THURSDAY, Jl'I.Y FA(iE 4 tub srniNc.nKM) news 4 1 ' MIIHaiW'atHm Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK DOUGHNUTS nude the doughboy happy during the war and no won der. There is nothing more wholesome and delightful than doughnuts or crullers rightly made. Their rich, golden color and appetizing aroma will create an appe tite quicker than anything else in the world. Here are the famous dough nut and cruller recipes from the New Royal Cook Book. Doughnut S tablespoons shortening i cup sugar .... i cup milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon Hit 1 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Fowdcr Cream shortening: a!J sugar and well-beaten ess: stir In milk: add nutmeg;, aalt. flour and baking powder which have been lifted torether and enough ad dltional flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured board to about H Inch thick: cut out. Fry In deep fat hot enough to brown a pleca of bread In CO second. Drain on ntied paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Afternoon Tea Dougfanats Series tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt teaspoon grated nutmeg mm. BAKING POWDEK Absolutely Puro t taMrnrwins shtrtsntnf iKliloHpnotm milk i cups Hour JtotM" rtnyal taking 1'owd.T lirnt eK until vrry lltM: add sumr, salt, luitmrs; and melted shortening; add milk. ami flour and baking powder which have been sifted tonotlter; ml well. Prop by iennootia Into deep tint fat and fry until brown. Iraln well on undated paper and sprinkle ligaU with txw, tiered, sugar. .Crullers 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar t esse 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon H teaspoon salt I teaspoons Itoyal Daktag owdr S cup milk Cream shortening: add sugar gradually and boaten eggs; sift together flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powd-r; add one half and mix well; add milk and remainder of dry ingredients to make soft dough. Roll out on floured board to about H inch thick and cut Into strips about 4 Inches long and H Inch wide; roll Id hands and twist each trip and bring ends tnirrtlter. fry In deep hot fat. Praln and roll tu powdered sugar. FREE New RotsI Cook flock con taining these and score of other delightful recipes. Writ for It TOOAT. ROT AL B rtKG POW DKK OO. IIS Folio Au hew Terk CWI "Bake with Royal and be Sure HI Mrs. Linda Harrod Endorsee Cham berlain's Tablets. j "I suffered for years with stomach trouble and tried everything I beard of but the only relief I got was tem porary until last spring I saw Cham berlain's Tablets advertised and pro- 1 cured a bottle of them from our druggist. I got Immediate relief from that dreadful heaviness and pain in the stomach after eating. Since tak ing two bottles I can eat anything I want without distress." writes Mrs. Linda Harrtxl. Ft. Wayne, Ind. YOU'LL TRAVEL FAR and long before you will find such an exclusive Creamery. We have our products especial ly prepared and are naturally better than the rest. May we supply you the next time. You will benefit thereby. Springfield Creamery Id L It's FuntocIafcetPidur'5 COME in and BUlj PHOTO SUPPLIES and KODAK?. OUR KODAKS, fc OUR FILMS, . and PLATES and DEVELOPERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. We are Careful Druggists. Groceries Feed Good Oats and Barley Feed, ground fine, per sack . . .J2.B0 SCRATCH, per sack $2.85 GROCERIES AT BOTTOM PRICES Do not forget I still handle feeds of nil kinds. FRESH Vegetables of all kinds Springfield Feed Company FOR SALE IHIOKKN comb honey. 3 pounds for $1. Bring a btuket. I'. II. Kinery. , Springfield. J22 rN)U Lot in. bloi'k 3. Valley View addition to Springfield. Ore. rTlt't $125.. Joseph SchretiiH, Uoe burg. Ore sp WANTED WANTKI) Woman In do family wuMhing at home every week. Cull . at Mr. II. A. Washburno', 8e-ond street, rear of First National Hank CABINET SHOf Uoto If. E. I'HU' cabinet shop, corner Fourth pd C streets, for your Sc nltary Hut lor .Hold, bitcban cabi nets, kitchen tables, L'nllh break fast tables and general cabinet work. VARNEY SEES GOOD OUTLOOK Or. Vurney. bo has been acur4 as stated supply at the Baptist ehurrh. delivered two Inspiring ser mons last Sunday, hoih of which were highly suken of by in any In tho congregation. , , Meforo the xermon In the tnorulug, I r. Varney called ntti-nllon to tbi latge, fine tliolr of young men and women, and naiil that that tliolr num bered us many w the entlm congre gation of a certain church three years ago, the sunt)' church now having noarly 300 member. There will be (pedal niUfilc nest Sunday. '. Next Sunday Dr. Varney's subjects will be reflectively morning and evening. "Sowing in Tears, Reaping In Joy." and "The nines: How We tlet Them: How to tin Over Them." BflP" CIGARS 7 WWffii IIIIIII SHI5U is. nss- w Sai Phone i-rKsssssBi ssssw . sr itr -w BiKta a m -Mt 1 sT SBW NEVER BUD3IIIUIL To All Our Old Friends and All the New Ones That This Announcement Will Bring Us We hav. taken udvantaf;e of th At;ency IMaii f Iho I'ullrd (!iKar Stores Co.. which In every essential M'spt'tt tnakfK our Htore a I'NITKI) CIGAR STORK. This plan has proved Immensely Huct-essrul wherever introduced, he cause it passes on to smokers in smaller places all the advantages enjoyed by the smokers of the large cities in which h I'nlted Clar Stores Co. operates 1,000 stores. Under the plan we own the store as before and our name remains over the door, but our arrangement Rives us all the benefits of buying antf selling that any United Cigar Slore njoys. All the famous brands at Unite I Cijrur Stores prices. United Cash Discount Vouchers with all purchases. Our Store Will Open as a United Cigar Store Saturday, August 7th To celebrate the occasion the following. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS are offered: SBSBSBSSSSBaSSBSBSBSSSBBSSSSSSSJSSasSSSSBSJBB 1 FREE, Double Vouchers with all purchases. 2 FREE, Ten whole Vouchers with cigarette purchases amounting to $1.00 or over. 3 FREE, a Tobacco Pouch (Genuine Buckskin) with all purchases of pipes. ,4 :FREE, A Durham Duplex (Demonstrator) Razor with purchases '' amounting to $1.00 or over. 5 FREE, A Class Ash Tray with purchases amounting to 50c or over. (J FREE, A Clutch Pencil with purchases amounting to 25c or over. CLOVER & COX MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD