The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1920, Image 1

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JPWsw '
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Local Committee Pledge Help
in Chamber t Plan to Aid
Growth of State.
Announcement of a Mate-wide cam
paign thai will he conducted by tho
Oregon (Mate Chamber of Commerce
ltd tfee.part Springfield la to play
In the. movement waa outlined Mon
day of this weak by James O. Htaf-nK from Injuiiea about tha face and
ford. rapr.ancinax tlM state chamber, k whc h recelved wnen
who vlslled Bprlngfleld In conaiee. i .
tlon with a survey of the atate. now'''0 ff " track near Nekoma.
14 progress, that will precede the tn-
'tensive organlaatlon work.
me campaign. ns purpo. .pn
Mini, worn niw:uiirv i inuiui ij
Mr. Stafford with a number of lead
I . . .41 .. .. 4 . 1. a.
lag men of Springfield. Including O. j'paaaenrer ware thrown out of their
II. Keaaev, M. C. Hressler. Blmon Mt berths by-the sudden atopplrig of the
rector, K. K. Morrison and H. A. trt,B
Washburuif. all of whom are Inter ! . . . , 1
eated In the plana of the Oregon! litigation howed that a large
Rial a Chamber of Commerce. O. B.Jtnpe had fallen on the right-of-way,
Key waa mkietMl aad accepted Um d while It did not fall across the
balrmanMrtp of the prlnfle)4 lrmck Unim4 Jn ,ut,h . , minner
eaecutlve comm ttee. which will co- . ... ,, . .
operate with the other cltle. andn' h r"' linked. Thla
towna of Oregon In thla state wide reuead the derailment of the engine,
movement. Associated with him on the audden Jar of wjilch threw, the
this executlvecommltl will be . ' j fireman through the cab" window.
Bresaler, B. K. Morrison. H. A.
Waahburae and Klmon Director Non, of in Mt ,n trmtk-
The Oregon Btate Chamber of Com-.
inert e haa. undertaken plana to play Fret Methodiat Conference at Cottage
big part In the future development I Grove.
of the atate. Fund will be vetoed to ,
currv on an extenmve pngram oi
AniOllg those Will be an
advertising campaign to et forth the
opiionunmn 10 ' "
and encourage land aettleinrnl; ad-,
tninlmrailnn to brrmote Irrtgntlon, ei -
.......... -
tension of railroads; refund on recla-
marion fund; extension or iiignwaya.
both for commercial purpises
through the national forests; co-
Oporation wh agrl-uural and lum-
herlng Interests and numerous other
projects, the development of whlc-n
in l f I... Mln..1..t.1.. alllM 1 1 111
win wr i -
'te. ,
Mr. Stafford wh aSHuri-il by the io-
cnl leaders with whom he talked that
Sprfngfleld could be relied upon to
do her nhiire with the other communl-
lies of Oregon. Other repreMentatlvea
of the stu'e Chamber of "Commerce
will fUlt Rprlngrield Inter and com-
clnred will benefit every section of
Oregon. !
Will MaWe Home In California.
Mr. and Mr James Cox und daugh
ter ArdlH. und MIhx Jennie Smltnou
left Sutuntty for Sain Iternnrdino,
Cel., where they will vUlt with relu
lives. Mr and Mrs. Cox. who recenV
y dinpoHed of their department store
in Springfield, will remuln In the
south, but MIhh Smltfon will return
after n vinlt.
it r.A ... I.. uioMitiuit nf t Im i
AIHMIl ,fiwiv, ., .. .
American Legion and their friends,
( h Aniorlcun I.euioil Dlcnlc
lit Coburg bridge last Sunday. Sever- j
al automobllbes transported the pic
nlckera to the grounds. Mr. Wool,
who was sent out by the war risk In
surance bureau, and Mayor Morrison
both made short talks.
After the picnic lunch several races
were'-held the winners In which were:
ladles race. Mra. 'Brashear; men'e
race, Leslie Shackford ; and boya'
lace. Orvnl Katon. Ice creum was
furnished by the American Legiou.
The Berry Furniture II Piano com-
pany -donuted the use of a player
plan i) for flie occasion. ,
A Hhort business seKHiou was also
held during the afternoon at which
time the pout Indorsed the Soldiers',
Sailors' and Murines' Kduentlonal and;
Revenue bin which Is on tno- mine
ballot at the primaries Friday.
ti'i .'
thevCovrlln home1,lou Mill, street.
In Kugeue, the consldoration being!,
flitjUVU,. illff, iui vimv ,,iiaiiTi . tij w,
K. fUlwarila pf, ,thta,clty, through , tha
Stewart & Genn company of, Kugenp.
