The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    I II I!: I
Tin. spKi.v;ni:u mays
t . ' I fil'1,'1 I 'Mil '.i
, . I .''I'll In i . I Till V
I . Ulili I',' ( 'A III'.'
'I i I . !. i .(. Ir .1 ' '
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vr llll'l M ' ill; II 'I v- J . I
i , 1 1 i 1 1 , 1 1 1 , i i m v. i i ; I-, i iii
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new sate
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,in .nil,. i,n M.
.i : '. i i i... i '
1 .1 U il. i. win. I,. i". I" ' li In Culi
(miiiI.i lur Mi' I ' 1 1 r 1 1 ill 1,1 -i h'-alili
I i I i 1 1 1 III' , i' I w, liter l-i iHlflttK
ii!i li i s m.ii. l!",ii:" Wih-y ill m.-iK
LooW Who's
Wl' yf 111 .'lllll'' -"III llll'' I'"
I i .;ili 1 1 1 (-T in.,). i- I Ii' HI I""' '
il tli.- li.i-l Jn I oiih' Iri'tn O'"'
f.,, I. ii li hl.iiuliliri lln"
,. i , , ,,i I 1 V II"- H. lllli' m i
i lur.'- I 1'ini'li'v III. in :i ; A
(,,., 1 1 v ii,' ( i , ' 1 1 1 1 : ! "
. , nl llii'- :i .i ' 1 "I "'iir . ! : 1
i i. in y will l,i"W "''I li"W
,',. wi..- II" , 'l.ll" i'li4 "I
mi r lii.'l w i .i i ,
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''.. ,11 -V'T tSf.
i" ' .till il' I'.'-i'l'il'l? W I' ; jC&
ii... t ... ..: !.. urn.' i.i.i-H. v- JrrA
, , JPYAv
i 1 1 1 1 t i i . him rir i jr
i..r i:i,..-n w.ll Miii fy Mi-' fdfyfjr
I,,, i i ,i i i. i . .1 Iimvit. 'Jut
"Here's An Eye -Opener"
says the Good Judge
1 f v
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT-CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-'J CUT is a lonjj fine-cut toh.icco
, i :,.,.,! , . , i i m
.Inn l .,n' i I , . -l ;.ii,...
' II llii, ",t, !,.. n.. ,ii , a ,f,itl-,n
lii.i.l k ii j, i r il,,. Mill Run.
I,, i inn. ,., i, ;i i lii'XiiT.
i: I Sl'.. ' iff. futlii r .r Mm Tri-I
''i I," liii.iH Til, I. iy fur houci
Roper Mr. ;-' Ivci ti i ii i i iiilv mi-
Weill ill ll,l'l il I Kill I,, ;i,H'll'll( till
tin' ln ill h'nipllal.
A liuilii.'i'i IiihIIIhMiiIi tnuHf i'IIIht
.nl .inn.' nr . in. grade Tin- Kir I. Na-
i il I Iii nl .f Springfield keep jinn.
with modern prugn-hit anil HaN-guard
! ciii-lntncrh' liilcifHlH.
.... . .
iiiMiiiriil l.r.K tin aunt iMflvl Horn
;iir jro.rr.
Jafety Firt. J.el the .lrt N'hMoii-
,il lliink a I im riihloillnii of your funJa
Mrs I) V,'. Itnof and ln-r mollior.
Mm. J A. KMini'ily, ur vlMiUnjc with
i . ,i fi'iilin .' o! our l.H'ilV fu:
M jliiniss 4 int- .hlilrlK I II a.s l!i"v
f,'i(n,l,l with no kKiimiiiiii; of
n. iti l iali (ui i-olliiiM nn- Iho
-lii i it- kiml liial nal.l.' you
1. 1 ii'. nmiii In- v 1 1 h i 1 1 1 tin- usual
,ii!lltiK iirnl hauling You'll lik
M r lm,k of our I u i ii isli mi;
. , i r 1 1 lik.' tin w.-jr of tin-in
I,. 1 1 I
and Shoes
'I'll' who used to clnnv
the old kinds will ti ll you
that it costs him loss to uii
the Kcul Tolmcco (.in-w.
'I'lio l it Ii loic ti i o t:isU l:sts
-;a much lori-j'r. Smulk'.
ch '.mvs, ;tnd ycui don't need
a fresh chew m often.
Any man who uses the Real
'i'ohacco Chew will tell you
I,, In i i . 1 1 1 nt Sab-m.
Mik J'jmtig In now opera Mng f 1i)
f:,,,Kf,., hot'-! aii'I ha cpi-md th
... i .i i ,
dining mom where, rh: h M-rv ng o
(i lli lit in r-n Is nt i r-a v f .n ;it I- prices.
; ri i: ! I'.i-n ifiiin 'if the Murine
ii-i i mi in' n i ii nf Kugi no. nnl who
Im Will 1.IIOWIJ lllTI!, Ir Kiioiody 111 at
Mil' Iniiiii' In KnfP''.
