THURSDAY, BEITE'MUKU 30, 1020 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE S TOWN AND VICINITY 'J K. K. llrntmln I-rt Monday inornliiB for Florcnm ntnl oilier points In wont in I, tin (j county nn tniMlnoHH, To t It iH'cipln luMwrcn rii-nnnt 1 1 1 1 1 am! I )iMi1niatt'K fi-rry ami Kuifim unit Nuiron: Mr. lrn I lux k on hi old MtMitipliiK Ki'oiimlit for n whlln. ll In going Id haw wood iim ho did yi'UIH hko with IHm mm, Orvlll. You Klv Win your onlor and li will UihI vpryliody'n wood In w! Jiit fat nn hm inn K't to It: tint nnw will run tai1y. Orvilln will krp tho nw nnd mw wood In Kprlrmflfld for noiin tltr.i' to 'oiih. Phono your ordiT to SrlnKflild. 2KK.1. Your vnry rdppi tfully, GKO. I. DEAN K. It. Atlanta nnd family mnde camp in the pulilr camplwt Rmiindn on Sat urday, remaining until Tualay while halm thlr rnr repaired. They ara on their way to San Dlero from Port land whiTD they hav been living for th pnat year. Mr. Adami nay that he. tike thin pnrt of thti country nnd may return to locate on a farm near bere. Dr. B. Ralph Wppel, dentlat. Spring field. Oregon. ' ! WlenMlen. formerly a member of th Farmer Exchange firm, waa In Rprtntflftd thin week on bunlnenn. Jle in now making bin homo In Hurnn. Ora.. having motored over by way Of the M Kenrle pas. Mm. R. I Dmry and non have re turned from an extended vlnlt In Okla homo and California with relatlvea. Mm. Drury'n mother. Mm. Jfnna Wxnn. arcomtinnled her home nnd will re mln litre during the winter. Minn l,enn Hrewer. who hnn been emr loved In Ketel drug ntnre. In at tending O. A. C. thin year, entering an a nothfmore. W. F. t'llne nnd "n em ".tartlng a milk route. Anyhndv wlthlng nure Jerney milk rtll IMF3 Snrlnrfleld. Pr'ren nre 12Sc a minrt 7c n pint. Mr nnd Mm. N I.. Howard are unending thin week at Full. City vUlt'ng with Mm. Ilownrd'a parenln, Mr. and Mm - H. K. Itrnwn. Mr. Ilnunnl l unending milt of hln vam- tlon on a hunting trip. They have recently moved to their new home on A at reef. Piml P.raMtn. non of Mr. nnd Mm. Paul J. Uniiiiiltt. hni returned 'o 3pr,'"''!'lii nnd will attend high ai li-:' I. Mr Itrnttiiln will return Inter. Mr. and Mm. J. P. 1'rmtdflt. of Kn Field. III., who have been vlttlng at the home of the'r nmi In thin rlty. V. (', Proudflt. left Mondiv enroute for their home. They will atop In Portland for about a month to vlnlt with another non before going on to their hme. Ility F.gglinimn'ii milk bread, 12c and 17c. O. T. Vllon. whnne home In in Brrlnrfleld. but who hn been em rlove'l n the Pooth Kellv mill it Wend I lug. bM been rtlmlnned from the F.ueetip hoxrltHl where ho, wan taken whn he suffered a aevere ru in the leg. "' Ml Cl nlvn Oilier of Randon, hnn arrived In Sorlrurf'eld to make her home w'th her nWter f.Jrn. S lt.ih Ulrpel dur'tn tho wlntfr. She will attend the V. of O. Pr. S Ralph Dipped, denttfit, Spring field. Oreeon. Mr. iuhI Mih. " F.iirl Mooie are in Pnlem nttendliiK the lnl. fair. Rorn to Mr. and Mm. Frnnk Mclie. nt the Sprlnpfleld hoxpllal, Krld.iy, Petit. 24. a pound Knn. Norninn Ryrne. of VMt SnrlnirfleM. took the exinnlnntlon In Portland hist Pnttiflny ffir n Rhoden neholnmblp to Oxford ndlece, Fntrlnnd. Mrn ll.irrv Stewart nnd Mm. Carl Flnrher went to Portlifd Tiiom(Iiv mornlut; to hp' nd the remainder of the week. Word tin m been received In thla rlty of thrt death of T. O. Maxwell, who d!ed Sundnv In St. Mullen, Idaho. Mr. Maxwell wnn a rhnrter member of the locnl lodife of Odd Fellowa and was an Indian war veteran. Mr. and Mm. W. . Rerry npent last Sunday vlnlt Ing w ith C. M. Lannberry and family above I.eahurg. Arthur 1. RiiHhmnn and John Runh- "In Every says the W-R CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut touueco ,1ililll, of lie rpl ItlKtield Mill ti Ciraln t iitiipany, drove to Portland lout wnek fnd on a bunlnenn trip liKKiiiiiiiiii'n t)ieuil--niBde clonn, wrapped clean, and nold clenn. Mr. mid Mm. C. I). Johna vlnlted with Mr. Johna' brother, It. F. Johni In i hln c'ty Wednendny and Thumday la nt week, ntopplns on their way home to Pendleton after a vlnlt with Mr. Jiditin' purentn at Clendnln. Mm. JoliriM' mother, Mm. Farnham, accom panied thm and will vlnlt in Fondle ton and In t'anada beforo returning to her home. The N'eedlecraft luh will meet on next Thumdity, October "th. with Mrn. R. L. nrtiry, on North Fifth at. I)r. S. Rulph Dlppel, dcntlnt, Spring field, Oregon. Baptist Church Geo. It. Varnny, Pan tor Xext Sunday la the time for our all day meeting. All the members and frlendn of the church are re quested to be prenent. bringing bank eta well filled. Sunday school at 10 a. m,; preaching at 11 a. m.; basket dinner at 12 m.; 1:30 p. m. aoclal meeting; 2 p. m. electing officers of the church and. Sunday school. 