Mr.t8eavey;,ha: sold ha brick; home
pn tftth,.)n4.j . Mreeta ,heff.te, JacH
Hyy-... bnbi.; . h v: .
Toe" V vVi y f WijoriVVfhed
haters Wort frotn ' boiu . WusliiriKtofj
teama Tuesday night, thua securing
the Oregon-Washington championship.
II. Coglll of Portland was In town
Wednesday looking ufler property In
terests here.
At a recent meeting of Springfield
grange two resolutions were passed
which will ' later be referred to the
Lite grange. One resolution favor
a measure which would change the
el'ictlon.. law o that state elections
would hld evary four years-at the
time of tha' national election instead
of. every jwd years aa at preaent. The
other reaolutlon suggests that a per
on to be t qualified voter on bonds
' or apeclal tai levies must be a reajty
holder or taxpayer.
Claude Valller-fireman on the neir
Pullman slecper'traln on the Marig
flald line, la at bin home her auffaf'
Monday morning at 3:15. While the
iujurtea are not aerioua they
d Mlnflli M,
i . , . . . . . . .
' "ly one Injured although several
The annual conference of the South
ern t krrin tAnfrWnfA nt tha WraM
! Vl.thnrflat ihiirrh In union ill fV.
,a(te Grove this week, commencing
Wednesday and closing Sunday,
u,v K M chtida. pastor of the
' i'. k.iK.wii.i .. i-.
, 11. innuni i.iiuk it m nKOl
Hprlngflrld for two or three yearn, and
)(),r jn(or,j jand Madras. Ore.. ' How docs he get that way?
a Hwen "In WVt Springfield this j We have, never been given to retort,
w4,h, gtt ingg lo the removal of.Uut feel it our duty to protect
mmt, o( hu golMit which have been Our dear ancient and much
Blnro,i ,iH;r Mrs. Childs h with him. 1 Sought after LUale.!
0n account' of a -aerioua breakdown
...... . .
ii ncaitiv mai yer, w .la reiinng, ai
M'ut temporarily, from the pastorate,
U)(, ,h.v w muUfl ,hplr noni on a
, frni ,f,ar Nt,wleig. Oregon.
! Catch String of Fine Trout.
j Dr. W. II. Pollard and Dr. W. If.
KnlPry rPUrnw TueKday night from
law. bringing with them a string of
rtiote copyright by Moftett ttUdloj
He will speak Oft the. mofit
i i m "i-i0 - t 'k r. vjf ..... . w
fc . , t wv i ' . .
'Htjishevism versus Americanism': In the Eugene ArHiory, Frl-.
day evening. May 28, 8 o'clock.
Mail or jihone orders for tickets mafy be 'sent to Taft Man-
ae;ement at Kuykendall IVur store, Eugene. Seats will be re-
;s,;Ym fro,, Tuesday. May 2f. to Friday May 28 . Host re-
, KtTVUil (teat. $1.5 plus war tax, and $1 plus war tax. deneral
admission ticket 7ro, securablo evening of lecture at Armory,
W. (. Clark recently completed , Through the Inelgbt and efforte of,
plantfng two and half acres of k-, Herbert K. Walker, preaent county
ganberrlea on hie farm which la a . MBeBor, lb , Hy of Springfield haa '
part, of the old Fell Bcott donation been enriched by the collection of
claim on the McKepsI river. Next $0S8.7 taxea on property In the city
year h will not ont ajlmut 14,000 more mlu, Th, amount la for five yeare j
loganberry planta mhklng a toUI of taxca prevloua to the 1918 asaeaamont
abett 20 acree. Hiajmaln crop, how- anri. , on th,, holdlnga of aeveral cor-!
ever, will be fllberta which he la po ration a. io the towo.. For vartooa )
planting on. the aame ground along reaaona he wa unl.le to aaaeaa and
with the loganberrlBa He haa com- secure collection at taxea further;
pleted aettlng twbSlnd a half acroa ba. j, lhan lhu. j
of fllberta and planaj to ftnlen aettlng . Mr, walker aaya that In aome man-'
out the twenty acred next year. Mr m.r pa,t asaeaflora have failed to put,
Clark la a firm befiever In filbert lhls property on the booka. Thla
for this aetlon bt the country. means that the city will continue to ;
other growers have proven that they reallie a beieflt of more than a,!
win come to exceuetit rroiuge nere.
J ' , . '. . . .
Ex-Preeident Taft tojSpeaJc In Eugene ; would probably have been loat Indefi
., "Amerfeanlam verua Bolshevism" nitely to the city had not Mr. Walker
will be the topic on which. ex-Peat-dent
William Howard Taft will apeak
at the armory- la . Eugene, Friday
evening. May 8. fie la alap eipected
to give a review: of the league of na
tlona up U dat 9 Mr. Tait la not
campaigning- for- any .candidate, big
tour being .under, the direction of,the
EUlaon White lyceura bureau, - .
