I tiiikshw, m uni i v, injo. Till: .SPK.N.M 'MCLI) NEWS PAGE! 3 0 Cherry-Cheeked Tiial K I In- wjiy 'i v wotn.iii should be iind in, If pun .! Mum, i.idialfs through llu Hk In. This hu nf health can be in evidence only when the Mood is in perfect condition. Nyal's Hot Springs Medicine is ;i Mo. m piiril'iT .iiiil I-Imm biiiltlor. It flcanscs IIm kv:-;-l i i i . finii lir.i th MiiihI, n licvi's hUin i!is-iiscs ;nnl ilicii-ln.iii'- tnniMi.. ;i!n ; irs ln-ahli :t new inipiil.Hf. ITS USC WILL UHING CHERRIES TO THE CHEEKS ' M')AD BONDS DISCUSSED i ' out Irniiil from I'.ipc - I lev. and then wail n-w-inl yam fur llu- i.i iii-t!iri of llu- m v i;iI pio Jiii '' i Im true lli.ii under llu- r j I truer;! in tin- IioiiiIk diaw :, per 'nl li I f ln't tax rii'iti'-y an It wouM lie i!in under illi'it i:ix world at lea,. I :, pi-r cent if It should remain lii tin IiiihIh of lh' taxpayer? Most people i an iiiii1' their lax money, fIioiiPI they keep II. am tlifm over a .i i i ('iil a n 'I those i hat borrow money v. Ilh which lo pay i )i 1 r lax'H will low- lo pay 7 or S per nf for Hi"' li hi iy If road-; an- not worth per i nl ,'ih an In vc-.l nun I wo arc makn.i' ,i mistake in biiildinp roiidi at any I me anil in any pla' Benefits Should Be Distributed. OS: THE WISE LITTLE WIFE Las been dr'llod hy her mother hoT to r-afh h man's tcarl.. That's wby hubby Marts the 'lay with plenty of rl' h iri'.-im, pure milk and dellcloui i:,i'aiiiiry butter on the table. Try them on your breakf'-mt tabl and you'll he moie than pleased, an lie wili, too. Springfield Creamery licaklnp around with a wet blanket t th' f i rnt sipns of a Jollification , 1 ;'''''' '''" iec.-iv.np ''somebody is always hanpinp around '' 'I"; n'l .",rrun .xiK n.ll , w,,,, ., ,,.,, r , Hf(ir, an "in- ii'iiiu sii.uo in avinp lor Hi' Jasper News M I II SI IIS i-1 ; . . . . MM II - JLIW" PHONE 31 ail.'- I ll'I'-r tin- liinrt f ;i x IIK'lllO'l th'- i.i'i'V'r I'H-t-'M u l.ili- ina'l- in-ij.-i-Ui i i.i!-i rti I ion pay llu- i-nli'i- i' t n( I In- i ompli 'ill i oai . -r . I l::i I.oimI .i i am tip- futui" lax ji. .ii- I In- li,, i i.i i ' fto.-n ! In .-.i i 1 1 -r i ' l,!-lp pa v p: opo- I ',1'IIJ p .i i t f. .1- ! . : i 1 ,1 . . . i n i-. , ! ; I - i -. i ' I !" ,;n a . : ' a n I,. ' I . i: i r l.i in 1'ir-,. In H- r 'mm! "i .-,-i-t s- ' : 1 i' ' ' li.- II,'' I ' I. ! p:il I ' (! - a In I ! I a 1 1- of i "I ( !.. h :, i '. ' . . ,. , a:i, I - ! t i 1 1 111 i -I. ,,Mi pil .a VI ..i.i- .,1 I !!. mm COil.'EBENCE TO CE HELD IN APRIL ; !. t i : .- .i ' -. ai i .if "I-1 !. ' .i . -l. II - a 1 ' I .. I 'I ' I !: i I I I. I ' i II l.'i '. op; i -iii't :n 1 1 i- i li! r i P .in li I i ! 