V' 01 0. library TIHTP 1ELB si: i:..'i !:i:.'i h yi:.k SI'KIN'CKIKLh, LANK ('OI'.TV, OltKCON, 'II ll'RSDA V. MAKCII IS. I!)L'0. SPRIHGF NEWS FAMOUS HERE SUNDAY RCHEKAH LODCE SECURES I MANY NEW MEMBERS Nc .v Candidates Initiated and Ban- ; iuM Served Monday Night. Ot'irr LodgfS Visit. I BAILEY IKES TO GARLTDN. OIE. I "lui-nij tlnec candidate wi n- taken - - Vun :inl Music Si)"'.i.ili'ts Will 1 '" ""' "" '""'' I'M' ,,f '' lr i- ? Makes Record as Student and l'nt On Pror;im Pi-,r.c v,,,",;' 'in Mm- n ull r Prr-tor First Sermon De- Order Good We.itipM. ' ;i ' 1,1 'ii. Mii.i i.i,!!, iitiit;iirii ii.ii ' I vored at Age of 18. 'i'i 'I lv I ii;it m -dor hii li i Ik 'II.' i: c V . i .i . . (..,! . i.f .... .. , .",.).. . I ' ! -' ,.l .: I ''' METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY IS ORGANIZED Thank Offering on Sunday Morning $,S -Men May Enroll at I Honorary Members. ! - - i Mrs. Mary 1 1 1 i k national scirctarv-i lor tin- Women Dome Missionarv society of the Methodist huri h, is i-: E'lircne and Spi Intrfi' Id this week oi-! raniinr homo m Ifsionat v cir'lcsi SUNDAY SCI! L WORKERS GATHER Delegates Will Study Impor . tant Religious Questions and Plan Work. 'pi I ' I ! II 1 r.i v i .).: i i ., . . " , , 1 M . '! I Tin, Ivonr i,. men, he, ",n" """v "'",r " ' a mon-.' the women nnd girls. , ,, ., In I I ' : i l i -1 chiixh. v,n advised I ., . , 'I'd in I'i- lampa en the !' Al It I M ' t 1 1 tr of the MOtnen Mondav 'I. .,- , I . :. ,,, II... I i... i.i I....... I, I.: I Ifr. l!w '. he ll, tj,, le, at III- ' . .. ti'fht at the Methodl -I a! 0!:a.'e , , ., I i lei ti fi til the pa -tin lie ol the l!.l!l ... , , I ' 11 " the ! i , 1 1 I Monday in April, loial hracih of the mrletv was or ... . i ..I- ii, ,'i h at Carlton (ini.', ,n v. hh-'i . , , , ,, 1,1 it Iron, l!,.- -.:,;-eii" paiii'd and the following ofliccis ' ' ' ' " 1 1 l eU',i mil .Mr M. ill ' I'-cl ed . I I !'! ' 1 'I I .ill'- II. li.ieh'-l Vl!'" 1 ' I ill life V. II l.iV.e pi e . C . , , ;d.r; v I- p, e p, , i Mr. I. May: i.i i i ; ill,' iii'tii i n i ' ei i in a 1,1 1 1 H , I I, p. - v ' I.-:.', '.' al M .1. ol . r., , '.'!.' .a, a Laiiiniet a . I I -,.la I ,i.., ,!, I -'. , ai , i . , . I : , M I 'I h ' !i n !i a I ( ..;i, hi-. , . , than t ' V r I . I. . row ! , - ' .i ii.- w i .' . i . . .. . '' I" ' I ' . . : i i , hi. . ; , !. ' I two i, li on,- iii if v. : ' ' . v.- ( li' I., r. . '.. hi.,. It,- h ', I , I ,1 ! I,,-!' . I , I i ; 1 1 ! , i,. i , ..ii t I i v i T st if , s in Po.-t 1 nnd i r -.iriiziii' ,-, .. ! :'.-r .ir . - the hm-.iii ; el' : i !nii. . I ' , e. I in;' t,, l.i. i, a t ha ' the -.!, 1 1 , .Mi- ;.- -' '-,',.r; eoiie ;,.., I ,;' M. -et , l . .! , . K .1. ev r t. . I: a 'in i. V r l( V. David i ; ." i 'a y l'..r .-.ipp,,, . foi il-' I e'.ph-..' I I,,,,..- '....., Mi , W'! i .-t ;v: .,. !',: ilii'd la- ! (;. i M-; . .j. i- .-i: -.'. i n '. I... ,'.!, I. -I I., i ' i -, 1. . - , i.jio.-ei , i e! ! h .i.J v.a- or- I 1 ' '.' :' '. II.' e pi; f, fi.e h- ,:n! of .' i ..; , i ?i; .-.n 'hue. ,t;,y riit'hf. V. I , ... .;;!.; v.,,s Il,i-ed In ! ' . i. ': m;,. in? I oih' t inll Sunday .ii. -ii. !or i... -,voik of tie.' society. M : 1!,,-, whose home wa- formet f the 1 'lite P e ,-, i,i , I, r vvhuii ,- al pien i.t ha- jy in ''al fovni i. i-; devotinc her en- '''''' ' ' u - iaiie,j i,i .,,ri land i hui'. i the one in uhiih he v.as tne time to the work of home mi.-;-u ' '!'" " '-' '" it' 'ie- i a of i-i.im,., when he was 1 W year. old. ! :- ii it .-. She is a creat worker of anti- l.at. i- :l, day hef.ne he was IV years Mormon ism. She Ik al present on a o : 1 ' t ' l "i' .in.. i : v. I,,. , I I 1 1 . I I l 1 1 1 .,td .'