.. tv. .-It aVi'.V '''' T1IR SPRfNOKIKLD NEWS PAGE 8 TIIVrtSDAr. MAY 20. 1920. 4, FbrfSAlt Just&liWtliSoapgBier to ?dzw noruJ56in$ mojhc L r ,ffJreai scru66jn&. xpucvcisi C $ : l&ifce chziza.Jt lasts youcuiac. r UNI VE R SAi'R0XCNELoA,g . FURVTSHED fiSr in tl limousPcilCvorhbo , liful aolt PfjeJik. Blur, you can nutth your kitchen perlecilr. UNIVIT Porcelain used exctu ivfly in UNIVERSAL iUngca ia practically indeitruitible. It ii (uarantrtJ it to rracl, chip nor peel fiom he t. It will not Jiscolor and will tuve Ihetarnaj beautiful nlnr arid luitrg after twenty yri ow at it had th daf you (Hit it in your home. Madc.pt cast iron throughout. There . it tot a piece ol ttrcl . inthe UNIVERSAL Porcelain Ranrea. Nothing to run out. It i life time luting. Porcelain or F-namcl ia ued wherever ileanlmcu uteqtiired or hard mar U the rule. Who would have a tm bath tub or an mV tsrii hnulit on out uo with aa old - . . . black rangr' Come in ana let ue ano yo ukw ocaw ttful, indcetniUibU Pacwciaia Range. M. C. BRESSLER A SON I lard ware and Furnlt ure. USAfc-SJurkta eillapMbl baby WO'4a i(id' condition flt.tio. yr;K. Lynn, nnn,V7.IV,Jntp bHiTl'SAI.K Tw wwa with young '. pig Signed 'N.' S. Hurt-h. Phona . 3 S F12. Sprlngfr.-ld. tf , U03T NO FOUND MBT KUhr. at t hrUtlan church or on A atreeU btftwB 4th and 6th '(drafts, or tin btwpn . A' and ;' H. an old fanhloned. gold brooch. ' Kinder please rrdurri to ' Jeantdt Rlrhardon. corner Cth' and H. m20 FOlNl-A fountain pi n. Call at The New -office. ml3 CABINET SHOP Go to II. K. nttt cabinet ahop, corner Fourth and C alreeta, for your Scnltary Hutter Mold, kitchen' cabi net, kitchen tablea, KngllMi break faat tablea and general cabinet work. WANTtvD WANTKIV-Plain, aewlnn and em broidery work, hthel Ifadley, Eth and V alieeta. JlOp Any one wanting a good motion pic ture bualneia at a reaaonabla price in thre nearby towna apply at Spring field nwi office. TOWN AND VICINITY Miaa Florence Coffin will arrive- to Tlait orer the week-end -with her parents. Mr.' and Mra. J. W. Coffin. Miaa Coffin, who is a bookkeeper Li a ' bank in Portland, la on her way home from a three weeka vacation in California. She rial ted San Fran cisco, Lot Angelea. Pasadena, and also went over the border into Mexico. Many people of Springfield and vi cinity do all their banking bunlnens Cecil Ii. DeMille's Production, "MALE and FEMALE" Friday & Saturday, May 21. 22 15c and 35c DELL THEATRE in Eugene whan right in their home town they have a national etate, county, and city depository. the First National Dank of Scrlna-fleld. Is that the way to build up your home town? Howard Cotton of North Bend la visiting friend here this week. He ia a former resident and high achoot student of Springfield.''' Dr. 9 Ralph Mppel. denttse, Spring field. Oregon. W. W.. Ebbett returned to Reedn port this morning where be had been for the put few days working on the light and power plant there. He ex i pet-ts to stay there several months. 1 A nine pound son was born Tues , day. May IS. to Mr. and Mrs. ('. K. Lyons at their home on Second atreet , A son was bobrn Saturday to Mr. I ami Mis. Norton Pengra of this city. "Mr. and Mrs. Ray lirodrick of let ter visited in SpriiiKflHd on Sunday. I.utlan Feglus of Meredith was in town last Saturday. Dr. S. Ralph Dlpel, dentist. Spring field, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. II Adrian huve returned from Salem whre they had been called to the lediide of Mrs. Adrian's mother who later pustxid away. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. T l-r and son Paul. Vernon Tyler. W. V. Hill and daughter Mattie Iau, vlaited with relatives In this city Sunday. Imvlng motored down from their home In S!ni mm We havt? purchaMotl tlie Vrehoue' and Stock of titit tnan -Conoway, located on the S. P. track on South 2nd street .Mind are fVrbpaxed to. offer the public ft full llnt(f ' ; ". ' , ' .'! : FLOUR, FED. HAY. POULTRY SUPPLIES and CEMENT We will operate on a CASH hanln and endeavor at all time to sell for -lest-money than we would have to hav! If we aold ot Credit and maintained an exeuilve-wtor up town. ; T . - : , ' " We will, jnake PHKK delivery, in the city and ordeht will be nent out Collect If you wish to phone In your order.;' If , you believe In getting more for your money hel; tin make a success of this .venture by trading here. It will lm imifor! in your iocket. ' f' : i , . . . Springfield Warehouse Co. Phone 50 LYON A HUNTER South Second St. Springfield' Feed Company IlEMKMHKIl THE OLD STAND .. f 1 shall continue (o handle all kinds of feed and trp to pleane the public. The noted TILLAMOOK CHEESE. Preferred (Jreen Teas, the bent on the market. Teas in bulk, also at low prices. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Yours to Please, Springfield Feed Co. Vote for GOOD ROADS MAY 21 Vote 302 X Yes for 4 State Road Bond Limit (Paid ad v.i 1 YKTi ELECTION, MAY 21 Vote 302 X Yes For 4c'c State Road Bond Limit 302 X Yes 303 No -HAM.OT T1TL1-: IS AS FOLLOWS::. - -co.Nsrn ( i icjs tr asiknduk:. r -iufrri M tb pi: by tb " Lit''"r A-iuUy. -LIMITATION OF FOUft KR CENT STATE INOIITIONIII fOm PERMANENT RO AOS.-f irp-,. l mixl Hmifu 7 of -: A'lKil" XI.f t C,,:i.iULl.u of tax SUUul Or-f;i IU U prlinit lt trmuotui Hlft9-iti lishilitim in'.-iu'iir ( pmvi'iu. ililtia mud uktnUttm ' fr tb pt-tw ol b'uMinf td fnir:tA'fUng prBuiiit riA4l t" iti .. niiiHiitiil lour jwr nt A tKuMKl nlui ot mil Ui pr.w.njr in tltu .Stft'tf "t Or.cKi, iri,UMil 01 lwi pAriviit ww tnjirfii by law. NO PROPERTY TAX-NO DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES : NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX '.Keep tJif th'rW facts' in mltidd. TImj fircw'iit auto Hccn.sc feis and gasoifiie taf y id pny Ixith tin1 prhu ipal nn iitr--fc on all the iMindi uiidi thifj ajncntJiiA hti find will yk-M nn anntul surplus lrf-.sides for other .Ktat'Jiighwuy wxiilc"; No .'nlditionul tax.itiou jf.aiiy kind. k FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE MATCHED 0' """ ii t li.tvo builii-i'iit Hitiltwuy I-'inxIrf to inati-h Fi'dfr:il aixi t ion-1 (iK iifS Cr On-iiii raiiiiot yt-t lin- Ix in-iit of 1 nli-ntl jiiiwi !y for Oicdii HouiIl I ik i oai:i X tJilM canMitut -.ma! limit in h !iit Hhiiy. I'i.U-m limit is incrcaw'd, Mlln-r'htal: road t:iiml hi- c'iiiilc-d fir many, n any yt-nw.or niast b iinWIied hv dtrct t ifrtiTty taxation. T)u. iin-u.