The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 01, 1920, Image 1

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U U; LAI 1 u
I I . . I 14 III Am I i a
I I 1 1 " I J
-T . C, ...... . ,.,
Lloyd C. Martin ha purchased the'
stotk of I, O. Iltilln In the First Na
tloial bank'ln thin city. Mr. Hulln
ha resigned his poult Ion an c annier,
lh resignation taking effect today.
City Dolled Up for Occasion;
Day Starta With Salute
Early in Morning.
All la In readlneaa for vliil la hi. cannier. I , , nn Tir .x.. i
petted will be the greatest Independ I Mr- Martin came to Eugene from cl(1 on of Mf an! 0 p Bererii ' DIon ha been on an extended bus!
a 1 1 . i a - - ' i
The Information ha been obtained j
that the Springfield and Wendllng
plant of the Booth-Kelly Lumber!
company will close down on Friday I
night vfor an Indefinite period. This
Sometime ago Mr. Martin was elected - Car Runs Over Body Crushing i. caued partly by the need for re-'Lareet Run of Salmon Ever
a ai.iatant cashier of the bank and, ChestDriver Absolved, j pair and on account of car shortage. I Seen in McKenzie; Season's
t a meeting of the board of director
on Tuesday he wan promoted to
from Blame.
The length of the shutdown can not:
be determined until the return of Mr.
Dixon sometime next week. Mr.
Hatch 450,000 Trout.
ence day celebration In the history of Anyle, "Wisconsin, about a year and ot Wegl Springfield, was held Tester
a... - I . t . u .1 a A a ft. m
Hpringricia. - j - - n,ra me empioy 01 a,y afternoon from the Walker chape!
The day will be started off with h" "ank nt fjommerce. At Argyle ' ,n th, cty Interment WM n L,urej
sunrise salute. Next on the program ,,e bd been ",8Unl ot ' ,,, rem,tery.
will be the parade starting at 10 ' '""J "d treasurer. Last I The was killed Tuesday after-
"clock. The parade will assemble on"""r b mrrM M"" itb Dora-j noon about 1:30 when a car driven by
North Mill street with the head rent.' ' ' r'ul'T . A. Dillon of Portland, ran orer him.
year Mr. Martin cam a to the First
National bank.
crushing his chest and breaking bis
ness trip in the east
M. L. Kyckman. superintendent of
the McKenzie rlrer flh hatchery de
clares that this year's run of salmon
Is the best ever seen since the estab
lishment of the hatchery. This means
that there is the best prospects ever
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyne. Mrs.
M. O. Vlles and Miss Isabel Hughes
will leav Saturday morning by auto- bad for the take of eggs at spawning
mobile for Portland' where Mr. and time which will be about August
Mrs. Hyne will lslt. Mrs. Vlles will flrxt this year.
go on to spend a couple of weeks with ! Tne stop rack across the rlrer
collarbone. Mr. Revere operates tba i ner mother at Mt. Vernon, Wash, and . wa Put ,n early this spring wlti
Ing on Main street. The line of march
will be eant on Main strict to "ill
street, north on 7th to A. and went on
liit in
I.m ..rated ..ut.H sr.. t.ledaed f..r h.i-l1"OJ,l,n,w u",n "ww- property ln. UHhlnK wileelbarrow. Kvldentlv th : T,' NeI in the Pruno-
I Mr. JIulln presented his reslgni- ,.,re ,,taon In West Springfield, Hughes will, spend her two! two traps in which to catch small
to Mill strt where they will diH l,on ,a"t T'M'r to take effect an, ha and his son were walking week vacation In Idaho.
.d. Nearly i. or., of flouts and Ju,,u,lr7 1. but was prevailed upon to ' m)ulh nlonK th pav.rnftnt Mr. n.ere '
salmon and suckers to be used as
feed for the young trout now In the
I ponds and those hatching. The lower
i v. i.t. Klr- t prle for the bet le.o- " more or mi (.hI!(j t.(.ame confued when the car. i vl 1 wa8 'His week to , return rack to prevent salmon from
i;ii... imio will I... fo and second , "'r"onal ",ntlon than he could glTe also going south, approached them ' 3 K' W,,d' Mr' Wv,,! bas r''turned to ' returning down stream was put in
i u 1.11a ..t ..ill. it. i a. ft. t . m . . . .
Ml.o 3. Jim Kiewarl will In tl.n',""" -""" ' and he ntarted to cross the road, but 1 'rn,,'r "on,e ,n ,ne eaHt to Ting j last week.
mounted murxliul of (lie .lay.