'I V.V. i , i i -. r i i . - ii Hi- i-ii. I i I ' v ! Intertlu.Tr.li VVorl cj Movement ....i'. -n'Z to bind Biy "Teain" Here. II full " Oll-l.p'-il'P II l.f lor.ll M'- prur. a in a I i li"' i i.i.ni v . ! i iin-' i-ii t Mi i' i ii, I r-1 a 1 1 I p'-il'l i-f !ln- w 'l !i ai' i'ir'- ! i -in l.i I a !c i . 1 1 .in :r i n in . n.a ! Li- Hi!- Inli-n linn li Miiw I 1 l! '.,!! r u' 1 ai . .- !' ' . 'I ' a' in- i Sf ! I to Tfi" Xcvnl anvil i horns thi- tiiiliut" th'- optimist II-iliili Callisoli of Kail fr--k wpo rffH I. nil, on tin- m (?!. Somi'hoily ; Pa1 h'-i-ii ill for forni- time was "I ght i Ia.i'.s inn n ii -pi-nili-il on to cfli-i f . Iy iii-provi-'l at fhi; laft report, u In i n '-'I ii ilialim-r for a iimih j Mi- Myrti- l.iti'll-y. w ho i tach t..l- '! I ! I- alwavs somi-hofiy inc li'- ir Fall f'n"-k. sp'ttt Saturday ! i'!y mmI i iit'i-r to -piiinl tin- plooni ; I a n Sii.ilay wiih Mi- Vin'ia I'ay. -.v.-i-r ol ilii.ioul iin- they i"apii! Mi.-i Ku'h l!o;in r'tiiir ail to hnt i I r . ' - J r 1 1 t :-'oii'0 iin..-; wi- iall thi-in j r-hool at .Pi:-pi-r Mo-ixlay af'-r a two j-.v r li". 'I 1 1 y ::m- M.iil an l more. '!:i ' s - -1 ----- r i o'. loTfuint of tonsil'tis. oo 'I' i-. 'i!fi:ri :- of happirn . '1 ! ra 1 1 v in. "'! pf-r of the I !i-i-( 'I 't, i !. t. h.itliiiif-r.- of r'.l'-i'i.i1'- - I o'il spent the weekend I pi . )!.!! It: I; ''! :' t I."l! " Mi Mil-'' I.' . Hi' in i i.' , ii!" - i.i.- - i L- i H ill " a j.; i- l.'-n.i- Ifk from if'e I.,;--!,' -nf ;.;,, ;i lii- wife an I - !.-, ; i 1 i I'!..!, a-- a -irk a: ! . I:k- V' ' ;"! V'"'" ,. ... , ... - ,, , I.-.' 1- - i'ii '! r .1 . 1 : .. . . i ' I ! !M.f -: - ' ' I p,, l.eraii' i ii it'i i ! : i . i 1 1 1 1 ' of Jin. ftiUl;.'I.- , ,-, I'llil Jilli U eye , tM Mr aial Mrs. .1 .Iin l'!'i-i are h-av- ; . t ... . i. ,- r . . ,! ...v . j , . , . - p ., i aii J.:.i-i iiioa.. H. i i.iin'-.i vwii;i.j aii'll'to l.aik at ai 1'iev.v I Xpi I i- to wcrk. I,, C",ii..- iii ai'-l '1'iM'i liev.ii" vi.-iieft the ivienvaio : ,. ' srhool oa Monday. . ' ,, , ' The Slii llev familv have all been - Ill t'llt on ;. I, i i.. ...' ,.. , .nn i.ii' cii'-iiiiin'iviiiisiiii. : ! :; 1.'-' wind- w;t!.er; ,anjhtoUKIU.s Moominp on the I- loril ei-l so does Mie l!f ifl-SSlOl ,.,n . .. ...... !. , 111 1 11 ..' I 111 VI rillkf 1 T I M H I I! .'r.y :-.M'ip --,. .1 ta il! i t I . I- - t : -i-l ' ' - ' a I 0 I: l of I ' "f Ii . I ' .- V pii VII . I : I : ' I a !n pi i ! I ! 1 a ' - - i t I V. l! I ti' ; ' of 'I ' - i iin- sa in i- whiili litn'.