The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 10, 1920, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY. JUNK 10. 1920.
r nv 9
jv.. . - . , r : l y , . .. ..' - -. - - -
: r
( Con t in weft from,-Page ,D ,
to pixreas.-'Mle' lore 'the nigh
nervous tenxlo.f that Is rapidly. rUuc
family ltfu to 1 of tho
"number of roluMon' of Ins
tance wen- adopted unum Mch
lpr the MlowlntMndorMn coty
dmt of the rnrtM Stt tont
the onuUion of land
tee. ovptwmc the a n
vtaiirs condemning w
l,v Alatl. hv the Mai
oKislturt. trtXrmyer to ftvund. There are also it number of
t-nacted to petm invest!-1 clover citrtooiiH drawn by Joe iH-etn,
. ......! issues. " - . .
vow? on
TV Annual which put out by
the student of I he Sprlimfleld hlK!
KCh'iol this year is redlcnt volume,
well notien Hp'fti'l,tllten. The book
contains over u hundred pane ami N
handsomely bound. It i profuaely
illustrated. both with half lone of
the nchool board, faculty and claim
use of etnerpem. t.uut!on bo meiubei and ncenes about the achool
lint f i
I. Horn, Dell 11. rowell. Clarence R.
Powell. RuaaeU C. Olson. Oeorite W.
William. '
-T (
Ft) It SAl.K Two lot with young
Mkm. Sinned N. S ' Hurt h. I'liona
2S V XX ,Siir1mrfleld If
t -
KOl'NH Man' purim containing val
uables. Tall af Newt ftle and
prove property, if
KOl'NI Hunch of keyn at ball itame. j
Sunday,' May 23. Cull at Newnl
of ru o.
KOl'Nlv A fountain pen. Call at The
NWN ''office. mil iv of me vi
ol me " -
who was the editor of the tHiok.
cation oi . , .... ruinm- -Vi,. ri..u cipinl u:i hii-ilnesn not mi cer
r . farmers - - -
Kanuaiion o. transports-. Much credit is due the atudenls and
inendins 1,up,OXCnt!,,udinf: the postal faculty of the school for puUlim out
tion facilities . designation a,,,ljthe edition, both financially success
service). urpinK ket r,mdS. favor-; ful and from a literary standpoint,
construction ot m , aUalUm ot'Thls was tho first annual for four
Plhl w of the Prrtdenf. cabinet. ,
member oi me i .,..... tt THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL
mendinK Ue . ,
a to furnish power ior
tio to II. K. l'llis" cabinet ahop,
corner Fourth and C atrveta. for your
S;-nltaiy l!ut tor Mold, kitchen calil
nets, kitchen tablet. KukIImIi break'
fast table and Kenerul cabinet work.
broidery work,
and K streeta.
sewttiK and em
Kthel lladlcy. Cth
the farmer.
Vm kiiula Plad vacations hen.
1 I vel: uhen 1 come to think
eves, tn U go a swimmin
An- my t'hro-t g.-s on the blink.
ltut way down in my heart
I'm not so sure.
vou know.
nd when the superintendent
' comes u an' shakes my hand
And savs -Goodbye, come apam
Next fall" I'm fanned.
strappin' up my books
and sweetly sinned,
An' when I'm
Sav'when I thought o' leavinK her
the blood in me jes biles.
There I had to stand an' grin
Like a hloomin" bum.
I -sped she thinks I m kinda funny
An can almost hear my brains hum.
1 wants to take her in my" arms
And tell her sad '-Good-bye."
But I Just stood and looked at her
An monkeyed with my tie.
At last. I walked off down the sr'M
A whitslin- "Yankee Doodle."
1 looked back about a hundred tims
Cause I love the whole caboodle.
1 'sped to be a tfodie squirt
An" dish out ice cream cones.
Sell magazines and kid the girls.
. An' rake, in six bones.
Then back to school I'll hike auir.
When it opens next September;
I'll greet my friends an' teachers
An", by Jitjbes., become a S. H. 5.
