The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MAY 2(1, .W2tf. .
dltlonal taxes of tiny sort will be re
quired if the State bonding measure
in )HMHI.
Iublistaed Every Thursday at Upringrield. Lane County, Oregon, by j Kd building In Oregon must not
TYLER eV FREELAND ' and w"' cease. In ease the bond-
Sam II. Tyler. Editor. II. It. Freeland. Adv. Mgr. lug measure falls It lurana I hen will
, "in nimbly be a direct tax aguiiiHt prop
erty. ' Another tutMH tMiit feature of thi
slnte bondtjig measure In tlmt It
would permit the stale to tnke ad
vantage of 2.629.f"li which bun be.' I
Entered at the I'ostoffUe at Sprint field. Oregon, ss Second class Matter.
February 24. 190:1.
srnsriuiTio.N katks:
.One Year - $203 Three Months.
Fix Month ...., U CO Single Copy
One Year, When Paid In Advance,.
; method Is not wise, thut Lane county
- i should wait and pay as It builds. Nut
Do you waut to get out of the mud?) l,ne county Is now in position
VVould you like to have your property .. where It could build practically no
-value tncieased? IVi you want to save , loads for the next few yara If It
.11 76 allotted to Oregon by the federal go
eminent- uu ft mil gift. voiers of llie(
stHte should not miss their oppor-1
tunlty to tin tin their porlli n of this'
gift, j
Vote ;U2 tXl YKt?.
in the cost of operation of your auto?! must follow the plan of piiying as II
IX) you want to help make the boys goes.
ant girls of today better eltixena for If the $2,000,000 bond pass the
tomorrow Do you want to be able county will then have adequate funds
4o get to market quicker and deliver to pursue a definite and well made
your produce In better shape? tlan each year. Only a certain amount
You can accomplish these ends by ,rf the bonds can be sold each year
helping to build better roads in Lane and these must be sold at par. And
-ounty and throughout the state. The the money must be applied on the
first step to secure good roads is to .portions of toads as stipulated In the
vote for the $2,000,000 road bonds in ' proposed plans. Of course the I.aue
Jjme county, and for the state meas-. county bonds will cause some incjeasa
tire which would increase the state in the taxes but the benefits derived
road bond limit from 2 per cent to from the resultant good roads will far
4 per cent of assessed valuation ef outweigh the taxes,
all property in the stale. Vote .118 (X) YES for the Lane
Both bonding measures will provide county toad bonds. ;
funds so that roads can be built now..
for our use and for the use of th. The measure to increase the bond
coming generation. Each will pay ing limit of the slate will not increase
their proportionate and just share of the taxes as I he present gasoline tat
the costs. ' and auto license fees are declared by
No one argues that good roads are state officials to be ample to finance
not a good investment for everyone the principal and interest on the
linows that they have always paid bonds and leave an annual surplus
large dividends on money ,so ex- besides. Neither will the auto tax or
pended. A few argue that the bonding license fees be raised. Hence no ail-
Our Springfield Hard Wheat Flour to ln tiial to nny
flour iniulo In the Went.
Our N'OXAM In a blent of haul uiul Mfl wheat,
meilium flour at a medium price.
SN'OWIIAM, h n'uotl as any noft wheat flour. A Htial;ht
valley flour at a prlte.
A chance tomake a nice saving,
store at last fall prlcen.
Ituy our flour at any
With the coming of paved roads!
and consequent development of farm ;
lauds, a great demand Is being made1
on telephone and power companies j
for service. In order to give this sen-!
Ice at low rates it is necessa.y to use !
the highwuya for poles to obviate
necessity of buying high priced right ,
of way which would Increase cost of
service to subscribers. I
A very worthy movement Is on foot '
to beautify l he hlghwats by planting,
ornamental trees along the aides.
furethis done some plan should lie
worked out between the highway com
mission and the public utility coin
mission relative to the kind of trees 1
to be planted and a Steele selected '
uhri li ulll not ar.iw In Mttrtt I..!!.! I
as to interfere seriously with lh ' .
, , ., ' entitled court and cause and answer, bv publication In the Springfield
power and phone lines It is a matter , Ul(J ...mplalnt of the plaintiff filed News, a newspaper of general clrcu
which can be easily adjusted by co-1 herein aguiiiHt you vtlthln six week j luilon. published in Springfield. Lane
operation and it should be done m.w rr,,m ' dale or the Hist dale of
before serious mistakes ate made. j ,'ul,!!c!!l" thU. u''0"".
I April 8th. 1920; and if you so fall to
. O appear or answer thereto within said
BLIND. DEAF AND DUMB. I time, plaintiff will bddIv to the court
Mont flours have ulv"ncel, oiirn will advance soon.
Tsy One Brunswick
Then Decide
TEi bst vny to know for yourself the superiority of the
Brunswick Tire is to buy one and compare it
That is, if the very name of Brunswick isn't sufficient proof
to you, as it is to most men, that here is an extraordinary tire
Thousands f men who have known the name of Brunswick:
for years, realise that a Brunswick Tire has to be the best-
for a mediocre product could never bear this historic name.