-rl'i h 'In- levy of a I I'luni'si .aij.' the icicles on the joy I a m- iin-':' mi property en " ;.j.o n. Talk ol prosperity and he'll ;tion I have a deep-Heated grudge i M value h-. paw ne or improv- warn you of hard limes to i nine. Talk ; aKainst anythinp or anybody that i (nit. "i ti... ii -Pt'hirulness of lil weather ! interferes with the happiness of oth- ' .'lah'e ami t ro.pu-t : ve ;mp'.: hi- li mentioii th- flu." Talk of rs. If hard luck comes, and come it nl on eoinl hiehuayi are pav ei ..a i o!a and he'll ini-niion booze, j w 'II. we should prin and bear it. If .:. ti.- 'iiH'1-...al for whi h has ,...-n it : in- than would lie if ay .u ie epji.yn.K yourself and hell, we can't share in the joy of others, ,.),.. ,, j,,,,,, ,.x..rv cnrii-i- ,,( M,. ' " i 1 v 1 1 . t- proilmtiw- ,-,in-s had acce tell you you don't know what joy Is. j why try to lessen their happiness? , . .. . a 1 .. 'I-1 ; I a ; 'I'. 1 1 1 . : ... .. ..... .1 ... . I I, . 1 1 - I.. : ... - , . .. .. . . , TO SHOW HTSLLT:. OF SUHVEYS .-';i'al m l.u Mr 'I ,ils. he ' 1 """" ' """ " j'i i-'-h lanu i nere nave neen joy Killers on mo "-ii nun youve,,)!) ecr since jeaiousv mane its an on- of his, own. Nrp- irnlc J. llrtlU ill p- ll M,.- In!. M . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : w ; ' . I : I . I i - -.his i . 1 1 1 -' v I: i- p .-. i.l 1,...- e. i"! ' i Ic ' 1 1 - I- t leu. hes ..I ,'.". u. W - III I If an- ! ;. , , i r t ' I I h ' ;.- a ' . -I -la la . .1 ' I ' ' I ' I - W I 1: I . V. I- ' I III I. i-i h ol-l .1, I I .! I ,1.1 ol - ' a : I , II- .1 pf-l "I . .ar . r i,-- l la I, ! I a . In ! ! . . I . i . a III. , I!. S .-. I ' ..! la- open l.i a I i i 1 1 - I 1 1 . i : . 1 1 y i 1 1 ..'.' . w 1 1 il'.- l!-i -..-I-i u.!.-'. i . IlielnPi I . W I -ll I . a". I 'I Ik- i. ' n : p: - ih.i PI .' II th!' ' a. 1 1 1 1 1 a ' ., I I !. a I ! i w i ! I la- i . an j I . ! I ).- in. -in ;.- I of I la- I'll', . a !,i i I, nl , i .ii 1 'III.- I h i i p-i a e will he In : ',a--i h P a .1 I I a, I! -., . 1 1 .-. .- ,lln Id.- wi.-.oii -i tip a -in-li-i I,". 'is-i-'ii wt1! In' I'.iie!!. d by a i iiii i.f t-i,!!i -. c t.i e::!!l it, en ale! ... i v ,, p i . . i i : ,i-i a. church l.-.i'l'-r-i -. t , . , i 'I I ...I .. II... i.l . ..I i.i . . .-r I I . -.1 .... ' ' '''.' ' " .. .. .... .,a.. . I . . . I I I - . , I , ..,.(..,,..,. .1 I. I. .. .. ,1 1, ,. I ! . 1 . I . . -....I- ii. ir.'ii., f-i.ii, ii .- ,.-iii....- , ..- ,, ji.i, .tii'i n 11 "ll'm III, ll. III.S I f- the imp., t.-.fce lit Hvi.1'1 UK W.UIU , value wlp-ll ta is .1 b.-t.-r on. . All Locl P.otcot Chun hri Co oper. t-..pi.. ml.; , l i 'Purine ,, , ,- .,,, ,hN i. Nl, ,-n;. ,..,. ain-, (. ,.llk. tmj oi MM.r- -it Will He " ''", "" ' ' "r I''-''"- -"le ' ' l valualiot. wi.iil.l h.-!p p:,v off ,lL. A jv i;i;,.r .,-;-, gC(, ,lo ,,ia,J fn I'-i i'ii'.. ..'inn it.. for r- ii..- nil.. (Hi" eic.it can-.- ol p.eu ,!..,,,!' so. i.