The commencement exercises of
the Thurston high school will be held
Friday evening, June 11, In the Thurs
ton ciiurch. Two students. Jack liar
belt and John Taylor, will receive
diplomas. A nicmbcrof the (I. A. C.
faculty will deliver the address.
The baccalaureate sermon was de
livered last Sunday afternoon by Itev.
Stivers of the Eugene Christian
The annual picnic of the hitch
school is being held tpis evening at
the Stufford school grounds near
Camp Creek. LaM Saturday night
the high school put on a program and
ice ream social for the purpose of
raising money to fay off an lnl.i'tcl
nes on a phoiiPgraph and other
equipment recently purchased. They
cleared $79.M which will leave a bal-
lance for the hjgh school fund. A
large crowd attended and a good
time was reported.
WANTED Old rags, clean, tiring
them to The News Office tf
WANTED To rent piano for long
time ue; good care, small family.
I'.ox lt)ti. Springfield. Ore. tf
The I'niied States supreme court
on June 7 handed down a decision de
claring the national prohibition j
amendment to be valid und the Vol
stead act to be constitutional. This
means that the Volstead law prohibit
ing he sale of beverages containing
one-half of one per cent or more of
alcohol must be enforced In every
state, regardless of whether the state
has ratified the amendment.
Employes Get Lumber at Low Price.
Bend. Ore.. June 8 The Shevliu-'
c. fvfn GBAfUATE FROM "l,un ana "cooks rxanion Lumber
HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY Companies, the two largest industries
- ' of ih!s city, w ill help solve the hous-
Kleveii students of the Springfield problem by furnishing lumber to
high school recevved their diplomas their employes and residents of thU
last Friday night at the commence-, '' home building purposes at
ment exercises In-ld in the Methodist a VrUS J" that received for
church. Five of these had completed tl,Hr product f. o b. cars at their own
the teachers training course. n,1- The Iu"''"r companies will
In his oresentatlon of the class a,HO nn'e' the building of homes
Supt. Hamlin gave an outline of the a'ld.l,'t f''l''yes pay for them by tie-
students' work and their scIhmiI lif
I lei bet t E. Walker. Plaintiff, vs
the unknown heirs of Joseph Potior
sky. de eased, also all other persons
r gilt, tl'le. estate, lion or interest In
t!ie niil estate described in the com
plaint herein, defendant.
To tin- unknown heirs of Joseph
l'oliursky. deceased, and also on oth
er prisons or initios unknown claim
ing any r glit. title, estate. Hen. or
interest in the real estato 'est libed
in the loiurluint herein. oi and
curb of you ate hereby summoned
and ieiUired to appear ami answer
the i (.mi hunt filed agaimtt you In
the above entitled court anil cause,
on or before six weeks front the day
of the first publication of this sum
mons and if you fart-so to appear and
answer said complaint for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho relief demanded in the' com
plaint to-wit:
For a decree adjudging that plain
tiff Is the owner in fee simple of tho
following described premises to-wit:
Commencing at a point in the cen
ter of County Koad No. 97,, links
East of a point 6. 43 chains North of
the ' section corner on line between
sections i and 3 of T. lb S. It. J
West of Willamette Meridian, theme
West 10.G9 chains to East line of tho
O. & V. railroad right-of-way, thence
South 271) degrees East along said
right-of-way 2.52 chains, thence East
9.71 chains to center of said County
Koad. thence North 4 degrees 60
minutes West 2.25 chains to place of
beginning, all in l-ane County, State
of Oregon.
And that the defendants have not
nor have either of them any right, title
or interest In or to said premises or
any part thereof; forever quieting
the title of plaintiff iu said premises
against the defemliits and each of
them and such other and further re
lief as to the cimrt may seem proper.
.. 6o
Aih- Coffee 35c - 3 pounds for
Onions, tlry, pT pound
All kind or KIIKSM VKOI-rrAIU.KS.
OriM'ti I Van. Stilus Menus. Turnips..
Groceries at Rock Bottom Prices.
Springfield Feed Company
Including a Judgment for costs and
il'sbursi inents of suit.
, This summon I published once
each week for sis successive weeks
in The Springfield News, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation pub
llshed In Sprlngflebi. I.ane County.
