The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY." MAY-20. 1920.
Jasper News
. The all day picnic held at Jasper
last Saturday was well attended.
There was speaking on the road bond
question by Will O. Steele of the
Eugene chamber of commerce, F. F.
Cooper and Hod Keeney. The songs
by the high school boya were enjoyed
by all. The ladles of the church sold
Ice cream.
Mrs. Clara Morehouse of Eugene
spent the week-end visiting with her
sisters Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Elliott.
Mrs. Mary Sanders has been ser
iously 111 at her home for the last few
Mr an1 Mm Fletrhor and son and
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and son of.
Cobarg spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. P-uior.
Mr. and" Mrs. Sweezey and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Prater and family
visited with Mr and Mrs. Day last
Sunday." ,
Mrs. Bor in of Eugene spent Satur
day in Jasper with her daughter. Miss
Ruth Borin. also attending the picnic
Squire lnnis transacted business In
Springfield Saturday.
The Misses Opal and rear I Talia
ferro of Natron spent Sunday with
Miss Viola Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meresdorf and
family spent last Sunday with Mr.
Mersdorfs parents. Mr. and Mrs. II.
Y. Mersdorf
Notice is hereby given that by vtr
ture of. an, execution and ordttpX. sale
issued out of the circuit court of 'the
state of Oregn. in and for Lane coun
ty, on the 10th day of May. 1920. up
ou a decree of foreclosure of the
mortgage recorded on page 205 of roL
4B" of the Mortgage Records of
lane county. Oregon, in favor of Wil
liam a Marsha and against Amos N.
Iturlhcrt and Blanche M. Ilwrlbert.
rendered May 6th. 1920. to satisfy the
debt secured thereby, to-wlt: the sum
of 500. with Interest at 8 per cent
per annum from January 1st, 1919;
the further sum of $r0. attorney fee
and the costs and disbursements of
this suit, taxed at $28.40. aud accru
ing costs; commanding me to levy
upon and sell, in the manner pro
vided by law the lot and premises in
said mortgage and decree described,
to-wlt: I.ot No. 3 In Block No. S of
Grand Prairie addition to the City of
Eugene, In Iane county. Oregon.
Now therefore. In compliance there
with, I have levied uron ssid lot and
will, on Saturday the 26th day ot
June. 1920. at the southwest or main
entrance to the courthouse In Eugene.
Oregon, ofrer for sale and sell at
public autcion. to the highest bidder
for cash, all the right, title, estate
and Interest of said defendants In
and to the above described lands and
premises, subject to redemption, as
provided by law.
Sheriff of lame County. Oregon.
Date first publication May 20. 1920.
Dute last publication June 17, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that by vli--
tuo of an execution and order of sai
issued out of the Clrcul Ctourt of the
state of Oregon. In and for Lane
county, on the 10th day of May. 1920.
upon a Judgment and decree rendered
by aaid court on the 27th day of
April. 1920. in favor ofjnes Ran
dolph and against George U Smith.
Aim Ira Smith. Booth-Kelly Lumber
company, a corporation, and L. M.
Travis, for the sum of One Thousand
and Twenty-nine Dollars and ninety
rents, with Interest thereon at S per
cent per annum from October 26,
19IA, and the further sum of $7.44
and Interest from the 6th day of
April. 1919. and the costs and dis
bursements of this suit, $11; com.
luandlng me to sell in the manner
provided by l?w the lands in said
execution 'and order of sale de
scribed:; I hare levied Upon the said
lands described as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at M point 4x0 1 feet west
of a point In the center of the county
road, known aa the River road which
is norlh 8 40 west 1.77 chains from
a point in the south line of the Lem
uel E. Davis Donation and claim No.
42. Notf. 20H.X In Township 17 South,
lUnso 4 west, of the Wlllumette
Meridian. 49.02 chains East from the
southwest corner of said claim; and
Iron said beginning point running
north 360.3 feet, west 241.8 feet, south
60.3 feet and thence east 241.8 feet
to he pttace of beginning; containing
2.00 acres, more or less, of land In
Ijine county. Oregon:
And will on Saturday, the 26th day
of June. 1920. at 1. o'clock In the
afternoon offer for sale and
fuhlic auction, at the aouthweat or(
main entrance to the courthouse. In .
