The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 12, 1920, Image 1

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NUMB Ell 31
eM. rj..
Cream Feed
Sam Richmond, of Springfield, and
Jarob Parka, who llva went of Eu
geno, received slight Injuries Tum-
day at the Booth-Kelly mill whoa a
loud of lumber fell from the craae
unrl atruck both men. pinning them
Convention Report Made FoL under the load. Parka, Injuries were
lowed by a Biff Ice about (he back and limb was taken
to the hoapttat, but Mr. Richmond,
whose Injur! were leaa aevere. waa
The newly elected stafr of officer .b to retnra to work the next day.
of Hprlngleld Post No. 40 of the Am- Tn accident occurred Just at noon
erican eglon waa Installed last J when the mea were leaving for lunch,
week at the regular meeting of thaf. Th cran w,, carrying three 6x10
organlintlon Friday night. Those who ! timber,
will be In command for the coming
year are: Bert Snook. Commander. M0WKR CAOIIS BAD ACCIDENT
Robert C. Van Valzah. Vlce-Com-I , , , . . ,
n.ander. W. I-. Tyson. Adjutant. Ver-1, cut,,n hy ont hl" fa
don May. Financial officer. F. II. Ham1 ,,"r a0' r L '
lln. Chaplain. Royal Collin, lllntor. j rMncfch"r of ,he country
In the western end of lane county,
Among (he report made by ollt. 1 ;'t off both foot of hla three yearKld
atandlng ..,, I. toes wan the oo on ho Payln In the tall
the f..r.n.llnn f . ..... ... th. "a'" aD1 " 1,01 ""rn by D" faU,er
' it t 1 1 at m Inalont KjkaVtrv f i a b. 1.1 Ia
All who are eligible to; . '"T" .
sererea id cnno s irci.
crtemhorshlp are asked to bo prevent
at the net meeting of the Lesion on
Friday, August y. when the aiixllllaryj
wll be permanently organized. Hob-j
ert C. Vun Valzau. representative of
4he local organization a! the state'
convention at AMorlu, made a report j
n the meeting.
In the membership contest the!
,Ieglon conducted recently the aide I
lead by Fred I-emlcy. retiring rom-UutO Polo to Be An Interest
mander. won from iiort Bniok. Mr.! jnr Feature of County Fair
f i . . . . I w . -
xsrmirj n ivum aerurna io.eii new
juembcra and their opionenta rit
Last of Next Month
0. H. Jarrett Appointed to Suc
ceed M. W. Weber at City
An order waa leaued at the regular
meeting of the city council Wednes
day night notifying the city attorney
to bring ault et once for city Improve
ment pant due on a large number of
Springfield properties. Warnings
had been given by letter previous to
this action but some have failed to
bring rcaponae. At each meeting of
the council from now on a new lint
will be paaaed upon and turned over
to the attorney for collection. Pro
perties, the owner of which suit will
be brought sgalnet at once, are lo
cated at Fifth end A. Fifth and B,
Sixth and Main. Seventh and Main.
lghtb and Malo, and the Sunnyalde
O. II. Jarrett, superintendent of the
Booth-Kelly mill, waa appointed Dy
Mayor Morrison to fill out the unex
pired term of M. W. Weber aa coun
llnian. The appointment waa con
firmed by the council.
Lloyd Emery, who la an loatructor
la the Higher Commercial School at
Nagasaki, Japan, haa arrived in
Springfield to visit with hla father, P.
If. Emery, of East Main Street. The
trip waa" made on the Japaneae ahlp.
Arabia Mara, which travela to Seat
tle. Mr. Emery baa been In Japan for
four year but only la his present po
sition for about a year and a half. He
Is a graduate of Springfield hlgb
School with the. class of 1910 and of
McMinnvllle College In 1916.
Mr. Emery is a nephew of Dr. N. W.
Emery and a brother of Mrs. Jack
llenderaon, both of this city. Al
though he has experienced a great
deal of dlflculty In securing pasaage
back to the Orient, he feels certain
now that he will be able to leave San
Francisco about September 1.
Mr. Emery will speak Sunday morn
ing at the regular church services at
the fiaptlst church on "Japaa'and its
Owing; to Market Conditions
and Car Shortage, Night '
Crew Is Laid Off
TJie losers wrvi-d refreHhnienti
thoxe prom-lit at the meeting.