.'.., i Ij , i i ! I III' II Ii I''.- I p '" l'1'" '':";'l 'I'" are .Vela! ,,( ,,. , if v ,t fir lit It hs !"'"''" et.- lie,,, f. ,,1 ,pt. ,,f a ,,,,1,,,,, w,,, ,. I, ht. lined tile : ot!, . , .... hi., I II ' . ,'l ' : II 'I'" " 's ll.sllil i I,;,, I,,, ..iD.;,,p. alias K I. K, . i i ... ....... i:...- ' 'i ini p. Meai lien in- ni-st M-rmon in flf ,tlf. i ,,;,,-,! Stales In the in 1 ' '-'n I ii-- a' a , he. n over enion the ..;i,. i htiteh. and in I'M" wa V'.iv ' p. line on the ( 'urn men ia 1 State 1 1 'uiitiiiiled on I 'a --e .". I 1e rests of 'l.e ni isiotta i y soc iety I winch she represents. , :,il,'-l t a 1 l , i! I ! i -1 I !. i omedlani The pin p, i leihlh II V. I, II II i lol m 1(1 ' . I hu.-l. lHltl'el .11 1 1 .1. hat. , ' ,,f the p. I'V j. I,, aid in! i ml in - the ma tine the fin I'I i all. I allow the ptildte to Jildk-e what suit of men the .land old im - ha- In its rank' "I'he maiilie imps In doilin its hest to Mill 1 ,11 1 mill at the lli.se ,' ,.r nlistmeiit pi i iii, I, vvlio aie iimililied t I Mil l I'lsfllllv lliee! Ilfe'-i liatth'h.' avs Sri 1 1 , -1 i v 1 1 1 a 1 1 "If Hie pnhlir V.pdetand Mils they will tint ill i milage voiint; men Itoin . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1; the servile The linvini; MailipK ale e'i ile.l Mil ,i; In elllphasli- this po III " Lieutenant IIIiiht (; Hall, who is Kdvnme aKelil for the tnaiiiie-. was I en- tile fin I of the week . js a 1,'iailiiaie o I'ium .mi., of (ir, i'o where lie was Will known as a tout h.lll pher 111 I fl 7 he eulisei III lle jnarllie i oi i-- a a pl ivale w.iikine his way to the irr.nlc of In iilena n t The ma lines will jlt i - a street pa lade in Kiicene Satnidav Hfleinonn at ' o i link. Satuid.iv a nd Sunday eveiilni'H Ihey will put mi enlerinln nieiilH and (iimeiis in the arinorv. lthoni;h I li'- are heinK ad vert Ihed ,s hinokets. it In said that no Mil ok Ini; will he allowed and tiothiiiK hut t lean amusements will he iven All ex herviee men and everyone in In vited to intend. sh i ii.i ki or tnfoi mation ahont N'erdo'i fli'l M.iv as Mr May had I 1 1 in I'ort In. id (, nl aim, it a wiek when the i heiks wi le pa: M'll nil I'llltlalllt men h.lnt k. May also hlaleH that he had no! l il, -li any hlank i hei ks with him to I'orllaiid The i herks were ile hiill to I'ol Hand The fake check. 4 Wile delected hv the local hank and w ere iii t cashed FELIX'S OLE MOTERCYCLE By Our Printer's Devil War r.Uk ll llitelo hook on til' i ir ii i a in , hi 1, Inturancc Book Here Ht.K ami comprehensive itui ei nnieiit's war risk s heen rei elv ed hv the I Ame.'ican lanion The hook is 'a ahiahie Kiinh and help lor those . w ho have the government iiiHiirance and lor exservne men who conteinp I.,t, helnc reinstate. A nuniher of e.ij ie- have hei received and those ' iiiiii; i ." ttry secuie it of Fred l.enilev . oi II I! Freeland at lh' N. nlfli iv . All 2 EX- RETURN TO FARM Local Grange to Discuss Im portant Question New Lecturer Elected. GASOLINE UP 2 CENTS GALLON i Al th nteetiiiR of the Springf ield On Wednesday the price of (.-a sol me prance Satunhiy the nieinhei'8 held a was hoo.