the srmNT.riKi.n TlirilSPW. MAItf'll It. 1 INDUSTRIAL REVIEW '1' ,,ll'i"i :t i:v. mills top-iti,,. i,. I'.r sf ' l.lllilli.M Nl-ll s .is-.i t M.irch 3. j it. on l it hi 1 !. w is v"..;:;i t ; i t.-. 1-., iUn.i: M-r-o I'uTtv 'u- ,,r "' 4 !' '"' " ,"1"u " '"; ' t.. to i .- i.u.:i ... ov.-k ......;. n " " ; o... ...;. Mam . h Kal's pio. k-N mi; - i n . i. -t s Co , ,.,,!, ... h. ive pin. l.iM',1 .'...'I'll ,,, i . -1 i :'":--' "f . n I'l l- K:.i' .'.;!. iiiU.- cv r' lx ' ' l'.ilis K' Kivr lu,t H...1 .:: 1m.;I-I i.M'mlmv. : I......I-M- ,..:.;.... h ' " I'.m.ii.iI !,r IYn ..-v husin.v.s l.,n-.s n.x,', op.Mi.',! in AsMamt .lurnttt tl- fat : M"'"''"'' l' !'' '' i .b-w !.,.. ! Crrv mouths, .south of S,-.w,.as ,.v,m ,mI im ..s,-.., i , installs row pii'Mi-s to ,':ll';"'"i- '"' I--n, !,.pm,.,t o,M,;,. r.M.-.l w.H-r .h,., : Vl:'''"C to s,..u sx.'Hs ami p.m.. I lltar.ts !s u.ts f.ulory for tmuui- 0 ''' 'M'iin: M f.4. I nr.. ..f t.-.lil-.-. i .!.. vi. m! '';u: ,:' ' ! '" !".- '!'K "! it W. sc. K- .! I u. 1 ... -mt .low ii. Face 2 i j i ir n a ii I. : " !- i I .1 s S.Cmm Marc:-- bsvli.-rs ;;ui' ami i:i I. ! ! i. ..'. s. . . ; (' : i. ' it l 1 !: ' J.'ti l'i'i 1 .. !.:, i.i- y. Willi !"ii (.'.: ;! .-. i !!.;' " , -Ii .i '. io;;s n ( ( : I u 1 supply of labor ami n ...a t::;u-.i .'-maml for th.'ir t. th. I' , M li.ur l,.vi a tin,. iVi... lumber mills ,.f west. mii Oii'ton ami an I iM.ither: ami. western Wn shin st on are minims on; h.M-a- Liberty I.o.lce No 171. bat approximates a eapiuity basis K C A M wUh lo . onvry tluMi h.-i.r L' PC.r. PAS?F RTSOLUTIONS W ' '.s '. i.:,, M.! rt I . '! ..f I ho ' ' 1 1 . ' ' . ' i s '. ' ll ;. 4 ;:'.; . i:..- . i .) .-,.li '. '. .!' ;..- ! ,!.,.), , i : !: ... I : 111.- ' . . 1 1 : I i . : ; in I. U'!'. . .n. I ii. i ' I .-.In.. o 171 Bi.--;,Liii . i:ii,.i -:.'",:'l-i!!,vl Cha-ter No. 8941. Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At ri'.r;M. in the S'are vt nr.i, at the c Iiv uf 1 L ' lis; i N&P i'P s Vi 4 ! ti...i.-ii;:."iii.i :..'ri . I i W 12 ii i 1 l nr iji '.i. 'i i i. .'ii iii .i ! ii, . , 'i' i u ; ill ! him id. " 'I l.ll I i H J Mr, OU c:m t help cutting loose jf)'us RESOURCES Loans aiul ' s. 1. . . i I. . To'..! :.-a:.s Ovvr-lrafts. s. i 'ir.'.i. '.hi--: i::.-. ;... U. S. Goverros-eit cwreb: Il-j,ii--;t..i! I.i s--. : : i. i ;;, 1 1 7 r , : i i i ;.! . . . rii-:jr-'.l in - . i s:i-, .; .;. , ::'! i !: -.J ! : ; j i 1 1 ' -' :i is p , i .... ) . t :" Ti.'t .. ! 1 '. S. ; iVitii T .. Other bonas, seuri'ies, etc.: I' i;il no!;. ; !'. S !...: p. -ill il.-pn.-:: s . 3. ."...hi r.ii E'.; ils a,,i s n :!:. V.-.-a !". S u: . i.- i I-!--.!c. -J ;.s i,,".'....,: f..:- S- ..-...r ..-; ,s l,U'i.: '. I ;::. ; . i . . ; Ff( uriti"?, (,!":..: Inn C. S Km u j.,, i , j , j , , tr Ftocksi, (iwiii'l ari'i : t !-. I 1 i Total lmls. Sf-cu: I::-.-. .-. M.- '!;m I'. S. Stock of Ktrtl-ral It-. rv- I! n.k i". p-r . , tll of subst ription ValiJf of barikin l.ous.-. . ( v. ,-, :M,i,..;.. . Kurtiiture anil f,xtun-s Ktal -.stat own.'.l oth- '; iii i.i i - iinu. lAwful r-s.M- with K...-i;il It. -i rv. I'..,.. k Ca-h in vault an n-t uim-i :!:- .In" r'n.-n n banks Kc-t atnoutits 1.K' frmi l.i.'ik-. 'niak-r-. a:;.; 'ru- onia!.i"S i ii th- ft, '-. .-'., Q.f -'ka or: f,thT r ank- ;n . - r-ixrti' liar-k Total ': ;'.-iii . I.!-r;:;.;i., f ;, 1 -.v ; i i : S 1". S. T . .-ii-r .... tin n". 1 1 7 ::; ja ...7.i : ; i :t .- a, p . In ' ' . ..!!.' '.!. .ill''.'.. TI.--I .-I-.:.- It !. I '. . . 1 II,-.- i - .. .!! - ,. t ! i ' 1 1 1 . 