The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 28, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, OCTOMKR 28, 1920;
"Capital and Industry-Keep Out!"
That Ik exactly what you will help to do if you do nothing to prevent the passage
of measure No. 314 and 315 on the November ballot entitled, "Constitutional Amend
ment Fixing I'gal Kate of Interest In Oregon."
Thh measure projxws to limit the rale of Interest In Oregon to 5 per cent. You
ran. by law, fix the rate of Interest In Oregon, but you cannot, by law, force the loaning
of money in tills state, when a much higher rate ran be secured elsewhere. The pass
age or tills measure would force the withdrawal of the millions of foreign capital which
Is today loaned on factories, business and real estate In the state and send your local
money owners outside of the state to belt r Investments.
Passage of this measure would mean foreclosure of thousand of mortgages;
would result In financial paralysis, and would mean widespread unemployment.
You, no doubt, understand the vlciousness of this measure, but have you talked
to your neighbors ami friends about it? W urge you to do everything you can to de
feat this measure Oregon's reputation as a sound state for Investments requires that
this measure be overwhelmingly defeated.
VOTE 315 X NO ,
srnamami.rm.uuntar'JTJtai Jg.-UCM SkSCiVtX UrggCg
In tin- .lays r.f fifty rent ulu-nt Hint
twenty rni coin. iluilnie i-vi-ry Iul-iii-hh
di-rexf-'lin when thmistimls nf
mills n ful fiuiorli'H -1 I tln-Ir (loots
or run on inn' llni'-. wi' tiff'rei, not
from o i prnilil' lion Ihii rom iimlrr-
rtiiKtifnit Ikti Mow e.v.y II Is for n
li il ii 1 1 nil million i'io!i , to nl.Miih
fiurilii'i t'loilurlloii. no tintlt'-r how
hurt- I :i Klh'hl liH-n-iiff In t!c Ji'T-
(llU..!l'l' llMT of till' n :! i v I -I u m 1 '
When Imiiliii-fH i'irt"'vnn hi-ran in
tin. juit. tin1 only irniiily wr know
itt tO I III- ! lloWII ( Ilt"l ll Isi'fl of all
klmls. Wo riin-il iini!"ro:iHitmiil!oti
hy titiilrij roiltirtlon nml sentenci-d
lulltl'iii of tin- riieinfiloyed to a term
of mlM-ry ami starvation hermiso the
routitry nv;ih nvertorkMl with uiinule
nlilo pooilH.
Hut (lion' Ik another !! tn the
pleluro. Wo can't K " l'"l' fluid' y
JlfllllK till IIVI'lilKO PtH'llliinl of IIviir
wllcll llli-IIIIH pIvlllR fill Ii family a
i.-irpr Mian1 of tin- nalli ii' tMoilutt h
without also lin i ra-'iiR tin' t i.' of
tho outiiit. Tor Instance, at )
o have not rtioiii-u liotisi'M tn y.ct
round. It N nlisoluti'lv inioH"ltili' to
yi each f.-iii'Hy a f'Vi- room dwelling
11 .... .1 . ....... -
refined and rc-rcfined by
a special process, mak
ing it a clean-burning
fuel for home use. Ask
your dealer for PEARL
(C Al.Il OUN1A)
lifcaiiKf have not cnoiiKh houses.)
They must he hullt In-foro we can I
niov Into thrin. If lowers, steel, pluinheM, ciirpi-nters ami I
tiiMi'i I'M all ilo loss work for. hlph'-r
! iy. mil. (! Is In'iioflii-d. ovi ryhoily .
In hui t. I'or comiiiK down to hedrock I
mi im't (llvllo thai whith wo don't
l'i i!i capital niiil lahor are now on
trial. If Is up to racial to prevent
ovi'i vrpdm Hon ami iinilercotisump-1
Hi. ii. tn see to It that tho inilllonH v'
1'n rVaii wurki'iK arc ahh? to pur-i
i lii" nml rom'iimo that wlih ll thoy j
pii.duii'; il Ih tip to lahor to profit';
by tin' UusKlan rxpi'r'monf. to n-allno '
f lift i'vitv family can't havi' more!
iiiih-M "I'Vfi'.v worki-r proilucPB moro.
Niivi'ihIht Siinsi'l.
