The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 01, 1920, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    j a MM
TI1UUSDAY. JULY 1, 1920.
Corvallla Two acres Gooseberries
nold lor over $2000.
Jordan Valley roads to he Improved
Myrtle Creek Work started on
parking plant here.
Corvalli Construction of home
economic building started; work on
4 1 00,000 dormitory to start soon.
Grants Pass Oregon Growers as
sociation to build new packing plant
Riddle Construction work begun
on now pruno processing and pack
ing plant.
Klamath Falls Euwance Box com
pany to build apartment house for
Schooner to carry 1.400.000 feet of
lumber completely outfitted at Port
In nil.
Lakeview Daly estate of $800,000
may net state $170,000.
Marshfielrt Da try mens association j
buys $49,000 plant on water-front
Salem Bids on 123 miles state
highway to be opened July 6.
Astoria Independent logging camp
shut down for 30 days.
Seven miles of mountain trail 'be
ing built in western Lane county.
Two sawmills goiug into Jackson !
county to saw yellow pine box ma
terial. Marion county ranks first in berry ;
products, j
St. Louis housing commission re-;
ports that United States needs .1.-:
411O.OOO new homes and l.i40.000 wed-'
dings annually.
Salem Phez company purchases ',
several hundred acres of best bottom 1
land north of here to plant to logan
berries. 1
Portland Klectr!c lantern nianu- j
facturing concern to be established
here. J
Hood River Strawberry pickers J
earning around $7.50 per day. j
Eugene Ical excelsior plant has '
12S. men in the woods.
Marshfield South mill resumes
operations of shingle plant.
Mearorci .Mutual creamery pro-;
poses $40,000 plant here. I
Banks Twenty-seven mills ami':
camps within 20 miles of here assure;
work for many men at good wages. '
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In the coin-
plaint to wit:
For a decree adtudrinr that nlalii
tiff ts the owner In fee simple of the
following described premises to-wit:
Commencing at a point In the cen
ter of County Road No. 15. 66 4 links
East of a point 6 43 chains North of
the section corner -on line between
sections 2 and S of T. IS S. K. i
West of Willamette Meridian, thence
West 10.69 chains to East line of the
O. A C. railroad right-of-way. thence
South 274 degrees East along said
right-of-way 2.52 chains, thence East
9.71 chains to center of said County
Road, thence North 4 degrees 60
minutes West 2.25 chains to place of
beginning, all In Lane County, State
of Oregon.
And that the defendants have not
nor haveeltherot them "any right title
or interest in or to said premises or
any pari thereof; .forever quieting
the title of plaintiff in said premises
gainst the defendants and each of
them and such other and further re
lief as to the court may seem proper.
I Including a Judgment for coats and
I disbursements of suit.
This summons ts published ouce
each Vreek for six successive weeks
In The Springfield News, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished In Springfield. I.ane County,
Oregon, by order of the Honorable
U. K. Sklpworth. Judge of the said
court which order Is dated June 1st
1920. and the day of the first publi
cation of this summons is June 8rd,
1920. and the last publication Jaly
. 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and Postoffice address,
Eucene, Oregon.
When some
(he credit. I'osslbly, under tlie.clr
cuirtstancea, he deserves It; and,
possibly, he does not deserve all the
credit alone, and to the world un
known he has had a silent partner,
who Is his wife.
Any one who has lived In the same
nc IghlMirhood for some time and
noticed the success and failure of
different farmers will readily real Ire
that the farm wotuen must not be
underestimated. Of the girl who
marries a shiftless man and who, U
gel her. after marriage makes a sue
cess, nelxhhora who have noticed
their trosnerlty will often remark In
j substances as follows: "Oh, well, he
good wire; she knows now ti
point, If a woman can achieve re
sults, Jf she can shoulder responsi
bilities or can manage farm affairs
successfully, let her receive all the
credit for It. Certainly lite farmer wln
J talks over hl plans with his wife and
'lets her give her viewpoints and
opinions has nothing to lose and li
many Inslnm-i-s much to gu In, Ore
gon Parmer.
farmer has achieved has
some success tu acquiring farm prop-. manage"; or, "She Is the brains of
erty, or In breeding farm stock, or. the company; she is a great rustler
has made an enviable record In crop
production or some other line of
farm work, be usually receives all
Some one has said that a woman
kitcta from Instinct rather than from
reason. Hut without arguing Ihla
uffsrtd Intense Pain.
