The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 07, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Kvery Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by
Bm H. Tyler. Editor. It. n. Frecland. Adv. Mgr.
Entered at the Fostoffice at Springfield. Oregon, at Svrond-cUaa Matter.
February 24. 1903.
subscription rates:
One Year M-03 Threa Months
Six Months .$1.00 Single Copy
rne Year, When Fald In Advance,. :
If the senate Is In control of the
Democrats, the hands of Warren J.
Harding as president will be tied.
Senator McXary of, Oregon will
surely be thrown out as chairman of
the Irrigation committee, the most
Important of all to Oregon with Its
millions of acres of undeveloped land;
More than that all senate committees
will be cotrolled by Democrats.
It will mean that Republican poli
cies. Republican reforms. Republican
protective measures for our agricul
tural products, our lumber, our live
stock, our manufacturing will go by
the boards.
A vote for Harding should be ac
companied by a vote for Robert N.
Stanfleld, the Republican nominee for
United States senator from Oregon.
I He purchased two branding irons A
piece for those horses not the ordi
nary steel branding irons either, but
' made of copper and fearfully expen
i slve.
To cap the climax, another expert
ordered that the horses be branded
' on the hoofs, regardless of the fact
I ton's picture of apple and pear leaves
mat ioors exactly line me real ining.
Fretty nifty, III say."
'"It's about the handiest tlitnpc 1
ever aw. Anybody tht can read
and see can tell what's the trouble
from every kind f Inject I ever saw
or heard of In Oregon. Iovrlt ami
tho experiment station have done
fruit men a real service, and everyone
of 'em can get a copy of this hi:
pocket manual free by simply pending
for It to the college at Corvallls.
"I wish ol' Smith "d get a copy and
use It. too." finished the boy. "Oue
I'll call him up at noon and ask him
to clan up once In his life. lt d
help u keep our orchard In better
WTnen Thompson's colt swam the
river to get a drink of water, that was
thought to be about the silliest thing
ever. Yet that performance was ex
celled many times during the late
world's war. And it "was a man, not
a yearling colt that broke the record.
Astonishing things were done, during
the war. many of which, doubtless,
have not yet come to light
The government's leather (head)
expert ordered 945.000 high grade
army saddles for Just 104,000 cavalry
horses. This is about nine Baddies
per horse. Just why that expert
figures he would need such a back
load of saddles for those horses has
never been ascertained, but his men
tal performance clearly puts him In
the same boat with Thompson's colt.
See if you can solve the riddle; no
body else senis to be able to.
Again, another leather expert or
dered enough harness at one time to
require in their construction 300. 00j
morn hides than the government coul
procure in a year's time.
Still another expert (?) ordered six
baiters, five nose bags and four covers
a piece for those calvary horses, and
another one purchased four curry
combs for each of them.
But another "dollar a year" man
pulled the biggest "boner" of them all.
that the marks would grow out in a
few weeks.
Verily. Thompson's colt had plenty
of company.
o '
The News Is pleased to have In Its
columns again the Tattler, the high
school's department The students
in charge of this work are capable
persons and are planning snappy
features for their readers. The high
school is to be commended for Its
work of this nature and we solicit for
them your hearty cooperation and
good wllL
A certain car owner of Springfield
had been having considerable trouble
with the batteries on his old car.
Although the car was several years
old. It was still In good running order
except for the batteries, and he had
tried several different makes of bat
teries without Improvement
He recently learned that Spencer
A Anderson were handling the Detroit
battery and bad heard other auto
owners praise this battery. At thj
i garage ne was iota more snout me
battery, that It Is guaranteed for two
years and the garage would give hint
first class service. "There are two
to ask your grocer for a Back of flour, but
vhcn you ask for a sack of
a blended flour at a medium price.
FRUITMAN'S HANDBOOK HANDY dlsUnct clae, of ,etd 8t0re bat.
"Say. dad, here's a lot of apple
leaves all bllstery looking. Wish I
knew what's the matter with 'em."
"Well, why don't you take a look
!at your handbook and find out?
That's what It's for and you have a
copy in your hip-pocket."
"Hadn't thought of it, I guess; I'm
not used to having the dope so.hanly.
! Here it Is on page 29 Blister mite.
,-You spray the trees with lime sulfur
9100 just as soon as the lenses fall.
j Won't have to spray again for three
years if we do a good job. Handbook
says trees must look like they'd been
"Let's take a look to see If you
got it right Sure, you did. Th-i
leaves look exactly like the picture.
How did you find it so quick?"
"Why, you see the handbook's In
Ihree parts injury to fruit: to leaves
and buds; and to trunks, roots and
branches. So I knew we got to look
for Injury to leaves, on page 19.
Then it said. 'A, feeding on buds':
not that so I jump to 'B, feeding on
(leaves'; that was it so I started
j down, 1, 2. 3, but got only 'to 1 where
1t says, 'conspicuous black or red
blisterfe or galla on leaves. Blister
mite, page 29'. I was sure It win
right but turned to 29 and saw Ful-
terles." said Mr. Anderson "One gives
a high Instantaneous discharge, such
as Is .required for starting n new
motor. Such a battery is of compar
atively short life. The second class
Is that type of battery which will de
liver sufficient current to Mart an
'engine which has been broken In, and
which is so constructed that It po-
J sesses extremely long life. The De
troit battery, essentially a replace-
'nienl battery. Is built to stand up an.