-led i' cents per irallon. now general disi iishIoii on the hills that retailinK nt -S'2 cciiIk. This was an- ate to come hefore the voters at the minnced hy the Standard Oil district pr'maries May LM . The value of silo sales ma miuer at Fnteni'. mi tele On the farm also came in lor tsom .'t'aphic inlvh e frimi (he Standard I), I dis nsHion. (onipany of California. Squire Innis was elected as lecturer All Standard oil til'int: stations arc lor the ensnitii; year. One of the while some selliliK al I'V'.. cell!' raiiines si ll al S cents The dll lereni ia I of cents per rallon a L-: 1 1 n s I Oregon molmists, one lent of whiih Is due to the slate t'ix and the other I cents to the anti iiialed stale law leiinirini; that nil RUHoline sold in the tln'e must he ot .ti specific fcruutv, still reniains. topics to lie taken up at the next iiieetiiii; of the malice will he "A'V the .soldiers who went to war from the farms -joint. l return to tho ta i in '.' If not. w hy not T The illvorce proldem will he taken up front the niiRlc. "Aiv the tuariied people hetweeii the HSe.. of 2.1 to 110 llvinp together happily and congenially?" (leiiuaiiy puts me in mind nv an ole iiilitenycle that hez hill rid to pi eces : the wheels is looce, the con niMiiii tods nocks, the pistins 1pz siiiji in them, the trannmittion is on the I, link, the i-litli slips an the ca.s lank leeks. I'roi. Kapp wuz tryin to ntn u on its reputation an lie wuz I hin' lairlf well until Hill kizer sie'd Mils wild crew on him. Hill sez that this democratic government has ph ''! with the toy loni enuff an now its time for the teal owner to play with it again. Yea. J'l! say Hill Kizer an hiz Kan-; wu. wise. Oh. wunderus vvlze. lie slid when the allies had Jes rross't the boundry on Germany an terned his toy over to the new republic fel lers an then waited fer thinRs to settle down agin. The time hez come, I'. S. is quatrlin over the peece treaty an thinkin in political terms only, an while Prof. Kapp wuz ridin his new old toy (the mutercyclel down the world's hyway; Hill's crew wuz dashin' thru the treeH on each side of the byway an when the center of intrest wuz taken almost off of this cont rapshun. by the I. W. Y.'s and hulshcveeks in this country, which I'd say is some uv Hill's crew; then Hill an bis gang grabbed this republic hunch an now the ole mili taryism crowd is back agin. Now its ours an the allies business to pet busy an tell these square-heds where to head in at. peece treaty or no peece treaty because we didn't finish the Job a couple years ago an we gotta finish it now. Hill an hiz kids Is waitln' Jes across the boun dry in Holland, fer his ole crew to give the hy sign fer him to come back an if we don't look out our first fite will have bin all in vain an we'll have to do it over agiu. ! f i ,,',; ;v f;or.i every Sunday i-ehoo! in I.a:o foin.t. ate experteil to artepd Me- (onveiitioti to he h"H iii "i.s e:t, at t.'.e Methodist, church Ft .day. K.ieJ, ,! :' t,t--e !oca! Sun day .'- . 1,1 ! V i ". I lie lepi'e -II) f" llV' tut, ,.:-.-; .".I. ;.!! day ' ssion will he In : I. , .;.;! u ft' f " iii tllO mo it, I:,:- v;'h ti... J ,i.t ;.i .i.,i. m at 7: ,; !' h. I'i'. .:.';' ,-'i.r d-.y 'e .-.,! workers if (' s'.:t.- .-.- to la- i. iidan'.e. iii ..'". i- i ' e, l' I , . W. T. MeKl- v- n f I "i :!.,!.'. w ho p-'i iihy cuti.q t . '!" 'i t ; i. V'i w York, find Har- ' V. ilhia'.' .- ,.f I'-,: t Dm !. !' I'..-.'. ,r ir .- the pr -.'ram : !.!". Kopg service, h-d by Ted ','kii) in : Srriptt.re tv-aditig and pray er. Ili v. (' K Duiiham. Kuiene. ln:l."- Address: "The Child in the Mid.t." Miss Oeoigia Parker. Port laud 10:4. Address: "A Church School tloal." Harold F. HumberX. 1 1 : 20 Special music. ll:2-"i Keynote message: "The , Task of Religious Education," Rer. I V. M. Case, Kugene. ' 1 ' "0 iJivtsional Conferences: ' ill Children's division workers: "Education Through Expression," by Miss Georgia Parker. (2) Young people's division workers: "The Winning of Youth," Harold F. Humbert. , 2:4a Convention assembly. I . :!:00 Symposium: "The Best Thing Our1' Sunday- School Has Done This . Year." delegates. 