7:30 p. m. preaching. The public in in vited to come and enjoy the day with un. In Society At a quiet home weddinar at fl o'clock Saturday evening at the home lot the brlde'n parents, Mr. and Mm. j Ivnnln Cyr. In this city, MIhb Kdlth jOyr was united In marriage to Walter . I.axton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James I-axlon. Rev. Linden Leavltt offici ated. Only the members of the fami lies were present. ! The young couple will make their homo here where Mr. Laxton la asso ciated with his father in the wood business. Where Cash Beats Credit Why Pay More? IJmiid venier. 2.rc bottle lGc Llould venier. CO c bottle 3Gc 'Trv our Snow-Drift shor- leniner. better than the best. Do not forcet our cof fees ihev have made uood where ever tried. Gray's Cash and Carry Grocery Springfield, Ore. W. M. Green, Mgr. 99 Good Judge Respect You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. The good tobacco taste lasts so long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. I'ut up in two styles HOME PAPER AO SELLS IT. "Kver try selling that pig o cow or old plow or thousand baby chicks by an ad In the local paper?" nnkn George. V. Kable, "Ren ton county BKent, of hln ffinn Rureau News read ern. "It's a cheap and easy way to get your wantn beforo the public. It's a jfood thing to watch the ad columns of the home paper, too, for some good bargain nie often found them. Kvery farmer should sub scribe for the county paper. Many news Items, notlcen and local events you oiiKht to know you will never know utile? you read tho home paper. We say thin because we believe It and because the papers have always been 'Johnny-on the spot' !n aiding the farm bureau." NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has rendered and filed In the Conniy Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, her final account an administratrix of the estate of Ilortensla A. Carney, deceased and Saturday the 20th day of October. 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of a.d day at the County Court Room In said County has, by order of aald Court been fixed aa the day, time and place of hearing objections to said final account and the setlement thereof. All objections to said account must be In writing and filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before said day and time. May Craft. Administratrix of 'the estate of Ilortensla A. Carney, de ceased. Frank A. DcPue, Attorney for the estate. 10-28 SO INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION The Justice of providing for the vocational education of persons In lured In Industry Is a lesson learned from the war. An act of congress provides for federal co-operation with the states and appropriates $750,000 for the fis cal year ending June 30, 1922. Iteeks to make concrete the grow-Ins- desire that no man hall be de. rrlved of the means of earning an honest living through circumstance Involving no fnult of hln own. This Induslrlal rehab'tulatlon meas ure nrom'sea to revolutionize our con ception of the place so-called cripples In the world. The number of annual victims of Indiixtrbil accidents Is very lirire. ex- eeed'ng the number of thoe rilnahled In tho period of active fighting in the I Wl" The old way was to nbanflon tbe victim to mend'eanev ppri to accept blm ns a zero In rroducMon the nw i Is to encourage h'm to add to th? ' wenlth ef the world. In dnllnrq and cent, as well as !t j 'mepflr-rabl" wovs. tt-e industrinl victim mfur t'niei oyer he money emended on his reeducation -The Oregnnlin.. STOP BURNING THE HIGHWAYS T?M Is what you would soy If you should see some vandal with a hugh forch setting fire to our splendid hard surface hfphwava and I'terallv burn leg them. These solepitld htrhwav nre costing money, hard cold cash. "pH the reor!e of t'e pt"te "re pqy 'nsf It. Thev apprecliife the hlrhwavs because they are tired of drlv'ne r.utop'obiles through the nnd. and "re llllng to spend the Tnonev, they nre learning the value of good roads nnd would seriously object to seeing them destroyed. Pi you Viow that wlh the value of fie property burned In the state of nrn i"" ' wn crvilt hlilld two inilMon dollars worth of b'ghwavs. How long would It taVe to supply the stite 'h cood romls tf we could Rive this fire 1ns? Let us ston virnirg the hu'ldfnc ed we will tujve pinre money to build hlchwnvn. t 's tit brond is It Is lnnjr. A dollar .'pet roved s the same ns a dollar Tost, or a doll-ir pot earned. If we e"d tlm dollar we s-et pome value for It and if we spend It for highways we get great yali'e for it. so Instead cf hi'rntng the dellnrs let us prevent tbe fires nnd anend them for high ways. Fire Marshal's Rulletln. A want ad -will work for you. ESTABLISHED 1901 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION PERSONAL ATTENTION Eugene Business College k ' -DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Business English, Commercial Law, Arithmetic, Spelling, Etc. Write, phone or call for further information EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE . ' 992 Willamette St. Telephone 6GG A. E. ROBERTS Eugene, Oregon . Manager Lest .You Forget Let us remind yoti that Chamber lain's Tablets net only cause a gentlo movement of t'.io bowels but Improve the appetite and strengthen the diges tion. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has rendered and filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, bis final account as Administrator of the estate of George R. Klntzley, deceased and Saturday the. .10th dav of October, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of tald day at the County Court Room In said County has. by order of said Court ben fixed j as the day, time and place ht hearing j objections to said final account and the setlement thereof. All ohjectlona I to said account must be In writing! and filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before said day and time. 7.. T. Klntzley, Administrator of tbe estate of Gorge B. Klntzley, deceased. Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the estate. 10-28-30 Keep Wall and Be Happy If you would be happy you must keep your bowela regular. One or two of Chambei Iain's Tablets taken Immediately after supper will cause a gentle movement of tbe bowela on tbe following morning. Try It NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land office at Roseborg, Oregon; September 4, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Char W. Currence. of Springfield. Oregon, who. on April 21, 1920. made Home stead Entry No. 012313, for NE 4 SE 4. NV 4 SE'4 and lots 1 and 2, Section 1, Township 17 South, Range 2 West. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Immel, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 9th. day of October, 1920. Claimant namea as witnesses: William Rrwfleld. of Springfield. Ore gon; Jack Reynolds, of Springfield. Oregon, R F. D. No. 1; Emmet E Roggs, of Marcola, Oregon; Daniel J Spores, of Springfield. Oregon. w. c. cannon; Register. Sept 9 Oct. 7. '20. -THE -UNIVERSITY- OREGON ia maintained by tbe mtnte it order that tho young pro pie ol OreiJnn may receive, without cost. I lie beutiito of a liberal education. The Univeraity InciuUct -.He College cf Literature, Science and the Art., the Grr. iuii'.e Sv'.iocl, .!. IT.hool of Phya tcul Education, and the pro't:icnal School. t Law. Medii ' r 'r t TV,:!'!,1 J,, Architecture. Comme ,e. JourniUm. Education and Mu.ic. High standard, of tchotar.hip are made poa.ible by an a -ic faculty, well equipped laboratories . nd a library ot nearly lOe.000 wlurr.e. Supervised nth!. -tic. are encouraged and every attention given the health and welfare of Sic atudenta. With heightened eonfidenee Sained Ljr the rceent iiBreiion t.1 puhlio aup?orl. the ttuiverally ie now entering upon an ern of large development and extended neef nlueaa. For a catalogue or for any information, address: THE REGISTRAR UjalveraMr ol Oreftoa Kniene. OreSon ('in j i - W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 82. Res. phone 67-J I can please your head, I can fit your body, I can give you all wool, I no shody. RAMSEY, The Tailor MRS. A. TRUE LUNDY NU BONE and M. & K. COR8ET8 SURGICAL CORSETS and BELTS FOR MEN an4 WOMEN A SPECIALTY 155 9th Are., E.. Eugene, Ore. Phone 292 L. Afternoons Up Salra DR. EUGENE KESTER Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 82 Home Phone 91 Office Hours: a.m. to 12 m.; 1:30 p m, to 6 p.m. DR. W. H. POLLARD PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N 6prlngfleld, OREGON Phones: 'Office 20 J; Rea. 20-M Office hours: 9 a, m. to 12 m. 1:30 p. m. to S p. m. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL , DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DE-NTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 129-W Springfield, Oregon - LESLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Prop'r. Cieanine. Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing, Hats blocked, Suits made to measure Main Street Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Corner Main and Third Springfield Oregon FOR INSURANCE SEE CHAS. L. SCOTT at First National Bank Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER FIXE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M. F., Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolic Free Masons meets first and third Monday evening in Morri son's halL Visiting brothers welcome. Lee CUrk. F. A. Rankin, Secretary. R. W. M. I1ere M more Catarrh In thla ectloa ot Um country than all other dlaeaaea put together, and until tha last few yeaxa Wau aupposed to be Incurable. For g -treat many yeara dix-tora pronounced It local dlaeaaa and prrxci Ibf d local reme dies, and by ooimtmitiy fulling to cur with looal treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science lias proveu Outarrh to be a constitutional discus, and therefore re quires coMHtitutionnl treatment. Hall'a Tutarrh Cure, muiuifmluivd by V, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Olito. Is the only Constitutional cure on tle market. It kt taken Internally. It acts directly on tha blood and mucous surfaces of the syetein. They offer one MmUrcd dollars for any ?ase It falls to curi. tend fat" circuit".:- a"id estlii.o yiaU ! . J rV'rwts a l -e. Hall' KniJ for rc.tanatloia 3 l.'.-jw-Aj--,-.'!