-ty. T!iis old world has I . ;..'i- p..ri f tern l:d will ' x .ur feiti!.. a. ! that at- not ,.i.,,.,L-i c Kro-t. undertakers, in- I.- tr.-e'v u-.-.l ., l.u -t ra'- the winiei:, ' ''''', - "" :" ""int of the !a. k "f fluciia. hard times, and heartaches r... .1: Ti . ....i-. ... linn.- i i-i-i in ... i ..hi l.u ii. in s -" ' !ii ii. williout haviiiK a Iiuik h of these I mad ;is i,uf.,, , I,., it,,. Pun ai-piiipted walking dch-eatep of .nl. I :inre:c,- ih. vaPi-iiiuii of ,. Slu-d A. Tea r association lontinu 'liny, wh.-n . ..mi ! -ted. at a'p, i.unini; ,,,- happiness with ei s ih,. i-i.-s.-m val. iin. , ,.., w.ti! ,- dissiitisfaciion. ''ic ...n ....-;! l'.eure .. , . . . r ... ,, .. . wi.iiai rii.-aj' m i-wcnt'ir ,, p, -a,;-,, .i and caue a similar kind .'. ' he .aaial or s;),. I 1 1 1 I' ,(lll. IP. I I'' ' t ! -1 1 ' a 1 1 i.i i h - I . . a I li..-. I ii - - I! be " ' i -i i : ;. : . . .-ai ... i .pi. i .. i i.i.f.-r ' ''' la". I .n i ' 1 1 ' I Cc.ir.t I 1.11 I a' ". i P I'ijj F-dac iti- nl Cjmpaicn Prepared '1 'I Im pis I -1 '. ! - ii' i .mi.-;. '!: ': !"! i.i ' ii -a ; p lep .1 . i a pr. m;i !'i a il iii a.' "tl p. -.' 'I I.i ' i- !yv Ilia' lie. w : i I p.- pr. ..-ii I pl.'i.'.im o Ip- i.i,. i . . 1 1 1 1 ' -. 'II,.- ,-.,p-, ml.. I'M!! e ih.- w In chunh World Mn. ni. ii. 'or pi-ui'mi pi; i i. p.-i nl ion In ii. nil. ir and . .1,. r.i' h hi a P .1 ' - r i . 1 1 ,..',,a-i..- 1 !n- I - a . 'mi (hill' In s Tune will ulo he meii to discussion of the p.cal p-.ilil. lip, c Wttlfd h the Inli-ichuich Muvcni.-nt's Hiirvc of relleious cole III ions thi oiu;li ml the I'liileil Staler This ciiiiul 1 oiil.-r,-in e will he just one of ihe 1, I I in he held ihimu;li mi' Ihe I'nilcd Stales on a ppi'ox 1 m ,1 1 Iy ihe same ini..s No Sideiteunina of Problem It will b. It is said, n wiv evcep ' " 8,1,1 ""' l,''"' '" 'f eWIUifel (tonal c.uiilv (hut dues md he ir s. une ! "", t,u" wi,h " wi" ,"' u in ' .1 .1 ' i.i ' ; 1 . , . 1 . p 1 . 1 1 .1 r .1 ' -. " v lo 1 ' 11 ,', 1 ' 1 I ' ; p. 1 '.i- m: ss . i. a 1 Hinds 1 I.. I W..-I..-I-. V. I 1 h rt . I I I e ! I . I ' I 1 1 I lie I'ii'.- 'ai' .' a. pi ' '1.1 ' .p - 1 . ' 1 ' 1 . I a 1 ine. HI I,.- Ip'. ' . !. I 1 . "dm epa-l ! la I i-i'll Ai-ril a-il l.l.ii ' 'ih, in- p'b. -r of (I. I". mi ihii' "ill , 1 I.Im-s. in,. cmiuiIv - ;"' r in .. .v .re tit m .-Ives 1 1 a 1 lied an HI older WOls. .,..1.. 1 .- iin.., .,. I. j, 1. ''s bv in, i.-.i-lne t!.'i!v ,A , v hi.-ki'ii: tor tr-'ible. d.uri '',! '' -ait, ne ov.,r cf i-,.i ,.,. 1 e;Ui. up th- c'.-o.. until ! '!: I.sr pi. ti.. 1, paji'fd and th" "-u ..f I :-i n'.t want i4i. s. tui-icl iry to 1 hoy ..ml a doubt have h.-M.-r -.p,.:,k. - .1 ''.'i- p 1 1,,, ,1,1 ecl ' :i mi. t liml '"oiiiln.e nieihod I hcli.