On-won. by order of the llotiotahh
C I'. Sklpworth. )(:!;: of the suld
court which order Is dated June 1st.
la.'O. und Ho- day of 'be fllt pllhll
.mi, ,n of Mil snininotis is June .lid.
IK'.'O, and
S I'.Oi.
the last put In stlott Ju!
pOTiiit A. I M V El..
Attorneys fot li.uiitlrf
Itllit I'ottlolfitr address.
( instill
The uniform stale eighth grade ex
Hininat ions will b" held in si liool dls
tucis wheie tbeie are pupils who
hav met the conditions and apply
for iilest'ons on Thursday and Frl
day. June lu and llth All pupils who
were conditioned In the May exanil
imiHou nu work off their conditioned
Hiibjei n at this examination, and
,.n,,.iii. ulll lu hi'iil on these sub
Jects without further application. No,
question will be sent for pupils w ho I
failed. unless Special request f or I
them 1 elt III a week before the I
.tHinliiiiiiott If school Is closed, tho'
chairman or someone he appoints can
give the examination.
Countv School Superintendent.,
; . i
A number of meetings of the Pa
cific Poultry Producers association
will be held at several different
points in southern Washington and
the Willamette valley th's week In an
effort to bring lo'o the association
the principal poultry producer of
liese sections. Among the meeting
The chorus given, by the. high school
girls was followed by an address by
Dr. II. D. -Sheldon- of the C. of O. A
piano duet by Misses Edwena Par
son and Vernita Morrison was well
a small sum from each
wages. The plan has Just
been placed in effect and lumber is
now being delt out under these con
ditions. The 1920 payroll for these two mills
rendered and, a solo bv Miss Mona " '"n" "'"."- ano
McHenry pleased the audience. w,,h U,Hr reKem holdings of timber
Those iu the grad.iating class were: iu ,,,1h ,eion ,he n,,l, ,a" "Pate
Florence Fish, Alice M Bee. Juanlta al tl,,M opacity for 30 year-.
E. Lombard, Mona E. McHenry. Opal ,, . , . ,
, .. , .. . ... ,, ,. . The largest coppersmith plant in
L. Mason. Sybil A.. est fa II. Earnet lh(, rnfte, .mates Is in Oregon.
1 i
"Bear this in Mind"
says the Good Judge
You not only get com
plete tobacco satisfac
tion from a little of the
Real Tobacco Chew
But it costs you less.
The rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer
than .the old kind
you don't have to have
a fresh chew nearly aj
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Put up i:i two stylus
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a lon line-cut r.-ilsa:
Another Royal Suggestion
WHEN the children
rotnj) in hungry a
younp licars, licre nr.: some
wholesome, economical de
lights that will not only hr
received with glee, hut will
satisfy t lie most ravenous
appetite in a most whole
some manner.
K cup ("hnrtniiiif
2 ;ui cn'i.r
, l'Ul ml:i.
2 fK.'i.
t tfHMimon grated nntpi
ltiUH.'ii vuriiiiu exirurt or
gintt'i ruiii of 1 .-rnii
4 r.ij lU.u"
3 t im;iiik Itoyai Jlakintf
I'ov.'lt r
Cream bhortcnin? and surr
tortli'.'r; add milk to beafn
e;n :md heat a(?:iin; add
friosvly to creamed sliortrn
nif and f.ntVir; add nutincff
and llav.ring; add 2 cupi
flour .sift' d with baking pow
der; udl rnounli ni'rc liour
to nuke stifT dotijfh. Koll out
very lliiti on floured board;
cut with cookie cutter, sprin
kle with Miffar, or put a raisin
or a piece oi fcnijlWi Wilnut
in the renter of each. Bake
about V.i minutes in hot ovca.