On Way Horn From Alaska
Miss; Ruth fr olt. wjlio baa been
spending the summer In Alaaka with
Miss Kthel Wakefield, la expected to
arrive this wek. according to newa
received by her porenta. Sunday.
Sammies who aaw the American
lanka go over the top In France will
get a whiff of the competition of war
when they see the auto polo contests
to be a feature attraction of the Iane
County Fair this year. Just a the
tanks played a big part In the war
and were the blggeiit auprlne sprung
upon the Hermans when they first ap
peared, mo will auto polo prove a sur-
J. IX Farrell. vice president of the
' Union Pacific system, and director In
charge of the agriculture exhibition
at the State Fair, visited here Wed
nesday afternoon with A. It Lea.
a'cretary of the State Fair and po
tentate of Al Kader temple of Mys
tic Shrine.
David W. Hasen, of the Portland
Telegram and editor of "The Fightlo'
FooU" a weekly paper tor former
i service men, vlalted In town Wednesday.
August 1. the two girls spent
at Port WalterH. eho mont northern lr'"' to thoHo who "have not seen the
.point on their trip and mi . Tuesday ; gaiue. - v , --.. v..'
(Ihey left for the- Culled Statea. Mla; Although "the friifrul principles of
Wakefield will spend the remainder , ,,H' reoeinble pony polo, auto
of the summer at Anacortes, Wii. fan have a habit of calling auto polo
I "Hockey on high." Mallcttucu sun
Mrs. Lynn I.anHberry and small Hon. P"" themselves dangerously from the
lArblo. left today for the Lansberry'a "id of strirped Ford cars and buffet
ionne-r home at Rockhaven. I'ennnyl- big bull back and forth between
rvanla. They may slay all winter. oN. Expert drivers handle tho
Misses I.ottle and l.etlle Wltlttakor ' curs they daub at one another with
have returned from spending their f,ar "! collision; In fact collisions;
.vacation at Hood River.
McBee's Home Run in the Sixth
Proves Turning Point for
the Local Team
an. the common thing and tire,! Lasl SmuUy Spnngfield defeated
Good Time, Assured At Smoker
toBe Held In Eugene Ar-
mory August 20.
The card Is complete for the big
American Legion smoker at the arm
ory August 20. It was Impossible to
get Johnny McCarty to meet Johnny
Leonard for the beadliner. He asked
fof time but agreed to meet the win
ner at a later date. But a better man.
In the opinion of the promoters. In
the person of Charles Dawson, has
been, secured. He won the welter
weight championship in the United
States navy and has won bis last pig
bouts with knockouts.
Leonard, who boxed McCarty in a
ten-round draw, 6a Id he had rather
box McCarty than Dawson as he con-
aiders Dawson one of the best welter
weights In the world. Leonard has
boxed all the best men of bis weight
Owing to the present conditions of
the lumber market the night crew at
the local plant of the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company will bbe dispensed
with after Thursday. August 12. ac
cording to aa order issued early la
the week by Superintendent O. H. Jar
rett. The Inability of the railroads to
furnish adequate transportation fa
cilities which hss resulted In the ae.
cumulation of a large amount of lum
ber at the mill Is given a the reason
for the change by Mr. Jarrett
. la an effort to relive this conditio,
the mill has been operaticg on a four
day a week schedule for the past
month. Despite this attempt to meet
the situation satisfactorily result
were not reached and the officials
found it necessary to take further
steps to relieve already overstocked
Mr. Jarrett expressed tie belief
that within a very short time the
mill would-' again be running on it
former six day basis and that Just aa
soon'ss possible the night shift would
also be put to work. So far as pos
sible married men have been re
tained. About 125 men will be throws
out of employment according to Mr.
The mill has been operating on the
double shift since April. 1919.
Prot and Mrs. Morten Ev Pec,
both of whom are instructor la sci
ence at Willamette University, stopped
In Springfield tbla week on their war
to their home at Salem, from a T0
mile automobile trip through Westers
And Central Oregon,,.. They visited ...
her with Dr. Harry-Irvine. whVfb-'
merly ; attended; Wlametea Uaiveit
Ity. .
Mrs. Fred Hinon aiyd Mrs. Joe
Hill, of Dexter, re visiting ttheir
neice. Mrs. Homer Cnr In PnHlanJ
oaca r.asi. He will start training atjThey are on their way to Seaside for
the armory at once, doing boxing ev-la few days vacation, returning hove
ery afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
The wrestling bout should be a
Miss Pearl LewlH. of Manola. wa a wheel and axles suffer in conne-1 A,bany n a rlo!,3r Pled ball game.great card, according to the promot-j
next week.
