The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920.
and , ." .
Straight j
i WMtam MacLeod Ralne t
X 0ffifi.f 0 W IMluaiaaai Uaaaaat
rn i.
CHArTm Afvantuions n rarg.
Waa, ralttar thaa crimiasl. sit selta ay
llqtisr. Curly laniau anil his rliura.
Mar sath r dtt-ally met a soya, ba-oma
lavalva In huiaa alaallng asantnta.
Dlapaatag af Ilia aialan eia.-s. In Ilia lawn
?r hsgaana, A.. th. ban aaparsias,
tirly aa hi- auiMr staying hr lews,,
hay aia awassna an ia a M
In lawa la pursuit af Inaav Tha aiu
alr aurtMaia. Ovansaaa uait day, Ma
la allla ay lb aoaaa an Curly wasa
aaatlya, aftar Ha has aliol ana and htm
eaff bsen wauasa,- la a aim . ahol it
Iraok Ctilltae. ; .
CHArrtn' n-rulHaan'a frtewsa. 'all
MUWraeM. Otaimlaa la lynch I'ttrly a
aa eieiBgl la caMla iblavta Willi ilia
.. ra arun hia neck ha la aava by I ha
hi(araniiaa juia CMfltaan. , Uiss'e
arugfcur. - ,
CHirriCR III. -Mis wasn't aass.
M farther rlalattna as aaprahan4s4.
Curly la eaal lor by C'aUiaaa, Ha suaa
tlaas ths or rancaralbf a aslarlaiia it
law, taagf kis, ral Taasar af Ihs rlia
ttavg wba ha baa a Cmlr'a ao4ala.
Vtan4raii Isaraa I bat Aaaar la Cut.
Ilaaa'a blilar aaam y aa atarriaaa a bala
fal Mnan afar Iha aa-abarlff's aan
kn. wiia haa guarrala wlik kla latkar.
C'ttllUaa gasa kali far Cully. ,
CMATim"lV.-,,u1y raaruaa aa
tana rata a baaf ttag lata arkbib ha haa
alwmafa. ana slaaavara Itiat Iks ullaaj
t H4iu I rival fsrtlia haw
ta lionaon ha glv.a C'lrly a na la
aaltvar la Mam. an riandrau an taa
aal aul (or Iha lattar's ranch.
CM AITKR V.-Tliars Curly meats hli
oompanlona af Iha mailing aapMUIon and
aallvara Uun noia lo Ram. fount
4 til II aon baliavaa Blona la hia Man and
eaya lis will illik by him. Manilraii aaaa
soma iiiov, la hrlng plannad and haramaa
rnvlm-at ll la train robbary. gain laavaa
Iha ran. h In g to s-guaiha. Curl ac
coropanlra bint.
CM APT Kit VI - Favaadrovplng al a
anastlng pla a. Curly tiaara Minna and hi
lleutansnl, Htarkatl, arrant l.t
linld up Ilia train al a rrnaaing known aa
Tin Cup, and aTlar Ilia robbary aliool
young and laava hia body 011 (ha
a-ana, linni ihua glinting hia revanca on
Iha a-liarlft Itiioufh lila ann'a da1li and
dlaara.-a Curly la a.riif.l by Ml-tna of
l1ii a apv of I .tic li Culllann'a Thay ara
aapiualail. but lrt wild Uia iindaratand
ln that Ihi'lr iil marline will maan a
flint lo Ilia ilrai'i. I'uity niakra a run
fldanl of lil'K Matnnav. rallloman ami
lhay In fm in I. in k Cul'laoii of aluns'a plul ,
agalnal lila aon.
Part II.
niAITKn l.-Aflar an all nlihl ar.
alnn at Ilia Koundup club. In wlil-h ruin
aon haa dial li-aMly. Diaia la an axi-haugr
of aliatp wurda balaxn lu.k ami a
vhrrpman. Can Fandrlok. with wlmm
L'ulllaon baa a faud.
CIIAITKIl II -Hauaha la aUrtrlflad
by tlia nawa of II. a holdup of iirai
mraaanara. Ilia liandlla a. urlni ti.'