Cocoa Drop Cakes . 1
4 tit.l.f i.r.on Kliorttuuii;
1 i ui auir
1 i-HK
i imp rnliU
14 iii Hour '
3 li .-,,.ui Royal Unking
ru, ' ueoa
. taiMin patt
1 teaaiuun vaollla extract
Absolutely Pura
Cr-m sliortf ninif ; add sntar
and w r 1,,-uirn ri;; b'-at
'A ell and add milk nlowly; av t C
lluiir, lukm J.inwl. r, s.ilt and
rnroa irt' inixturr; stir until
Miiootli, add vanilla. I'nt one
t.ilj!rsmiii r,( JciVrr into
cull Krei"d niiillin tin and
lil.e in iTiddT.iii" nvii almut
minute. Cover with boiled
Orange Cakes
4 t.iMr"fviiin liorU liinu
1 i u 'nr
?i cup ni IK
1 ffCK
2 1 1 -j M dir
3t ii. r .!. rtnyal rtal.lna'
I'uv. '.r
',1 t.-Hll (I Hlilt
1 t"-ii'"iii nr.inr f"'rni t
fiiiti"! I In I of I iiiniiKD
Cream sliortfnin; ;t 1 t nijar
sli.wly, bi aii:i' v. 11; add milk
a little at a time; Hon add
v ell beaten trk; .sift (lour,
t:t ! i ii vc iovder and salt to
fi'tlicr and add to mixture;
add (l.ivorin; and grated
'range rind; mix writ, 'Rake
iii t'reasi'd shallow tin, or in
itisidtial rake tim, in hot
oven li to o niiuiitei, Wlirn
cool cover witli orange icing.
.Ttut off tlm trnH nnd finer
H:.iii nvr In-fine. TliU
UrA' Ilif'il ','ic i'villc cilla
t.iM.liiK l ij.' iulit Tut re.
cl,. it. will lie- tnt to you
freo If you will otni your
Iputii; U i, ri ,1,1 1.-J..I.
I!i Klltrnu Sir.
ftuw' l't
In till (.ction will ! luio at Junc
tion City on Jinn' IT., nt 2 i in. and
one lit Ci'MnKi' litotc on III" klililfl
il.iy at .n m.
Tio- I'ui lfu I'lndin iT i.ri;uiilaiion
h.ib for It 4 itliu Hot liitt.i tug of
nun kftiPK "iiillt on. ami wait ro
cut!) fillueil flnlil tin- On-Knit I'oill
iy l' imIim i-l s it - K f :i f lull Willi ll Wit
nl Ktitili'd iitiinit u )lll HKo It luiN
III I'll llll'll l till' llliltliH'. IIH'lll Of I' I,.
I .oii, (,iiiniil poiitiry IiiihIui iiiIiiimii
ot Hie I 'tilled Stillr-i ii'i.ittllielt 'f
HI' I li III! n I I : I ' lio ed lv tlmne III
li iesli-i! llie m in p,uil.itor
Mill lme eill ;i Kleutet irnn' ntld
lie iilile lo io inure effective Mi'k
ChamberUin't Colic and Ourrhoea
, Remedy.
Kvi't) f.unl! IliMll'l kei p thin ici
ui.itioii at lutiid iiii'ly fur 'ii-tinil iii'
Wlli'll lift deil. Sfl te llll.likn lif Cdlia
and t hull rn nioil'ii often ioovc futul
In fore nieilii iiif tun he r u t ftl or
u jiliv hit inn hiimiiioiieij The uniform
Mlfti'tiM has uttendeil til" II n of
ihln remeily mid the pioui.t tttrea
uhlch It liit m etfet i i lull' iii.hIm It
a Kl:iilf Hlllile (if tluilti.
Stiifi Unr Culver of tlu road dlt
ttict neiii Ih-i rhoin ni IhmiI hoiian mi
the Mi Kcn.le river Iium ht Ktin work
of Improving a lutd utirtth of roaj of
almut half mile County toirvryt.r
I. ,M MoiHe hiiH litiliolinreil that 1-00
t of the road will he macadauil'd.
The roHtl on the niih ulile (if lo
hill It'HdinK lo.llie (ieorK" I loir 1:1
farm liax lueii reilticeil from a 10 ami
12 per cent Ki'Hile to It 7 per 'ft
grade a li i J othci'wlHf Improved, TIih
Murk wiin fltitiiliMil I.ihI week.
"Bake with Royal and be Sure
r ' n pf m2ni3tu tiii(i