The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 01, 1920, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920.
rAGK 5
Mm. W. K. Ithodea Unit won, Aimtln,
urn liern iiom Tiimuw
friend for a f-w daya.
Mm. (. M. IllihardHon. of Lcabuig,
lulled the fore part of the week with
Mr. M. O. Vlli'n In Went Kprlngfleld.
MrN. N. I leHMOII Mini daughter,
Dorothy, with gucxtK Monday of Mm.
I. Krlckaop. Their home U at
Kgglinamr bradniad c1b,
wrappod clean, in (I moIiI clean.
Mm. MoitIm, who In attending nuin
tner achool at I'nlvfi ulty of Oregon,
.pent the weekend at her hnma at
Man ola. 8h U a daughter of Mra
Hell Bpong of thl city.
Kprlngfleld creamery will Im cloned
all day Saturday, July 3rd.
John Ilrown, who ha had yearn of
prevloua experience in tha amuae
innt lino, will be In kprlngfleld July
3 with bin nigger baby atand, Includ
ing the kalner.
lr. K. Itali.h l)li-l, diMiilt.1. Spring-fit-Id,
MIhm Unlit Scot! will l-uv.i tint
luttr part of tint wi-ik to npend the
rummer vIhIHmk with ft IiikIh In
Fltka, Alaitka, Sli will accompany
Buy Your
Warehouse Co.
On S. P. Track, South 2nd.'
Low operating expense for
us Lower Feed Prices for
you. Buy here and you
will save money.
you cannot deny than
Motorists buy Zerolene because It is
good lubricut ing oil; because it makes the
car last longer.
More than half the motorists o the
Pacific Coast states use Zerolene. Such
approval is never an accident; it is given
' only as a reward to products of highest
The resoures, experience, knowledge
and equipment of the Standard Oil Com
pany create an efficiency in the manu
facture of fine lubricants hard to dupli
cate elsewhere in the world.
fcuy Zerolene for Correct Lubrication.
For Tractors
Tlr ) a correct grail of
7.t lull fi lor your tractor,
brt fur booklet on It Cor.
rtrl Lubrication. Auk our
kgeul lar tony.
A grade for
each type
A. H. SPRACUE, Special Agont,
Mix KlhH WukcflHd, oiin of llilrtl
Or.'Koti, who will MH.d fha Hummer
In Aluaka with her brother. Mixa
Wakefield h-ft Sunday to vlalt in
Hcatlle and will he Joined there by
Mix Bcott.
(lil a kooiI prlca for your old run
by brlnKlnK them to The N-wh offlf e.
Dr. 8. Italph nippcl, dontlat, Spring
fl0d, Ori'icon.
Mm. Milton Cyr and three children
have-K'Hie to Aahland to vlult with
rnlatlvea fop a couple of weeks.
Ooortce Itandall and amall Ktaml
daiiKht'er. Dorothy Oawford, are vIh-
HIiik at Ihu home of Mr. Haiidall'M
dauichti-r, Mra. V. II. I'ollard.
Minn Kale Lunwlif try In canvalfKC
Ihk at the BprlnKfleld hoapltal from
an operation for appendlcltla, per-
foiiiiitd laxt Thuraday.'
Demand Fgglmann bread from
I your groc er.
MIhm'n Olive Smith, 1, ut ile Smith
, and Alma Smith t-turtn-d Monday
I from Portland whore thi-y attended
tin- lone fr'Htival lat Week.
Mra. Aiibert Wlmlom, of Prescott.
Wiihli.. and .Min Iti-riliu Sin-lty.. of
Walla Walla, h-ft Saturday after vlHlt
Iiik with Ihflr Hitler. .MImn KIkIo
Wt-iltlle, fur twj wet-kN.
Arthur KobertH, of Crandi;, and
Karl ThompiMiu, of Pendleton, are
vlaltlng in Springfield over the
Fourth, th former with hla inotlni.
Mra. (.race llubi-rtx, and the latter
with hia parcnta, Mr. and Mrs. I.. K.
MIhh Klale Weddle returned to her
' work at th" Commercial State bank
Monday after 11 viK'atlon of two
week a.
' A. M. Dalyrmple. government reve
nue officer, who Imih his headquarters
in Kngene, w.ia in Springfield Tues
day on huKlncpfi.
Mra. F. K. I,enhart and her mother.
jMrs. M. C. Stltl left yesterday for
Portland where they will visit for ;i
few days. Mrs. Stilt will then go on
to her home in Kahuna. Wash , and
.Mrs. I.eiihart will visit her mother
-Standard Oil Co
Enge'1! Ore.
O there b-fore returning to her hom.
