The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 01, 1920, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Tiiun.snAY. jn,Y i. 120. ,
Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by
Fam II. Tler. Editor. H- H. Freeland. Adv. Mgr.
EEtered at the PostoffUe at SprinpflfUl. Oregon, as Second class .Matter,
February 24. WX
siiiscription uatks:
One Yeitr $2.00 Three Month 50c
Six Month $100 Single Copy Rc
n Year. When Paid In Advance . $1.76
After It had been retn.rted that
President Wilson failed to sign the
water power bill recently passed by
congress, after ten days delay over
the matter, it now cornea as n wel
come surprise to the west to learn
that the president signed the meas
ure before June 11 but for some un
known reason the public was not ad
vised. "
This action will open the way for
great development In th west. It
will open the way for electrification
of railroads. Irrigation projects, pulp
and paper mills, etc. This bill will
unlock great natural resources which
for years have been withheld from
public use through lack of workable
legislation. The west has won on
victory in its fight for industrial de
velopment. It will now be possible to develop
the vast water power resources '.f
Lane county, muking It one of the
industrial centers of the state.
'ompcra' claiming to be able to de
liver the labor vote to the Demo
cratic or any other candidate.
The farmers alone, the labor unions
alone, the tutnks or manufacturers
alone cannot flourish by themselves,
but successful' industrial conditions
depend on the state of prosperity
that extends to every citizen In the
state. Ex.
If your town Is dead. say. "come on,
let's pull ifttt of this hole; let's g-.'t
goln!" Take up and push every thing
jthe town takes hold of. Just like
Skinny Spoonera circus; if us guys
, didn't help him and go to It, it would
fall. Never buck a thing unless
you've thoroughly' investigated it.
: like the new sissy fer Instance, us
fellers were gonna kill him mid then
after getting more acquainted, we
found out that he was a good sport
and so It gos how's your pep?
Let's go! Let's u II put on some
real pep and put over a real celebra
tion here Saturday, July 3.
I We wish to thank all those who so
! kindly helped us in our recent be
i reavement. and especially for the
many beautuul floral orrcrlngs.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hevcre.
Senator Harding is deriving lunch
satisfaction from tlie scores of con
gratulatory messages he Is receiving
from labor organizations in Ohio an I
elsewhere. They all pledge hearty
support to the Republican campaign, I
and demonsttate the absurdity of Mr. j
By Our Printer's Devil.
Has this ole town got any pep?
Then some guy will refer back
about 5 or 10 years to some kind uv
a event and tell about the pep they
had. but that ain't the queslon. Has
your town got any pep now?
"Why. er-rr. yes. look what Mr.
Zeek is doin." Nope, that ain't the
point, eitner. Has your town got any
pep and what are you doin'? Talk
about and question your own pep.
If your car hftsnt pep it ain't mo
good; if a movie hasn't any pep it's
bum; if your town hasn't pep It's rot
ten. If you haven't pep your the
same and better put a clothes pin on
your nose. If the high school hasn't
pep it si)ils the pupils' school days.
and if the basebabll team hasn't pep.
they'll usually make a failure and so
it goes. Pep is a necessity of life
I mean to real people.
(Continued from Page 1.)
trip but are urged to go as far as they
can. Banners will be supplied and In
each place a short announcement
will be niafle and Intensive efforts tu
sell tickets for the big program.
Attention is called to the fa t that
those who expert to attend should
buy season tickets, us they not only
save money for themselves but give
a benefit' to the local committer for
their use In defraying expenses. On
till single admissions the committee,
receives 25 per cent. They also re
ceive all funds from the sale of re
serve seat tickets.
Our Springfield Hard Wheat Flour ( ! itiial Id any
Hour nuuli' In the Vnt.
Our NOXALL Is a blent ot html ami mII wheat. A
medium flour at a medium price.
SNOWBALL n uh any soft wheat flour. A
vulley flour at a price.
A chance to make a nice raving. I lny our flour at any
More at last full prices.
Most flours have adviiccd, oui'H will advance noon.
(Continued from Page 1.)
$.".0. Springfield (iaruge $30. M. C.
