The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 19, 1920, Image 1

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? i it
Miss Brownell Reaches Remoto
Parts of Lane In Work for '
School and Home.
Tin' wink of Mls Mary A. Hrown
II. health nurse of w county, I
told In u very Interesting miicI instruc
tive uiiiiiiicr In a ttu tlt In publlshc I
I.y mi. nurse commiii.r ... ..... i-- ,,uv, Hld t,.lr p,prtr on 7l ! )
County Health association. ,
' , , ... , ., 'streets and will more Into the Al
To Itlve an adequate Idea of the
work of M ls Urownell It la stated ; Montgomery property on h street be
Hint there wi'io 194 schools In opera t v ecu 3rd and 4th.
Hon lust year and that ihos chools M lf, vsly Court-
iir illifti United, over 4.B13 nuaje . ,r
mile of mountains, valleys, swamps ' ''ht, Sunday, August 15. a seven
and forests. I'.esldes the si hools she pound boy.
visited uiHiiy homes. I ll(tt,.rt Klevens left Wednesday af-
Inspected 2523 Children. ,
mim- tit iiwni'll Iv..h the following "riHH.n for a two weeks fishing trip
. . - . i . a I I ....
summary r her work, noting thul
the children Inspected were mostly
In the rural districts mid smull vll-j
Number of visits to schools. 162; j
children Inspected. 2.'i23; children , and left Mouday for the marine bar
with defects. 470; class talks on rk(.kft at .badH phlB.
hoalili rlvmi. ISA: home visits fori
school, us; nursing vihiis. no; in-,
. . - . ... r it .
airuciive visum, nn.; unriiuiiii niuiinr in iaaisna, wregon.
and other visits. 606. Mr. and Mm. J. J. Bryan and daugh-
One of the nurse committee tuem-:, r.v.i '
bera cltea a typical esse wbW'h shows r Crystal returned Tuesday even
the value of the home work of the from a trip up the Columbia high
county' nurse: way. They will leave Friday tor a
"This family consists of the moth-j week's camping trtp'to Yaohats. 'Miss
er. father nd si chlMrea The md Larimer wilt atcompkny them,
mother became helpless with nervoM ... mrw-.n ..u' -r....u..
prostration. Conditions ' as td clen.'""-'' "-"wy'7w"MRU;"v.
Ilfteaii and sanitation 'wore bad. The Mrs. O. O. Eaton, of Wendl'tig. left)
children' werv--poorly nonrlshed and I Sunday tot Raymond Wa sh.'." where
- - m . .
lh.jom imtde, clean and com
fortabl. ' t'Jondltlftnd.'grew "be'ttisr '.In
eryw4y. fur familr"haa now
' - 1 . T 1
movfeds to a place ta-'tft'e " fcoUniryl
hr f hare a 1t. .nd V
covr. The nurso has followed 0 her
vj yrittm ihjh1":" ' i:
quite well and the home well kept. J
nni ini vimr-,sss v..J.
A email ' boy came home trom !
school one day after a visit from the. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. George K.
nurse wlih th announcement: j Helmer. Friday. August 13. an eight
"Mother, that nurse don't knowj ..,
much. She was at sohoo! this aftr-i". J. ,
noon, and she looked at all of our M,HH Ru,h i,,:0t(- daughter of Mr.
throats, -but she didn't use. a spoon, and Mrs. C. l Scott, returned Satur-
She took a new stick for each of us
and threw It sway in the wastebasket
every time."