'' 1,11,1 MJ N' v Howe motored
Alli.n.v last S.ilnnl.iv returning
""" Momlav. While tln-m they vln-
" '' ' Rarnbcrty
I'""1 ,,"')l families
! Rev iiinl Mr S A I)anfor'1. for-
, , .. , , , .
mi'ilv of Springfield. hi-rii Sunday
j here visiting with friends Reverend
Danford it now fl 1 m t.r miperlnter d-
i-nt if t Houlhfrn f)r'Kon dlntrlct
, ami - mill hid wlf- r-tunir-l for a
lirlff r'M nt llu-lr Iioimh In Eui'i'ij
I af it h htI'-s of revival mi--l itid in
tin' Mint h.'i n jiart. of ih utate.
Tin- Kirit. National Hank of Spring-
'fi'-ui iiiviK's your pa' ronaK.
Mi- M li llunll.y uii(lTwi-nf a
kIikIiI nii-iiii ion on li.-r throat, at 'lie
' North wi-ht lniiltal In Kiir'n- 1 .1 t
T hiiril,i
lr S Hiilih Il(n-!. (lri'inf. Spring
f)p(, (I.Pilnn.
i Mi- Mi, Turill ), ,. ,,.,ii ri on:
riniiilini; a li'H 1 1 . i - iim'iiii: with !n-r
.11 hi-, in -1 n 1 1 1 I i
Mr a-,-! Mi c V : tnJ,,l,M -v ,,,
I' lM k'-' I ill M il, I.- fnl scv.-ial
""" "' liiiw- in,... in S;iruiyi'i
I i',.l ii I 1. I li lllllll.-
M'1 flilli. v i Ci..-w.-!i is
. M ' ' n f.".v i! i- li,-r. ii-j-ir'tiM'
:n ',' I'l'fiiz.N r'i'l iv Inn, lap i: in, !.
Mr .i ml Mr--. (JilluTt ii.ivis and inn
Malinin n-i iinii-il In Ihcir hnnii' .it
l.i'i.ini- mi Thiirsilay.
i Mr" Knr-ild Itolii-riM and fiin.ily ie
i ln-ri' limn N-.rill Iti-nd Biting at tlio
'"""' Mi': Knli.-it'' wNti-r. Mm.
.1. y. .iv
I; v .1 V Tii kins nl Sal. in - n.-nt
a U i'-'-i- I'. i. villi in Sprint'" I
ini, hi!".- '',i .'in-i.-i n iiiii-ii'-i w n i
In- lu In-, .
A -nil wa I'lit'll last Tllll fsdi v to
Nnl'ii- - hi'ichy given IliHt tht'
I'luii--- iun.-d has hi'i'ii, hy ordi'i' of
llii- county court of the stale of Ore
gon Inr ill-' i oiiniy of Ran.', duly made
and i-ni.-i .'d tliM i-in. duly appointed
I'Xt-i -uior nl' tin- last will and testa
ii, fill ami i-slalf of Cii'orgi' Si'tlle. de
i i-a-i il All pfisons having In i In s
agamvi 'Hid esiiiie are liffeliy noti
lied I"'lil the same propi'rlv
M-ril'ii'd. in nn' ill tin- office of Prank
liipu.' tnini-y for the estatf. at
Sprlngfif 'il Oregon. within Bi.x
inmilh- I'r. 'ii dale heri-nf.
Dated A t il 1st. l'.CO.
l-;dw.ird l.i sti r Si'tlle.
Kv-.'i'tt.r 'I tiie l.iist Will and Testa-
iiii-ni ami Kstiiii- of Cenrpe Si'ttle,
I li'ci-ii-.'il
l-'rank A l. I'n.'
Altiiri'i-- Inr tin- l-Sl.i'i'
! Ml" Mi st ).'il'!!. al mil April N lO'V'' !;i-l puliliiiit Inn M.i ii. l'.i.'u.
They S3t-ak Well of It.
"I 1 1 , 1 1 it - 1 1 1 1 - - r ( 'l,:i iiilnrl.i iii'.;
i'cui:h Ri'ii'r dy ,i;i l-i'd h fiielnls and
in iii.i ini.i m i s which only n-nds to
si i i ugl lien m t.'ii, id opinion of 'V
ttriics Mrs I'n, I Ait.- r.
iihiii Ti it v. lien oii hiixc a couch
or odd ami s-'- lor oiir.--,'ll what an
cci'll.'lil ti:-'ill me il is.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
i Oicunii for I. ane ('oiini y. "
; Susie .1. Hawkins, plaintiff,' vs.
.Ilarvcv Hawkins, defendant
To Harvey Hawkins, the ulmvo
liiiincd defendant:
! In ihe naiiic of tlm stale of Oregon:
You ;ii-, hiiiliy suiiimoncd and re
, I il i ii-il to he ami appear in I he ahove
enmled (oiirt ami cause and answer
the complaint of the plaintiff filed
herein ag.insi nu williin si weeks
from the dale nl the lir.-. dale of inn el llns siiniimins. towit.