-ve that ' bund l-i i.eratu 1 .- es a 1 v v. i:l In I. mil and open I .r 'ri' :)! '.,p:e':i and llu- world hiuirhs with win. bt:i w. 1 p iiial yoii'll soon he a in i.i1 u.atoi-ii. Anybody will stop t i 1,. -, .,,.! i,,L , 1 ,,,,,1, I , .. . 1 1 . I.l 1.. . ..... i.l. I ' ' ' ' " """" , ' , ' ' . ' bit' bow ..llicklv th.'V desert a .11111 ii.iiii i' plan a 1111 uia ; . oil'-! I a 1 -i i- ' Ihe - !. -! I' I,.-- I S I l-"l-ll "I ' I 'I I ill 1 1 a:!' : . s th.- be- l method iin.- and therefore th" teli'-r if wuf Mon't be a calamity howler, a hai l hn k'-r, a sacial wart. Kadiatp 1 pa Ve d' I. an ei 1.1! humor aril optimism. He a 1 hcei fill liar, if nec.ssary, and wea; a smi'e. T!ie most of us are hard enough IihiU i ti lt without a d d i n fr fro ns and wrinkles to oin- facial i. fiicliy ' ot sp.-m.as,. iM ,h wirh.us TAKINf. THE JOY OUT OF LIFE. ( si etu-ry. The world loves a pood :s; e -tie ow ll.' I.' ai a s. -i.es . hist r because he is so rare. Con t slate and pasiurs i-uiilereiii .'s. Sim Soipchodt is always ukne the joy ilaih. those who a'l-'Pd the cuupty 01:1 of life. Somebody is a'ways -oilier. -noe will iii turn form a ' 'lac " ' " tilt " fur Itite'pr. tine, tl"' uiessaue of III"' I llletchul 1 ll Mow UP'lll to their lo r.t! i ll lll lles Thus It is . led thai bcli ire April JO the ideal hi china h co operation ad vo. iited bv the Intel church World Mm ciiu'iit in pIhci' ol church com- niote or bss 11 m I'h I ii t ji I1 1 truths con- niiluir to ow'!-) one ol the fitly million Th methods ami system of t'i i-erninK lllichur. hed ateils. or Wiislclul ' loios!,ilii.s ill ine 1 n.ieu .-si.nes. nun pel H Ion. or underpaid aim ab f.-rrtee pleach. -is ni mans count'c. ll is siiiied. hi. abb' ie shew an aver sl ' "Ul'ielil First National bank eti- iiK" ministerial salary liirln-r than Ihe fibles it to keep pac wiih luodeni .-riiee fur ihe whole I nifi-d Stales, pioun-ss iiml Pc of the highest serv- Ull.' II 1 $:ia?, While hillelj illlelhllil ii c lo its pallulis. ISCS?5gSia'T77-ai PEARL OIL (KFROSENE) is refined and re-refined by a special process, mak ing it a clean-burning fuel for home use. Ask your dealer for PEARL OIL. STANDARD OIL COMPAKY (CALirOHNIAl ersely she ha'es a cheap sport bo inns" she is cover-ed with them You've pot to wear a smile to pet any where in ih's world. If I keep this tip mil', ti lonpi-r some body will he takinp the joy out of my life by 1 ;:l!inp this an everyday ser mon. Which, of cource. would be larryinp the joke too far. This ar ticle is replete with adviie. etc.. but t is of the friendly fatherly variety. As to the motive back of its inspira- t-cirance way back yonder in th (lanlen of Kden. and they will be with i.s until th" bars are lifted and tho cows stroll from the meadows. Be ware of ihe Joy killer he's no friend of vnur James M. Burkett in the Oil Week I v. RECORD BOOK FOR FARMERS o.