Kiddies' Section Important
The ( In LI nil h section of the purii'l"
will In wrll rared for. There are al
ready n iiiinili.-r f cnttii-K nsd more
irit I...I '11...... ...Ill I... ......I
' . " l 4 I . T III .' IUUI
pt !., ill thin Kei tlojl of tile Jilirnde,
$3 f"i firnt prize; m i oinl prize $2;
third prize l, and fourth prize a
jiihlilt These will lie awarded. for
vat Ions entries sm li n ill', best deco
rated perambulator, doll carriages, or
make up of any kind of children un
der 13 years of age.
Immediately after the parade there
and Mrs .Hulln Intend spending much U((jnlv chunked n,l Klin,! hv '""X Oregon
oj the summer In the mountains and 8ppaI,.jU,r , an effort t0 avold yy
unrl flua KWt-a ucrmem. me ,invr.r was seen TonmeO, are employed at the Farmers
io apply nis ii rases at once but tho Kxt ha this week.
boy was caught under the wheels' of
the ma lilne. it U said the car was
traveling at about 20 miles per hour.
. The little fellow was at once
brought to a physician here. Although
he was still breathing when picked
j up, he died a few moments later. ,No'
! coroner's Inquest was held as Mr. 1
Hevere held Mr. Dillon blameless.
Plans for the celebration to be held. Resides the parents there are four.
.Springfield Saturday. July 3rd. sisters to moiiin ih ln nf ho . By 8eason Tickets, Save Money and
will be Diatrlotlc soeaklna In the oark I 'l0unaU1 rr'", - American Legion' I Help Keep the Profit Here
... ... . t ....... .1... I . m .
at Main and First streets. Judge (J
F. Sklpworth Is the orator of the dav
Then there will be foot races on A
post. Later the Loyal Legion of Log-
for Springfield.
gets and Lumbermen lent their to- It was on a culm, still evening as the'
operation and support to the move- uu was going down.
A rousing Chautauqua parade has
treet in the morning for the voung '"' ul ft i pr-Mit-M time a sue T,,at 'hp t'-'k-brutJon finance commit- been planned for this afternoon, eUrt-
people and various other sports. ( 'rm celebration is predicted. of th town K 1 er oc,OCK- r"
At nKn the big free barbecue will J 0,1,1 committees from the Anierl- To donat I'ttle money to celebrate MBemb,e onr F,ftn atreet
be a feature that Is expected to draw ran ,'t',on' '- be business men the greatest thing . The purpose of the parade Is to ad-
a great crowd. This is to be held in r PPlnted to have charge of the Th,,t I,"vf! ,on ,ou.r ori except 'vertlse and stir up Interest for the
.i... v in ini :mnr. , t nantailQlia whlrh nmmnooa .
M,;I2, tomorrow 2 and continues uutil
a. a I . V. v " i ...
the motor "'',; to mil over the event was ni aovenise our growing city for ,lu- luu commiuee in cnarge
4 ycle hill climbing contest and a base- niade and fhe finance committee mndo "'"nv 'mlt,H arou"'- that the surrounding communi-
ball game will be features, beside canvass of every business house .in ' Now ,,,, Pverv bllBlliniw nlan that " d n0t y6t kDW enoueh about
additional street races and a tua of the city. U.ts emmnittee seen. 1UB cnauiauqua. out mat tney want
. t. . i . ni.. ... . .. vurloili. aeliv'llnv and fauiiim, "f Hi..
lit? vai'ini iu wii itiniii piri'wi lliHwrrn - - -.. vt nq ,n liesl.les
Mill and First streets. , eejeoratiou. . A butlgut of the funds It would help up build the town.
During the afternoon
l.. .ii i j . .. .i . . . i ' o I. m i. i. .1 ..i a . . . I tt It nnw mn A will a tttA 19 .AMnil.l..
war. i romiwinK is ii iihi oi innse uonaiin; -m"-i ""-u hhihi riiciii in meir pocsei ; " " n sumnuiug
A g(MJd card of Inning and wrest- money for the celebration:
ling has been arranged and will take Total subscription to date frou
place on Fourth street at 6:.'0. .members of the Loyal Legion of J.og.
A concert on the streets and free K'""s and Lumbermen, U.P.
street dancing on Fourth street w'll Jbn Ketels $50. ( V. Kgglmunu
(Continued tin Page Klghti
(( 'out I tilled on Page 4)
Four Splendid Singers at Chautauqua,1'
sn.f unit un the old long green. : is done to arouse their attention.