Eugene. Oregon, to the highest bidder
for cash, all the right title, estate
and Interest of said defendants In
and to the above described lands,
subject to redemption aa provided by
law. to satisfy said Judgment and de
cree with Interest at 8 per cent per
annum from the dates above men
tioned aud. the, expense, of. making,
such sale. ' ' " 1 ' - . ,
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. '
Date first publication May 20. 1920.
Date last publication June 17. 1920.1
Oil is going up.
Storage Butteries are going tip.
Tires, Accessories, etc., are due
for another raise between
now and the 1st of June.
' GET.
We still have a large stock of
Springfield Garage
Letters from Citizens of Lane County Giving Their Viewpoint on the
t An hml4 Sfpftfinlv f A 1
the Bonds
Eugene. Oregon. May 11.
' Good roads will do as much for
Lane county and Oregon as they have
for Washington or California: but if
they only return us one-tenth what
they have our neighbor states our in-
, vestment in them will be the best one
that we ever made.
Lane county should go strongly in
favor of the $2.mi0.0li0 ro:u bond is
sue on May 21.
Why Should We Bond in Lane?
Cottage Grove. May 12.
1st. Because good roads are an ab
solute necessity NOW.
2d. Because there is no other feasi
Me way to get the money to build
tli em.
:til. Because ihe eyes of the nation
aie looking this way. and good roads
will bring' and hold thousands of.
people I. ere to help fay these bonds
end build up the country.
4th. Beraui-e we cannot keen our
own self respect unl"SK we do our
best and keen step with the nrogress
of the world. We will not fall behind.
Anybody can fail: only true men
forsre .-"head and bring things to pass.
Sth. Because we are not slackers
tith. Because good roads alwavs
make a prosperous. ha in v. contented
tennle and pav for themselves we-qin
end again. . I). X. M; INTI'RFF.,
Practical Way to Get Good Roads
1194 IVarl, Eugene. May 12.
I am in favor of bonding the coun
ty because I believe it to he the
ouickest. fairest and most practical
wav to get good roads.
With all the necesjiiirv fuiN vni.
elde. tl'e roads can be built within
the next few tears end h"rnliy be
able to r'ap the benefits whil nnvlng
for them. LOl'IS C. VITI'S.
Roads for All. All the Ye
. Eugene. Oregon. Mav 1 4. 19?0
Here's my idea of "good roads":
A comprehensive system of good
r"ads for the whole county roads
for all. all thr vear. Roads available
for this general 'on. but so well bnlli
as to he an asset for future genera
t'ons. Roads financed in such a wav
that costs will tie eoiiublv distri
buted over all who will be benefited
T1-1" is snimre deal to tbp fellow
in the outlying district. Gives the
citizen of tndjiv eve of pood roads to
dav. passes pond roc's o the n-xt
reneretlon and lets them pay their
Jlist shuee.
nlv the bond ln nlan iin do fh
Therefore I am twe' for the road
bonds. W. KlTYKENDALL.
A" Accepted Necessity
Eugene. Oregon, May 14. 1920.
Good roads are an accepted neces
sity by everyone The people are de
termined to secure for themselves
the benefits aJid profits resulting
trom good rouds.
The problem then is to determine
how to finance the project. To build
out of funds raised directly by taxes
means an unfair and excessive burde.i
on the taxpayers of today. To bond
shifts a just share of the costs to the
next generation, who share In the
benefits. Cart of the payment Is
thereby delayed until a time when
the increased wealth resulting from
the Improved means of transporta
tion, makes the tax less.
The small purchasing power of the
dollar appears to be the most sub
stantial argument against the pro
ject. Offsetting that, we have defi
nite fixed costs whether or not we
make use of otir county road-building
machinery and organization. Costs
are high, that is true; so are prices
which the producer receives for his
rroduct. Let us facilitate then the
means of getting that product into
the present market. Will not the high
prices Justify and absorb the costs in
Good Roads Are Worth Their Pries
Junction City. Ore.. May 13, 1920
Good roads are the best asset a
community may possess. I live on a
xood road. I realize its worth and
value. Three hundred miles more of
;;ood roads in Lane county would
greatly increase the wealth of the
county. I appreciate the benefits r
eived from my good road, and I de
sire to see these benefits scattered to
.it her localities in Ijine county. Good
oads are worth their price.