-eon Acriciilrura! Colleee. Cor vallis. March IS. To help the farm ers of I, are rour.tv put their farina rm a business basis the college has prepared a farm record book which has I n distributed throuph tha 1 anks of tl'.e county More than ."Si) of these have been distributed ihrouch tiie banks in I.ane ounty to li -fe The county aeents of the coun ties help the farmers to bepin tho records and also assist them to bal ance thi-m at the end of the year. T.-achcrs of aerictilture in the hip'i schools of the state who are work ipe under the Smith Huphes voca tional education act are nsinp thesi in connection with how project work The h'ph school student keeps records of his pip or acre of corn or whatever he is doinp for his home project work and these records form 'be basis if farm manapenient studies in the class room. When You Feel Rheumatic. For the aches and pains of rheumv tism Chamberlain's Liniment is ex cellent. Massacre the parts thorough ly twice a day with this liniment an 1 you will be surprised at the relief which it affords. CAKKV T11K Fl.Ati OF SAVINGS. Constant savinp is a constant march 10 Independence. Swinp into th" j Savings Column by openinp an ao 1 count at the First National bank. : S l illL'l ie!d. Jlr. S. Ralph Dippel, dentist, Spring field, O.esjon. Look on pape 5 to see this weolt'3 iitiraciitui at the Hell thenter. News, 11.73 per year in advanc-a. Diamond CHICK FOOD stf?)Mirf)(f) ?rv.: SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and helps them to grow into h'm, Btrong, healthy birds. tj A rlran, wlioletouia, nulurnl food - no dual no naite. Keeps t fie cliukt hrallhy and makes tlirin grow (dt. JjHyP". mile fur our Name and Trade on Lcrtv Or initial J'aikage OUR 1920 CATALOGUE Of "Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing everything necriMty (or the profitable production ol poultry mailed fre on request. Ask for Catalog No. s Si HOME SWEET II. I 1 yf I v 1... . 1 . .1 P-- ilson FTfTp VJ hey! YCX, PETcI Tvrt ioi -M-SCA-' - opt p . i 'i ,1 w t ; rfn'rK ., h jr- . -. rovr 1 :.',. --ws.ia nr it mi rk 1 1 trw-'rsi' k 1 SU-jj f. I Fc.S.Y y,Ss CAT' put-?' YOU 0VCF 'at fism: 5fr'Oi IT f! naitikWrt' Poultry nil Fggs -ANi) Ht ATC I . YtVlW AKD Wt- UP All OUK J fits, Ah-r CK-Nt. 'c GOLUFi; "BUCKEYE" Incubators and COLONY Brooder Stoves j kHi LH"! '0 cf rjvik' I . I V .. II C- tlC hi S -1 CC '.-LslMiV.l TO CE1 K.O CI - .v c ow r-tsf, l hOUul SAM NOT IT ISKT EVERY 1 Cfc WHO CM HAVfc A 4- KARAT GOl-0- FtLueo i - m CAT J - WWWW . v.'