The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 30, 1920, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. ly
Earn II. Tyler, Editor. H. H. Frecland. Adv. Mgr.
Entered at the Postoffice at Springfield. Oregon, as Second class Mailer,
February 24. 1903. '
suhscription rates:
One Year $2.03 Three Months DPc
Six Months- - J 100 Single Copy .. Be
One Year. When Paid In Advance. .-..... H7S
' Interests having sugar on hitnd to
unload, Hence the violence of thti i
The offlilrtl estimate by the United
Stales Department of Agriculture for
Augut puts the expected sugar yield
of he country's ISL'O beet crop at more
than 1.000,000 ton, or more than
12.VOO0 Ions In excess of the largest
crop ever heretofore produced.
This Is the went era bcrt In
ilnstry helping to otlic the situ-
illtfoll Willi h record breaking wop
(and record breaking YrWcs to the
failings lor beets. The Manufacturer.
Vpon the occasion of a visit of a
delegation from Wyandot County.
Ohio, to Senator Harding at his home
in Marlon, the senator spoke In part
as follows, this portion of his address)
being prompted by the presence or
two Wyandot County soldier boys
who were blinded at the battle of the
"My Countrymen! Two sons of
Wyandot County are here today, who
have made the greatest sacrifice for
country which men may offer short
of life Itself. They were blinded un
der the Flag, our Flag. In the Argonne.
I want to publicly pledge to them,
and to their comrades who suffered
Impairment for a full part in life, the
Republics unfailing and grateful con
sideration. They are the heroes of a
nation and civilisation preserved.
And I want to pledge them some
thing more. I know what inspired
their heroism. I know what made
them prpud soldiers of the Republic.
They were fighting for America, and
American rights. They answered the
challenge of American National rights.
They fought to defend American lives.
American Freedom on the seas, and
American ideals of International re
lationship. If it had been for democ
racy alone, they would have gone when
Belgium was invaded. If it had been
for humanity alone, thev would have
answered, the Lusitania's sinking.
Their hearts were stirred. Their su
preme offering was made when Amer
ica was imperilled! They are never
to see Old Glory, sublime at home,
and signalling our concept of freedom
and Justice throughout the world.
But I pledge to them this afternoon
an assurance in their hearts where
their blind eye9 can not convey there
never shall be a substitute for the
STARS and STRIPES they last be-held."
Calvin Coolldge is the mascot of
this presidential campaign, lie has
run fourteen times for public office
and has never behen defeated. Salem
Statesman. ,
Authorities on the subject give the
most credit to the canning and pre
serving Industries for bringing to
Oregon the present prosperous farm
ing conditions. The Industry is still
comparitlvely young in the Pacific
northwesr, With proper encourage
ment and close cooperation between
the operators of the canneries and the
farmers the Industry will mean mil
lions of dollars annually to the farm
ers and fruit growers. And not only
will It mean added wealth to the farm
ers but to the cities and towns where
the canneries are located. They af
ford good employment for entire fam
ilies during the fruit and vegetable
season, besides a close home market
for the grower.
"Bearing false witness against his
neighbor" is a "thou shalt not" which
candidate Cox apparently has either
forgotten or never knew. Boston
Another vindication of the age-old
law of supply and demand has Just
been worked o'Ut this time in sugar,
during the past ten days. That per
iod has witnessed an almost demoral
ized drop In price, following a grad
ual decline during the early summer.
The demand end of the equation
needs no elaboration. It has been the
obvious outcome of the abstinence as
exprssd in sugar by the consumers
against extremely high nrlces. It has
led to efforts by all sori of business
The eight hour day Is not etily more
efficient than the 10 hour duv In In
dustrial plants, but is more econom
ical. This Is the conclusion reached by
experts of the Cnlted States Publhlc
Health Service after a careful de
tailed study of conditions and produc
tion In standard factories of both
classes, which has been under way
since 1917.
The plants surveped were selected
after a great deal of care. Caeh Is
a modern factory, employing auch a
large number of worker as to make
any conclusions reached anply to
Industry In general. The other con
sideration was that machinery, manu
factured product and processes In the
10 hour plant should be sufficiently
similar to the eight hour plant to
make a fair comparison.
The advantages are all In favor of
eight hour days, or shifts, as com
pared with the 10 hour day. and re
Jate to maintenance of outDiit. to lost
up and o Industrial accidents.
Here are he main conclusions sum
marized: Maintenance of output: The out
standing feature of the eight hour
day Is the steady maintenance of out-
wit. The outstanding feature of the
10 hour sysem Is the decline of output.
Icst time: I'nder the e'ehf hour
system work with almost full power
hce-ln and ends aporoxlmitelv on
schedule, and lost time Is reduced i
lo a minimum. I'nder thf 10 hour
vstem work ceases regularly before
Ihe end of the spell and M time Is
Stereo vneel output: I'niler the 10
hour vstem the laborers seem to nr
Mflclally resfr'ct their efforts nd to
eep pace with the less efficient
to ask your grot or for rt Hat It of flour, but
when you nk for n pack of
a blended .flour at a medium price.
imp M
.Funutuife Price
Overstocked for the amount of room we have, and besides,
Henry had a good idea.
SATURDAY, October 7-8-9, we will sell
9 x 12 wool fibre rugs at $20.00
8 ft 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in. wool fibre rugs at 19.00
3x6 grass rugs at 2.50
9x12 congoleum rugs at 14.00
Pabcolin, an improvement over printed
linoleum, per yard, .70
Heavy galvanized tubs 1.50
Herkules coil springs, 9.75
2 packages Gloss starch 05
Wash boilers 2.10
All other New and Second Hand goods at greatly reduced
With every $50.00 purchase we wil) give FREE one
Congoleum rug.