Road Bond Program Progressive
Eugene, Oregon, May 12.
I am in favor of the present bond
. rogram. It is progressive. It is
sanely constructive. Its . adoption
neans. when conditions are favor
i hie. (lie Si'HE construction . of a
system of all-the-ycar truffle-bearing
roads. And then keep your, eyes on
lane county: watch her'grow.
Good Roads Mean Better Schools
Eugene, May 12. 1920.
The reason I am In favor of the
bond program at the present time U
that in many parts of Lane county
It will pay for Itself in less than five
years by reduction of taxes for school
In several places this coming year
schools WOULD consolidate if the
tcople had roads over which it would
be possible to transport their chil
dren, and in this way cutting dowu
the teaching force and thus reducing
(fixes required.
F. COOl'ER. Assistant School Supt.
Favors Bonding Plan
" Blachly, Oregon. May 13.
We favor the preseut bonding
plan for this reason: Under the pres
ent plan of road biuhling we only get
from one-half to t hreeouartors of a
mile of completed road each year.!
which would take twenty-five years
to reuch the valley, and by that time
our first part hut It would be worn
C. M. HULBKRT. Bust master.
Suoport the Bonds
Coburg. Oregon. May 13.
It is imperative that Lane county
bavo good roads for the development
of rural communities. A good ni'irk'-t
road system not only Increases the
taxable property, but saves many do
lars in gas and tires for the motor
vehicle, aud horse flesh for the horse
drawn vehicle. It also brings the
rural communities nearer to the city.
One of the problems of the farmer
Is to keep hirer! helo on the farm.
Our transnortation now Is motor ve
hicles. Build a good rood vast your
farm that can be uscW' 12 m nMi- ;n
the year and voir boy and girl and
hired rutin won't be in such a hurry
to go. T. Q. GREEN. '
Definite Program With Available
Oakrldge. May 12. ,1920
A complete, definite road building
urogram assures success If necessary
funds are available. The bond Issue
offers such a program, and the only
certain mean of securing such funds.
Therefore I greatly favor thg bond
CLAl'DE R. JONES. Forest Ranger.
Good Roads Important Factor in
Florence. May 12. 120.
I favor bonding lane county for
road-building now because good roads
are an important factor In develop
ing a country; tbey give pleasure in
traveling, save time, lessen wear on
vehicles, and , Increase property val
ues. Bonding' Is the most practicable
method to raise funds for road con
struction. W, If. WKATIIERSO.V.
Help Ourselves Others Help Us
Mapleton. Oregon. May 12. 1S20.
One renson why I favor the pres
ent bond Issue Is that this Is an un
developed portion of the county
which has fine prospects that only
need good roads to make It a pros
rerous and pleasant place to live.
Another reuson Is that the way the
present bond program Is gotten up ev
ery, voter can know exactly what be
is voting for.
The third reason Is that by bonding
to help ourselves others help us. I
mean the $1,425,000 state and govern
ment money which we could get In
no other way. ONO S. IHKLIS.
Good Roads a Good Investment
Ada. Oregon, May 13, 1920.
1. Shall ' Oregon progress? I say,
yes; let us do something or move out
and give some one a chance who will
improve the county.
2. How shall we progress? Good
rouds built now by the bond issue.
Good roads are s good Investment re
gardless of cost.
Carry Out the Mapped Program
living Oregon. May 14. 11420.
Favoring thoroughfares passable at
nil M-nsoiis of the year, and having at
:r!oii times donated labor and
moii'-y ou local roads, I am now will
'n to contribute pro ruta toward a
fend eutriisieil with our county court.
cany out the mat ped program of
ihe Good Roads Assoclut In ; lu lli v
;ng Increased VhIiihIIom v. Ill fol'ow to
'lore than offsi-l niv Increased latn
Men. touethi'i' with snleiulld conwii-'
'etices for licconmiodii 'Ion of mnnv.
S. L. BoND.
S'H tf F"e-v Tim
c..,tl. t ii..m y-itf i;;. i 'i'ii
I - I". i-u :.k.l v.-U I .,'..'f.'
o;d hoods'' h''- 1 vs si'd "'-."
.- r- l'-e As r j i umIs lir'-'C
liipy lolirf..s - und thev l, ,r,. i o
:tsb or ih'-v would nut o"
i oadi--ni.d hslii"- !'' '.villi - S 1 1
are men will" BR'lvv ,,.,.
nre the k'"'l itf nie'i i - t m H no ;m
country, Ihe wry I 'ml ll-i v o ei-e
looking for, suit voihleg ""l !i"insr
'ie" hei'- hs oiilcklv a ' ' 'o uls.
r M K " 'K "It on bond I ' be
live this, lust lase as iii'-nv ti-i'l ns
In"' d'Hl' ir the oi"i s'v v"tr fi'"m
ihe Alntlc to the I'ni-if rmd then
"II w'JI know bv exiierli li e Ills what
cood rouds mean to anv count i v. W
have everything that Is worthy of
eol Investment: now let us have
good roads. And the way to get then
is to vote for roiul bonds.
Build Roads RMher Than Scenic
Eugene. Mav 13. 920.
Get the producing sections of Lnne
rounlv nearer to their home markets
bv building good roads' where they
will serve tt.e greatest number of
erodttcers. Bass the bond Issue mid
give the fanner a chance to haul his
nroducts to market all the venr
n round rather than build scenic high
ways. '
Produce to, Market at Less Expense
Coburg. May 13, 11129.
f favor the road bond program be.
cause H means hotter roads. Bettor
roads mean that I can haul my pro
duce uf market at less expense.
Quickest and Most Practical Way
Crow. Oregon.
We cannot develop our resources
without, rouds, The present bond pro
gram Is the nulckcsi and most prac
tical way. Thereby Increasing our
taxable property, thus lowering taxes
for future generations.
We want more people, more wealth.
and proper trausiiortallon facilities,
IhiiJ we may nil be benefitted socially
mill financially. Giving us road bond
will get them E. C. lll'FFMAN.
Sound, Modern and Practical
Kuiretie, . Mav 13. 1920.
Together with almost everyoim
else. I am in favor of good rouds. and
the divergence of opinion seems to
be concerning the method of aci-ulr-Ing
llieiu The bonding proposition
iipi'itirs in tne sound, modern and
practical when all the circumstances
mid ret tril lions are considered. I
have yet to read or hear an argu
ment against the bond issue which t
'otiier i--soliiitie or well thought
'out. and I believe I have read them
( n 11 A C. DIXON.
S'-lctly Business Undertaking
Flounce. Ote. May 13. 1920.
lion Tag to li'i'lil roads Is strictly u
let o.i'ss undertaking. The govern-iii-
cud state 'uo bonds to billl'l
I . whv not the counties? If bond-
l"e lo build roads in- the government
sunt still,. Ih rood business, why Is It
"ot cood business for Lane county?
We lulli't b'tve I'o'ids to prosper. BS
we hiie l-vi'd In M mil long enough
l oo'' I-'hp S'-rlngflehl. Junc
tion City ,tnd Cottage Grove, and
note the iiii' rovciui-nls bonds did for
them, und i will work out a hun
dred per cent better In the $2,000,000
ro:ul vml Issue, for the roads will
benefit everv tnxpaver In Lune coun
ty. I m'ght state thill western Lb no
counlv s practically unanimous for
the $2,000,000 bond Issue.
Issue Bonds, Get the Roads
Tbiirt-lon. Oregon.. Msy 12. 1920,
I am In favor of the bonds for twit
I. I believe the Imperative need of
this county Is market roads, and I
see no other waji to get them but to
j Issue bonds.
j 2. We must have the bonds to rs's
money lo match the state and fed
(; 1 government money In building
certain ot our main highways.
favors Bonds for Four Reasons
Blachly. Oregon. May 12. 1920.
I favor the bond Issue for the fol
lowing reisons;
1. Good ruiids will lieble the wealth
of Lane county.
2. Good roads will lower the high
cost, of living by causing u greater
production. '
3. With good roads there can be
more social gatherings, thus bringing
scattered settlements together.
4. flood roads will pay Ihe bond Is
sue by upBlting the rural schools of
Lime county, thus saving the simclal
1st levies for maintenance, i nnd at
the same time leiiwi 00 per cent bet
ter schools. W. B.' BLACHLY.
i .
Good Roads, Good Sense, Good Markets, Less Expense
Paid Adv. Vote 318 X Yes for Good Roads
The Lane County Good Roads Association, by Fred Fisk, Pres'dent.