Mrs. Floyd White, of Donna, died
at the local hoxpital at 1:30 Monday
morning. She was aged 19 year.i.
seven months mid twenty two days. . return to their home at Corvallis to
Ilesldes her huxhand and her parents. ! niorrow after visiting In 'Sprlngteld
Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Donna, she ! I,,r ''ek.
leaves three brothers and three! M- ' Scott (Frnncls liartlettl
hIkHth. j I" visiting wltli her parents, Mr. and
The funeral was held Thursday Mrs- A- Ihtrtlett. for a short time,
morning from Hie Walker chapel. ; M"4- Scott, whose home is in Port
Uev. Clark, of Kugene. had charge of was one r this season s bridh.
he services mid luterinent was l:i ! Mr- " Mrs. Harry Shea returntd
Laurel Hill ceiiietary
Sherman poliglan 21 who eloped
with Tessle Ylngllng. 15 of Spring
field In an aiitomohlle recently, was
arrested at Klamath Falls Friday.
Douglas' wife swore to a warrant
charging h'm with a statutory of
fense and if he Is not convicted on
this charge the crime of the theft of
his father's car or uu offense against
the girl will lie preferred ngalnst him.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. Hurry went lo
llrownsvlllo Sunday to spend the d:iy
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker.
Mr. mid Mrs. C. A. Petlerson, Mr.
hihI Mm. Tennis, and M Grlel
spout Sunday at Cottage Grove, going
down by automobile.
Hill Illll, who has been attending
licliiike-Wulker 'Husiness College in
J'ortland, arrived Wednesday for a
visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W A. Hill, having completed his
coui'He In salesmanship.
Fred V. HresHler Is Hpemiing a
vacation of Keveral weeks at Slltcoos
Miss Itoliertn Wilson returned Sat
urday night from a short visit with
her sisters in Portland.
Miss Mildred Newlund uiul her sis
ter, Helen, returned Tuesday night
from u two week's vntt'.on witli li T
sister ut Newport.
Mrs. Chan. Droning and, small ton
of Oakrldge ere staying with her
mother, Mn. Rathbun. . Mr. Urunlng
will join his wife hern In the near
future and make (heir home here.
William Llghtfoot arrived Monday
fr m Sslem to join hie wife and rhll-
du n. who are visiting with Mrs. i
l.lchlfoot'a father, I. II. Emery.
Carl Hnsney, Clarence Jane, Abo
llut( hlnson, Odin Olaon. and Kmtnett
llnrpote left Tuesday mornlg for Ore
Ron City where they will work In the
psper iiiIIIh.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Montgomery
ul Clear !uko.
Hoy Martin, who resides near
Springfield has reenlfsted with the
marines for a period of throe yeara
Kf wm V -.wl fcfrtn. a... I ul.. IH. m
.....i.u., '""""
mri -win TiBii'ior s wee wirn an
Mwses vera; Henseney and
Mfta ' Ttlton spent -Wednesday and
TkA UU.a.' S3 . J
. Ura . H .' j.-,i,, f '
Un- "olrnnon. and daughter Jen-
'nl' h,v returned from an extended (
""oi"." "tjuu
' ' Mni ThM- RlkM h" Uken " 0",
,t ,h(, gprrrid Feed and Cro-
' .
lay from s visit of a month with
Miss Kthel Wjikefeld hi Alaska. '
Miss Dorrls Slkes left this morning
for Salem; where she wilt visit for a
:-w days.
I M. Iloth and family returned
Sunday from a vacation spent in Port
land. They made the Grip by auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander plan to
today from an outinK of two weeks
nt .McCreilie Springs.
ftf..u I .... I .......... .....I A. ...... !....
" ' " ' """" "
visited in town the fore part or
the week with lier mother. Mrs. Mary
Magill and her bisters Mrs. Sam
Itlihinoiiit and Mrs. Kruest Kin ley.
? M V-)'f "4? 't" lv 1 1 fJ ' 3"l?wa w . V
$45,000 IS SPENT
Improvement at Local Mountain
States Power Co's. Plant
Nearing Completion
A new 50.1 h. p. Sterling boiler ar
rived Wednesday to he Installed at
the Mountain States Power company's
plant In this city. The boiler la sim
ilar to the five others which are used
here and will be placed In the new
22 foot extension to the plant which
has been under construction for the
past four months. A stack, ISO feet
In helghth, will be erected on the
new extension. Approximately $45,
000 has been spent by the company
In remodeling their plant here.
