THURSDAY, AVML 22. 1926. TUB 8MIIN6FJ ELD4 TOWN AND VICINITY Mr. mid Mm. II. L. Martin' t arrived Monday fnmi Portland to make their home In Sprlimfloid. Mr. Harnett will he employed by the Mountain States i'vwcr company. Mm. Murtictl la a daughter of Mr and Mm I.. II. Hmlth. Mra M F. I'nrcell of Marcola la vUltltiK hern at th horn of her son, John I'll t -ll. Mra. Hpong la now operating t'm Fprlngfletd hotel and haa opened the dlnliiK room whore aim la serving ex client iin-ula at reasonable prices. J A fox. formerly of Hi firm of fox A fox. tliiit week disposed of hla five passenger OldmnolillH touring car to A. f. Travis or flila city. A Mini mum horn Monday, April It, to Mr. mid Mm. Ita v It l hard son who live at Eighth and H streHa. Ir. S Ralph Dlpprl. demist, Kprlnf f ltl. O.cgon. Mr. Mint Mra. I.. May have returned from Portland where they have been ut thV home of Mr. and Mra.' 'B.'f l.flJUKl & IF lllllf ill. jti I . Illflll VTJI- pec to locate, hers.' Mra. W. C. Horton haa returned from Portland where ahe spent the l wnek-enri visiting at Hki home of her I daughter. for a week vlaltlng with their aor.a , 1 ' Vrdon and Winifred, who are at- Mlaa Lillian Mulligan returned Mon- tending school there. They motored day morning fronr a week end vlalt to down and were accompanied by Mra. Portland. M. M. Male who vlsllitd with her aon. . , , Ivan, also In achool In Portland. I A ''"'""' InKtltuMon must either advance or retrograde. Tim First Na Tho First National Hank of Spring-1 tlonul Hank of Springfield keeps pace field Invite your patronage, j with modern progress and safeguards ' Ita customers' Interests. Mr. and Mra. Sylvester Melvln have; arrived from Greenfield. III., to vlalt Mm. f . A. Arehart arid baby are for Home time at the home of her from southern Oregon vlaltlng duugliter In law. Mm. L. II. Melvln, with relatlvea. widow of the lain I,. It. Melvln. Dr. 8. Italph DI.o;. n-t-Utt- Itemand Fgglmann'. bread from ! Mm I. Webb and Mra. Sarah J AjIhiiim Iimwa tfrttiA t. titff ta nil tttr an ! ' extended vlalt with relatlvea and( Mr. and Mm. Thomaa Hike- have frlenda. j purchaaed the property at Seventh and K atreeta owned by Mra. B. frouch. They will move from Sixth your grocer. ian k to their now home in the near 'future. Mm. U. Crouch went lo U'cndllng i Kunduy where ahe will be employed j Jerry Van Valxah bua gone to Low in one of the rook house at one' of ell to vlalt. the liooth Kelly lumber cutnpM. ! ... .... W anted tiood aecond hand aucaa Wllllum II. Iloiu of Pleasant I'ulty. lat MorriHon'a Feed Ktore. I'll lin. ui-!tv(l tit vlulf liifloflnlti.) l O.H. Wilson JEWELRY AND VARIETY STORE SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING All work first class and guaranteed one year. WATCHES CLEANED .$1.50 MAIN SPRINdS $1.50 JEWELS $1.50 CRYSTALS 35c to 50c HALANCE STAFF'S $2.00 to $3.50 We have a large assortment of Agates for Lavaliern, Kings, Charms, Scarf Pins. etc. Agate Jewelry made ta order. We do all our own work and at most reasonable prices. A trial will convince you. 337 MAIN STREET Say, Look Who Here! A WARNING AS TO WINTER liotloin hiiy that there In mm ii i ii ih dinner to lieulih from wcurliiK underwear too heavy an from the too IikIiI kind lletter the littler We have all welghlM. from the f.-.ithei -weight to the triple weight wool M"illtim bit! or wurxied or wmil In alioiit r'rlil fur the averiiK' man. Two I I. ! h it f h iir union mi ll rt, take viiur lnli . ti.taoiiwi mi LtOK AT THE SHOE In fin e w i- ill il ill our repa irinn nun hlin-s mill iiKalll after we Kive lak-'ii il oil Volt will find It ililfiruli lo iali7.e that It is the name ni lilMillated show reHlnreii to hetvee and preKeiit ithillly. TIuiI'm how efficient our flioe repair work Ik. We would llk you to put It to it teat. A MONEY-SAVING SHOE At uiii l;iov, sliue leather h't" poll" anil M pretty I .: r . I to Mini a m f H alt!" pair under $-ini or i!iint jut now I', i'. here i" a wo;', : ho" at $"i hii h up ti-i H," n ii k ! The le.Illol- .!': Iti.iN-l'h.l-i III these s!n ii-f uiii' i; iif in - t prior to the leieiil ris-e H t ilu unal iililt-e.l !ni.i li"ie. H 7 Men's Wear and Shoes Any nnm who uses the Real