FACE 2 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS TiniHSDAY.' JUNK 17, llVJft., THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at 'Springfield, Lae County, Oregon, by TYLER A FREELAND am II. Tyler. Editor. II. n. Freelaod. Adv. Mgr. Entered at the Postofflce at Springfield, Oregon, aa Second-clusa Matter, February 24. 1903. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year 1103 Three Months 50c Six Months $1.00 Single Copy 6c let Year, When Paid In Advance, . . ..1.74 In Society The PurvaiH-e family met at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellison in West Springfield on Wednesday of last week for a family reunion. One brother. Urover of Vivian Park, Utah was absent. Those Mrs. Sarah Purvanre, Mra. Ernest Purvanoe. their son Cnr rin. and daughter Margaret, of Met 'lakatla. Alaska. Mrs. Maud I-eltoy of Reectsport. Mra. Myrtle Wilson of Yacolt. Wash., little Miss Mona Elli son of Junction City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellison of West Springfield. The Prise II la club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. H. B. Free land at her home on South B street last Friday afternoon. The afternoon was passed with sewing and chatting. Potted plants and roses were used aa decorations. Besides the hostess mem bers present were Mesdames Berry, Howard. Girard. Larimer. Tomseth. Basford. Donaldson. Willis and With row. Mrs. C. Olson was a guest. the further sum of $50. attorney fee and the cost and disbursements of this suit, taxed at 128.40. and accru ing costs; commanding me to levy upon and sell, in the manner pro vided by law the lot and premises in said mortgage and decree described, 1 to-wit: Lot No. 3 In Block No. 3 of Grand Prairie addition to the City of Eugene, in Lime county, Oregon. Now therefore, in compliance there with. I have levied upon aald lot and present wero j will, on baturday, the 3ru day or July, ; Professor and 1920. at 1 o'clock d. m.. at the south- west or main entrance to the court-! house in Eugene, Oregon, offer for. sale and sell at public auction to the . highest bidder for cash, all the right, ! title, estate and interest of aaid d?-; fendanta in and to the above de- J scribed lands and premises, subject to redemption, as provided by law. ! FRED G. STICK ELS. J Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. Date first publication June 3. 1920. , Date last publication July 1, 1920. i We Guarantee Our Springfield Hard Wheat Flour to be equal to nny MRS. A. TRUE LUNDY NU BONE and M. A K. COMETS Kl'IMSH'AI. COUHETK and BELTS FOR MEN and WOMEN A SPECIALTY ',r( 'till Ave,. E.. Eugene, Ore. Phone "H2 L. Afternoons l' Hiira flour made In the West. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir ture of an execution and order of sate issued out of the circuit court of the state of Orepn. in and for Lane coun ty, on the 10th day of May. 1920, up on a decree of foreclosure of tho mortgage recorded on page 205 of vol. '45" of the Mortgage Records of Lane county. Oregon, in favor of Wil liam B. .Marsha and against Amos X. lfurlbert and Blanche M. Hurlhert, rendered May th. 192, to satisfy the debt secured thereby, to-wit: the sum of $500. with interest at 8 per cent per annum from January 1st. 1919; Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. If you are troubled with chronic or lauscular rheumatism buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and mas sage the affected parts twice a day with it. You are certain to be very much benefited by it if not actually cured. Try 1L A business Institution must el titer advance or retrograde. The First Na tional Bank of Springfield keeps pace with modern progress and safeguards its customers' interests. A Our N0XAI.L Is u blent of hard and soft wheat. medium flour at a medium price. f SNOWHALI. s good as any aoft wheat Hour. A Htralght valley flour at a price. A chance to make a nice paving, store at last falls prices. Duy our flour at any Most flours have advnc'd. ouro will advance oon. SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY ROY JENKINS Local Representative or A. E. Anderson Tailor. too All Wool Publics to Choose From. Prices me Right. Room 1, Seavey Sleek. I BRISCO JITNEY Phone 11 Springfield Garage lentil Oyr. Day and night wrvlce. DR. EUGENE KESTER Physician and Surgeon nrriee Phone S llotne Thorn; JU Offico Hours: 9 a m. to 12 m.; 1 :"0 p in to 5 p . Why That Headache? When you know the cause of a dis ease a cure may often he effected. Tlrs is particularly true of heudacbe. Headache often results from consti pation or a disordered condition of' the stomach which may be corrected by taking a dose or two of Chamber-! Iain's Tablets. Try it. These tablets' are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. of June. 1920, at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon offer for sale and sclj at 1 u til tc auction, at the southwest or main entrance to the courthouse. In Eugene. Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash, all the rkht. title, estate (.ml Interest of said defendant in and to the ubove descrilicd l.ind-t, subject to redemption as provided by law, to satisfy said judgment and de , crce Willi Intfiest at s per cent peri annum from the dates above men I tione, and the expenses of malting sin ll sal".'. FRED ll. STICKELS. Sheriff of .iiin County, (innon Hull- fttM iiiililliai ion May 1,'u, ly.'O I i.i I l,it publication June ;, ly.'d. ' DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phono 3 Springfield Oregon A want ad will work for you. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. r ft Let . us figure on your require ments. We have a low operat ing expense and consequently lower selllngprlce. POULTRY SUPPLIES HOG and COW FEEDS HAY STRAW "OREGON" CEMENT Let us show you our new Hog Feed for fattening. It ia worth the money. Springfield Warehouse Co. On 8. P. Track, South 2nd. Notice is hereby given that. by vir tue of an execution and order of saje issued out of the Circul Ctourt of the state of Oregon. In and for Lane county, on the 10th day of May, 1920, upon a Judgment and decree rendered by said court on the 27th day cf April. 1920, in favor of Agnes Ran dolph and against George L. Smith, Almira Smith, Booth-Kelly Lumber company, a corporation, and L. M. Travis, for the sum of One Thousand and Twenty-nine Dollars and ninety cents, with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from October 26, 1918, and the further sum of $7.44 and Interest from the 5th day of April. 1919, and the costs and dis bursements of this suit, $11; com manding me to sell in the manner provided by law the lands In said execution and order of sale de scribed;; I have levied upon the said lands described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 420.1 feet west of a point in the center of the county road, known as the River road which is north 8 40 west 1.77 chains from a point in the south line of the Lem uel E. Davis Donation and claim No. 42. Notf. 2083, in Township 17 South. Range 4 west of the Willamette Meridian. 49.02 chains East from the southwest comer of said claim; and trom said beginning point running north 360.3 feet west 241.8 feet, south 3C0.3 feet and thence east 241.8 feet to he ptlace of beginning; containing 2.00 acres, more or less, of land in Lane county, Oregon: And will on Saturday, the 2Cth day ONE BEAUTY OF OUR BAKING is that it api-uls to the eye as well us the appetite. Our layer cukes, Jelly roils. pc, etc., are SO tooi to look lit they create an Irresistible desire for u taste to see If they are ns flnij an they look. They are finer. All we ask Is for you to come and see iheui. You'll ordnr some hihI die fiivi will prv' our claim. EGGIMANN'S "A Good Bakery" i ik? z :v 1 iflMBlM I , I II l, I II! I ! is i im '"Maas I DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 20 J Residence Phont 129 W Sprmgf if Id, Oregon GENTLEMEN I; of ereiy uKe uml elation can I in p:oe their iiipeuraiic uml protect their person by Retting a suit at Ramsey, The Tailor Main St. Springfield I To Keep American Ships on the Seas For the first lime sim-e ilie Civil War we have a real merchant iiiiirine. It cost uh $:I.000,imi,imxi io gel It. The farmer, manufacturer, laborer every American is interested In holding our position en the seas. An u first sup In this direction it is necessary lo modify tiioi-e snides of existing commercial treaties which -have operated io ihwiirt I lie upbuilding of our merchant marine By jdtii'? i lie in. lice of termination for which the seteral treaties provide. This action is directed III rite coiistrueihe Shipping Bill how lief ure I 'on jf less; Which declare it lo be the policy ef the United States "to do vcliuievcr may be necessary lo develop and en courage" merchant murine. This policy deserves the support of every American. JrficMiij.' ibis jupori I he present effort to maintain our ltierMiani nini-ine may sufter The fate uf many. iiirncl)e Hltei.l of 'he pan.. " Send for a copy of "For an American Merchant Marino." Committee of American Shipbuilders SC CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY V. C-L Sum mei" -jJ'k . 1 LEMLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Propr. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing, Hats blocked, Suits made to measure Main Street. Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Corner Springfield Main and Third Oregon ' t r CI V "W,' 111 a KOR INSURANCE SEE CHA8. L. SCOTT at First National Bank Springfield, Oregon ii t i. ,i will deli&h IjOLI Mrs. Fresh Air Lover: . . Make your living and sleeping porches pleasipg; thn you will use them more. Fresh air is the best medi cine you can take. Our summer furniture Is so built that it can also be used INSIDE. Seeing our airy,' fairy furniture means buying It because it pleases the eye and does not empty your Purse. , Our Furniture FURNISHES. e) faM Respectfully yours, BERRY PIANO & FURNITURE CO. D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 8prlngfleld. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon DR. W. H. POLLARD PHYSICIAN AND 6UR0EON Springfield, OREGON Phones: ufii.naj, Res ZD M ufllce bouts: 9 a. ru to 11' in 1 : :. p in to C p. m i aaera Catarrh In this aMiUea Of Vbm country tliaa all oilier laiiaa put IsflMiior. and until the last t yemt viae supiMaait lo. be Incurable. Kor e (treat Uiany ) t doetuia prniiincl It a oca I diaas and pirhiiIImuI lutml rem illa, and by ..vuealaMl.v ra)ng to ,eao with local trvairiH.nl, annioiimi 1 H Inctr able. HnlfiiiK has prevsn 'alrrh 10 be e conatllulluiial illM:an, and lharfre re quires cunaliiuilonal trrutirwnl. Kall'a Catarrh Cure, iiimitifurliird hy It'. J. Chenny Jk iU., 'I'l.lfrt i, Ohio, la the only Conailtiilloiial cur on tlic markat. Il- la taken latarnally. II acta rilrrctly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syatain. Thay offer una hundred dollara for any raaa It falla lo cure. Hcnd for rtrculara and taatlmoniala, A4r: J. t'lIICNRr I CO , Tvl4a, O. Hold tjr Iirusalaia. lie Take Hall's hauilly 'illt fur cona ilea,