Dressier Hardware $20, Dr. Emery
$10. Dr. Itebhan $10. Farmers Ex
change $25, A. A. Oson $C. Long &
Cross $15. W. A. Hall $20. Clover &
Cox $15. McDowell's Dept. More $20,
Newland's $15. Hooth Kelly Co. $50,
I. D Larimer $."i, Springfield News
$15, Perry Piano Co. $15, Cash and
Carry Crocery $20. L. C. Itelmer. $5,
J. W. Downing $15, E. E. Morrison
I K'mi ' iinnl of tin- Interior, t H.
I. mid Olfne at ItoM'liing. (Irt-gtui,
May 2-1, 1U20
Not n- N li'n l given tint Nason
I l.i rw nod. of iiiliiry. Oregon, bo,
HI Jills '.' t I'M.".. Hi. ole I loiiii'stead
l:i.tiv. Nil oln2?!t. foi N'oi t lieiist xi
N'ni i li w ! ' North-
cf flee
J ii
Grand Parade at 10 O'clock
Prizes for Kiddies in ParadePrizes for
best decorated automobiles Concerts by
25 piece band Speaking
Base ball game and Motorcycle hill climb
ing contest in the afternoon wrestling
and boxing in the evening and its all free
including a free street dance at 8:30 p. m.
Greatest Day in the History of Springfield
$25, Springfield hotel $X, First Na
tional bunk $25. Springfield Mill $20,
Springfield Warehouse $15, H. F.
Pitts $2M, A E. Seliseney $10. 1 1 W.
Hoof $10. Dr. MorteiiMti $10. Ur.J
Dippel $lu, Flanncry Drug store $20.
John liitiiH, $20, Springfield Feed Co.,,1,s' ' 1 I' '' . U I K-.
$15, K. E. I , '.. Sneed s grocery xv M : " '"" l ! P"'. mad
$15, N. A. Howe. $5. Stewait it Hoi additional Home, t.-ad Entry. No.
vcrson. $25. SprluKfleld Creamery $20. I ;.-.. lor the East Noiiheast
E. ;. Sutton. $10, Tl4i"on'h black- Sectnm -'I T. M S . It IE, W. M..
Mn'tli shop $7.50. Hell theater $15. '''"d " ' Intention to makn
Spent r & Anderson garage $1"'. Fre I '''at H"-e m;h proof to cMubllsh
Walker $10, Haines livery $2 50, claim to the l.mj above dcM-rlbed,
Harry Corsuw $10, J W. Stevens $5, befoie register and receiver. II. S.
Mrs. M. N. Tlioinpion $5. P iker's (,,i'', H burg, (in-gon. on
Lunch $15, O H. Wilson $."., Veil." ""' 1 "' ''' "f J,,I'.
Smith $5. Fred Lemley $5, L. Jl.
Hamsey $2 50, Commercial Stale bank
$25. Dr. KcM.-r $10.
Wnat To D. Vvoen diliout.
Eat no lu r. ami of .iin i
fluid Taie three of 'b;i ie bei I. mi
TallleW to le.l!;. e mil Jelir --tijfli.i ll
i r i I tune ui iifUi I M-t I iii i'iIi ,n l
ullliili I .i y r ;wo vmi In m ! In
leelmi; liii'
t'l.iiiu.'iiil naiiiei a. v, 't nesses :
Mi -plu-p S lv!-"ll, t.f ElUelie, (ro.
I'na M I'lKiin. of l.tik'iM", Oi".
fliailet Mi Itee. of Wilibeny, Ot.
.Lit k )Ti ni'iii, of W. nin ny, on-
V. il i AM in H.-gisi.-r.
Dale fii-l i , 1 1 lif-iitli.'i Jtine 17, l'.20.
1 1 lie i l l uil, it niton JiiK 15. 1!20.
S lt..l!i IHi-
ll' l oil.
il' iit!Kl, Spring-
(ft J
Iw tM :T 1 y . . Bl ffTT
Lev us tuvrvsr
VU divci WWW
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Mrs. Love-Home:
You know that home is a "mere shell" If your
rooms are not beautifully furnished.
Suppose you make a list of the things you would
love to have and show it to your husband after he ha
made a "good deal" and had a "good meal." He will
"come through." Try it.
Our Furniture FURNISHES.
Respectfully yours,