The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 11, 1920, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Tiirc RpiuN(jFii:f,r) news
Page 3
'I lintShAY, MAKCII II, l!)jn.
Just For The
Joy Of It
There are many logical rea
!(iih why you should get otil-oI-cIoojh
during bright,
spring days. Mill the one
with lln' grcalesl appeal K
that of Picture Making
A. I
inlioillr.H tin- I :-( I ( 1 111 of iwerrim' and real jov.
and makr a start in the art now. Anyone can make good
pn line , with these perfected Kodaks and the cost is loo
ma II l r on; idei a i inn.
We do D.-velopmrr and Printing and make a. specialty
of Prompt Service.
IIS I 1 1 I' I I
a. m!.i i i :. r
Sale of low grade ii i Kinl' a 1 spray-
In Oiigoli III'" been i hci ked by fill Ti
ll j f given liy Hit ' Ik iiiWIi v depart-
Ill" Ii' ot III"! College X p" I lllK'lll St.l-
inii ihiough (he state ami county
in' w i ii pi i m. Immense l;i hiik- by
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i k "f Trull mid foliage wax
C'lllsed l.y IIHI! Of lOW glll'le HI'KI'lllf'lll
f ii t x f it r ' In the beginning. The st.v
linn proved the possiblity of li-t I -r
ll.alcl I II, tliallllfuct III (TH hlOllgllt Ollt
(i belter product, and grower who
1 1 1 1 1 !- h ia y nhvc enormous sums v-
i rv i ;i i iiH a result. Kcitr of station '
..h.ov...v mid newspaper putilW-i'y LYE KILLS ORCHARD TREE MOSS
give- tin- low gr.ldc dealer llitl-; ' to .1.. IMIHI....MH lii OrcKon. I ' pound n dissolved in six
1 in sii-.eii gallons of water or Hill".
NOTICE 1 hi I fur v Jr;i y used for KfHle, will rid
! on hard trees of moss and lichens to
' i i- is lurehv given Mi;it Jamci V'iy r.-: t ad a n I a ge Western Ore--'I'
Moore, administrator ol tie- ey.tatM i'"n orchaols not sprayed wli such
i. f .iii a I". Iliii'l, deceased. h;n prays a liine sulfur hii'I liordeaux. ,
ii, .. "I. :inI filed hi final account an devei.ip a oa l irnr of thes; urisiKhlly
,1'iin i ti.-iior of piinl .t.ite with t!i"i I'rowtli--. -ayH W. A. Smart. O. A. C. ;
- i lerk of I.aii'- louii'v. Oi fynn, i pet a-.itaiii UN iriveff in-;
an. I '' .ii Saturday. t!:e 1M day of Mou- -liow Mint while nio-t fuiarlcidal
M.n. I), 1 JO. at Hi.- hour of 10 l'ia.v- ii 'Ii'"-'' Kfowthi-. lye s-eeujH
n . of said 'lay. has I u fixed as to au.- a iti k-r l.reakiiiK up and
tie '. .' . ntiil th- i ouiitv iiiuri room ' weatheritu? away. It miivt. he applio-
f in ti.. f.iiie (oinil con it linii'.i- ;o, the Ii. Inn- Hi.- winter I, nds hefiil to open
I1 ... V Jie.-.iint' and pa.-.iiK upon in avoid injury to 'he I -n I r l'a V'H.
a... ! tial at coutii. ai . lor hearitii;
J . I l.-i"lo. if aii there he. The 1.1. liiods and system of th
! James. T. Moor-.
linn heen drilled by her niofhwr hoT
to reach a man's heart. That's w'ljr
hubby Mart the day with plnnty of
rich cream, pure ni ilk and delicious
creamery butler on the table. Try
I hern on your breakfaat table and
you'll be more than pleased, as bi
will, too.
The most permanently prosperous
ticetioiis of our country have been where factory and farm co
operate in production and marketing.
The htnall fruit and vegetable can
nery sections are where the farm
iiouseH are. painted and land is high.
Tho.-te section employ the largeHt
number of people to the square mil
and have the lament bank deposits.
S'l i it, !.:'! !! rir.-t National bank en-
.1 1. . ... 1. .. . ...,il. i I,.rn
( .V'lIllliliST lillOl (arnes n III -t imh jiiww---i
'. I'-d b iiat.- iiit pul.hiail.m Feb l!il'0. pioirre-s and be of the highest Berv-
I , . , ! a.- ! . e i'.l I
Mrt'iod hi Chu'ch I .ipi .i rl eld men for S.itui d.iy. li.n.- 'n t puldi' at on .Mar. IS. lill'O. t ice to its patrons
W . are i . a.!y a. .. i. for ! I win k , ,
eveit.o.v . Mill aid and tlius wej
an eiiiei upon i. new er.i tot wotli ;
Sundav si In.ol al lt a in The hop-
,,f h- ( in.M h lien In l In- Sund.iv i
t-1 hind and the hoie ol the nation Ilex
111 llli- . lum h and the home. I. i t IIH
then make a rood Sunday " hool ,
' MornliiK worslnp at 11 a m Kven
lioj M-ni.e at 7.:'.0 Kpworth leapuo
nt ti:::0 p m AM ie invited to oui :
HelViceH. I'l.lVel nieelinR oil TIltllM- I
dav eveniiiK '
lipwotlh leiiRile focial oil Ffidwy
evonlliK at h o'l lock llrolherhood ,
Hupper next Moiidny evening w ill be J
of n hpi . 'al feat are Come for the
cupper nt '. :'.0 and stay If you can !
for the lei turo I
She States It Mildly.