Mm, Lcnharl xpci ta to be Ron- about
ItWO Wenka,
HprlngflHd creamery will be clone,
J hII day Knturdny. July 3rd.
jvfrM. W, W. Mill ttii'l Mra. K. H.
( I I' I Mil f T I M 'II' U Ill
Ha,,.ln aflPr vlaltln for rome tUne at
tin- home of Mr. and ALr. Ham I!,
TylT. Mra.' J. K. Ltir-na of Corvallix,
a Hlnter of Mm. Tyler, alao vlnlted a
few day hero laat week.
A unique window dlaplay that
aervea two pnrpoaH ban been put In
1 the windows of Morrlaon' feed atore
recently. An advcrtmement for the.
i t hautaurjiia la neatly worked out with
varli'tlea of jtroimd feed.
Safety Flrat. Let the Flmt N'atlo:i-
ul Dank act aa cuntodlan of your fundi
. , . .
Is.lin f',itiuruv l,.fl f,. anil Ik..
morning where he lia'a taken a post-
lion with the Portland Heed com pay.
'Mr. Conoway waa formerly Interested
' In the HpriiiKfleld Feed and Grocery
company and later operated the
, Springfield Warehouae and la well
; qualified for the work he will take
up with the Portland company.
Oct a good price for your old rag
by bringing them to The Newa office,
liny Kggimaiin'H
and Die.
milk bread, 11c
Mr. and Mra. C. A. Swarfs and
daiiKliier, MIkh Kdnu SwartH, have re
turned from Portland. Miss S warts
("pent two wceka in Portland. Claik, accoliipaiiled by IiIh
wife, noli, and grands'in. all of Wood
land, ('ul.. are vlhiting ut the homes of
relatives Jure. -Mr. ( lark, who Is a
retired attoiney, is an uncle of Mrs.
H. A. Wushhurne, Mi. Xat Mertsch
and James Clark, all of Springfeld
S. Ralph Dippel, dentist, Spring
It has come to our notice that
many water consumers in Springfield
are disregardiiii; our rules In reeaid
to Irrigation. The hours In whic h !r-
Igntion is allowed Is from 0 to 10 In
the morning and from 5' to 9 In the
evening. On account of the large
amount of water used ut this time of
year, we compelled to shut
off the water of any one ulng it for
'".'Jt X.v "s't TKs'pO'
' ,,v j,,,.;, j.. ,wn;,,IM.u,
Have you read the want ada.
Methodist Church.
Fourth, of July servic e at 11 a. in.
Next Sunday we celebrate a great
day of our country. Let us eclcbrat"
It by attending Sunday school and
M rvices in the morning and cliautau
qua program in afternoon and even
ing. Sunday m-IidoI a. in. Morn
!ng wnrsitlp 11 o'clock. A m-'ssjige
for ih' heir :i! 'jv.ssv.
In Society
' One of the prettiest of June wed-dingt-.
whs that of Wnnco Hartle't,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. K. Hart-
let t, to Paul Scott, son of Mr. and
; Mrs. Charles L. Scott, at the hnm of
;the bride's parents, Wednesday at
! high noon. The rooms were bunked
i with ayringa. sea foam, fox gloves and
I orange blossoms.
Rev. James T. Moore, forlner pastor
of the Methodist church in this city,
read the ring ceremony before about
I :I0 relatives am) near friemls of the
young acoupln. ('receding the cere
.niony M,iss Olive Smith sang "At
Duwning." To tlje atralns of Mendel-'
asohn, played by Miss Ruth Seott, :i
slater of the groom, the bride entered
on the arm of her father, by whom
she was given in marriage.
The bride wor an attractive gown
of imported organdie and net ovar
white satin with which ahe carried a
shower of Ludy Ophelia and Cecil
Jtrunner roses and lilies of the vajley.
She was unattended. .
Mrs. Scott is a graduate of Spring
field high school and of the Oregon
state normal school. She taught lp
the Springfield public schools and for
the past year has been teaching In
Portland. Mr.! Scott Is also u gradu
ate of Springfield high achool and of
the University of Oregon, where lie
was a member of Alphu Kappa Psi
liatei'nlty. Moth are members of the
Multnomah Amateur-Athletic; club of
The young couple, left early in the
afternoon by automobile for u threi
weeks trip through aouthern and east
ern Oregon and northern California.
Spencer &
Corner Main and Mill Streets
Repairing and Overhauling
Alt Work Guaranteed
We carry a Complete Line of Accessories and Auto Parts
Storage $2.50 per month and I'ic per night
,They will make their home in Port-
,an,, wher" Mn Hcott ,B ,n lhe ftn,ploy
ot n counting firm.