'I ! i I - ...aim; I ' . . i ., p, ' i . I ' Mi ' 1 - I-.!!. ..!' ' a . y ! i i., I .1 p.. .. r w i:.Mi'i v pi i:.-i: . . . '. . ii : i A . ...I 111 ..: iti .! Hi- 1 S,,r -:: il I '..! t I..:: ;.. p. ' ,: T( '. I Ml. : ; ' i. ',! .r I . " j!j j , ' rrnmrks every time you flush your ' 'r !; smokt spot with Prince Albert it hits ' you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine and as safisfy- in.i; !s it is delightful every hour of the tv. rnty four! It's never tin) late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture ! For, P. A. is trii-er-ready to jive you more tobacco fun than you ever had in jour Miiokccareer. Tilsit's i)vcatist it ins the (juuHty. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A. dul not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it nevtT will.' For. our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your ton;;uel "Pry "l Jr rnl l,t. hunJ,me ,uinj in. half pounj lit, hum, Jor. that c7r. rr, f,rui ,.,,. . , y.U, 1,,,, , , Bf,rgr motitcner Ihut h,r, thr f.u. . o ,n .u. , ,,r,frit t,uhhn. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. t.l I . !. V. -i.O (KEHOSEUH) TOR OIL HEATci" r--."v i tl;U.MUYi; AND L Art PS I. .,; I.!, , I i ; i . ' y or Uin n a j i 1 t j.) "7 ! 1 07"i.7; Ti.t :I LIABILITIES Ca;.i';.i . tm k pa !j ir; . f-'ur; - r'ni.'l Tr.iliv;.! I p:,,f!',: . ( li'-'il j' 1 1 ; 1 i, ir.L' Ctj-biorV ('..'ik- i-a ,(.k (, To'.il of i'.'-jii Demand dep-.s.ts 'oth-f tun bank cijpo.ts. subject to Reserve i i, -r ,! am!, i, ;a :i... iL'l.'vi'Mal i'i p'.s:'-; i j.-r-t 'o . ji.. k C't-rt!i'if at.-s of rif-i.o. - . t : - !n i- !,., , .,u i!..y., , 'olkt r i hiu: for in-.n-y Luj i m a -i! i f'fctf. oownty, or o'l'-r Mi ni a-, pal il-po.-i..-; :,.,.ijr.- by pl-'ll'e of ashots oi k:s bank Other k-!uarj'l .Jepo-it.s Total of df-maial !-po-i's ioiI.'m- than hank .- JjOfMt.S) FUhj' ( t to Ji'-Sf-1 V(i $J a.SO.j .0". Time deposits subject to Reserve payable ai i-r '.'.() days, or suhjoot to :',) .lavn or inoi: no'ii -, ami postal fcaviiiRS) : C'eitifkatOH of (j-po- .otj.f-r than for inon.-y hor rc w il i rostal yuviiiKi . t . $ lj .". i a , i i . i .", Hull nil 1 laj J7 i; j.",n aa :i.:'"- i:i U':H III) l ::i ::o Total of tim- -p,, .i. :-uhJ-( i. io Hi-s-rv $4'J,'j;iij,0i) Total 48.17:5.:: i 1,7';-'.7J $.:o , i ft.jite of friMon, IVi i.e. o! I.ane, ( : I, I.. j. llnl:;.. . of ti..; ahovo p. ,o, hai.k, do Boleninly swear tl;.t the aliovo :. at i Mil... io Hit h-.-t of my kfiow.3l.j ami In lief. Is. (i. HL'M.V, Cashlfr COJKK(' : ';;.:. .. .-'.( 'O'l'T. L. I:.;K. J. K. SMITH, l)iio.ior.H, .'iuhKi rib. (I u)o! --.'nil o. I.'-foif me ihirt lOlh day of Ma I ell, 1!20. I-TiA.N'JC A. J).;J'L'K, Notary I'ullic for Orgon. ia 13 dS a il r 3 cnan e THE STORE OF BARGAINS SUCCESSORS TO COX & COX Save Time and Car Fare and Trade Here Friday and Saturday Grocery Specials Salt Salmon Meats Uologna Sausage Weill' .23c ,23c Summer Sausage 30c JSaeon 30c We handle all kinds of FRESH BEEF at special prices. StiKitr, lbs $1.00 l.'e eiill'e o'ic per U).; : H,s. for . .$1.00 ;";. coffee 45c per lb., lbs. for $1.25 Hulk lea. per lb. . . ("risen. Iar;te size . . ("risen, medium size Karo, dark, N'n. Io ., dark. No. ; . Karo, lif-hl, No. 10 . . ,50c .$2.00 .$1.05 .$1 00 . .55c .$1.10 ICaro, lil.l, No. r, 55c .Milk, per can 15C lOarly .lime peas 15c Cni 14C Tomtitoes, J cans for 25c Chocolate, ( ; liiradelli's, I lb 42c Matelies, per box 5C Wy coL)!iiision i,h -i Januaiy yth, Special Prices Paid for All Eggs, Chickens, and Livestock