W. H. I'urcell. construe! Ion engi
neer, for the II. M. Byllesby Engl-
neerlng and Management Corporation
of Chicago, who is superintendent of
the work being done by that com
pany in this state, estimated today
that the construction work bere would
be completed In three weeks.
From 10 to 20 men have been em
ployed on the job at -various time
since the first ;of May.
The Chicago firm also Is In charge
of the construction work being dotie
for the power company at Da lie
.where the complete p)ant Is under-
going raconatrncfJon snd remodeling.
Nlne m)rf fc iadltlon'to Mr. Puree!!
n ' u Jr
In charge of the' work In the Spring
field plant, were vent to Oregon ty
the eastern company. ' '
. , .
ican legion
The Indies' Auxiliary of the Amer
will (tneet In the W. O. W.
ball Friday nlghU Augiwt 20. Any
woman wno nan relatives in in r-
'orM War Is Invited to Join,
The h. .rrivert
4. - - :: - -
nu iiir lauicn arm anuiiH 10 com-
their organization.
Mrs. V. McLean. President.
Mrs. H. B. Freeland, Secretary.
About 25 persons were present Fri
day night for the social' evening
planned by the Chamber of Commerce
nnd the Women's Civic Club at the
park. The meeting was for the pur
pose of Interesting more women 'n
the Civic Club. Refreshments were
served by the men's organization.
The latter will meet August 27 for a
regular business session.
O. II. Jarrett has filed with. He
order. J. K. Kdwarua. his formal ac
ceptance of the ' unexpired term of
councilman to succeed M. W. Weber,
who has moved to Eugene. The of
fice expires December 31. 19l'0.
Norman Byrne has returned from a
trip to Washington.
-.7 L. .A'v'A;,J'x.k
August 16
No better advertisement can be giv
en that a constant showing of Indus
trial development. Investments of
capital and enlarged payrolls.
Cargo shipments of lumber for the
first six months of 1920 totaled 849,
285,620 feet a gain of 204,856,015
feet over similar shipments for a cor
ret ponding period of 1919. These
flgueres sre announced by the Pacific
Lumber Inspection Bureau of Seattle.
Columbia highway to be extended
to state line across Umatilla county.
Scotts Mills to have new sta'e bank.
Ashland granite Industry to be re
vived. Sherwood to have new national
Kugene cherry crop totals 2.000,009
Myrtle Point Cannery business
KL Helens Koad paving contracts
let for $76,700.
Albany Spacious county fair build -
lugs'" going up
Toledo is getting a
new $16,000
bank building.
Astoria .radio station gets $30,000
Contract let for $25,000 St. Johns
terminal carllne.
Eugene has new concrete $25,000
storage warehouse.
, 84 cities In Oregon have over mil
lion bank deposit.
Deposits In state banks - Jul 1
. Bandon to have ew sawmill to cut
timbers for resawing.
. -Eugene -Forest 1 service building
highway on Sharp's creek.
, Astoria to ' have the' first sardine
cannery fn Oregon.
Myrtle Creek3-story fruit packipg
plant being built here " 1
Albany cannery n -pack &00 tons
of evergreen blackberries. '
Albany to have tile factory. Wood
products factory to rebuild. ""
Portland dispatched 17 " ships a
July with off-shore cargoes. "
Large body rich gold ore uncovered
.two miles north of Gold HilL
Portland Rose City Park has is
sued 20 permits for bungalows.
Dyking' 'Willamette peninsula win
add thousands of fertile acrea. :
Ashland' 423.000 worth'of gravel to
be put on Greenspring monntim road.
Roseburg $40.00.0 to be spent this
year on Tiller-Crater Lake cutoff
Cottage Grove Estimated Lorane
valley will produce 60 tons of Bartlett
pears and about 3000 boxes of apples
this year.
