FAGB 2 THE SPIUNOFIKLD NEWS Tllt'KSDAY, 8ElTKMREIl 2. 1920. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ; . l'ubllshed Every Thursday at Springfield, I.ane County, Oregon, by TYLER A FREELAND Bara II. Tyler. Editor. If. B. Krevland. Adv. Mgr. fettered at the Postofflce at Springfield, Oregon, aa Second class Matter, i February 24. 1903. 1 " j SIRSCRIPTION RATES: ' I One Year 2 00 Three Months f0c I Six Months $1.00 Single Copy fic "ne Year. When Paid In Advance.... .. $1.76 6PRINGFIELD OUGHT TO HAVE A CANNERY It Springfield intends to grow am) keep pace with the business world Bigger and Better Than Ever fl ane EUGENE, OREGON Sept 21-25, 1920 i - Largest Agricultural and Horticultural exhibits Finest Stock show ever held hr Lane County Sale of Purebred Livestock. Horse races, bicycle races, auto races, auto polo, motorcycle races . . Tuesday, September 21 Pioneer Day, Baby show, Re union of ex-service men, Harness and Running races. Wednesday, September 22 Eugene day, Harness and Run ning races. , Thursday, September 2Z Farmer's day, Special features, 'Harness and Running races. Friday, September 24 Sale of Purebred Livestock, Auto races, Motorcycle races,, Auto pokx . . f- : T ; -- V'. - r m - , Saturday, September 25 Afternoon only Auto races and Auto polo. '. . . r . , , : ' ....... . A11' buildings will close Friday night. Sattfrday will be a day of sporU only. Music by the Elks" band of Eugene. 'It is your fair. Make it a success. Get a premium list' and bring something with you. ,W. C. YORAN, Sec, . Eugene. BISCUITS, BUNS and ROLLS From the New Royal Cook Book BISCUIT! What de light this worcl sug gests. So tender they fairly melt in the mouth, and of such glorious flavor that the appetite is never satis fied. These are the kind of biscuits anyone can make with Royal Baking Powder and these unusual recipes. Biscuits 1 raps flour iltttlioom Hoys I Baking Powder U teaspoon salt ! tsblcspooos shortening 44 cup milk or hair milk aa bill water 81ft tocether floor, bsVlna: Tvr 4r and salt, add shortening and rub in very lightly; add liquid slowly; roll or pat on floured board to about one Inch 1 thick nesa (handle as little as possible): eut with blnilt cutter, bake la hot oven Is to IV min utes. Royal Cinnamon Buns 2U cups flour J teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons itoyal Baking powder Z tablespoons shortening 1 eg tyc-up water Ucup sugar ' Z teaspoona cinnamon i tablespoon ec Ui:il raUlcs Sift S Ubltsi'Oonn of m'ttfired aufrar with flour, gait and bak ing powder: rub shorteniiig In llghkJy; add beaun evu to water and add slowly, i toll out '.4 inch it Bake ivith Royal and be around about her. there ought to be a cannery located here and ready for hnsli...s hv the next fruit season. And there CAN be one here! ounfv Fair E. R. SPENCER Pres... Eugene. Another Royal Suggestion BAKING Absolutely Puro There' la ample opportunity and1 field for a cannery In Springfield. All during the harvesting season of the auiall fruit season thousands of ton of fruit have been hauled through the street of Springfield dully to th- market at Eugene. And thin simply because there la no cannery or other nunket here for the great quantities of fruit that I valued In the Hevenil valley which are tributary to Spring- j field yea. not only tributary, but ! much of it must be taken through out streets to get to Kugeuo. Nowhere j 'l 'n " Willamette valley la ' "''' "' "lent ',, ' fi"" J farma as that surrounding tfprlnitield. Wo have the good roads. We have the fine! location. We have the water power necessary. We have the ahipping facillllea. It la important to the fanner to save even several miles in huulliig his mps to market, both from front the I atandpolnt of the haulage cost and In the saving or the perishable null. It la not a queatlon that the farmera would not patronlie the nearest an - . . .. , nery or market, providing only that I U I tbey receive equal pricea. It la only a question. of cooperation between the business men and the farmera In setting the evidence be lore some concern in a manner thatiACU 19 SEPT 9 will convince them there la opportun. ; ' . Ity here for a cannery. And there are firms that are already Interested In! , Sprlngfleld a possibilities, l Desldea these facta, a canuery la great borne Industry. It furnishes a ;home market for laln.r. It employe wuu,r" "ou lu,""' l KOt wagea. thus having a double