While suffering with a severe at
tack of the grip and threatened with
pneumonia, Mrs. Annie II. Cooley, ot
Mi'ldlefieid. Conn., began using Cham
berlain '.-4 Cough Remedy and was very
much benefited by its use. The pains
in the chest oon disappeared, thj
cough became loose, expectoration
easy and in a short time she wa3 as
well as ver. Mrs. Cooley says shj
cannot speak too highly in praise ot
this remedy.
Baptitt Church
Sunday hi hool al lu a m Al 11
o'i lock the lav men of the bullish
will have i h uge of the Herviie The
Idling people Will meet al I'l I'll l 111.
At 7 ::n p III III" lav women id l'e
i hun h will have i h uge (,f the seiv-
pe ' he- e 1 ,1 V -el ale III the 1 tl
lei I of the I lii let new world
llielll A II ate Wet. Wall. I I..
H.i :! . pa. t-.i
c . ii it v i 1 1 1 : ii. c ni- s wiMis
t 'on' taut -'iving i' a . oi, l. int march
lo I n.lep. mleiii . Swim mi'. . Mi"
Savings Column by opening an ac
count nl the rnt Nal bank.
S i i u g 1 1 1 . 1
Nevv, $1 7a per )ear 111 udvanco.
In the County Collit of the Stale of
Oregon for the County of lame:
Jn the Matter of the K.stat" of Wil
liam Jefferson liowman, Iiei eased
To Kli.a Anna Mills, John Colbv,
Franklin 11 liowman, Fat ward How
muii. Nellie Ha it, (Iraco Webb, ltos'i
Morehouse. Arthur Morehouse, Curtis
Sliver, Frederick Stiver ml all other
per. sons unknown heirs of said Wil
liam Jefferson Howmau. greeting:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and reiiiired to
appear in tin- counlv iiuirl of 1 1 1 1 s 1 : 1 1 -"
of Oregon, for the county of Lane, at
the court room thereof, at Isllgelie, i'l
the county of I. line, on Tuesday, the
.'.r.l day of Manh, ll'l.'H. at Id o'clock
in the forenoon of that day, lluti ami
there In show cause, if any you have,
why (ieorge K. Mimine. ml n. Ill isl r.i tor
of said estate fdiould not lie lYcus- d
to sell the following hds belonging
to said estate, lots 11 and 12 in
block S. Fait mount. Lane counlv,
Oregon, according to the ainendi'l
plat (hereof to pay the debts and
charges of administration of s'Od
ostiile. This citation Is served upon
you by publication by order of I lurry
llown, Judge of said court, dated Fed).
11, IflL'O, directing (lint thiB citation
be served by publishing the same for
four weeks In the Springfield Ncwh.
beginning Feb. 12, 1920.
Witness, the Hon. Harry Ilowii,
Judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Lane and
the seal of said court hereto affixed,
IhiH 11th day ot Fcbriiury, 1920.
(Seal County Court.)
AtteHt: It. S. IlryHoi, Clerk.
Data flint publication Feb. 12, 1820.
Date last publication Mar. 11, 1920.
That's what a steady, regular income means
from a dopendahlo investment.
Why not have two incomes one from your
personal services; the other from money which
you have saved and invested?
Mountain States Power Company is in posi
tion to offer yon a safe investment paying a
substantial cash return regularly every six
moiit lis
Not only this, hut the Company agrees to
pay hack your capital in full on a definite date.
Or you may exchange your securities for stock
in the Company at any time, if you desire to
(ill so.
Why not put your money to work in useful
public service in the extensions and improve
ments the Company is required to make to take
care of the ever-growing demands for additional
Your money stays home and the interest
it earns for you stays home.
Everyone can take advantage of this sound
investment. ma.v invest t'qr cjish or on
the Partial Payment Plan. There are no diffi
culties or reel tape.
Our new illustrated circular describes the
modern and well maintained properties of
Mountain States Power Company, our plan of
customer ownership and the excellent invest
ment which we are now offering the public.
We will be glad to send you this circular.
Call at our office or use the coupon.
ountain States
Power Company
Engineers and Managers,
H. M. Byllesby & Company
Fiscal Agents.
Inquiry Coupon
Springfield, Oregon.
Please send me complete informa
tion regarding your investment of
fering. Name
Business Address
I ;