Long before the Overland Trail became famous, the House)
of Brunswick was established. It was one of the chief usersT
of rubber for fifty years before automobiles came into use.
No concern with such a history could afford to offer any
thing but the best For reputations are built slowly, but can
be quickly destroyed.
This is a practical guarantee that Brunswick Tires offer
more than the usual, yet at no added cost
Get your first one now. Youll not be satisfied until you
faave ALL Brunswicks.
Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street
for the relief prayer for therein, to-
, Kightynlne cents on the dollar wua j wlt: ,or decree dissolving the bonds
: the highest rate offered In recent ' "'atrlmony now existing by and
' bids for 4, per cent Oregon highway tween X0" "! the plaintiff, and for
j bonds. The largest and most sub- j re"e'-
; stuntlal corporations In the V. A. are """ served upon you
I now paying from 7 to 8 per cnt for "
( money on the finest security. Just
.imagine what would happen to Oregon
j if the measure now on the ballot to'
I amend constitution to limit legal rate
of interest lo 4 and 6 per cent, shnul
iiiunty, (Ucgon, for six consecutive
weeks, by order of lion. tl. K. Skip
worth, Judge of the above court, said
order made and rntered of record
April 6th. 120. Said first date of
puhllcuiuti being April 9th, 1920. fend
last date May joih, 1920, being alt
week. . ,
C. M. Kissinger,
Attorney for lMalotiff.
Itesldencn, Kugene, OregOA.
i puss. A blind, deaf and dumb man
1 can see that every dollar for loiinlng
! purposes would leave the state over
i night.
r " hhiha.iian.ii.iiii! 1 1 1 .-t
i 5 r..
So ciilien should neglect his sacr-1
privilege snd duty of voting in the
primary election tomorrow.
o , !
If you don't vole tomorrow, don't
kick about the results.
Mrs. J. II. Morelock, who under- J
! went an operation last week, Is some-j
-what Improved. j
i Vote for Good Roads'
i -
Vote 302 X Yes for
A'o State Road Bond Limit
nut i. am-: covnty
A Qualified Candidate
I'liinarloh May LM, H2!.
Prrsrnt Auto License Fees and Gasoline !
Tax will pity both piincipttl and interest j
on nil thr bonds under this constitution! '
amendment. Approval of this amendment j.
is necetiury to permit early completion of '
State Highways.
About Digestion
It is claimed that only half as much
food is required when It Is thoroughly
masticated. Digestion begins in tha
mouth and a thorough mastication of
i the food is of greatest Importance.
' When needed take Chamberlain a
. Tablets to strengthen the digestion
i and insure a regular movement of the
Come 'm an A see
Our x.ovely
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis "
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
i Oregon for Lane County,
i Susie J. Hawkins, plaintiff, ts.
Harvey Hawkins, defendant.
' To Harvey Hawkins, the above
j named defendant:
; In the name of the State of Oregon:
i You are hereby summoned and re
quired to be and appear In the above
Catarrh In this suttl ) at
Springfield Garage
Um eeuatrr tlmu all oiliar
lotfotber, sr.d 'onlll IIih lant few yi
wm siippoitrd lo t Im urnbl. For a
rat many ! Uuclurs piouunnesS' It
mm l tilea Mini M" 'ril-il lm al rvinc.
dii-s, and ly tuiriHluiitlv fuilliiK la nn
Willi in a! trvsltnent, prmuiuw'tt It Iricuj-. H.Iim- litis provnJ '':: ,. ',i b w
4'coniKltnriuiiaJ dlsrase, .and thfreforc r-
Mulrra riiiMinutlirial treaimenl. Mags
t'atarrn I .n, iiiHnufai lun.d tijr K. J,
ChKiicy Sc Co , Tolnhi, Olilo, la lb onkjr
t'linal jtulliniHl iiVm mi the niHrltcl, li (a
laktrn lularnally. ' II acls dlrtNtly nn lh
bloud.and luuious aurfai ta of tha yii(ii,
llicy tifTer on Jiiimlrcd iluliHra for mhyS
n It fii In in ( tire. H' lid fur t if nlars
and ta(lrnonll
ASdrraa: V J. IIKNEV tc CO. Tui4a 0.
I4 ly iTLfylaia. 51 r
Tak Hi'it tmiu.lf I Hit Ivr tji Wo(Ui
Mrs. Love-Home:
Our soft toned rugs. will add that touch of
harmony needed in your home. .
Every wife takes pride in her home where
it shows taste and refinement. Your home- can
be made so.
We KNOW our rugs a're well made and Will
stand examination.
Comejn and, let us show you these works
of rug art. ...'We haVe many styles aud slies. Our
PRICES are low fpr the up-quality. 1 "!
Our Furniture and, Rugs FURNISH.
" Respectfully yours, . , t.