Mra. John Wlnzenreid left Tuesday
. . .
- a- a it - I " r ior a mnnrn'H niirtna of Va-rr.
Jiuslness vlMltor In Springfield Wei- tu nee. Ouce a tur Is damuged it "v " MMnD"UM 01 errora, j ers. This will be between McClain,
neNday. , Ih hauled off the Hold tike the crip-! ,,arln b,m' ninnlng and poor eye of Eugene, and Ed. Fry, of Harris-L 8Dd Mr8' J- F' Power
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer went'pl'l '"! ' ' SpniHh sport; and,81111 on the uraP8 Part- Albany put 1 burg. McClain won the intercollegi-j ugnler -Tn will, leave next
to the River Fish Hatch-' another replaces it and the game goes
ery Tnexday for u two weeks camping " merrily.
'across two runs In tre first halt -ate champIonahlD Monday for a vacation at Newport
of the game, but In the sixth inning i Barney Miller, of EurenA .ninoi E- E. Morrison returned last Sat-
trip. i Other sports to amuse the crowds ! ,c"e "nR n into . leu neia. , Jack Roberts, of Roseburg. will be u"ajr niht from business trip
Mr. and Mrn Alec SiuxIgrasH and durlug fair week, consist of two har-and l,y faKt Pnting and slow work a feature of the Iwxlng card. Roberts j 80uth'
two chldreu and Harry SnolgrasH. a-. I ;-.'" raeos and a running race each J r 1,10 ,eft "ell,er- nade a home run. j is being heralded by Roy Cedarstrom. R- C Edwards, of Landax. spent
of 'Jlalsey. spent Sunduy visiting nt day. There will also be motorcycle) That blow wa" on,y a 8tar,er forho fouled Miller In a bout here last Monday in town on business,
tho home of Illley RuodgraHx. The ! races and bicycle races. Mr. Arthur;1" ,he next Jnn,nK Springfield put winter, as a wonder. Ralph Watson 1 Mrs. Marion Ilarpole underwent a
men are cousins. j llendershott. of the Eugene Gun Co.lM,reo niore over whirh proved enough nrlll meet Tex Knight, of Springfield, j major operation at the local hospital
Mr. and Mrs. If J. Cox. Mrs. C. P. 1 is offering a prise for the fastest rider r" 'auy "moo meir uura und Roy Miller will meet Frank Ed-1 "st Saturday.
Clover and Mrs. VVm Wilkinson and propelling a
raall daughter. Gcruldlno. returned The motorcy
bicycle bought from him. i 8rore ,n thp nlnln and 'and with .wards, In a four-round boui.
rele riders will furnish man on thlrd B,,d fond. Albany!
Thursday form a two weeks outing koimo real thrlllH and will Introduce ai,,ayt'd a fuHt and "KKresslve game,' John Conaway. an employe of the
mew sport for attendants at the I.ane'nd ,he work of the,r tM baseman First National bank, is confined to;-H. S. Zlegler.
Mrs. Eugene Kester returned Hoa.
day night from North Bend after a
week's visit with her daughter. Mrs.
was the best seen lu Springfield this his home with an attaok of tonsiliti.
jear. uuncrt pitched a rine game and j Mrs. Jacobs, of Klamath Falls, is
was deserving a shutout. Albany 'here on an extended visit at the home
Vapors have referred to our men aslof her daughter. Mrs. James Stewart,
being a Eugene team but such Is not j Denver Voung. a former resident of
" Vtt- ' this city, who is employed by the S.Aee and Margaret left Monday for
Cottnge drove, and Springfield will . Pv spending a few days rlsitimr1 McCredie Sorinc whore th.
Junior, have been guests. at the hom."nct next Sunday and a fast and old hero, before his camp for several weeks,
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mr. ''ltlng same Is looked for. return to hi home in Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson are th
Floyd Flannery, of the Flannery j-proud parents ' of a 11 pound girl
I Mis. Kose llarbit McKay, formerly
of this place, but now of Wilbur,
Oregon,, is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Coorge Orr.
Mrs. L. F. Johnson, and small son
Mrs. Floyd White, of Donna, is re
ported sick with tonsilitis.
F. D. Keyes. of route one, is on the
sick list
Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and daughters
at McCredlea' Springs.
S. Mosler. of Oregon City, spent ' County Fair.
jmuiiiuy mgni ami 1 uesuay visiting
with his sister. Mrs. I.. May and fain-
Mrs. o. T. KUer and daughter, Mrs.