April Sih. 1 :! : and if you so fail to
appear or answer iherclo within said
time, plaintiff w ill apply to I lie court
for the relief nniver for therein, to
wit: lor I, dec e 'issolving Ihe bonds
of matrimony now existing by and
between on ami the plaintiff, and for
full relic,.
This summon- is served upon you
b- public at ion in Ihe Springfield
News, a newspaper of general circu
lation, published in Springfield, l.ane
county, Oregon, lor six consecutive
weeks, by orib I of Hon. (!. V. Skip
worth. Indue of Ihe above court, said
oi-d.'f made and entered of record
April lilli. l!C:iV Said first dale of
lll litici) it'll beint' Ai r1! Mil. I1IJ0. and
last date May oih, Re'ii. beinu six
Weeks .
C. M Kis-inm-r.
All- in-'v In I'l lintill"
1 Reside!!! e. l-'ugcnc. i U Ki I..
- jnsi i.iv(l ;nifitli.r LA IK IK SI II I'MKN'T of
v.Mtf i:
TV (iOOhS iiifludintr
I)i li s
I ! 1,1 n v (
Kitfli'ii I'lfiisiK. Class Wan, Lamps. Lantcri;.-,
ni'l''s. .1 a ' I ' i" ' . Notinns. ('aii'ly, Stat ioiM-ry a:;'J
lint- it It jr lis too llllllH-KMIS I') inf'tl f .
W'; also do Watch and Jewelry Repairing-
Ik our slor. will -onviiifc you of rb' many har,'aitH
niiring at this Hal'-.
337 Main Street
v. I- an
.Mr i'.ml Mth CharhiM Orunnlni; at
tlii' homi- of Mr. Crunniux'n rirHi''.
In KiiP'-ri.'. Mr. Orurn'r.K n'J'i t-'r-nuily
Mis-- Kai.tiryn Kathhun, of :i v.
In- s luii'h I'p.-1, rtfuMbe. Si-rlng-fl
Id. r-:n...
o nr. hi ri'liy Rivi-n that all war
l hi!- on S.linol I fist rift No. lit. Lan;
( niiiiir. Oil-con, to and iru ludiin;
mi.-icr iniiiilK'r i'Ol-'" .dat'-d .iiKUst &,
I! I!t. iiiid ri-t'irtor nuinlif-rs 1 to 4h, in
iIumw'. will In- paid at th' founty
'I ri ii-'iii'i s offii . April l!t. In-t'-i-i-si
will i-iiisi' on that dati-.
i:ii."l iii KiiK'Tn-. ( )i ton. lliis 7lh
'! n A (.1 1 1. lU.'U.
Couiitv Tr.-asur-r.
Program for the coming week
SATrUDAA'. April 17- Nazimova in "STRONCER THAN
De Mille Siecial.
Ti:i5SI)AY. April 20 Hrst Itisode of "ELMO, THE
MIGHTY," and last episode "Smashing Garners."
NVKDNKSDAY. April 21 Florence Reed in "WIVES OF
Tlll KSDAY. April 22 - Alma Hubens in "A MAN'S
Kill PAY, April T.) - Clara Kimble Young in "EYES OF
Where Cash Beats
Carnation Milk. 2 tans lor
Carnation Milk. 4S cans or one case .$5.50
I lurdi n's Milk, 2 cans for 25c
lioriliMi's Milk. IS cans or one case $5.50
N. 1!. l'. Sdda Crackers, per lb ...18c
hried I 'caches, per lb 26c
While I'ii-'s. per Hi 21c
l tried Crapes, per lb 28c
I tried Prunes, per lb 19s
lo not forget our Hulk Coffee, where we save you
more than the price of the tin.
We deliver anything too big to carry or $2 worth or more.
A. R. Gray, Prop. W. M. Green Mgr.
Ei:inf War. Tin 'ar
Don't fail to ri-ad vry chap'e.- of
ihf "iiivtHtifuf for f'rofit' storf. It
will lii-lp you to inrreane production
and lowi-r tin- coht of living.
For a Severe Cold.
"('harulir-rlaio'H Cough Remedy
( ui'-d my daughter Anna of it Severn
'old and toii;h n few yoara ttgo nai
fvtT sint-t- tlin I have never missd-f
;an oppoitunfty to recommend thla
medicine to finyono Buffering from
throat or lunp troubles. 1 rannot
, sji ak too Li frhly In prais" of it,"
t:'" Mrs. T). J. Shelley. Earlville,
N. V. liiirnhi-rlain's Cough Remedy
I'n'aii. no narcotic and may tn
Vivi-n to clill.lri'i. with perfect confi
iii ii' . R i- a pleaant ypip so they
'In !;.,; olij'-ct to taking it.
Pay More?