let us prnt your next order of butter wrappers. DAYS Lin'o Huns i W vit tJ"' n " 2!TL - If V, -mm CHURCH NEWS Christian Church Corner of 4th and A atreeta 8unday school at 1:45 a. m. Preach- Jtng at 11:00 o'clock. Evening ser vices: Endeavor at 0:10, and preach ing t . t:S0 - , . Something In ' every eermon worth while' A "hearty welcome to our Sunday acbool and lire wire endeavor meeting. Willing Worker w! hold neat meeting Dec., tth. Watch for our annual basaar, Dee. 11th. Methediet Episcopal Church At the morning service next Sun day a number of new members will formation and a schedule of (lie days ,n which subjects will be given apply to E. J. MOORK, County School Superintendent crlbed. before E. O. Immel, IT. y. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 10th day of January, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Win. R. Price, of Vlda. Oregon; Clias. W. H. McCoy, of Vlda, Oregon; Jos. a Wakefield, of Vlda Oregon; Ed. L. Winter, of Vfda. Oregon. W. II. CANNON. Register. CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS otire nc-nf. .given that 'all warrants on frnooi District .-.o. it I-ne county. Oregon, to and Including register iso. i, uateti June Z. ZU, w II be paid at tbe County Treasury . er'a office, Friday, November 2C I 1920. Interest will cease on that a'- "d t Eugene, Oregon, this 2.1rd day of November, 1920. Edna Ward, County Treasurer. News. S1.75 per year in advance. FARM BUREAUS President Jim Howard, (tIxO f : ;s J L HCHoover ' fT X.0 Armour tlon to attend the first called national convention of his organization at Indianapolis. Ind Deo 0 7 and t An attempt la to be made to overcome the low-price level for corn, wheat and cotton by a new marketing arrangement. One mUIJon three hundred thousand farmers will be represented That Avrfully Graham flour you have been bragging about Is Springfield Graham flour- The reason its so good is that we grind the "whole grain in an old fashioned stone burr. ' Most Graham g made by mixing low grade flour and bran together. Our's Is different. Ask your dealer for Springfield Graham. SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of I). (5 tilende lining, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned haa been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of I). O. Glendennlng, deceased by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon and that all persons having claims against said cstatp are hereby not I lied and requested to present tho name, duly verified, to tho under- EGGIMANN'S "A Good Bakery" OF NATION START WAR of the National Farm Bureau Federation, invited the hrin. r ik. ... Good t J tlriK'l at the law offlcea of I'otHr. Foster and Iriunil In Eugene, Ore ron on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Springfield. Oregon this 2nd day of December, 1920. Anna, GlendennJii, udmlnlstaatrlx of the esiatu of D. (J. Ulrndennlnj. dec-eased. Potter. Foster an Immel, attorneys for the estate. YOU'tt LIKE OUR CAKES and ,iles. They are i:o tempt li.C to the ee and Juxt as t nii'liiig to (tip tialate. Iliik 'J with xklli llh the In nt obtain able mttiTinl.M, they nn far M!.:'ilur to oniliiiiry baking And then Is sut (i a widu var iety to choohu from. Why fuas wiih home buklng when you can get such gocd things here? ON PRICE DECLINE