C. F. Clark, and throe children have
returned from a visit with Mrs.
Klzer's two daughters who live at
North Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Clark and three n- v- Andrews, for ten days
children; formerly of Lacey, Wash.. Sunduy : morning while Dan Zlin- Miss Roberta 'Wilson has resigned (Drug store is away for a few days on bP"0 to them Sunday. August 8th.
ire nere visiting at the home of Mra. wnerman wan nuing ni oicyuic irom ner poKiiion as ciera in me casn & nis vacation. at tneir home corner B and 3rd sts
I'lark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.. F. nome on K""1 Main street down
JKIior. They are undecided wheie:''or th! mti- ne nna the misfortune
they will locate as yet but will remain to full and break his collar bone. He
in Springfield Indeflntely.
Mra. Frank Snodgrass, of Portland
Is visiting for a couple of weeks
was taken to the Eugene Hospital
where he I doing a well as could be
expected although his Injury Is quite
with Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass, while ' painful.
her husband I attending the National
Trapshooters meet in the East.
Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Thompson and
daughter, Gladys, left today for an
outing at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. ('neuter Nye (Chlora
Masterson) have returned from an au
tomobile trip along the Columbia
. To the many frlenda who extended
ayinpathy In many ways during my
recent bereavement I wish to express
my appreclutlon and thanks.
Messrs. Ilolloway, Dowd and Moore
representing the Alco Manufacturing
company, of Albany, that lost -their
plant by fire a short time ago ere
I ftrrv umi-A and lu rn nv r tv,lim,t I Sir Ji n t Mra T A VniantHA u .. f r r n ' .
- "-, v .v.v.uuu; ----- - t cuiiuo ud t v .... j, iv. x vat? unaerweQt a
for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. returned to their former - home here ' major operation at the Springfield
Dave Smith and Wyat Skecls. after a long absence spent at West i hospital Tuesday morning.
Mildred Ward, after two or three Lake on the shores of SUtcoos lake, Mark Young Is here from Portland
weeks rest has resumed her position where My. Valentine has been era- y tor a visit at the home of his parents,
with the Cash & Carry tore. j ployed In a large mill. jMr. and Mrt. Ira Toung.
BosrIo Bench of the Cash Carry: Mrs. C. E. Swarts and daughter f Mrs. Thos. Sikes has resigned W
Edna left Tuesday for an outing at .position In the grocery department at
storo has the measles.
the Farmer Exchange.
Mrs. Helmer George, and daughter
Mr.' and Mis. E, L. Howe, and Mr. j Newport
and Mrs. H. A, Howe, of Creswcll, T. Tv Barnard has purchased of J
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. F..E. Stanlger the property at the east i Catherine, of Monroe. Mlchiran am
looking , up new maoblncry to re E. Louk and family Mrs. Louk la ajend of B street and will move to the spending a month at the home of
establish thoir plant and 'were' In daughter of E. L. Howe and a sister same as soon as M. Harrison, who' Mrs. George's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Springfield Monday afternoon exam- of H. A. Howe. ' (now occupies ho place, can find a B. F. Andrews
Inlng the machinery aud equipment Tom AbeeJt who Is employed out of suitable location. j H. r. McBee of Wenatchee Wash
of the Springfield plunlng mill with. Cottage Grove in the Jogging camp, Mr. and Mrs. "Cap Huntley" spent was here for a few days last week
h view, to purcnasing.
Mr. and Mrs. L. May spent tho
week-end camping at The Aiders n
the McKenzle. On Sunday they were
Joined by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dun
lap and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker,
of Weiidllng. '
'. . -r .t 'w" "'- f
camo to town Siturtlay afternoon, Saturday and Sunday camping at on business.
suffering from an absess oi his foot.
Ha came for medical, treatment i '
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. "Kutt" Red
Lowell urldge. . j R. L. Burnett and family have gone
Johu and Chris Hostettler left Wed , to Albany to spnd a two week's
iiesday for Belknap Springs, for an vacation.
ding nt the borne of -Mr. Redding' outing of a week or two. . Miss Julia Godman, of iWxter, la a
parents at 338 Ferry St. Eugen. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Stevens, guest (or a week at the home of her
Sunday August 8th, an 8M1 lb. boy. August 4th, an 8 pound boy. 1 gr.tadtnother, Mrs J A Godmaa
' ..... . . . t'