With every purchase of 510.00 we will give FREE one
All tools, such as rakes, hoes, shovels, and forks, etc.,
at almost your own price.
Qet our prices on the noted Bellville heaters "The
stoves that last"
While here enjoy some of the latest pieces on the
Emerson phonograph, the phonograph that has the beauty
and tone. It doesn't cost any more than the ordinary
H. B. CORSAW, Mgr.
Corner 2nd & Main Phone 22
Will pay special prices for eggs and chicks
workers. I'nder the eight hour duy
i the output varies more nearly ac
cording to the Individual capacity of
1 the laborer. That Is, each Is more
likely to do bis utmost, rather than
an "average day's work", regulated
by ilow standard.
1 Industrial accident: This phase of
.'he study Is of particular Interest.
Ordinarily accidents may be expected
to vary directly with speed of pro
duction, owing to ilicreattfd expoure
to risk. Hut when fat'gue Is taken
into consideration there is a marked
modification of this rule. When
there Is a reduction of output due to
i fatigue there is a rise In the number
of ace'dnes. that Is. in the last bouM
of the 10 or 12 hour day, In spite of
mploycs slowing up H work, more
incidents occur. If for any reason
t-n duct Ion is speeded up in Hie lust
hours, when the laborers are fatigued,
tho rise in the number of accidents
rises so rabidly ss to leave no room
to doubt Mint the higher arc'di-nt
rink accompanies the decline in work
wit' capacity of the employe.
These conclusion are bai-c-l on so
can-fill a study by officers of the I".
S Public HeaMi Service atvl on so
If ire a number of employes that thev
may undoubtedly be applied by In
dustrial engineer g'-nerallv.
The full report Is contained In
Public Heal'h UiiHeiln No. lor,, which
'a U'e first of a series to be published
hy the I. S. Pu'jl'c Ilentih Service
on the problems of industrial capitr
I'v. In the two hundred nnges milk
ing up the present report Is presenter!
a wenlth of (iiforrnat'on which no
industrial engineer run afford to
neglect. Certainly If American In-
la 'try is to maintain Its present
lp''rship it will finlv be im ili"
result of the ( .itloii of Hound
physiological principles.
Chronic Catarrh
Our manner of Jiving makes us very
susceptible to colds and h succession
of colils causes chronic catarrh u
loathsome with which ill es
Omatfd that nlnetlyflvc per cent of
our adult population art; afflicted. If
you would nvold chronic catarrh you
must avoid colds or having contracted
a cold get rid of it as jul kly as
possible. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy Is highly recommended us a euro
for colds and can be depended upon
Dr. 8. IWpli DIppel, dentist, Spring
field, Oregon.
Notice la ho.eby given that by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale
In foreclosure Issued out of the. elr
ni", court of I.ciie County, Oregon, in
the 10th i'.i.V ol September. 1920. Ml a
suit when ill t-n the 19th day of A'.g
ust. licjO. In said court. T. C. Haubert
us plalntltf. recovered judgment a
gainst tile defendant. J. K. Iiwe, for
the sum of $271 00 together with In
terest thereon fiom the 19ih duy f
August. l'.C'u. at the rate of 10 per
cent, per a n nu in. and wilt h amount
Include attorney's fees and $l2.f0
costs unit disbursements, which Judg
ment wui enrolled and docketed In
the Clerk's office of said court In said
County on the liith day of August,
1920. iiml sa'il execution to me dir
ected commanding me In the name of
tin- State of Oregon, In order to satis
fy said Judgment. t. uttornty's
fee, cost of suit und accruing costs
to Hell I lie following described real
property, to w It :
Lot number thirty tt'tic C!9) con
taining I'O.rt in res of I'orier Acres us
platted nr.d rernred with the County
Clerk of I ,ii lie ('(iiiny, Oregon, nil In
Lane Courty. Oregon.
Now therefore ill the name of tin
State of Oregon, in compliance with
su Id cxcctit Ion and older of sale and
In order ti sat'sfy suid Judgment, In
terest, attorney's fees, costs of suit
and ici ruing cost, I will on Satur
day the Kith day of October. l'J.'O. at
the hour of one o' lock In the after
noon of said l IV at tile southwest door
of the Couu'y Court Mouse at Eugene.
La re County, Oregon, offer for sale
no-l ell for rush, at public unction,
hiibject to redemption as irovlded by
law. nil of the right t'tle and Interest
of said tlefc mlnuts, J. K. Lowe and
(feorice E. W'roe. and all person
i la iin I u k bv, through or under them or
any of them In and to sa'd premise.
Fred (!. Stickles,
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon.
10 14 20.
A Grateful Letter.
It Ih in trying conditions like' that
of Naples, N. V that proves the worth
of Chamberlain's Colic and IXarrhon
Remedy. "Two year ago last sum
mer" she says "our little boy had dys
entery. At that time we were living
in the country eight miles from u
doc tor. Our son was laken 111 audden
ly and was about (he sickest child I
ever saw. Mo was In terrible pain
all -the time nnd passed from one con
vulsion Into another, I sent my hus
band for the doctor and after he wa
gone thought of a bottle of Chamber
Iain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy lnv
the cupboard. I gave hlin some of it
and he began to Improve at once. By
the time the doctor arrived he was out
of danger."
anil our Ice cream will keep you
cool. It reduces the heat In the
blood after a game of tennis or
golf, ami refreshes you wonder
fully. Made from the purest
fruit juices and finest quality
materials, and has a flavor-all
lis own. Try some.
"A Good Bakery"