-.urn hvhiI din-i t pi-operty tan for state highway atid make early coinjdH ion Kiinihli-. Let's izvt the roadj built now. - Incomi from Present Soureet Sufficient t Piy Principal and Interest Tli" tmrt that rrvaniM Irum uU lirau4 fxM aii'l njlii tux, with'Xit inormaa f rrnt nta, wi!M siui ir I i y bth i rmcipal ui intrMt "U th-- l ii'li. ia r,-r y a-t f irtb by ulfinaj tisnrxa i'. t ! Milt i'airiiib t. aiailatl to ri-ty ci ri .it. r K -f-r ( ht..Ui fainntiWt or Vxr.naati n. l.iaiiiin till) labia i-arHfiiHy. It fraa tbat lu) l r .nritv U( rwiwirrj avifi lb it iraiut faua ( ut ncrriaa f- an.l la will rb-m jruiei'.l atnl mt -rii ati l ym'.l turp iia l'i')' F'.r Iutorrd Tablua, 1'uUjpiiliiU or f i t ,. r I.t i uuitui.i, wt.'.c I OnKOONilOtDS ANO DKVEI,l)M K NT AWTtTION 1. L ISXriai. finatot, IIS lt , tmVtti ( ( Ui)l,(inMlg lKa. Lt.iaati (jouihtnii Ho-l.)ui. t.H , 31 ! W H'l ii H'liliiiii, f o:t-ii 1, Uir ia " VoTE :02 X VLS-Fw 4;i SUta Road C&nd Limit Another Royal Suggestion rr ' ' : . ; DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the New" Royal Cook Book DOt-TCTTNUTS made the l;uili!uy liaji-y' during the war and no won der. There is nothing more wholesome and delight fill than doughnuts or crullers rightly made. Their rich, golden color and appetizing aroma will create an appe tite quicker than anything else in the. world. Here are the famous dough nut and cruller recipes from the New Joyal Cook Book. Doughnuts t tablpapontu shortening ' cup aufc-ar 1 KK nip milk I l a xruioii ruitmea; 1 tHpiriu ault J i:upH Hour 4 t -ayp'Ktns Royal Raking 1'owdtT Cream ahortnlnsr: add atiKar and wi-ll-bfatf.-n eK; tlr In mtik: add nutirK-, alt, flour ami bukitiK powder, wlilult hav b -i airtcd trKfthr and enough ail -dltlonal (lour to mak dough nl(( enough to roll. Roll out on floured boatd-, to about Va Incli thick; cut oitt Fry In deep fat hot pnmiich tp brown a pluva of btrad In W arconda. : Drain on unplaced fia;er and aprinkla with powtlertd autcar. Afternoon; Tf4 Doujhnut tableapoona aurar;' i ' 4 teaai uon aau UaiiObn craUd UUtmtg 1 BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure A' 4 I '' t lal.lr-prv.na ahnrtinln t tltllll-Hlol, lllilli 'i rupa Hour t 'aapoona Itnyal linking lo.il.T li'-rit fkk iinlll vr-ry Il7lit; a.l t iijit. rnlt, tuiiin.'tf nml nirltrd ahor Irnlni: aild mil 1c . and (lour bii1 liukwiK pow. r ulili'h liavn lii'on fUlri loip'thir; mix wall. I rop by iMttoom Into ilctp hot fat arid fry until brown. rain writ on up Kintal papor fi rid apriiik a Hahtl with pow. tiered auifar. Cruller , 4 tahlrapnnnc ahot tchlnf 1 cufi HUKar V run i rup flour 1 ti-aapniui clrinimnn j ti-aHnn nalt i U napoona l(oul making rud-r ctip milk f'rnam 'Nlioitnlnf; add augar grnduiilly and boaf-n fscaj alft toKflhor (lour, rlunninon, aalt niid linlilior pnwdi-r: fl'lil ono hulf am) mix w-ll; iuld milk and rMnriln.h r of dry Ir1rr 'llrntu to tnnKp uoft dou;h. I(o out on floured board to about . Inrfo 'thick and cut tnt-o atrlpa about 4 Indira lony uml nr, wldoj roll In hnmla gin twlut ruuli utrlp and bring imiJh tiiurcthr-r, I'ry In di fp hot fut. I rata and roll In uvtdi'rod aiiKr. FREE' Kw noyril Cook nook opn. taialug ihnf rnl acornn of o4lur doili-ht fid. rccipva. Vrlta for. it TWtY. ' ' noVaLIIASIil oWDKJioO. IIH-uJloBBtrV . Vuik t'iljf DIL .iX D-lI"- 1 L C aUUKu Willi Muyuiunu uv jure i 1