Culllaun pava hia pokai ilalilx anil alintily
aflarwarrt Mn.-kciiila and Al l-1andiau,
tils rloaral filrluU. Irani lir In aula."d
of Ilia rri- robhrrv. lila hat having
bran fniui.l on Ilia a. rna and l a being
wilaalng. '
CM AFTKK lit -Kta goaa tn Haurhi a cona'illiilliin Hh MarUrnrlr. Alr
I'landrau and Curly. All ara nuivliuT'l
of I.u.'k'a IniuMaiua. Tli al.arlfT irvrila
that braid. (ha llii'llng of Culllaon'a liar,
and hia i4ymrul of lila dobla, Caaa Krn
diirk hu.l arm Iha roblirr and la luiot
rrrtaln It wa l.iuk. Culliiuiu la aixiul to
anlar a liunu al'-nd rlulm whb li will prac
tically put Krndrkk out of buslnora.
"WIihI Komi would Hint it? If Ih'k
pilllly lie wniililn I Inlk. Ami If hi
li liiildlnu your fuilu-r HiniiHwhore In
the IiIIIh II wmilil only ai'irintt no
lice llial tve were netting warm. Ni.
I'm for a at ill limit. I.d (.'" rll
around hihI incrl III pail nor In thli
ilevl. We'll keep an eye ou hlni, all
"Maybe you're rljht," Knte gJniltlrtj
with a wish.
Hlierlfr Holt, Ihiinuh a politician.
t an lionen nmn. It troubled him
, that CulllNun'a frleuda believed him lo
i b pa ill u In a ma iter in thlg sort.
For 'which roxon lie met mure I ban
-liHlf wgy Curly'g overiurea. Tntinf;
Handrail wax In the oflVw of the alier
Iff good ileal, been uas h wanted to
keep Informed of gny nw develop
ment In Iha W. a S. robbery re.
It waa ou one of thoi occasions
that Kolt loaned acroMH to hlra a let
lair he had Juat opened.
"I've been gelling letters from the
village cm up or from some crank, I
don't VnoV which'. I If re' a a .ample."
Tint envelope, atldreMHed evidently In
a riixgultiPd hand, contained ont nheet
of pnper. I'l'iin thlg wan lettered
i'landrau looked up with auguei
lion of piigerneHi, In hia eye.
'Wbat doyoii reckon It means?" ha
"Search me. l.lka aa. not It don't
mean a thlnir. ,;'Tbe others had Jutd
'aa much nenxe gg that one. J -chucked
them Into the Wnie-paper basket. Oos
tmne by the moriiin run II yesterday
and one' by Urn aJ ieriioon. I'm no
mlud render, and I've got no lime to
gllCHM fool puzxle."
.Curly cmjitied I he on the
floor it mt went over II contents euro
fully. found three coianiunlcntliMM
- i
Want Ovar It CantanU Carefully. '
i ; ' f , ' r i t 1 '
from the aakaowo writer.' Bach of
idem wag prlo'tasJ ay aani a a best
af cheap lined paper I ara from a
acratcb pad. Ht awooihad them oat
and pat them aid by gtd on the labia.
InJg waa whgt he read:
Tier waa only tha eae Ha la serh
itieasage. and all of thata were plainly
In lb aguie band.' hta capld aaake oaf
naly an iblng. that eanaona'wa try
l"t to glv fjte sheriff lnfrrnation la
at gtuNed way.
He was atlll puullng over Mi thing
when a boy ram wlib a aitfiial deliv
ery letter for the aheriff. Roll glanced
Hi It and handed Iha note to Curly.
"Another billy doo from my annotu
This Utoe the sender had leeo la
i oo much of a hurry to prim the
vord. They were written in n stiff
l in ml by nitne uneducated iM-rann.
"Mind II 1 kijp in. :'' Curly
"Take em alo:ig "
Kliitidiiiu m rolled l!ick lo town along
Kl Molino aireel ami -li-wti Mmu. lie
llHil Jllht tl'iiHsitl llie old Si:llll-ll ptilxa
wlicti hlr all-ill i'C.I uii.o fell on a aJj(U
I tin I broiixM liiiti up hhort. In front of
a duar More slrclcbed acroni, the fide-
walk a u meil picture of u J nek or,
hearts. '1 no auiiK- name m on the!
r'tfly yard behind lilm was the Sil- j
ver I'ollar kiIooii. where Culliion i
bad Inst been itecu ou hia "UJ the
lel one bundrcd and till yards
In front of Lt i tu. 8mtiliertf wiilnu
Hint dlaliiiite of two bmnjred vards
the owmi of I Ik- l'nle C Imd van
ished from I he al?hl of men. The
evldi'iice aiioMi-il lie Initl uol reached
the hotel. fl it cul I It' bller hud been
nailiu): liieie lo lull wilh him. Hi
tca'iuiouy, .is well us that of the hotel
clerk, was positive.
Could tin-' little store, Ihe Jink of
lltiirls. be tbe celiirul point of the
mystery ? In bin search for inforina
l lot) Curly hud alleudy been in It. hud
lioiiiclit a tlunr, n ud luid Kiopped to
talk with Mri. Nylie. llie proprietor.
She us a washed ui little woman
who had been pretiy. ..She had
protested with absurd eurne.siiiei
thai she had eeu nothing of Mr. Cul
l.aou. A ainule glance bad been enouyh
to diamiaa Uer from any possible sus
picion. Now Curly stepped In a Vecoud time.
The frightened gaze of .Mr.
fastened upon him liMtantly. lie ob
served that her hand moved Instinc
tively to her heart. Beyond question
ahe was In fear. A flmh of light rlarl
Ottd hia uilnd. She wa a conspirator,
bub an unwilling one. Possibly she
might be Ihe author of the anonymous
warnmii sent Holt.
,Tlm yvung vaiiero tubcrlled for a
magaxiiie and paid her ' the : money.
Tremldliijly ahe tilled out the receipt.
He glanced at l he slip and handed It
"Just write below the signature 'of
the Jack of Heart a.' so that I'll re
member where 1 paid the money If
Ihe inogaKlue doesn't come," be aug
geated. She did so, and Curly put the re
ceipt In bis pocket carelessly. He
sauntered lolsurcly to the hotel, bul
aa noon ns he could get Into a tele
phone booth his llsllesKiiess vanished.
Malnney had returned to town and he
telephoned hlra to get Maekeuxie at
once and watch the Jack or llearu
In front and rear. Kefore ht? left the
booth Curly bad compared the writ
ing of Mr. Wylle with that on the
sheet that had coma by fcpH;taJ, de
livery. Beyond question the aaine
person had written both. -- j
Certainly Mrs. Wylie waa not wan-j
lug the sheriff against herself. Then
agnlnst whom! .He miui know her
autecetlenia, and at once. Calling up
a local detective agency, he aaked the
itiHuager l' lot him know within an
hour or two uli thai coaM b fu."
oat about tb woman without alarm-
t Ing her.
"Wall a moment. I think we have
her on die. Hold Ihe 'phone."' The
detective presently relumed. "Tea.
W ean-gh you the facls. Will you
rome lo ihe nfflce for IheinT"
Kirieen mlnliieg later Curly knew
(hat Mi. Wylle was lb diverted v. If
of Lute Black well. .
II returned lo tb Del Mr and
aeat hi aara np lo Mlas Culllaon.
With Kal and Bob ther waa also In
the room Alec Flandraa.
Th girl cam forward lightly to
meet hi m. "Have you heard aoine
thing!" she a iked quickly.
"Te. Tell me, whan did yoor fa
ther last meet Lata Blackwell so far
as yon know?"
The owner of tbe Map of Texas an
swered the question of Ids pepbew.
"U met him tb other day. Let'
sea. It was right after the big poker
game. W met him downstslra here,
l.uck had lo atralghten out gome no
tion he hsd got."
v'gndraa, 8enfor, told the Mory of
f what had occurred In th bote! lobby.