Tc!is 12.000 Worr.en Ka Favcrs
Dcpnriment in Defcnco of
Mothers, Childhood and
Public Hcal'ih.
bf,n"'lictat''1 by bur Votiwiiiire and
approved by our wlmlom, let na
atraltchtway And the way to do It. I
do not cay thl without n word of
caution. I recognize certain danger
which are alway presented when ttor
ernrnent undertakes large and detailed
Tasks of Social Justice.
Fenntor HnrdlfiK jiolnted out the
nerelty of xolnx forward upon a
sure footing and declared:
"When making the propnanl for a
department of puhllc welfare to
Aim-rl'-n, I am aware that I have made
r'ep In advance ! any platform.
Ve all know that we face tusks of
aofial Juntli-e. which we rnut under
take with dlxpntch arid efficiency. Who
run miffjrcHt one of thee (aikt which
run aiiKTxi'(le In our hcartM. or In the
rank which forexlght and wisdom will
rive that of the protection of our ma
tirnlty? "The protection of the niotherhrxKl
of America can not he arcornpllnhed
i until the Mate and the nation have en
acted and, by their exnmple, have en
forced cuttotim, which protect wom
anhood ItfM-lf. I know full well that
there are women who Insist that wom
en Khali be treated upon the same
basla that men are treated."
Senator Harding discussed the need
of adequate protection for women tn
Industry and expressed his belief In
the wisdom of an eight-hour day for
women workers. He emphasized the
need of safeguarding the women on
American farms. He proposed putting
the Children's liurcau under the sug
gested Department of Public Welfare,
and urged prevention of abuses of
child labor.
"I must not fall," Senator Harding
went on, "to speak to you today of one
of the measures of social Justice and
social welfare not often catalogued In
this milliner, but perhaps more impor
tant than any we have considered. 1
refer to the enforcement of law. It
will not be my business when elected
to decide what laws shall he. It will
be legitimate for me to Invoke public
Opinion for their enactment, but such
a cull to public opinion must he bused
more ti; m,ii t!?e duly of the Kxecuilve
of tiie nalioii to give facts to the peo
ple than upon his desire to 'ive opin
ion, theory mid propaganda. The en
fnict iMtit of die law is an Kxniitive
responsibility and must be under
tahen I y ihe Kxecuilve without nvanl I. is pi-r-i.inl approval or disap
pro'.iil of ti-e law. which It bus been
the people'."! Will to enact."
Come to Us !
We wunt ull the tiers ull tho time,
our phone number Is two Call us up
Have you read tho want ada.
New Young Americans Learn of
Nation's Obligations to Them
Twelve thousand womm from all parts of the country travelled to Marlon
U hear Senator Hardlng'e noteworthy address on social justice In which
he proposed a Federal Department of Public Welfare to function In defense
f maternity, childhood and public health. Here Is aeen Senator Harding
nd Mrs. Harding aurrounded by a group of girla of foreign parentage from
Chicago, who sang America as part ef the ceremonies. The girla are dressed
In their native costumes.
Emphasizes f':cd cf Safeguard
ing Wotch o:i American Farms.
Stand's i-r Enforoeinert of La.v
Marlon, O. The cieatUm of n Fed
eral I ii partioi til of I'ubllc Welfare ro
function In lef.'iis, uf maiernity, child
hood and public ln.'llh was proposed
by Sei iilor Hardin,: il. h j-peccli on so
I'ial justice to .,(Mili wo", .j i n who ca'iie
to his front porch from ..H points of
t!.e coiopiivx.
Sin Ii a ill-parti .lent, sairt 'U'tii.ioi
Harding, must "avofil the fea'.'''.l re
si, lis i f bilieiiiiilaiy. '1 'here nr.: J
in fii e ellleient way f ailvsnclnft n
bumaii.tarlaii program," he nuid, "tlutr.
by inliipiing tiie machinery of our Fed
eral ijovcrnment to the purposes we
desire to attain. While others may
have their even fixed upon some par
ticular piece of legislation or more par
ticular policy of social justice which
calls for the sympathetic interest of us
all, I say, without hesitation, that
our primary cotishlcintioii must be the
machinery of adiiiiiiist rat ion, jtnd that
when i he time comes for us to re
organize our administrative govern
ment Ih Washington we must all stand
together for the creation of a Depart
ment of Public Welfare.
"I pledge myself today," he paid, "to
support witli all that is in me whatever
practical policy of social welfare and
social Justice can he brought forward
by the combined wisdom of all Ameri
cans. Nothing can concern America,
and nothing can concern me as an
American, more deeply than the
health, the happiness and the enlight
enment of every fellow Amerlcun.
