The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 28, 1920, Image 1

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Voter to Do Confrontod With;ail(1 Clayton Allum conic from
Long Task at the Polls
Noxt Tuesday.
Voter will have something of a J marled to learn the barber trade when
Jf.b before Hum when they go to the 'only a boy 10 yearn of age.
(Toll next Tueaday. Ilealdes tho can-1 Mr. and Mra. Clayton Allum with
dldatea for tho offices of prettldent nad ! tlulr tlx children are making their
vice preHldent of thn I'nlled Stale , ! li Miie In the Griffin properly at Second
tor which most every one will b al.lo and K streets. Karl In unmarried,
to taut their ballot with dispatch, Mr. Whitney has been In the bar
there are two candidates for places In tor bunliieea In Springfield for the
emigre, ono aenator and one Ycpro- I ant eleven yeara moat of which time
Hentatlve from thin dlatrlct he haa operated the shop Just aold.
There are five Juatlcea to be elected , t'pon returning a little more than a
to the aupreme otirt and the attorney ' year ago from service with tho army
general and the aecn-tary of state. ! In France. Mr. Smith purchased an
Thla dlHtrkt nuiMt ulao elect one com-j l iterent with Mr. Whitney.
VlHloiier to the public service com-; Neither Mr. Smith nor Mr. Whitney
iuImhIoii, and a dairy and food commls- bave made any definite plana aa to
loner. ' their future.
In the county, a Judge, district attor- .
iiey, aherlff, commlmiloner, and asses
tor la to lie elected, besides throe
representative to the state legislature. '
Eleven Measures
There are eleven measures on the
atnte ballot. They are na followa:
Compulaory voting and registration j
ameii'inieni; t'oiiNiiiuiionai amenoniruij
regulating aesnloiis and the payment.
of tegiMiatora: oieoniargarine bill: j
alnglo tax constitutional amendment;
rotiHtltutioiial amendment fixing term
of certain county offlcera: Tort ot
I'ortlnnd dok commlHttlon conHolldii
tlon b!ll; antl compiilnory vaccination
amendment; constitutional amend
ment fixlne leriil rate of Interest in
!,.... . . !..,, ....... .It .(.-, I V(in tnaaa. '
ure; divided b-giitlutlve session con
stitutional amendment; state market
commission net.
City Has Ballot
In Springfield a mayor, two conn-
linen for four yearn, two counciltnen
for two years, a recorder, ami treas
urer inimt be elected.
There Is also an ordinance to be
voted upon which prohibits the opera
ting of a moving picture house or n
theatrical production on Sunday.
Syl venter Snook and son Ilrt
returned lute Tuem fay H4'lit from a
three month's trip Into Canada.
leaving here the fist of August ac
companied by Harry Wooley, they
motored throii;b WaHliiugton and Into
Alberta, stopping at Cliireaholm. where
they secured work In the harvest
fields. Upon the completion of
threshing on the 20th Mr. Snook and
llert commenced their Journey home
ward. They came by way of Great
Palls, and Helena, Mont.. Sandpolnt,
Idaho, Spokane fund Walla Walla,
Wash., then to Pendleton and along
the Columbia highway from Hood
River. Coming over tho Rocky
mountains they ran into aome snow (
storms and one night were forced to ,
uae the friendly shelter of a straw t
The trip covered about 3000 miles
without any tire or miuhlno trouble
and the tourists report a very pleai-j
ant Journey. Taken altogether they ;
found good roads although they ran :
Into a number of rough detours be-j
tween Salem and Eugene.
Harry Wooley did not return nowi
but went on to Three Hills near Cal
gary to visit with relatives.
The roadway leading to the center
of tho mill from 6th street and the
south aide of the railroad tracks is
being macadamized. The old plank
ing ia being taken up and 20 feet In
width of the road will be improved.
Superintendent O. II. Jarrett said
that the road would probably be
paved next year.
Baleni, Ore-, Oct. 27j The Phez
company, which manufacturers Jama,
jellies and fruit Juices, shipped to
almost every section of the world,
has, Increased Its capital stock to
$4,000,000, according to announcement
Just made here.
