THUItSDAY.NOVKMHKn 18, 1920, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FOR SALE FOR SALE . ." . ! FOR SALE Choice pure bred white leghorn cotkrli from O. B. I'enney's stock. Call ' morning before nine or after ft p. m. Carl A. I'etterson. A C streets. n-U four Cigars WK HAVK a large stock of new windows and sash of all sliea. Smith Olsen. 409 IS. 8th street Kugene. n'JS PAINTING TINTING and general painting. Crus berg. 9th ft 1) streets. 1'hone 137 R. FORDS snd Chevrolet painted. $2d. Springfield Auto Taint shop. Phone 137R. tf. FORWENT 1 Sharpies seperator, 500 capacity 1 Anchor Holt seperator, prac tically new, 500 capacity. are fragrant ana . teliqhtful. ' . Choice selected tobaccos, property seasoned, are used in making our good t Cigars. . - Then vue keep them in proper condition and this s what makes them taste" so good and smoke so good. "Smoke up" atour Drug Store we have the brand to suit YOU. - We are Careful Druggists. We give Red Trading Stamps with cash purchases. IF?. Phone We NEVER SUBSTITUTE ROOMS for rent. Oood sleeping room, nicely furnUhftl; would also serve breakfast If preferred. Phone i:o j. tt LOST AND FOUND LOST Cold Evereharp pencil, finder i leape return to News office. Ite i ward. nlS T . CABINET SHOH Go to II. E. Pitts cabinet shop! corner Fourth and C streets.. for your Scnitary Butter Mold, kitchen cabi nets, kitchen tables, English break fast tables and general cabinet work. NOTICE OF. ROAD DISTRICT rvitti INU To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is Jbereby given that a meet ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owners of real prop- 1 erty In Road District No. 3. in Laoe i County. Oregcn. will be held at the ( hour of one p. ra., on the 27th day I of November. A. D., 1920. at th Marcola schoclhouse -In said road din-1 Jtrlct. to determine whether said road j the complaint of the plaintiff Springfield Creamery defendant. full relh-f. This summons Is published by order . yx4 numinous Ik served upon you of the Hon. O. V. Sklpworth. Judge ot , .i,..,,,, , ,,, HprlngfleM the above enticed court, and that ' . 1 . . , , the said order Is dated the Mh day 'New a nowspsper uUIIH-d; In of October, 1920. commanding this Springfield. Lane county, Urrgon, fer summons to be published for six (I) ix couswtillve wcks by order of th- weeks in thu Springfield News, ,. , nwn County Judge of Springfield. Oregon, mil that the date Mn- " , . " . "." .. of the first publication Is the 7th day ne county. Ongon: said order b of October 1920 and the date of th lug made hod entered of record thu Inst publication Is the IS day of Nor-, ;;(), ,uy ,,f (Moher, 1920. ember. 1920. L. M. TRAVIS. Attorney for plftlntlff, Eugene, Ore. 11 IS 20. 8UMMONS In the Circuit court of the Stste of Ors:on for Ine couty. Utrtha Harper Showenwald, r-laln- lnt of first pubVculloM ns pre scribed by nld order Is November 4. 1920. and the last date December 18, 1920, being six weeks. C. M. . Klnsvnger. attorney for the plaintiff. Residence. Kukciio, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tbe , iiiltilMtrtitrlx of tin' cMnte of L K tiff vs. William (1. Showenwsld. d-fendunt. To William O. Rhowenwald a Km v a nnniAt A t nn t m t I In the name of the State of Ore.on: I Wrd' --U. by the County Conn You are hereby summoned rud NOTICE OF-ROAD DISTRICT MEETING To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owners of real prop erty in Road District No. 10. in Lane Connty, Oregon, will be held at the nur of two p.- m.. on the 27th day of - November. A. D.. 1920. at the Woodman Hall In said Road District, to determine whether said road dis trict shall levy -a special tax of eight mills upon all the taxable property in said district for the purpose of providing funds for improvement of roads in road district No. 10. H. L. BOWN. County Judge. M. H. HARLOW. E. R. SPENCER, property in said district for the pur pose of providing funds for 3 20 of this fund for reair'ne RIhmo,'t road, 8-20 for the Hampton road, 6-20 for the Gossler road, &-40 for repair on West Soringficld roads, 3-40 for graveling Graham road. H. L. BOWN. County Judge. M. H. HARLOW. E. R. SPENCER. County Commissioners. r office of Potter. Kvster & linmel Eugene, Oregon on or before l fif Iana count v. Orecun and that all r i . i I-- ..t,. I.-. i t quired to be and appear in the above "'".- " '"T entitled court and suit and answer !,"uU Br" "eby notified .nd re- filed 1,M,",',,' lo l'ren same, amy district shah lew medal tax ot .i. ,i.-iMea. to . m unaerigneci a ma mills upon ail the taxable prop- dal(, 0'f th,on of lh ' irty in said district ror the purpose. . . ,;in oi pror.uing lunai .or J mum on ; . V . " ! tiwuitlia f,m ).. .1.1 ftf Ih. flrat rovemter l20; and ir you so fall to I . appear and answer said complaint I " within said time, the plaintiff will ,n,H, Bt hu,,,u'' ()r4,,n ,h" ;h apply to s.1.1 court for the rel,fU' of "!!!'"'', ,921 ..prayed for In said compl.lnt to wit:! K',l,,,, J wrd- mlnlatrglrig of c. vru, o-crin'u. A Iniinel attorney Wendling road. 1 mill on Mnble road 1 mill on Parson creek road. H. I BOWN. County Judge. M. H. HARLOW. E. R. SPENCER. County Commissioners. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT ,'for "living the bonds of j ,be '",Jlr,e1? Jr MEETING matrimony now existing by and be-1 1 u"r t',"t,r NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owners of real prop erty in Road District No. 26. in Lane County, Oregon, will be held at th hour of two p. m., on h 27fh Hv of November. A. D., 1920, at tke Grangers Hall of Gotlien in saiu Road District, to determine whether said road district shall levy a special tax of five mills upon all the taxable NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owners of real prop erty in Road District No. 23, In Lane t'punty. Oregon, will be held at the hour of two p. m., on the 27th day of November A. I)., 1920. at fh Unity schoolhouse In said road dis trict, to determine whether said road district shall levy a special tax of eight mills upon all the taxable prop erty In said district for the purpose of providing funds for Improvement of roads in road district No. 23. H. L. BOWN. County Judge, M. H. HARLOW. E. R. SPENCER, County- Commissioners. News. S1.75 per year in advance. 4 Shasta Route Trains BETWEEN Portland and San Francisco i t r, Effective Sunday, Nov. 14th The "Oregonian" Train Nos. 53 and 54. Handles day coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars, dining car and observation car. i The "California Express" Train Nos. 15 and 16. Handles day couches, tourist and standard sleeping cars and dining car. The "Shasta" Train Nos. 11 and 12. (No excess fare) ... A, new through train. Handles standard sleeping cars only, dining car and observation car. ; The "San Francisco Express" Train Nos. 13 and 14. , Handles day coaches, tourlwt and standard sleeping cars and flining car. Thiough standard sh-epiiig car, Portland to t,os Angeles, leaves Portland on the California Express arrives Imh Angeles 8:15 a. m. second morning. CALIFORNIA WARM SUNSHINE AND FLOWERS ' Make the days delightful in the fWuterXfme. Enjoy . the fragrance of pointiettas, voletsi popples and geraniums, or the Joys of outdoor sports and pastimes. TRAVEL WITH PLEASURE VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Reduced Round Trip Tickets are Now on Sale to Southern California FF. EE tn rogue si; ."Califoirila for the Tourist," a new illustrated . booklet graphically describing the different resorts . i For further particulars inquire of local agents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES V I 2 N,&L 'SCo'TT, General Passenger Agent MEETING To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a meet-1 tng of the legal voters being resident 1 taxpayers and owners of real prop erty in Road District No. 2. in Lane County. Oregon, will be held at the bour of two p. m., on the 27th day f November K, D.. 1920. at the Blue' River schoolhouse in said roai district, to determine whether said road district shall levy a special tax of five mills upon all the taxable nroner'v in sM district for the pur pose of providing funds for grading and graveling stretch of road from Pillar Rock to Elk Creek. H. L. BOWN'. County Judre. M. II. HARLOW, E. R. SPENCER.. County CommlRsioners. tween you and the plaintiff, and for for the estate. Flrt pub. Nov 4. Ijist pub. Dec We want all the news all the time, our phone number Is two. Call ns up. SUMMONS In the Circuit Ctirt of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Dale J. Benjamin, plaintiff, vs. Georgia K. Benjamin, defendant. To Georgia K. Benjamin, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear In answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the' plaintiff will take decree as prayed for in the complaint, dissolving the marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and the A Valuable Papers f j " The other day a man who lives in Eugene .brought to us what was left of bis Lib erty bond. He bad bad a small fire at bis home whkh destroyed several valuable papers, but somehow he bad managed to vave his bond though badly scorched. He said he had intended to leave all his papers at the . bank but neglected to do bo. We are glad to take care of Liberty Bonds without charge and clip the coupons as they mature. First National Bank of Eugene The Bank for Everybody Don't foget to ask for Red Trading Stamps. We give Red Trading Stamps. A 2 per cent saving on each Dollar you spend Farmers Exchange "THE STORE OF BARGAINS" Mackinaw coats, regular $10.50, special $7.35 Woolen Sweaters, regular $10, special S675 Men's Union Suits, regular $2 50, social $1,95 Men's Work Shirts, regular $1.75, special Sl35 Men's Sox, Liack or brown, special 25C GROCERIES Cofee, In bulk, lb. 35c, 3 pounds for $1.00 Dependable Coffee. 3 lb. tin for Sl'.45 Wedding Dreakfast Syrup, 10 pound Una $1.10 Schilling's Baking ol'wder, 1 lb. tin 48 C Crystal White Laundry Soap, 10 bare for 67c Carnation Milk, large cans, can 14c, dozen S1.60 Bacon, per pound .V.35c Picnic Hams ,30 c The Farmers Exchange THE STORE OF BAUOAINS SPRINGFIELD, - OREGON: .'... . 4 - Our One Best Hit The DETROIT BATTERIES outlast all other batteries and make old cars run like new; and new cars run like We can make a big saving for you1 on these batteries. We carry a complete line of accessories and automo bile parts. REPAIR. WORK GUARANTEED TO' BE FIRST-CLASS Spencer & Anderson