Tobacco ('hew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-JJ CUT is a Ions line-cut foia: LONE PINE DISTRICT Friend or W. S. Wright will he in-! FAVORS ROAD BOND ISSUE lercated in th contenta of a letter The refldenta of the Ine Pine ret cived recently from Mr. Wright hy achool diatrlct No. 159. at a recent Fivd MoHMernan of thin city. Mr. ; meeting paaKod reaolutions favoring Wright, wlio formerly lived in Spring- the $2.t)00.000 road bond iaaue for field, haa returned to Oregon after ,1-Jtnf county. The Pacific highway Fpending two inonihN at Ilia old hom : pasaca directly through this dlctrict, in louislnna. He Ih now In Kalem with and the taxpayers afate that they feel hia wife and two nous who remained that they are the moat favored local I- in Oregon auuth. while he made the trip I Mr. and M;a. J. Ii l.ailirop and fam ily are prepariiia to nutve to Marc oil ' next w eek. A won wax horn Monday at Hit Springfield hoHpital to .Mr. and Mra. Delhert McHee of thia city. 1 Mrs Floyd I.. JohnMou and amall aon, Floyd Jr.. of Kugene. ax-nt th. I week with Mra. Jolinson n parents. : Mr. and Mra. H. V. Andrews. I I Safety First. Let the Firnt Nat io;- J i al I tank act aa ustodian of your funda , ; A soil was- litirn Suiiday inortiiug at i the Springfield hospital to Mr. and I Mra. Itewey liei s)ih;iii;h. wo livti west of Fugenu Hp has been named I ill fin I Ilewey. ! Mrs. .Tolni Itower of Fl(ir'rc ti ' visiting in Springfield at tin home of 1 tintnilina MclHvclt. Mrs. Bower w;i formerly n rcsiil.-nt of Sprlhficld. .Mr. ami Mrs. rtotniM H. ltolicrt.t an 1 two t hildreii. Catherini and Josejililnn are lit ro from Ninth Itepd vistl;i,; ; with relKi ivet. .Ml.-.- l-'I.Wlll of Seattle IS Ve iling fit tl." lioiTH- of h.T aunt. Mrs. W. t- i I Inrtoll. tla in Lane county In the matter of good roads. They acknowledge that every taxpayer In Lane county has; contrihnted to the building of the! good roads In their district, "which" haa done more toward the develop ment of our community than anything clue that could have been done." j "He it further resolved: That we believe in doing unto others aa they have done unto us, and that we are willing to HHeume the extra burden of taxation that will be necessary to comnlete Hip "proposed ayatem of good roads and we aa taxpayers and citi bill for the support of the Oregon state normal school. Oregon Agricul tural college and University of Ore gon was given by Randall Scott, a senior at the university. A brief summary of the millage bill, as explained by Mr. Scott, is: The bill known as the higher educational tax act which will come before the voters on May 21 provides for a tax levy of 1.2H mills on each $1000 worth of taxable property In the state. For a Severe Cold. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured my daughter Anna of a severe XL-old and cough a few years ago and ever since then I have never missed an opportunity to recommend this medicine to anyone suffering from throat or lung troubles. I cannot sreak too highly in praise of it," writes Mrs. D. J. Shelley. Earlville, Y. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains no narcotic and may be j zens desire to go on record as favor- j j ine the bond issue and we further i,.i:,i... nrUi.. , .it hnnnr.w.i',0"is no narcotic and may means within our resources to insure ; Kiven to children with perfect confi- the nnsKage of the bond measure at' dnce. It is a pleasant syrup so they .the May primaries." Signed: I : L. C. Vitus. Francis H. Vitus. J. I.1 Barbre. Mrs. E. Spencer Barbre. J. E. , lay. iiettie J. Kobinson, J. G. Robin son. Ktninett Howard. G. H. Klukkert, Mrs. Garrett Klukkert. A. Colling wood. II. E. Collingwood. Edwin i liienst he. Emelia' Riensche, Isaac .lottos. A. L. Frv. Elisabeth Fry. -Annie I) Hilderhack. F. W. Miller. Alice .Miller, ('has. II Mildei back. Albert jil;s;.i). Lottie M. Howard. (The above list coiiiriises S.1 per cent of the vot ers of the Lone I'ine tu-hool district and includes seine of the largest tax payers of the county. ) do not' object to taking it. Hr S R-tli.h I't pel. eld. Oregon. tb-ritlse. Sprii;: 1'. K I'ntttaiii tiiiivi v.ith Ii'- family in Sp. h I a IM 'I ( 'l ei 'ri I . ".ell -l.tlX "lr! t'Mo ;il ". Mr Hia';i;n. leiiiieeii I'i- helm- in M.ipletoii here. I t hi v "i Ii ili-'lieH If ).:! V. bicil be re- mii in-la of 'l'!;::i-l.i to a It i .