Earl snd Clayton Allurn, two broth
ers, have purchased the Whitney
Srulth barber shop on Main street
atnl took possession on Tuesday.
Kurt Allurn comes from Minneapolis
Ankeny. Iowa. Uoth have been In
the barber business In the cant for
a number of years. Clayton having
v '
One of the First Temperance
Crusaders in Ohio Spoke
at Meeting.
One of the beat W. C. T. U. conven-1
. tlona that haa ever been held in the '.
waa held on Tuesday of this
weea in me ioibi niuiiiuu i luuiui.
There waa a large attendance from
I all over the county and beginning
j with a luncheon at noon, served by
the ladles of Springfield, until late la
the afternoon there was not a dull
moment. The suc es of the entire
i affair wua urgely due to the unCrliigl
effort of the resident. Mrs. E. C
fmnderaon of Eugene.
The program Marted with an after
.dinner welcome to the delegates by
1'iof. F. H. Hamlin of Springfield and
'an addreas on the need of future
work by the women, especially by
, the W. C. T. t'.. 1'ii.f. Hamlin Mated
very clearly and concisely the bad
effi-ts of the cigarette habit on the
Uvea of boys and nuld lhat the abol
ishment of this evil would have t-
come largely ti.rouKn tne worn oi
the women. Prof, il.unlin paid u high
tribute to nil good, moral women and
their Influence In the world and said
uost men owed their success to som
good mother, sister, wife or sweet
heart. Mrs. M, r. Mitchell of Eugene in a
few well chosen words responded to
the welcome of Prof. Jlamlln and
expressing ' the appreciation; and
thanks of the visiting delegates for
tho courtesy extended by the people
of Springfield.
The luncheon hour was closed by
a duet by Jrtlsses Sylvia Gllflllen and
Miss Mldred Smith of the Eugene
Bible university.
The first number in the afternoon
waa a talk by Miss Gertrude Talbct
of Hendricks hull, Eugene who spoke
at length on the National League of
Women Voters. .
The afternoon was given over to a
splendid program of music, speeches
and reports of the work of the union
in the state and county. The presi
dents rerort showed a gain in Till
lines and brought out the work al-
(Continued on PagJ Eight)
Word has been received In Spring
field that Dr. and Mrs. Driver will
arrive the last of the week with their
chapel' car, ''Good Will." They are
now stationed at Albany.
Dr. and Mrs. Driver take their
railroad car, fitted up as a chapel,
over the country and hold meetings
In many places where there are no
churches. They will conduct special
meetings In the Baptist "church for
several weeks. Both Mr. and Mra.
Driver are well known in Springfield,
having conducted special . meetings
here . four years ago, and both are
excellent singers.
S. P. Company Considers Using
Main Line to Junction and
Railroad Bridge.
The work of putting Jn two new
Vel spans on the stfect railway
bridge over the Willamette river haa
been ordered; auapended. Workmen
were aent here averal weeka ago an J
aome of the machinery for putting
In the new apana had been placed
when the order to discontinue wan
received by E. E. Totten, foreman on
the Job.
Mr. Totten made the statement
that the company i considering the
project of electrifying the main line
of the Southern Pacific from KWald
park to Springfield Junction and then
bringing the car line Jn over the steel
bridge now used by the tralna. Thia
would alao mean double tracking
from the park to the Junction, the
streot earn leaving the main line
again after crossing to the east aide.
The construction crewa will remain
In Springfield until further Instruc
tions are received.
IV.illetins giving election
returns from the east will be
received by the Hell theatre
and" The News beginning at
about 6 o'clock Tuesday
evening, Nov. 2. This is a
lfliablo, leased wire service
from the Western Union and
will cover all parts of the
United States.
Until the"opening of the
theatre at 7:30 the results
will be given at The News
office; after 7:30 to 9 o'clock
nt both places and after 9
o'clock only at the theatre.
After the latter hour admis
sion to the theatre will be
free end all' are invited to
avail themselves of this op
pcrtui Ity to see the election
I.j Hett s, son of J. O. Bettls. of
Coburg. committed suicide Monday
afternoon at-his home in Coburg. lt
is said that Mr. Bettls waa in poor
health and that this was the principal
reason for his action. Mr. Bettls was
36 yeara of age and had been en-
gaged in funning for a number of
Funeral services were held from the
Veatch chapel in Eugene Wednesday smallpox, as vaccination was compu.
afternoo.1. Oct 27. with interment 8rv and nas been compulsory in the
In the Coburg I. O. O. F. cemetery. Rrly slnce 1913 and
Besides his father deceased leaves' "Whereas, believelng that It Is for
a brother. Sam Bettls, of Springfield, j e best health Interests of our state
n,i tha fniwin .utAr nn.1 hroth-1 and community to leave in force the
and the following sisters and broth
ers: Mrs. Guy Simmons and Mra.
William Cool, of Drain. C. J. Bettls,
of Spokane, Mrs. Layman, of New
Orleans, Mrs. Godman, of Jefferson,1061 i,u-
City, Tenn., F. N. Bettls, of Albany, we unanimously disapprove the pro -
V T litttlA and .TaniPH Bettls. of
TowntendMacDortlrf: Weeding
Wednesday In Tent Theatre
MJss Yernlta Flaud Townsend.
daughter of Mrs. Edward Reynolds
of Springfield, was married to Her
bert MacDonald In the tent theatre :
In Eugene Wednesday night Imme-'
. 1 f .i 1 Vt a nAnnliicilAn f9 t Vk A i
""7" l"l "J; " f ".Saturday noon. As she Btepped upon j
performance. The capacity of the t. . t. .mm ,,,!
tent waa taxed and the side curtain.!
were drawn to allow the large crowd
to witness the marriage. The cere-!
mony waa performed by Rev. Stivers
of Eugene.
Thia is the culmination of a ro
mance begun when the Macy Balrd
company played in Springfield early
In September, Mr. MacDonald being
a popular member of that troupe,
The couple will spend their honey
moon in Marsbfleld and where the
company will open an engagement.
The 1920 census gives Oregon 50,
1S8 farms. This is an increase from
1910 of 8 per cent.
A Jury composed of all farmer
was finally secured Wednesday aft
ernoon to try the case of William
R. Elliott of Camp Creek, charged
wlih ornm dprreft murder of Vivian
!Dunlen August 27.
District Attorney Ij. L. Ray is
prosecuting the case for the state
while O. H. Foster is attorney for
Elliott. Mr. Itay, In, hi opening
telk. said that the state would at
Umpt to prove that "Elliott deliber
ately, and with malice, struck the
bow that resulted In the death of Mr,
Dunten." Attorney Foster said that
s"If defense would be the plea of El
liott. Following Is the list of Jurymen:
John West Trent; Clarence C. Flak,
Notl; George Holland, Crow; Arthur !
G. Plrtle, Cohurg; James II. Brum.
mett, Springfield; M. C. Robbing
Cottage Grove; Ell T. Virgin, Junc
tion City; Charles W. Dwigglns, Irv
ing; Charles R. Hastings, Thurston;
James Horn, Eugene and John
Thramer, Eugene.
x-Service Men Declare Them
selves Against Nullifying
Present Health Laws.
At the regular meeting last Friday
I night the American Legion passed
I resolutions -condemning the pronpsed
' antl compulsory vaccination amend-
ment. 1
Other business transacted was the
renting of the Stevens hall for their
j meeting place and club rooms. The
Legion also decided to Invite anyone
i who desires to become members of
I its band whether or not they . are
members of the organization,
j The American Legion also endorsed
1 the 4La for their enterprise in putting
I on the wiuter lyceura here.
' , Following are the resolut'ons adop
ted: "Whereas, we, members of the
"Whereas, we, members or tne
American Legion, men who .have 'a. P. McKenzey and Mrs Clark
served in the United States army, ; wheaton. It is hoped that the enum-
wno deera lt our duty and Prlville t0 ; erators will have the cooperation of
vo'ce our sentiments on questions ; everyone in this work as the loss of
which vita,1y affect the welfare of,even one name would mean the loss'
our community and nation, and. Df a considerable sum of money from
"Whereas, we have seen and ex- tne Btate and county school funds,
perienced the benefits of vaccination j The results of census will be
8n'1 the Protection it affords against given next week.
commuu.cau.c vn. . ,
the 4.500,000 American men in the
' world war only eight died from
present state law regarding vaccina
tion, therefor.