3: SO "What the Lane County Sun- .day School Association Can Accom plish." Reports of officers, and election of ' officers. 7:1 HO Song service; "Religious Ed rication and the New Age," Harold F. Humbert; "The ("challenge of Youth'' BONDS VS. TAX SYSTEM EXPLAINED Hy FRED FISK) -i START DOW. S -- ".TY 500M. I'M, ' '" - Ss. PAST OF MV J - :..M"liL I, v:'A x;.s-ryfj.r--' y r. Creswell Has American Legion A posl of the American Legion was lornied at Creswell Friday evening when about "n charter members were sinned. Temporary officers were elected. Auto Won't Run WitHout Gas L. F. Hanks, one of tie popular employes of the Mt. Slates Power company recently bought a "baby" Overland, lie started to dike a spin , in the country the other da.f, but had LANE COUNTY REPRESENTED ' '" Kn'' f,r when tho car. suddenly SALVATION ARMY BOARD hailed. He looked everythingover but ' "" ! could find nothing wrong. Son W. C At a convention in Portland pj-; Mcl.agan, who has a reputation as a of the Saivi.n.,1. A....,,. ,... ur,, ' I "" 'ha ii ic, happened along program for l!20. Lane connly was ; ''' re resented by four members. The Finally i 4 i II !.'! ti t it ill I n ti il ii liiiirwiuLi.liL'rk i.Taivu . . , ' " i"" .Air. m i.agan drove up mi c i cue i ii i me worn in me ntiivil lion Aniiv lievotid 111" hirirer cities to even the remotes! rural district. I gasolim but neith- could solve the difficulty. L. A. Smith, father-li.'da w of lleiuii t their story he suggested they look I t their lank. It was empty '. :.''' '"V "Just to the extent that the citi zens of a community take an active interest inthe public and civic prob lems which confront them will that community proper and advance." One great problem confronting the people of Lane county today is the road problem. 1 shall not herein waste lime and space on the advan tages of good roads, as I believe a majorivv of 'ha people understand and appreciate their value. j This road problem should be given serious attention, frank and honest discussion, that all may understand the facts of the situation and a ma jority decide what is best to be done. We must deal in figures and facts and not prejudices and personalities. I'nder the existing laws am the pres ent met hod of raising faxes. Lana county with a valuation of $35,000. 000 can raise approximately $16.r, 0(10 each year for roads and bridges. This amount can be increased by fi tier cent each year under the 6 per cent limitation law. During the year 1920 this amount is to be expended as follows: Retiring warrants $20.- 000: bridges, $110.000 ; Pacific high way, $40,000; road districts, $a3.000; scarifying and resurfacing. $5,000; equipment and repairs, $5,000; rock crusher. $4,000; weak districts. $4, 000; Harrishurg ferry. $1,400; road niaster. $2. GOO. However, the above amounts for bridges, road districts, rock crushers, weak districts, scari fying and resurfacing and equipment and repairs, were this year seriously cut and efficiency hampered in order to pay the $20,000 retiring warrants and the $40,000 indebtedness incurred in building the Pacific highway. Funds Must Be Kept Up. Of this available fund of $165,000. two and one-half mills, or about $ti3. 000 should go back to the individual road districts for local expenditures. At least $10 000 should go hack to the weak district fund. Lane county has nveraeed $7a:H toward this fund duting the past four years. Thirty five thousand dollsrs should go back to the bridge fund: l.nne county ha ivevnreil :!.", i;'i. tnwir l this fund (Continued on Pace 2)