Roy Rvana. CTlfford Ftelda and Wtl
lUm ' Wadie' of Reettmrg;' 'were In
CTxrtnrfleM.SnBdajyTtsttingn'Mr. and
Mrs, F. B. lUaatia en Joe.Deetar .-
By vMa C P. Egsieaean- .
t'nder rover, of darkness ' .
A mere printer of Eugene .. .. ,
Slid Into our preclncL
Having nothing better to do.
He began a aiarideroiia attack
t'pou a Maiden Lady of uncertain age.
We have heard of these repealed
Attacks on our beloved
Relative before.
'Twould seem to us, j .
Whoee intereate are Involved,
That Robert might' te more of a
I " t v
t nesictor of old ag.
Who la bing put on the Eggtmann'a
.. . . ...
-i cnsion mi. ... ,
Hut there is one thing' that
Gentle lady has -never held up to
lubl- gaze;
Furln stance
I'lnk tights and green netting.
She may be a disgrace,
Hut goes the pace.
Not much for looks.
Hut has the crooks;
If speed's the thing.
shp BBJ them beal
I ll aay ehe has "Toot Sweet."
Important'! question Of ithe lay,
houaand dollare each year, ranging
(according to the tax levies and which
been keen enough to unravel the situ
Mr. V.'alker waa appointed county
assessor to fill the unexpired term af
Mr, Burton, deceaaed, about nine
Birmtha ago. .He la. HOW a candidate
for the Republican nomination -of
county assessor In the prlmar'es Frt
. A apeclal meeting of the American ' pollinr places. Thla is In order that
legion haa been called for 4:30 next eavtng might be made for the me
Sunday afternoon tn the Woodman niHpalUies.
haU. ..'Thejr will, make plana for the Eight of the amendments aa . re
MenKrlal Day exercises In which f erred by the common council to the
they will cooperate with the G. A, R.j votera of the city define the election.
Every member of the Legion la ex- times and places and define the fiscal
pec ted to be present This is a patrl year of the city and the. comtnence
otic duty. Don't be a Blacker In re, men and ending of the terms of the
membering your dead comrade.
The comittee in charge of the
mentary education bill desires to
place briefly before the public the
reasons for supporting this measure
by voting YES on item 314, as placed
on ballot.
1. This hill, if carried, will add 124ft
to the resources of each one-teacher
district In Lane county and will aid;Perrorm ta regular duties. , i
more populous district at the same ' On the state ballot will appear nine
I ratio. Owing to the increased cost
j of keeping np the schools, this money
: tHt.
f "
tis aosoiuieiy eaaeuiiai in many ais-
2. Where so large a sum- is not and ways; Limitation of four per cent
needed, the district receiving ' the! state indebtedness foe permanent
S240 Dorrton will be in roaition to roads: Restoring caDital ounishment:
diminish its district iax proportion-; Crook and Curry counties bonding
ately, consequently there will be no 'amedment; successor to governor;
waste. j higher educational tax act; Soldiers',
3. This bill enables the school to' sailors' and Marines' educational and
receive a return from property lo- J revenue bill; State elementary school
cated in no school districts. In lapsed j fund tax; Blind school measure,
districts, etc. Ih Lane county the The $2,000,000 road bonding meae
value of such property Is $2,097,917. Ure seems to be the main issue On,
4. There are some small districts the Lane county ballot. There are'
in Lane county with full quota of also candidates for the county offices,
school children which have less than ' The polls will be open from 8 a. m.
$10,000 of taxable property in the dis- to 3 p. m. The poling places of Spring
trict. Ordinary district taxes do not field and other nearbv rrecincts are
produce enough money to secure re
sults. The measure now before the
voters will give such districts good
schools .
5. If this measure fails. 500 schools
In Oregon will he closed next year.
Can we nfford this?
On May 21, 1920. vote 314 (X) YES.
' Executive Committee:
II, D. Sheldon,
C;. A. Howard,
Mae Kinsey
Margaret Halverson,
E. J. Moore.
Three La Plan Entertainment. i .No. 1 Alberta Walker;. Reuben W.
Twenty pew members were taken Smith. No. 2 C. M. Dority; Eltza
ln at the meeting of the Ladies Loyal beth C Page. No. 3 R. L. Drary; M.