' Among those who came from out of
iww ll ni I lie Tiruiiii i . ctii'i
Mra. Floyd Bartlett, of Reedaport;
Mm. R. L. Moore, of Portland; Mra.
Joe Do ran, of Portland, and Mm. J. E.
Bartlett and amall aon, of Minot, N.D.
! Mlaa Vera Wetzel, of Coburg. and
, J. Nelaon Whlttaker, of Springfield,
i were united In marriage Wednesday
evening, Jnly 23, at 8 o'clock, at the
home of the brlde'a parents. The
beautiful ring ceremony, read by Rev.
IJoyd Moore, pastor of the Baptist I
church at Junction City, was wit
nessed hv the relatives of the voune
couple and a few immediate friends.) Mh Male invited for the evening:
The bride was charming in a gown Myrtle Copenhaver, Olive Smith, Lu
' of white crepe de chine wfth which lle Copenhaver, Ruth Scott, Alma
she carried a shower bouquet of white Smith, Ladle Smith, Helen Coffman,
roses. Her only attendant was her
fiater, Miss Gladys Wetzel.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. L.
S. Whifaker. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Whit
taker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wetzel,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wetzel, Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Shepard, M'ss Gladys Wetzel, Miss
Mary L. Gebhart, Mrs. Ella Cole, Let
tie and Lottie Whlttaker and Mrs. E.
A. Tinker of Tucson, Arizona.
Miss Ella Spaun became the bride
of Benjamin Conway at a quiet home
ceremony last Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Gray, near Goshen. Rev. Linden
Leavltt. pastor of the Christian church
here, read the' ceremony 1n the pres
ence of the immediafA relatives. '
Tho house was prettily decorated
with babketa of pink and white sweet
peas and crepe paper festoons of the
same colors. The bride and groom
and their attendants. Mrs. Klnier
Ferguson and Oscar Lee, sister and
brother of the groom, stood under a
laige hell made of ' t ink roses and
moss. !
The bride wore a charming gown ot
p'nk silk marquisette and carried a
shower of white sweet peas. Mrs.
Ferguson wore pink mesR;;l;;ie and
ge 3i !.''; i e and carried pink sweet
.-as. ;
Mis. Conway is a daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. George Spaun and Mr. Con
way a son of Mrs. K. K. Lee. They
will remain here for about a month
before going to make their home in
a j
Another recent wedding of interest,
in Springfield was that of Miss Etta
78, A. M. Y., Ancient am
Accepted Scot Huh Rile Un;
versa! and Symbolic Fre
Masons meets first and thin
o-'; Friday evening In W. O. W
S hall 7iclt Ui rr hmt hfifa idai
tiaiii V lulling KS1SIUVB V VB
Lee Clark Chas. Klngswell
There's Good Reason for Joy"
says the Good Judge
In the Real To
bacco Chew. You
get satisfaction.
A little of this class
of tobacco lasts so
much longer than the
old kind.
And you dont need a
fresh chew nearly as
often so it costs you
Any man who uses tho
Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short
W-B CUT is
Vallfer to William R. Davia, of Eu
gene, Wednesday, June 23, at th
home of Rev. E. V. Stlrers, of the
Christian church in Eugene. The
bride Is a daugntet of Mr. and Mrs.
George Valller, of Springfield, and had
Wen employed nere at the telephone
office. At present they are Tisiting
with Mra. Darlr' parents.
Complimentary to Miss Frances
Bartlett, who became the bride of
Paul Scott yesterday at high noon,
Grace Male was a charming hostess
Monday night for a miscellaneous
shower. Quantities of wild fox gloves
and ayringa were used for decora
tions. Dorrls Sikea, and the guest of honor.
A quiet June wedding of a Spring
field girl was that of Miss Goldie
Keyes to Clarence Peterson of near
Harrisburg The ceremony was per
formed bv Rev D. H. Leech of Eu
gene, Monday, June 28. at the mini
sters home. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Keyes,
father and mother of the bride, wit
nessed the ceremony. The young
couple will make their home on a farm
near Harrisburg.
Where Cash j
oeats Credit
Why Pay More?
Mason Jars, pints ....84c
I Mason Jars, qts 92o
! Mnsnn Tare 9 nta 1 91
E. Z. Glass Top, pts. .$1.06
E, Z, Glass Tops, qts. .1.10
E.Z. Glass Tops, 2 qts. 1.38
Drey Glass Top pts. .$1.03
Drey Glass Top, qts.. 1.1 7
Drey Glass Top, 2 qts 1.45
This store will dose Sat
urday, July 2rd at 11 a. in.
and remain closed the bal
ance of the day.
Cash and
Springfield, Ore.
A. R. Gray, Prop.
V. M. Green, Mgr.
- cut tobacco
a lon fine-cut tobacco