THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Tllt'ltSDAY, .WIS in. 11120. THE SPRINGFIELD -NEWS1- rkr PAGE 2 by Published Kvery Thursday at Sni Injtflt'ltl. I-ane County, Oregon TYLER A FREELANO Bam II. Tyler. E.l-tor. II. 11. FrrVlnJ. Ailv. Mttr. Entered at the rostoffice at Springfield. Kehrunry 24. Orriton, 19o:t. as Second clas Matter. srnscRirrtoN rates: ' One Year $2 00 Three Month 50c j Six Months -11.00 Single Copy 5c i nne Tear, When Paid In Advance, $1.76 PREVENTING FIRES ON FARM. Experience has hown that fire pre vention should be universally prac ticed. The farmer, however, should five upecial attention to the elimina tion of fire haiarda and the adoption of protective method. This In true for several reasons. In the first place, his house, harn and outbuildings are usually con structed of combustible materials; stored alniiit the premises und ud tor Unlit and power; he must fill his bum with hay. sliaw and feed which Hie subject to si'otitaneou combus tion und. last hut not Irani, bo usually outside of the protection :jf a fire department. Too often a fire once started In a farm building results in a total loss, while the owner stands sadly by with neighbor, and his family and his wishes that he had taken some of those precautious wlhch he had (onsldei Iiik. been NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Charter No. 8941. Rtstrv District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At Springfield, in the S'ate of Oregon, at th rloso of business on June 30th. 1920. Loans and discounts. RESOURCES Including rediscounts $ 96.871.76 Total loans I 96.871.76 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $56.25 U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation V. S. bonds par value) $ 6.250.00 Fledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) 1,000.00 Pledged as collateral for mate or other deposits or bills payabls 7.000.00 Owned and unpledged 3.779 97 Total t". S. CJovemmetit securities Other bonds, securities, etc.: Bonds (other than 1". S. bonds) plei'.g'-d to secure postal savings deposits $ 1.500.00 Bonds and securities i other than 1'. S. s-'curiti.-si pledged as collateral for State or oilier deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable 25.0o0.00 Securities, other than 1'. S. bonds (not Including stocks i. owned and unpledged 75.937.44 96.S71.76 56.25 j It has come to our notice that , many water consumers In Springfield : are disregarding our rules In regard i to Irrigation. The hours In which lr-1 i rlgatlon is allowed is from 6 to 10 In ! the tnoruing and from 5 to 9 In (he 1 'evening. On account of the Urge J 1 amount of water used at this time of i year, we will bo compelled to shut j .' off the water of any one using It for j Irrigation outside of these hour. 1 MOt'NTAIN STATUS POWKK t'O.J ) Ry Fred K. Hrown. Local Manuger. ; $ 1S.029.97 Suffered Intense Pain. i i "A few years ago when visiting; relatives in Michigan something I ' hud eaten brought on an attack of I choloru nim bus" writes Mrs. t'elesta McVlcker. Macon, Mo.. "I suffered intense pain mxl had to go to bed. I got a bottle of Chambet Iain's Colle p.nd Piarihoea Keiiietly and one dose reieved the pain wonderfully. I on!y j took two ir three doses but tlu-y i did the woik." Total bonds, securities, etc.. other than 1. S. Stork of Federal Reserve Rank (50 per cent of subscription) Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered $ ,013.25 Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bauking house , Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash In vault and net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies in the Tnited States .. Checks on other banks in the same city or towu as reporting bank Tola of ferns I 25.S96.47 Chhtks on banks located outride of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items .. Redemption luc-J with l". S. Treasurer and due from U.' S. Treasurer Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in - 8nrplos fund VTndividcd profits I 1,995.30 Circulating notes outstanding Cashler'B checks on own bank outstanding Total of itms I Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days lother than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of thi?' bank Other demand deposits 5.979.44 1102.4:17 4 1 900.00 S.013 25 2.S63.56 28.984.92 18.387.7S 23.142.73 2.572 45 181.29 2.013 11 312 60 $304,767.01 25.000.Q0 5.000.00 1.995.:,D 6,250.00 5.979 44 162.203.73 2S.976 4 928 .17 Total of demand deposits (other than bank de posits) subject to Reserve. $229,163.27 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after SO days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) : Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed) Postal savings deposits ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX' ! SALE. j Notice !s hereby given t!ili. by vir ' tue of an order of the County Court uf the Mule ol Oli'Koil. in . t ' i t !! Lane county, made and entered on ! the 9th day of July. 1920, licensing I . me. a administratrix of the estate ot ! ' Leon R. Melvin. deceased, t.) sell the i i real property belonging to s;ii I estate I hereinafter describebd; I will on and! after the 19th day of August. rn). ' on said premises, offer for sab and sell at private sale, to the highest 'bidder therefore, cash in hand, the, i fnllnurlliir iltf-rilift 1:im1 In I mitt 1 county. Oregon, to wit: j Commencing at a point in the enter of the county roud number 6S1. 