Legion in Morrison's hall last Thurs- V. Endicott. No. 4 C. E. Wheaton:
day night. Among other business Thurston Water F. Piatt. Wendling
, matters w-88 the appointment of a
committee on entertainment consist-
ling of Mrs. Prettyniao, Mrs. Harpole j
rand Mrs. N. F. McLeod. Thia commit- j. j. Totten. tor many years a reet
J tee haa made plana for a series of ' dent of Springfield, and later of Cali-
miiaum eoienainaienis wine a are to forma, has been taking treatment tor
he given every fsecond Thursday in; cataract, affecting both eyes, for
the month. i several weeka past In . Eugene, and
s . . - ; ' " j mkine hla home with bla son in- Eaat
Herbert Hansen Has Son. Springfield. He expects the treatment
Friends of Herbert Hansen, gradu- to be completed thia week, with
o . u l, . u , j measurably satisfactory results. He
ate of Springfield high school and p,ang then' to pit)8pe.t for a iocation
formerly bookkeeper at the First. central California.
! tional bank here, will be interested ,
! to know that a bou arrived recently
at the Hansen home in Portland. "He ;
has been named Herbert Junior.,:1
After leaving Springfield Mr. Hauaen !
"'" American;,.., ex ervtce men to straighten' out
troops. He is a grandson : of Mrs:;:
M..J. Beckett of W'est Springfield. 5
X1 " ' " . ' i
; t- yioe-cutttng move InVeir ng p4 be awWver th
! count rV- Leading . biAiifejftrmCelet '
! rlsrohot It is extemporary.. "Re,
t;-:-7:AutionM or froni&lS to 50 per cent,'5.0.0,
:7 haV&. lioen made l?adnie tCRHe.8.' vy' w
i. .. . l P a
The Ceeswell Sunday school, distidct i Under the conversion prtvilege'ahy -will
hold their convention . in .the . amount of thia may now be converted '
I CresWeH 'Mvthodlst church Sunday. I
May'3i iAn Interesting program has 1
ba-prepariMi for ail day
A stnall crowd heard E. J. Adama
of Eugene and M. c. Bressier of
Springfield argue on .the road bonding
ie riKht tin,e t V8H the road bonds.'
Mr. Aduma favoring them. r-' . i ) ;
City Will Have Special Election;
Polling Places Are Given;
Hours Are d to 8.
On account of the interest .in the
county and atte road bonding tasuea, .
the educational mlllage bills on which.
Intensive campaigns, have been mads,
together with the political iaaees be
fore the-voter, an unusual heavy vote
lis expected. at the polls tomorrow.
The town of 8pringfield also hag
gneciai election at the same time.
Mi. amnndment in lh chart r an
( to he voted on. These are all for that
ouroose of making the citr charter
conform to the atate law passed In '
1907. Thla law ' require that citing
and towna shall hold their electlona
ana county elections. ana ai me same
elective offices of the city. The third
amedment provides that the council- -
men shall be elected for a term of
four years and that one-half of the
i membera ahall be elected at each gen-
ele-'f"11 Weonlal state election thua hold-
nut mjuie eAurrieiivtsu biuciuicu iu
office at all times. '
The ninth amendment provides that
the council shall choose one of Its
members to act aa president of the'
council in the absence of the mayor
or !f he be for any cause unable to
proposed constitutional amendmenta
and measures. The ballot titles are
as ionows: lansuiuuonai amenamoui
extending eminent domain over roads
as follows:
lrecinct So. 1. high school; No. 2,
the real estate office in the Fry build
ing on Main street; No. S, the Lincoln
school house; No. 4. the residence .
house on the southwest corner of 8th
and A streets. Glenwood pre?inct will
vote fti the school house in West
Springfield; Thurston in the Thurs
ton school house; Wendling, Booth
Kelly office; WHlakenzle, Grange hall
Following are the names of tha
chairmen of the election boards for
Springfield, the names being for the
first and second boards respectively:
H. B. Lewellen. Wlllakenxie Ira
h. t aiei.
War Risk Isurance Expert Here.
Clifford Wood, field representative
from the ' government war risk In-
8ur"Cf Durem,u; was nere last weeic
on business. Hla business Is to assist
their insurance difficulUes and beip
those who have allowed their policies
to lapse to leinsiale, tie aaya tnac
rntiifltAtAiiiftnl ntl vllk.nci AVriiril nn
reinstatement prlvilegea esplr.
Jll,y Jst 192? payment of
mouths prm,umj, on, the "f?0.1"
mount of
insurance aea.rea in mumpies or.
e In service, reinstatement ' may
ccompllshed. 1 : - -ir" " '
to one of the six standard torn;
ordinary life, 20 payment. 80 payment
20 year endowment, ,30 year endoi
men '.and endowment at age of 62.'
On converted forms the Insured haa
the privilege of stating whethe he,
wants payment to beneficiary of the
face of the policy in one lump sum or
of equal monthly installments to ex
tend over a eriod of three or mora