- a visit v . .! " ! lit f i ii . is MM iioint; the Mrs. Foi bet is temb Alvadore. rlv ' tin-; wi il i-iul here, itit; sehonl at A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Meats of this city on Tuesday. ' ril I'M. RECORD ATTENDANCE AT BR0TH5RM00D BANQUET (ine of the l;rrost now Is which '.i is- i vi'.- intended a b.inoiiet sriveti liy the Hi o: 'lei-hnil of the Methodist htii'-li ti;s piest-iit on Moininy niplit t!i. -ir iei."i'.-ir lhontlily b;::-.i:;i"t. Over a hi'tidreiV lates were served to !l nii'inbers of tho Prorheiiiood and 'ill U wiv,..-.. I'ol'c.wUiK the b"-fon i I'pisi was i'i t iii-lietl by i'.io Metii.niisl orches; a Hid tin exnlanat;on of the millage HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED We want your usc.l Furniture, Kiicss. Catfols. Stoves ard all House hold goods, and will pay the Highest Cash Prices The funeral of l.oreii Milo liigelow. who died at the Springfield hospital. April lii. aged .riH years, was held Sun day afternoon from the Walker chapel Rev. .1 II. Ehert conducted the sei v-; ice. and interment was in Laurel Hill I cemetery. i e a,s0 ml' Ke" Hardware, i Tools, Sporting Goods. Tents, C'amp II. Yollslcdt recently sold his prop-Jinn Outfits and Musical Instruments, city ou Hroadwuy to Frank Semens, j BOUGHT. SOLD, RENTED Mr Vollstedt litis moved to his place EXCHANGED on i street hetween dtli and till. "A Word to the Wise" says the Good Judge You want real chewing satisfaction. A little of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts so much longer than the old kind. You don't need -a fresh chew nearly as often so it costs no more to chew this class of tobacco. Mayor E. E. Morrison returned Tuesday night from a business trip to Portland. j F. E. Ecu wick of Woodl.tke. Calif.. is visiting with his uncle. Melvln Fen wick In this city. Wll'red Swindall., the 4 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swintlall. suf- to red a broken thigh last week when tin automobile riijl over him. He was I playing behind a machine unbeknown 'to the driver, when the machine was j bucked, running over him. j I The new lumber mill being erected I at Lundax will soott start operations,! i according to an announcement from i , U. Ed wan j recently. Farmers Supply Co. New and Second Hands Goods and Produce House I'ORXER 2ND & MAIN STS. PHONE 22 WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT Why Pay More? Full Cream Cheese, jor pound 35C I Lame Pail Cotto- ' 52.83 Medium i-ail Cotto- ,enp 51.47 IVie Lard. Ib 30e Prre Lard, large : an ors Pure Lard, medium i" 51.55 Gray's Cash and Carry Grocery Springfield, Ore. A. R. Cray, Prop. W. M. Creen, Mgr. 1 3L Keep R EES! rdsw ho was in Springfield F. ii. Lewis, traveling agent of the Southern raiific. was In Springfield ; Monday ou business for his companv. Calvin Tyler of Astoria visited with ; his puiftita. Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Tyler I iu this city lust week-end. j Mrs. Ina Leach of Salem Is visited ' with frlenda in Springfield yesterday. An eight pound son was born lo Mr. iind Mrs. N. V. Orr at tliei.- home on Mil und ) streets Friday, April 16. ' ' Horace 1 luck ins, son of Mrs. I luck- Ins of Douglas tiurdeiis, submitted lo a major operation Monday at the lo- cal hospital. ' The itTial story ('rooked Trails and i . Strait!.! will be iu the next issue. If you own an orchard you must have bees if you would secure the largest crops of the most perfect fruits, as proper pollination is essential for best development and bees are the only dependable poJlfnizinf agents. You can rrp bcra anywhere that they can forage within a mile- they require but little attention and will often render you a splendid profit. We can start you right and save yen unnecessary work und expenae. Our Bee Supply Catalog lists everything necessary for the successful production of honey; toll how to cart (or and handle bee. Ask for Catalog Write us for Queen Bees llW AS oil! A. 1. iUAit Co. ---if,T-n . , , -