-unusually long time under severest
, The auto owner decided to try a
Detroit battery1 and has found It '
be entirely satisfactory. Ho now hn
no starting troubblo and the car runs
much better. Adv.
younger generation to stay on the
Necessity has ulway been the.
mother of Invention and In house
keeping electricity has come to the
The time will come when It will bo
possible for every farmer and rural
resident to have electric light and
power In his home and on his farm.
' The "Electric Home" Idea Is to be
nationalized. Toda.M electric appli
ances can do the hardest part of the
1 work In the home and have largely
solved the servant problem in lh
cities by doing away with the neres-
isly of help. On the farm It lightens
the burdens of the housewife, giving
her time for recreation and other
duties. It brings many conveniences
and comforts to the rural home which
are a great factor in causing t!i 3
Now that "the Columbia River high
, way Is completed down the river to
Astoria, a movement 1 on to get an
Interior road hi(-h will open up the
vast ten. lory between For.-st Grove
ui.d Astoria via Itnnks, Manning Dux
ton. Scofieid and Vcrnonla. A High-
! way association has been organised'
; with 2l)0 members and with local pop-,'
( ers boosting the proposition, every ef
fort will be made to get the new State
Highway Commission to designate the,
'new route as a stale h'ghway. This'
'road would open up a large territoiyj
whit ii at present im virtually inacces
slblo a large part of the year.
In order to satisfy said judgment. In
terest, attorney's fees, cost of suit
and accruing cost. I will on Satur
day the 16th day of October, 1920. at
the hour of one o'clock In th after
noon of said day at the southwest door
of the County Court House at Eugene,
ljno County, Oregon, offer for sale
and sell for curb, nt public auction,
subject to redemption ax provided ly
law. all of the right title and Intercut
of said defendants. J. K. Lowe and
George K. Wroe. and nil person
claiming by. through or under them or
any of them in and to said premises.
Fred (J. Stickles.
Sheriff of I.itric County, Oregon.
32 Bum Cows Dsticted
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentist Spring
fielJ, Oregon.
Perfect's Band and
Orchestra School
Instructions given on all Band
and Orchestra Instruments
All students are invited to join any of the following organiza
tions maintained in the school:
For boys from 8 to 12 years of age
(To gain experience necessary to enter professional
Mr. Perfect will be glad to assist In selecting instruments to
-which the students are best adaptable
Studio Room 230
681 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon
Temporary Phone 111 Residence Phone 70GR
Notice 1 he.i-by given that .by vir
ile of an execution and order of sale
In force lostire 1;-hui1 out of the clr
cu1'. court of Lane County, Oregon, n
Otf ICtli t'ay ol September, 1920. n a
suit wlu ri in i n the 19th day of A', g
UHt, 1920, In said court, T. C. Saubeit
i! plaintiff, recovered Judgment a
gaitiHt the defendant, J. K. Lowe, for
the sum of 127100 together with In
tercut thereon from the 19th day
August. 1120, at the rate of 10 per
rent, per annum, and which amount
Includes attorney's fees and 12.f0
cost and disbursements, which Judg
ment was enrolled and docketed in
the Clerk's office of kuIi! court In said
County on the lftth day of August,
I&20. and fald execution to me dlr-
, ectcd commanding ino in the name of
1 the SUite of Oregon, in order to satis
! fy said Judgment, fc-: -nt. attorney's
' foes, costs of suit und accruing cost
i to sell the following described real
property, to wit:
Lot number thirty nine (39) con
taining 20.3 acres of Porter Acreg on
rlntterl nnrl recnrerl u-irh tliA fViuntv
, Clerk of Lane Couny, Oregon, all In
bane County, Oregon.
Now therefore In the narnrf of tho
State of Oregon, in compliance with
Bald execution and order of Bale and
Th'rly -two boarder cow were de
tected mid eliminated from the nlnn
COW. testing ii-soclation of OreKoll In
July. Tli fifiTl row tented averaged
712 loiindM of milk v.'.th .12. in; pound
ut fat for the month. a' the report
of E. H. Fitt. federal and (). A. C.
dairyman, lienor cow producing
more than 40 joitnds of fat per month
were 12:17. The high, nt wS "I'al",
a guide Jersey cow belonging to D.
A. Cochran of Tillamook, with u re
cord of 107.12 pounds of fiit. I'al I
In the fame herd nt "IVniiln" who
broke the npim liitlon record in Jun
with llii.CO pounds of fat
It was refrei hl'ig to lit ten to Win. J.
Hryan .at the Democratic Nat'onul
Convention . There may be little hf
!rald with which we agree; hut at
leant he had hla nay. lie Mlood before
a hostile convention, ttpoke his heart;
and while tin; delegate stolidly voted
agalunt. hllM. lie moved the galleries
'o the one genuine demonstration of
the gathering. When n man stand
his ground In the face of ucwapupT
ridicule and organized opposition, and
preachea the faith that Is !n him, Im
commnndst the aihnlrntlon and respect
of thone who love courage and freo
expression. Mr. l'.rynn represents n
dwindling few in our national life
those who yet hclicvn In tho American
r'ght of free Hpcc h and frank 'dis
cussion. In hauljj.g for hi princi
ples, openly and courageously al
though our views may bo nt varlanco
with his Mr. Hrynn perforins u real
and a much needed Hcrvico In our
politic. Senutor Hiram W. Johnson
in September Sunef.
Have you read the want ada.
l l m-i I: mi 1 II t
and your guests will surely ap
preciate your thoughtfulnosi.
When they know that our
cream is coming, they certainly
sit up and take notice! Every
body knows how delicious and
superior our lee cream really
"A Good Bakery"