Must Avoid Paternalism.
"The social Justice that I conceive Is
not paternalism. It would be easy to
make tt so, and dangerous Indeed to
the best spirit that Americans can
have the spirit of expressing by the
Individual free will one's own merits,
capacity and worth. We do not want
government to suppress that expres
sion of free will, even by benevolence,
lint we do mean to preserve In Ameri
ca an equal opportunity and a pre
paredness for self-expression therein,
even though we use the government
to do it.
"I believe that there Is no step more
practical, no step which will mean
more to the growth of America's so
cial welfare; no step which will guar
antee better America's social Justice,
than one which I propose to you.
Dangers to Be Avoided.
"I have no doubt that there will be
aome who wilt find In this proposal
cause for calling me an extremist, hut
when we have a task to do. which bus
Marshfleld, Ore., Oct. 27. Instead
of shipping Its present 100 tons per
day, the Dearer 31111 coal mine will
soon be sending out 250 ton, accord
ing to announcement of the superln
tenrent. A new hoisting engine baa
Just been Installed to aid In Increas
ing the output. An order for 20 car
loads of coal was received from the
Portland market.
Tour Job printing will be promptly
done by The News.
Improve Your Digestion
If you have weak digestion eat
sparingly of meats, let at least five
hours elapse between meals, eat noth
ing between meals. Drink an abun
dance of water. Take one of Cham
berlain's Tablets Immediately after
supper. Do this and you will Improve
your digestion. '
"Cold In the Head"
Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent "colds In
the head" will find that the nse of
build up the System, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh
may lead to Chronic Catarrh.
taken Internally and nets through the
I?lood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
System, thus reducing the Inflamma
tion and restoring normal conditions.
All druggists. Circulars free.
r. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
Let's 3,o
VSNVrJ NThe sure way
ism ucuiruv vvui
Job on a rainy Acj
Is to get into a
Rc?f lex
"ifi- wel work or sport
ajtower ca z8sI
To the Taxpayers of
Lane County, Oregon
I am a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of this County.
' I believe that one seeking a position of responsibility should
' fii'J-'t know the duties and work of the office he seeks. I have
i had several years experience-in this line of work and j'ou .are
iict considering an applicant who is a stranger to same.
As tho sheriff's- office is one of the chief executive offices
of the county, i believe the sheriff should LEAD and not fellow
in the per.formanc s cf z the duties, whersocver possible, in
'connection , If elected sheriff I will do this and will
not ask a deputy or private citizen to go where I would not go
TAXES ARE HIGH Economy should be the watchword of
every man when elected to office, as high taxation is the greatest
burden of the citizens of Lane countv today. I wish to refer you
to the COUNTY RECORDS showing the running expenses of
Ihe sheriff's office under the present administration as compared
to that of former years.
Under former sheriffs, in 1916, it cost $12,596.12 to run the
cfl'ice; in 1917 it cost $10,790.56; in 1918 it cost $12,411-28, and
in 1919 under the present sheriff it cost $16,451.38 to run this
ofltce, an increase of over 30 per cent, or $4040.10 with no extra
increases in salaries or deputy hire. For the FIRST SIX
MONTHS of 1920 (this year) it cost the present sheriff $10,913.
63 to run this ofice. Within $14,97.65 as much as for the full
(ANCE9 Does this partially answer the question why TAXES
ARE HIGH in Lane county? If the sheriffs office of Lane
county cost $12,411 in 1918 should it cost $16,451 in 1919, and
be $18,000 or $20,000 in 1920, in face of the fact that the
other county offices has increased only a few hundred dollars
during these years. The salary and all expenses of the sheriff
are paid by the county. The sheriff's office should not be used
as a collection agency for the Eugene Justice Court district. The
regular elected constable should do the work of the , Eugene
Justice district and not the sheriff's office do this work at a loss
and at the expense of the taxpayers in general.
If elected Sheriff I will turn all fees collected by me over
to the county treasurer PROMPTLY, where they rightly and
legally belong, not waiting for a request from the county court
to do so, as these fees belong to the county, earned on county
time, and at county expense, and with county automobile and gas.
If elected Sheriff on, November 2nd I promise the taxpayers
of Lane county to conduct the affairs of the office in an Impartial
and business-like manner, giving a square deal to all, and that
I will use ECON.OMY in conducting the affairs of the office, thus
holding the running expenses down to the minmum. ,
Respectfully submitted,
(PaidAdM.) j