Be it resolved, by Springfield
anti-compulsory vaccination
amendment, and that we urge the
voters of Springfield and community
to caBt their ballots against thia
Mra. Godman Sustains Serious
Injury in Fall Last Saturday
Mrs. Julia A. Godman, mother of
Mrs. Thomas Sikea, fell and cut. a
severe gash in her left eyelid last
lh. nni-oh rt Ihn fillfea hnmA fihfl
. gtrikins her
oq her gIa88e8 wMch
. . . . h
cutting the eyelid, and grazing the
I eyeball. A physician was called and
1 several atttches were . necessary to
dress the wound.
Members of the women's auxiliary
to the L. L. L. L. met at the. home
of Mrs. Marlon Harpole Wednesday
evening. . October 20. Another meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Lambert
iwas held last night. '
Election Boards for Springfield
Precincts Given Out by
County Clerk.
The following are the electtoa
boards for Springfield precincts as
announced by County Clerk R. 8.
Iiryson. The chairman. Judges and
clerks are in order as named:
Precinct No. 1, voting in office of
livery, Mill street. Day: Alberta
Walker, John I)rah. Robert Van
Valzah. George Ditto, Carl Fischer.
Night: F. B. Hamlin, Fred Lemley,
Jlttiiiiaii Jim, uitc v au v aiftoa,
C. Male.
Precinct No. 2, voting In Winzen-reld-Perry
ball. Day: C. M. Dority,
L K. Thompson, Hattie Myers, L. K.
Page, C. E. Colcord. Night: Eliza
beth Page, John Wlnzenreid, Hattie
Myers, Virgie Reynolds, C. E. Colcord.
Precinct No. 3, voting in Lincoln
school house. Day: Pearl L Clark,
Atta Perry, Leo W. Clark, J. B. Young,
Robert Drury. tNight: Lee W. Clark,.
M. M. Perry, J. B. Young, Pearl Clark,
Hattie Drury.
Precinct No. 4, voting In residence
on Ninth and B streets. Day: Clark
Wheaton, H. F. Gordon, A, P. Mo
Kinzey, Abbie F. Wheaton, Effle Mc
Kinzey. Night: Clark Wheaton, H. F.
Gordon. A. P. McKinzey, W. H. Adrian.
A rousing, good old time Republi
can rally Is scheduled for Friday
night, October 29 at the Bell theater.
Representative Louis Bean ot En
gene will be one of the speakers.
There are to be several other able
j speakers and prominent men of the
Ftate here for the occasion the
names of whom have not yet been
i learned.
All are invited to attend and an
especial invitation is extended to the
women of the town.
The school census of Springfield
ls being taken this week by Mrs.
. i
At a business meeting of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen'
held Monday night the officers who
have served during the past six
months were re-elected for the en
suing term. They are George Dav
enport, chairman; E.- N. Dillard, vice
; chairman; George Ditto, secretary.
, J- w. uonin, treasurer. 6mei ouu-
jner was elected a member of the
board of directors
M. G. Aiken, a safetly first engineer
Cor the national council of the 4Ls,
gave an interesting and instructive
address before the assembly. .
Mx. Johnson, field worker for Ore
gon and Washington, told of the work
the Loyal Legion haa been doing and
! outlined some of the plans for the.
i future. .
During the evening Miss Vivian
1 Senseney sang several solos, accom-'
panled by Mrs. Herbert Cox. Roy
' .
White, of Eugene, also rendered, a
piano solo.'
Another feature of the program was
the recitation of "Hiawatha" by
charming little Verna Grace Holt. "
A surprise from the women's aux
iliary was the Hallowe'en supper en
joyed -after the meeting. The rooms
and tables were decorated with the
season's characters.
S Bangar ot Brownsville re-
turned to his home Tuesday after
visiting for several days at the C. E.
Lyon and W. M. Hunter homes hero,
Mr. Bargar Is the grandfather of Mrs.
Lyon and Mrs. Hunter.