"And yon say be awor to get evenT"
i That 'a what h aald. And h
looked Ilk ha meant It, loo."
"What I It? What hav yvu found
air Kat Irnplared.
Th yaiiBg nan told about th let
ter and Mra. WylK
- "We got t get a rnve on n,"
ha eoneladed. "Tr If Lute Blackwell
dtd thl . thing t yar father It'a
mighty serines for him.'
Kat waa whit to th Hps. but la
I dagr.. areaklag dowa. "Tes1 If
thl man la In It he would nf giop
al less than' murder. But f don't he-
Mv It. I know father Is alive.' Ca
Fend rick I the man .we want. I'm
sur of If."
"Kirst thing I to search th Jack
of Heart and e w Ian fa there. Are
you with me. Uncle Alce!"-
"I sure am. Curly," and he reached
for hi hat. - , !
man that cam over th threshold hd
spoke with a casual nod.
"Morning.! Ca0 i "
ffendrlck raomhfed a arrrly niretv
Th mntiDer of Irtmiml niradfrah!p
hia captive chiMu? to employ waa morw
than an annoyance. To rve hi end
If wag necessary to put the fear of
death Into tbl man's heart, which waa
a thing he had found ImrHiasihle to da.
The logic of cJrcnmstance wan drir-
Curly turned .t Itflr d.r with Mg , , .h,apma. Into a corner. Ha
warm smile. "By the wgy, Tv got
aome new I forgot, t know where,
yur father got Ihe money to pgy hlg
poker debts. Mr. Jordan of th Cat
tlemen' National made him a per
sonal loan. He fl cured It wonld not
hurt the bnk because the three men
Luck paid It to would depoglt It with
th bank again."
"By Oeorge, that'a whgt we did, too,
every last one of ns." hia uncle ad
mitted. "Kvery Utile helps," Kat aald. and
her little double nod thanked Curly
Maloney met them la front -of th
lack of Heart.
"IMck. you g with me Inside. Unci
Alec, will yoa keep gnard outsider
ffo,' hub, I won't. I knew Lack
Wore yoe were walking" bowlegged,"
the old cattleinaa answered braiuely.
t'nrlj grinned. ' t All right. Pon't
h'ama? me If yon get ghot np."
Mra. Wyl'e startled eye told tale
ot your friends thla tiro. Mr.
fherllT." Black well Jreret
"I get a stay of etecMtlon, do It"
J'he cmI drawling voice of rhe cart!
man showed nothing of th tent feel
lug within. .
Oe resumed his seat and the reading
of . the aewspaper. Pregently. to tha
had on Impnlse made the owner of ths
Circle fJ hi prisoner. . Seeing bins' IT
ther unconscious on Ihe floor of tlso
Jack of Heart. It had come to bias
In a flash that h m ght hold him and
force a relinquishment of the Del Or
claim. HI disappearance would ex
plain HsHf If tbe rumor spread that
be wa th W. & 8. ex pre rohier.
Css bad done It. to ave himself fernst
the ruin of Id business, but already
be had regretted It fifty time. Tlireb
could aot obov Lack la th least. . H
was as hard aa Iron.
(To b continued.)
1 Periodic Biliowa Attacka. ;'.
Persona aubjct to biltong attacka
at regular intervals know about wtieai
to expect aa attack. They find that
they hare no deaira for food when aa.
attack la doe but usually eat beeaoa
It is meal time. Skip one ' meal s4
take three of Chamberlain's Tabtetf
and you may ha able to avoid ia
attack. Persona aobject to pertodi
hllioua attacka -ahoold not drink tan
or coffee at any time. . . y
- r - t j
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppal, dantiat, Iprtaar
flald, Oregon. f '
- . f
1 8
GILVND old "Buir Durham. He belongs in this
country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more,
familiar figure ? For over half a century Bull has
been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents
has nrade millions and millions of friends.
You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag.
, ' -aum I i I a iii " . . '
'Jflllk wI I fflWM9jWH&Sjl WW' p.per you I
' '"Kfi jK f TVwWSfj caootl "Bull" ;
I -i ....L.,rai 1