com jmunlty value. Let's hare a cannery in 1921. . o I NORTHWESTERN LUMiER INTER. CSTS SEEK NATIONAL MARKET j Court room In said County, as aaid With a view of educating eastern ,dy. time and place for hearing ob consumers rejtardint the virtues of Jeitlon to'aafd account and the set western lumber and lumber product, itlenient thereof. All 'objections to all the lumber. Interests In western a Id final account must be n writing Oreiton snd western Washington bave'And filed with the Clerk of Staid Court orraalied what Is known as the West on or before said day and time. Coast Forest Products Bureau. Prac-1 ' LYDIA J. CLARK, tical lambermen of the west will ex., Aduilnistratrls of the aauite of plain-ba various uses and points of Elizabeth 3, Revere, deceived quality of ooaat lumber. ( Frank A. Tcl'ue. The lumbering' Industry la one of Attorney for tfce- Kstate. - . ' the largest and moat Important In the' Aug 13 Neft. 9. west and It in expected that this. move I will kH far reirching effects. ' 'SUMMONS ' The only worsted mill wen Ohio river Is In Oregon. ' vr ","Mn" wr To Myrtle F. Palmer. ' tfi,. abovo BOARD OF EQUALIZATION I Named IWeudaut: Notke Is hereby given Urn n tha i , -,hs n,m cf tb state of Ore--second Monday in September (being : KD, You ure he.ebv 'required to a 7 Hctw., ir mull- ty Board of Equalization for Lane vounty win meet at me .oun i.ouh 'In-Eugene and publicly eiamlue tha thick an Roared beard J brtiah with melted butter, aprlafcl with augar, cinnamon and raialna. Roll aa for JeUy roll; cut into 1H Inch pieces; place with cut edsea up on well-greased pan; sprinkle with a little sugar and cinnamon. Bake In moderate oven 39 to SS minutes; remore from pan at once. Parker House Rolls 4 etipa flouf 1 teaspoon aalt teaspoons ftoral Baking Powder 9 i tablespoons shortening 1H cups milk flirt flour, salt and baking paw der together. Add melted short ening to milk and add slowly to dry Ingredients stirring until smooth. Knead lightly on floured board and roll out Inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. 'res so each circle with back of knife one alda of center. Butter the small section and fold larger part well over tha small. Place one inch apart In greased pan. Allow to stand If minutes In warm place. Brush each with melted butter and bake in mode rate oven tf to 20 minutes. FREE Write TODAT for the New Royal Cook Book; con tains 400 other recipes Jitot aa delightful aa these. Will ahow you how to add inter est and variety to your nieals. Add rasa HOYaL B1KWO POWDEft CO. lis Koltoo Street York Ulty Sure 99 EGGIMANN'S "A Good Baktry" Aaseasnuni Itolls aud correct all er n aiuatlon. description or quail- j un .,,f lends, lota or other property : aaaeased In said rolls, at which time I A " - " 'atB4 Pace If shall' be the duty of nil ! ... .persona Interested to apiwar. IHited August 7, 1920 HERUEKT K. WALK Kit. County Assessor. I j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Sothi) , u b , , i.vdla'fHed against you lu the above en- j rUrk Bdm,aU.UIHjt wf ,hB estate L'ii,h,h i .1-. 1 k.. ; rended and nirt, ,' the ; rour, of of 0.r(ton for t'ounty of Une. her final account and ,that said Court hue by order duly made and entered therein flieti and appointed Saturday the Ilth day ot September 1920 at the hour, of ten oVkH.v , Ule f0r,nooll mt ih,'('ouniy j In the tlreuft ourl of the ftilo f .jepee and poMr.fdce address ;ls Bu t of the Oregun. for the County of I .ane. gone. Oregon. Roy A. Palmer, I'luiutirr v. HyrVe V. Palrnei-, Defendant. ' ' . pear and answer ibe complaint filed t,KuiBt you In th above entitled (,., an(1 , on or ,.fl,rA ,h 2., . Ulty septeiuber 19;'0, xtild data be- i ins. more than atx (6) weeks from the " date 0 toe. first publication of this : xuininoiiH and being tha time ore- sertbed for auch appearance by you In th order of publication of this summon herein entered of record; and if you full to uppeur an answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap fjly to the Court for the relief 'in tbe complaint demunded and prayed for, io-wlt: Kor a decree of the Court dis solving .the marriage contract and bonda of Matrimony existing' between you and the plaintiff on tbe grounds of desertion for more than one year and for such other relief as to thai .Court shall seem meet. . j This summon is served upon yout by publication thereof In the Spring-J field NawH pursuant to an order of the Honorable 11. I,. Mown. Judge of the County Court of Hie State of Ore gon for the County of l-ane, nuide and entered of record on Hie 7th day of August. 