Some said, "we're glad to give and Hence It Is requested that all car
.)! 1,1,. off or h;.t owners who can possibly leave at 4
To celebrate the good old Fourth and vwt i.rin. ti,, a u i
4. .. , 'ck bring their cars and help in
's,'r,,, l"r the booster parad
Hut then
few In town
Snfd. "there's nothing
I On nnv uurm rlnv ttiniiRnnrln nn1
thousands of fine, big salmon may ba
seen jumping out of the water be
tween these racks which are located
on the bend of the river opposite the
hatchery plant. And there all sizes
small salmon and large salmon that
would furnish material for prize fiali
stories. If one will walk along the
plank on the upper rack they can see
great numbers of salmon trying to
fight their way through the rack and
make their way on up the stream.'
Jt Is a sight that makes the angler
eager to cast in his lines and it even,
excites anyone who Is not a hook and
line enthusiast. To say the least. It
makes anyone fish hungry.
400.000 Trout Now Hatching.
At the present time there are
200,000 yearling rainbow trout in the
ponds of the hatchery. Some time
ago the state fish commission de
cided to bold all trout until rhey are
16 months of age before liberating
them. This will minimize the possi
bilities of the smaller ones being
caught and destroyed and will erfable
them to stock the streams with bet
ter fish. ' C
There are 400.000 rainbow trout
eggs now being hatched out in the
troughs of the, plant. The total trout
hatching for this year will be 450.000,
according to Mr. Ryckman.
The state owns 53 acres of hind
v - v- . w j j -lf5- .
e. It is planned to
some exeeptions as aj v i-: dusciib, io-iuh wunu iue ,ikiviui uaicuery im
located, about la miles above Spring
field. This Is one of the largest
trout hatcheries in the state.
The grounds are open to visitors
turned th' committee down.
seems ns though some neople would
rather see Springfield dead I
Than to e've a few nM Hniim-g to help '
it live and go ahead.
burg and several other communities.
doing " nnd The only deterrent id the gas situa
tion. Some may not be able to se
cure enough gas to make the entire
(Continued on Page 4.)
(Continued on Page Eight)
Now It seems that it oneht fn thej
motto of every man around
To spen.l his .lollrira w!h tb nn I
tVpt spend their dollars for the;
. There Is a, oiarm abpt a! good nils' quartet tt does not extend to any
ofifijr sort 'pf 'rijiHSlcal o.nmpany. To .the Itliacaiis Is given the Important task
fit et(lH ih" pavo for th(' .Chautauqua 'program thls'.SHnnner. The manage
nient ; soyiiht loug and Vrefully before this group of splendid siiiKins
entfrtnliiers was t jioaen ;fir the jopening ilay. ,. v '.
Tin ijusrtet Im under lie direct personal inanaiteinent of Mr. I.nftus II.
Ward, jibt has be'ijn a prominent 'figure In Kastern (Miatitaiiqua circles for
years. :,() tjhe opmiiiu day the Iliacans will give a full aCternoi.u prograia
of new anfl old favorltlea and many comedy numbers. Ataln In the evening
they will give a happy, snappy prelude of nearly an hour. It Is such a
program as wllt.ey the community up to splendid interesi In the il.i.vs follow
ing. Dont make t lie mlstakB of wa'tiug until CliHUtaiiipts is well stdritd
before you uttend. Come the first afternoon and help surf 'tninsa right.
According to an announcement by :
III. A. Booth, state highway commiK-'
sloner, the section of the McKenzie j
river highway between Blue River
land McKenr.le Bridge which is now'
! being graded, will be surfaced soon
j after the grading is completed. !
I Tills section of the road la In the
j forest reserve, about 45 miles abovo
.Springfield. Surfacing of this graded ;
portiou or the highway will be done
In order to make it usable the year;
K. K. Kiddle, another member of1
tho commission, Herbert Nnnn, chief j
engineer for the state, and J. C. Mc
Leod, divisional engineer, made the '
trip up the highway.
Another section of the McKenzie!
highway, of nbuf a quarter mile be.)
(ween Wrlterville and' Leaburg, Is'
being regruded. .It is planned how-!
ever, to leave this section until fall to
allow -it to settle before-graveling.
Work on this section Is being done'
by the county road district.. !
Ronald Roberts returned to North
Bend Sunday after a brief visit here,
Mrs. Roberts and two amull daugh
ters, Catherine and Josephine re
mained to spend the Fourth,
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Vincent re
turned Monday from a viwit of ten
(lays in . Portland.