40 655 i chains South 88 30' Kast from a point . ill the west line of the Felix Scott. Sr. and wife donation land claim, notification 325 R. In Towiiyh'o 17) South, range 2 West of the Willain-1 ; ette Meridian. 22 -0 champ smith of , the northwest corner of sa'd c'.iiri and running thence along the center of snid road South RH :' en-t 50 1 links, thence north 1 .10' earn 25 fio : , chains, thence south SS ::m' enM , .'6 255 chains, thence north 1 .'to' east i 22.82 chains to the left or m.'iMj lnl( '. j of the McKenzie river, thence with the meandering of said liver down Ftream to a point north 1" runt from the hciriiiiriig po'jit. thence , south 1" ;:()' west by direct line to tie- ' i place nf beginning. Containing K j ; acres, more or less, of land in l-4'.e : i county, state of (irecoti. ! INK. V. MF.'.VIN. Admii'is' i-at i ix ; firt i ;ihlic-itfun Jnlv 15. 1920 last publ catlon Aug. 12, 1920 Date Date NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 31.267.28 111.72, Total of time deposits subject to Receive Total $ 31,379 00 the Interior, U. S. Roseburg, Oregon, State of Oregon, County of Lane, hs.: I. Lloyd C. Martin. cHj-hier of the above-named bank, do solenwily swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge aid belief. LLOYD C. MARTIN. Cashier. CORRECT Attest: ( lias. j,. Scott. L. K. Page, J. F. Smith, Directors. Subscribed and saoiii to before me this 15th day of July. 1920. FRANK A. DePL'E, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission .-xpirvs January 9th, 1924. Department of Land Office at ' May 24, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Nason $:i04.7G7.01 ' Ilarwood, of Winberry, Oregon, who, ion July 24, 1915. mado Homestead Entry, No. 010279. for Northeast Wanted at Once Used Stoves, Chairs, Beds, Springs, Tables and all other House-hold Goods. Will pay Special Prices for the next 10 days FARMERS SUPPLY CO. H. B. CORSAW, Mgr. Corner Secede! and Main Phono 22 Northwest !i, Northwest North east i. Section 24, T. 19 S , R. 1 E., W. M ; and on June 13, 1916. made additional Homestead Entry, No. 0106X5, for the East Vt .Northeast tf, Section 24, T. 19 S., R. 1 E., W. M., has filed notice of intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to the laifd ubove described, before register and receiver, U. S. "Land Office, at Roweburg, Oregon, on the 15th day of July, 1920. i Claimant names as witnesses: 1 Stephen S. Eduon, of Eugene, Ore. j T'na M. Eduon, of Eugene, Ore. Charles Mcllee, of Winberry, Oie. Jack Renfro, of Winberry, Ore. W. If. CANON Register. ! Dale first' publication June 17, 1920. ' Dale luat publication July 15, 1920. k PFMfl nil: (t-n' vr 'HttmntmMli f'"J , ,7 7 (KHROSENE) "T W ff COOHSTOVES j - -...- a ImVW r u iv-i-j ( We uaraofee Our Springfield Hard Wheat Flour to 1 tt;il to any Hour made In the WYkL Our NDXAM. Ik a lilcul of hard and soft wlicitl. A tnodiuni flour al a nicditnn price. SXOWllALL faiKnl as any noft wheat fhnir. A hI ralxht valley flour at u price. A chance to make a nice KaviiiK. Uuy our flour at any store at last falls prices. Most flours have advanced, ours will advance soon. SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY ons Is vSm mm m - . m m mm oil JOT your car The resource, experience, kovvIedKeind equipment of the Standard Oil Company, combine to make Zerolrne an oil of quality. They create an efficiency in the manu factureoffinelubricant shard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Our Board of Lubrication Engineer's has studied your particular make of car and provided for its Correct Lu brication. Get a Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart for your car at your dealer's or our nearest station. Use Zerolene for Correct Lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CallbrnlaJ i or each typz of for Tractors Thf ii a correct It rail of Zarolriiefor your tmrtur. Grt our booklet on iuCiPrieit Lubrication, Ank our Kant fur a copy. "Are You Getting Real Tobacco" . says the Good Judge There's more fiood, last ing taste In a little of the Real Tobacco Chew than you get out of the ordi- v nary kind. You don t need a fresh chew nearly so often thai':' why it tt, : you less to chow Ihh; c!:.js of tol;:.!CCL. 7 UIV it.!". WVO !(';; ilio i-'e.'i ':-)... n- ;y riil W-Ii GUI' is a lon fine-cut tobacco