The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1020.
f Toilet: fefpU
"Nothing U too good for a Bride." Our toilet
articles will not only please her, but also the
bridesmaids, the guests and everyone who uses
Come to our drug store, not only lor your
toilet articles, toilet soaps, combs and brushes, but
also for everything you need in drugs and drug
store things.
We are Careful Druggists.
' wr
State of Oregon, In. and for Lane r
county, for Initial registration of the
tiriA to tlin land above described, j
Now unless you appear on or be
fore 111 5i h lay or June, 1920, and
how caus why sfcch application
should not be granted, thi umn will
n taken ft confessed and a decree
will b entered ' according to the
prayer In the, application and you will
()h forever Imrnxl front disputing the
Minn. '
Clerk ;of the Circuit CourL
(Heal of the Circuit Court) j
I sit fin-t publication May A. .1920.1
Date lust publication June 3,' 1920.
Cottage Orova Man File for County
and purity are acknowledged tralta
of our butter. Butter that la not
fresh can never be bought at our
creamery. Our buttermilk la of the
same high standard.
Kmniclt M. Kharp of Cotlagu Grove
ban filed hU nominating petition for
the Republican nomination of county
comniUaolner Mr. Kharp saya In hlj
petition that If nominated and elected
lo the ofile he will "admlniater the
dull? honestly and foarlesuly to the
beat of toy ability; give a twvund, eco
nomic business admfnlMtratlon f
county affair generally; will endeav-i
or to abolish Ihe'preKcnt extravagant'
jyntctn of sopervllon on road and
bridge construction thereby savins
approximately 10,000 annually, I
favor a patrol system thai will main-
tain our ronda In good repair Uio year
round Instead of the present method
of exploitive repairs once annually.
My Mpht years' experience in road
buiMiiig bh supervisor and contractor
will be used to reduce the cost of
road building so as to give a dollar
In roads for every dollar, expended."
Mr. Sharp desires to have the fol
lowing placed oppoHite hi name on
the hnl lot: "Money on roads, not In
supervision. Oood roads kept good."
in the circuit cocrt ok thk
statk ok orkxjon for lane
Nary S Taylor. Plaintiff, va.
Rudolph Herman Hlndcsgard. defetil-
To Rudolph llfitHHB HindesgsnJ.
tbe above named defendant.
In the Name if the Staid or Oregon:
You are hereby notified that Mary
S. Taylor, the holder of Certificate of
IH-Ilmiuency numbered lfco issued on
the 31st, day of Marcli 1915 by the
Tax Collector of the County of Lun
State of Oregon, for the amount of
one and thirty-four one"hundredlbH
dollars, the Maine being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
tbe year 1913 together lth penalty.
Intereat und costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, oft
which you are the owner as appears
of record, situated in aald t'ounty and
Bute, and particularly bounded and
described aa follow, towlt: lota 71
and 72 in Iluckakln llob'a, Cump In
I. une county, and State of Oregon.
You are further notified that aald
Mary S. Taylor baa paid taxes on aald
premises fo r prior or subsequent
years, with the rate of Interest on aald
amount aa follows: 1914, paid Murth
31. 1915. receipt no. 10179 10180.
fl. 1011. 11. rate of Interest IS; 1916,
paid April 6, 191tt, receipt no. 12614,
II. 43. rate of IntereHl 15; 1910, paid
April 6. 1917. receipt no. 13158, $ .57.
rate of interest 125 1917. paid April
5, 1918, receipt no. 14198, $1.14, rate
of intereat 12; 1918, Paid April 5.
1919, receipt no. 82C2, S .94, rate of
intereat 12.
You, aald Rudolph Herman Jflndos
gard, Defendunt, aa the owner of the
legal title of the above described pro
perty aa the same appears of record,
are hereby further notified that Mary
8. Taylor, 1'lalntirf, will apply to the
Circuit Court of. the County and State
aforesaid for a decree foreclosing th
Hen against the property -above des
cribed, and mentioned In said certifi
cate. And you are hereby tuiramoned
to appear within sixty days aftor the
first publication of this summons, ex
clusive of tho duy of said first publi
cation, and defend this action or pay
the' amount duu ar above shown, to
gether with costs and accrued Inter-t-ht.
uiiil in cah.t of your failure to do
no. u deciuo will be rendered fre
chiHlng the lien of said taxes nnd
costs agaliiHt tho Utnd and pn-mfxc
iilnve named.
This summons is pulilisneil by order
of the Honorable (J. V. Skipworth.
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
Slate of Oregon for the County of
Lnne, niado and dated this 22nd. day
of March, 1620, and the dale of the
flr-t publication of this summons is
the 2Ath. day of March. 1920.
All process and papers In this pro
ceedinc may bo served upon the un
dersigned residing within the Slate
of Oregon, ot the address hereafter
S. I). Alien. Altcrr.y for' Plaintiff.
Address: 38 W. 8th. St., Eugene. Ore.
Date first pub. March 2Z.
pate last pub. May 27, - .