"A few years ago when visiting
relatives In Michigan something I
had eaten brought on an attack of
cholora morbus" write Mrs. Celewt'
McVlcker. Macon, Mo., "f suffered
Intense puln and had to go to bed. I
got a bottle of Chamlierluln'a Colin
and Itlnrihoua Remedy and one dose
releved the pain wonderfully, I only
took two or I hire doses but thrf '
did the work."
Acco'rding to a summary of the;
Iine county assessor there are 2J7 .
farms in this county. The majority
of the farms are occupied by the'
owners themselves, the number being!
19. while 47s arf. nitrated by
tenants. The total acre;,jv of these
farms N :;0:j.9Sfi and the total mini-'
h. r of acres of agricultural nnd horti
cultural crops is 94. $47.
"Jhe report thows that there are
1 a-;eS of winter wh-at. 14..
acres of spring wheat. 23,112
acres of oat.-, 1 i", p, res of bailey,
6-0 '4 acres of rye. 4s&', acres of
corn, 8O.S0. acres of clover, 17S acres,
of alfalfa growing in the county at !
tht; present time. Other crops are
li.-ted as follows: !
Willi or marsh hay. 2i',l,it acres; '
o:her hay crops. T'..M;., acres; po
tatoes, 1"S" acres; other root crops.
acres; field .e;,s. v4 3 -res- field
beans. 14r,'4 acres; ci ho s. 3404
acres; i.-w hops. 27', acres; other'
crops. 42K4 acres; apples hearing.
acres; apples nonhealing.
215','f. acres; chei ries hearing. 4".'!i
acres; cherries non-bei.rng. 1
acres; peaches bearing. yj acres;
l"n lies non healing. !!::.. acres
pears bearing. 4&'Vjs acres; pears'
non-bearing. 44'4 aires; prune hear
ing. li:'..':4 acres; prunes non hear
ing, 71Ji acres; walnuts bearing,
IM acres; walnuts mm hearing "l-1;
acres; loganberries, 147 acres; black
berries and raspheri s 04 4 acres;
strawberries. ION acre;.; other fruits
ami nuts, beiM-ing, lO."' aero--; other
fruits and
nuts, non le
Herbert E. Walker, Plaintiff, v.i.
the unknown heirs of Joseph pohor
!', deceased, also all other persons
right, title, estate, lien or interest in '
the real estate described in the, com-!
plaint herein, defendants. 1
To the unknown heirs of Joseph
Vohorsky, deceased, and also on oth-i
cr persons or parties unknown claim-1
ing any r'glit, title, estate, lien, or'
irterest in the real estate 'escribed
in the complaint herein. You and
ach of you aro hereby summoned
and required to. appear and answer
the couiflanit men against you 111
the above entitled court and cans,
o:, or before six weeks from the day
ol the first publication of this huiii
mons and if you fail so to appear and
si swer i-a : 1 1 complaint for want there-
There were some prettq
long waits -for the Doctor in
the horse-2fd-bujjgtjdaiis
- It
Salect your fine io
cord in 4 to tha road
they Ziavg to travel:
In Mindy or hilly couiv
try, wherever the gomj
is apt to be heavy TTa
U. S. Nobby.
For ordinary country
roads The U. S. Chain
or Usco.
For front wheels Tha
V. S. Plain.
For best results
everywhere U. S.
Royal Cord.
AKE it easier to get around and
you make healthier and hap
pier communities. No one any longer
questions the worth of the automobile
or begrudges any legitimate ex
pense connected with it
But millions of car owners arc rebelling at
the idea that running an automobile has got to
mean was re.
Every now and then you hear a neighbor
complain that "he doesn't seem to have much
luck with tires."
Send him to us.
The minute a man begins to question the
service his tires arc giving him, he's ready to
listen to reason.
Our business is built on the principle that
the only way to get better tire service is to get
better tires to start with.,
That's why we have taken the representa
tion for U. S. Tires.
U. S. Tires have a reputation for quality.
Built up through years of creating better
tires. Such as the straight side automobile tire,
the pneumatic truck tire.
It is not by chance that U. S. Tires are made
by the oldest and largest rubber concern in
the world.
We are proud to represent U. 'S. Tires in
this community.
United States Tires
Springfield Garage
VSMrawUl Ml
Wain 1 TUTtlB in 1 1 m iiiiiiiii mil 11 fl