Medford Local plant of Oregon
Grower's Co-Operative association ex
pects to ship $1,000,000 worth of fruit
from this section.
Hood River Governor Olcott Is In
vestigating the complaint of ranchers
that Japanese are a menace to 'that
.orchard distr'ct.
urson Naugnn. who lett baturday
morning to secure work at Mills City.
writes that he has located at Liberty
tiona. wanington. 'lie states mat
wages were extremley low at Mills
Costly Fumbles and Absence
of Star Player Cripples
Cottage -Grove defeated Spring
field last Sunday in a wild and wooler
game by the score of 7 to 5 in twelve
innings of play, marred by costly
fumbles and wild throwing. Both
pitchers suffered from the ooor de-
j fense of their fielders, twenty-two er-
i rorB being charged against the teams.
j Aside from the fine work of both bat-
' termen. the one shinging light was
lne center fielder for Cottage Grove
j who roamed about, pulling down taita
that were labeled safe, and otherwise
.Performing like a big leagurer.
The two teams meet again Sunday
181 cottage urove and it is hoped that
manager Courtright can present hfs
full team. ;
- - "' " ' ":
Rumor again his reared it's bead ia
the matter 'of the' completion of the
long abandoned Natron rcnt-off. A
short time' ago a' report'1 was b'rougtat
to' Eugene Mtha't Southern Pacific "Wul
veylng' Vrewif were? working Vni 'sea
ting ouV grade sUaes aV the baa1
ridge VnS ot he ' proposed "raWaV,
and It war heard' that another crew
was doing, tie same 'fttng at' the end
over the Cascade Tnountalns. '; v w.ri
. This U'rai word comes to' Eagen
that William Hood, chief engineer' of
the conatruettoa - department of the
Southern Pacific,' and a'taaa, irtto
spent" many minion In hutldlhr W
railroads - throughout ' the .United .
States : has "been up in that country
and orer the gxoui4- for Jpo past week '
and Hiore. It is said thst he ajTlved.
incognito and Journed to bakride
on a hand car with a party of work
men. As far as known he has not
yet returned. Tfce . fact has caused
much speculation"' among the few to
whom' it was Itjiown. and they "all
expect "big" thing?to happen soon,
Eugene Guard. ' ' ' '
After a wedding trip of about a
month spent in the Olympic moun
tains. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan
have returned to Springfield. They
traveled by automobile and were ac
companied on their trip by Dr. and
Mrs. Windham, of Seattle. -
The wedding took place In Seattle.
Dr. Rebhan will resume his practice
after a .vacation of a couple of months.
Misn Amv flarfinn nf thle rltv ha
; ,8 glvlng program8 niade up of read.
,nR8 and irapersonation8 ln the midd1a
UVest and East wrjtes lhat shec ,3
going from Wisconsin to Iowa. In
addition to her work in Wisconsin
she has been visiting with relatives.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Carson who live ou East
Main street.
Mrs. Barbara Darling, of Albany, is
here visiting at the home of her son,
William Darling, for a few days. Mrs.
Darling is on her ,-way home from
Kitson Springs where she spent the
past seven weeks.
W. W. Ebbett. formerly of Spring-
'field, who is now living at Reedsport.
Is visiting in town for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rowe of Spiing-
I field, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lamberty
anil family, of Albany, went to Bel
knap Springs Sunday. Mr. Rowe re
turned that night but the others re
mained for an out'.ng of a couple
of weeks.
Sidney Ward, manager of the Bell
theatre, underwent a minor operation,
at the Northwest hospital Monday
morning, for the removal of his tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. John Conoway, and
.Mr. and Mrs. C A. Fast man, motoron
to r.elnup Springs Sunday to spend
tl:e day.
Miss Claudia Hank returned to Iter
-heme iu Portland' Monday after vis't
1rg at t he honu! of Miss Audrey