I -a Grande Ten miles logging rail
road under construction.
lebanon White City road being
In Society
By Doria Leah Sikea.
Mr. and Mrs, John Conoway were
hosts last Wednesday for an Informal
social evening In honor of Miss
Amelia Ureiine. who left Monday for
her home In Iowa. Those Invited were
Misses Amelia lireune, Helen Coff
man, Grace Male, Nina Hoe sen and
Dorrls Slkes.
The Epworth League of the)
Methodist church will hold their
monthly business and social meeting!
Saturday night. A picnic has been ar-j
ranged for the occasion and all those;
who wish to go are asked to leave
their names with Miss Helen Ooff
man, chairman of the committee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan celebrated'
their seventeenth wedding anniver
sary last Thursday at their home on
Sixth and A streets. Many of their
friends called during the day.
TIenry Korf, Mrs. Anna Knox, Mrs.
J. W. Coffin, Mrs. Harry Whitney.
Mrs. C. E- Swarts, Miss Edna Swarts,
Mrs. C. E. Wheaton and Mrs. Li May.
Christian Church
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Last
Sunday we had a splendid Increase
in attendance. Let as aim to have
every member of the school present
next Sunday. Communion service and
preaching at 11 a. m. Tbe pastor will
speak on "Prayer. In the evenmj
pictures will be shown of the life. of
Moses. These pictures have. largely
been taken In the countries where
Moses spent his life and will' help
greatly in presenting Bible geography
aa well as being entertaining. A lec
tre will be given by Mr. Leavitt l;i
connection with the pictures. Ml
young people are invited to the Chris
tian Endeavor service at 7 p. m.'
At the last meeting of Kensington
club, the members of the club went
on record as being unanimously in
favor of the higher educational tax
act for the support of O.A- C, tT. of
O., and Oregon Normal school. Spe
cial guests for- the afternoon were:
Mrs. Howard Parsons, Mrs. H. J3.
Walker and Mrs. Eugene Kester, and
tbe club members present were Mrs.
Methodist Church
Sunday schol at 10 a. m.; preaching
at lfo'clock. Pentecostal service and
special evangelistic sermon with spe
cial music. Junior league ' at 2:30.
All children invited. Epworth league
at 7 'p. m.; evening service at 8.
. The Facta About Rheumatism.
More than nine out of ten cases of
rheumatism are either chronic or
muscular rheumatism, neither at
which require any internal treatment
All that ia required ia to massage the
affected parts freely with Chamber
lain's - Liniment You will be sur
prised at the relief which it affords.
Treatment of Common Colds.
"If all who catch cold could be per
suaded to remain In bed for the first
twenty-four hours of such an attach"
says a- well known physician "there
would be fewer cases dragging on
with distressing symptoms for weeua
and often ending In some morw seri
ous disease." To make sure of a
prompt recovery you should altio take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Wheta.
er sick - or well the bowels should
move, each day.
7or OIL
lAl.iraiAi -
In the matter of the application of
William A. Arnold and Nellie A.
Arnold to register t the title to Ihe
following ' described ' lands, to-wlt:
Beginning at the southwest corner
of the Elijah Brlstow and Wife Do
nation Land Claim Number 69. Noti
fication Number 7028. In Township
18 South, Range 2 West or tne Wil
lamette Meridian, and rnnnlng thence
east 24.17 chains, thence north 20.40
chains to the southwest comer of the
tract of land owned by applicants and
irom . thence running east 19.95 chains,
thence north 26.58 chains to the
centor of tho county road, formerly
known as the Oregon Central Milt-'
tary ttoud, thence north 62 12' west
along the "center of aald road, 16.48
chains to the northeast corner of a
tract of land conveyed by Rigdon tu
Ihe Woodmen of the World, Camp
Number 271, thence south 8.15 chains
and thence north fc2 45' west 5.45
chains and thence south 25.88 chains
to., the' plao.o of beginning. Contain
ing 56. VO acres, more or loss, of land
In Lane county state of Oregon;
Against Amelia R. Watts, Stephen
Overholser, Emily J. Ovetholser, his
wife; E. H. Hayden. or his unknown
heirs at law it deceased;
Hayden. his wife or widow; and all
whom it may concern, defendants.
Take notice, that on the 3rd day
of Mav 1920 an application was filed
hv .WiniNm A. Arnold uud Nolllo A.
Arnold la tho Circuit Court of tbe
A Utility Organization pays wages to the
capital employed in providing useful service be-;
cause there is no other way to obtain capital for "
the purpose, . 1 . . ;
Why Not Invest Direct In substantial and '
growing properties where your funds will be safe, r
and at the same time pay you a good cash return
regularly every six months? .
v - 2
Put Your Money in a Crowing - Industry
serving the needs of people and industries, and
helping to develop the 'prosperity of this com
munity. ' . ,
You can become a Profit Sharing Investor
either for cash or by saving and investing on a
systematic monthly basis.
Mountain States
Eugene, Ore.
Springfield, Ore.
v ' Engineers and Managers ,
H. M. Byllesby and Company,
Fiscal Agents