1920 .ordering that the sum nons be published in said newspa per once each week for six consecu tive weeks and the date 'of the first publication will be August the 12th, 1920 and the date of the last publica tion will be September 23rd, 1920 KltANK A. I)K I'L'E. Attorney for Plaintiff. J'OBlofllce. uddresH, Springfield, Ore- . Sept. 2:i . SUMMONS. in lli Circuit Court of lli.i Stale! or Oregon, in and for Lane County, J. II. Holmes nnd Claru M. Holmes, husband und wife, plalnllffs, aKaliist Itoslo I.ee Hull, Jurob Zo'll, Uelle Deane, James Stoarh. Manila Zoll, RebiwcH Klllott. Klla I'eterman ; or GAS AND ACID STOMACH And Other Stomach Troubles Relieved in l wo Minutes, by taking a litiu pinur teiiHpiMinf ill of JO'l'O in a glass of h(t water. Absolutely liiirnili'HS. TOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER for your parly -for you at any . I'liie, our Ice . ream Is the cream to eat. It Is as good aa' can hv made, pun ami tasty, Let. us serve )oil sumo today ami lent it of ln dfffei'eine in our l i renin and the niher kind. All fin VOtS. - their unknown betra at law, If d ceased; the unknown brothers and slater of Julia A. Scott, deceased; or the unknown heirs at law of aucti ; mother and aiatera, if deceased ; ai- 'so all other peiaona or partlea un- 1 I ..... brothers and slaters, if deceased; at- known claiming any right, title. estate. Hen or Interest In the real' eaiate described in the complaint herein, defendanta. To all the above named defend anta: lu the name of the Slate of Ore n a i !! . Jill. . I villT i . I '',',,1 ult wlthlh six weeka from tbm dale of ,hk ri,'"t publication berrot In the Pprlmcflc'ld News; and If you fall to so answer, for want thereof, t.Ne plxintiffa will lake Judgment anfl decree acalnst you aa prayed for In their complain!, namely: That the mortgage or deed re corded on Page '70S of Vol. "O" of the deed records of Lane county, Ore gon, made by F. Poplin to Julia A. Scott, be cancelled, discharged and held for naught; that plaintiffs' title to the Lot No. 4 In Dlock No. lu that pun of the City of Kugene, la Lane county. Oregon, which wae originally-platted and recorded aa Hhaw'e addition to Kugene City, O. T., be forevtr established and hnlett-d; that :yu be adjudged to have no right. title. Interest, estate or lien in. to or upon said premises. Tli la suiuuioMs la served by publi cation thert'of once each week for six successive weeks In the Pprlng nejd Nows, by 1 order of the Hon. U. K. Hklpwortb Judge of said coart. made and eutemd July 23. 1920, and the (IrM publication thereof was made ou thu 2m U day of July. 1920. lA. K. WHKKLER. llli,'i.ni' t,,rtlHl,.tttta lii. Itaff last publication. Sept. 9, 1129. :.i NOTICE TO CREDITORS Kstate of rvjii rlnJai - HlletnsD,' Da taaied. Notice In lief i-by given that Rich rrt MUeinafi hs b.x u by the County iNtilrf of the Slate of Oiegoa, Id ar for'ljine Cwunty, duly s pointed ad mliilstrattur of the chtute of Marlnda IlileiiMu, deceased. All perHons huving claims against en Id chtote are hereby notified to pre sent the same.r duly stated and veil fied, at the law office of A. K. Wheel er, .In F'.ugene, Oregon, wltbin tlx months from Ibis 12th day of August, 1920. RICHARD 1IILEMAN, Administrator. A. K. Wheeler. Attorney. Bept THE UNIVERSITY- OREGON ia maintained by the alaie la order thyt the young peo ple ol Oregon may rereive, without cost, llie beuefita of liberal education. The Unlversitir includes the Celle o( Literature, Science and the Arts, the Graduate School, the School of Phys it el Education, and the pruleaalorial ikhooU of Law, Medicine let Portlsndl, Arvhilecture, Commerce, Journallam, Education and Music. Hih alanJarJi of tcholarship are made poMibl by an able faculty, wall equipped laboratories and a library of nearly 10U.0UU volumes. Supervlaed athlcli.li are encourafed snd every ellefttion lven the health and wellare of the students. With belshlened eenlldenee Salaed br the reeeal eareaaluu ol auhlie auitiiort. the Ualvaraitr la mow eaierinS upon tn era of larie develoDasenl nnd eatended aaefalaeaa. For a catalogue or for any Information, addreaai TI4K litHilKTIIAII I'nlrerelly t ilreSon ICuSeae. Ore So a S U rv 1 TP'S ). n -k e, m m m. I I a WhfAt.. I J a jwm a 23E