The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 11, 1920, Image 1

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    Fbttrry. It. 12.
mm ma a
if I J V
nf v v
Fuiub Nt.'odod for Bond Pay
ments Will Soon Order
Sidewalks Built.
A I lU 1 1 1 - f 1 1 1 - Monday night Hi"
t i . 1 1 1 1 It i i iili'il i nil 1 1 1 1 . r i ;.'
1 It ' till sill-"! i"- I I I ' 1 1 1 lol' i.llllr(
rd oilier in m i i in'' n I nni'l In- "nl
t . -1 1 l III''.' 1 1 is i iiii.i I I ha '
Hu l l' l i about ' M (mil iii- r 1 1 Ml prop
I 1 1 Imlili ; mi llii'lr ii"'ii n ini'iiN.
'I'll.. i!' will i ! hi li.iii' In .iiy nlf
i t . li ii- n t!i i ' ! in I uiil iim-l hilar:
! ' v i nil. i t ii i.- up i it ill I - -
A mil lii-r lei p,,i I :i ii t Imiii us i 'ih lit
t . . f ll' I .ii i . .i! ' i p'.n.-i- ! A -,.-i
i.i I ii:, ii- ,i 'I," ( "! w 1 1 w : 1 1 i, in
I .' I.I l' ' , ,.-: III 'I ii, ,u. , ,T f 1 1 1 T 1
lug in-w i,'i u.i'l.1- vliii- t . y ,i,i-
Ki.l" i t . ,'! v ' ! I ' 'i. ! . i- i mill' !
I' iiii'l 1 1 I : w i - ti 'iiilili'i
ii, I ill 1 '! i ... .i in s i i ii m-ii i i'i
1 1 -1 in
I'lllH'l.l! l-i'l Villi Will' lull Wl'll
ii Iny ill t.'i i'iuiii lit 1 h i tin k fi'it.i
tlm Cordon K- Yi'.ifdi undei takftig
parlors In I'ugetie f"i Cliiii'iiii' And
I sun. I h I'.i i old sun nf Mr iiinl Mrs.
1! M A ti il i son nf Cubing, I ill it
Hunt whs in a i1" In tin' Masonic rente
ti ry. l. i isi i ll I,. Kiiivlvril liy his
parents two Mi-ii'is KNIc iiiid LIHv
.Xnili'isnn. iiml nin' hinthcr. Charles,
nil til whom Iw n Cubing.
Ho was well known In l.;nu' iniinty
having livi'il lit Manilla for many
years In fnif nun Int lo Cohnrg sevc;
III Veil I K ago.
Mr ami Mi-. A Moiilson who lime
heen the guests of Mi and Mrs K. Iv
1. nil, lit I,, i -'iii- lline. lift liiil. iv lot
(!i:iiits I'ii s. Tlu-v are looking for a
Im .'llliill III v oil! hel M lll'i'gnll. llHV'llit
I i-i i ni l - ,il l In i i ra in li in l a !l
l"i nla
, i "t il i f i i pi. in- -iilnpt. d In t h
l.i IumiI In .l ; I ! li,. ;:if .lie .
il.i v li il.- Ii' I "', i ii I '. M, i mi' . ill
m hiiiiN will i-i-i eh i- a i ,i ! -i- i f - i ' i v
fill' ll'-M Ji-.-r . II: I I' 1 II. II 111 II.' ! 1
for Ii'imIi'-I" ni Hi.- it.ii,- m'hiiI and
t I :'.'. Im- huh -i h ... I I, -.n-lii i - w iv
i! -i tiled upi 'ii Tli i . in I in- w r h
in hi, ii l. then li - i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 linaiiK nl!
liM-l the -late, ill nnli r to i-llal le the
liiiilni-i lii mill tlie hik'h cost of
In Ing
lt:ii' ii.iitui, l.ii- in '.s was Mai.s
;n till hy tlie lini nl
Northwest Clim.ite Givrs Vigor That
Means Top Yield and Highest
Oregon Agricultural t'nllege. Cor-
: 1 1 1 1 m . l-'eli 1 A i i-1 i 1 1 1 a I e,l seeils ai-,
lie;t lor lie- , i-et :i lile giinl. n. flunk.-;
A. (i ! ti 1 1 H 1 1 ' i t . I'l'ol','--ni- of vegetable
giinl'-iiiiig aid V ('. He liiiih. ,
Ih" nnrl li 'i" I cliiiiate i'ies vigor : i
the f-i'i-il-,, ami i erom mil i!s their use
in lliis reginll.
Karlv oiili-riiig is likewi e aih i--eil.
Mtice Hie best Ittni ks ni.iy lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 t I ,
nml lie- imi'.i ,1, -will,!,- vaiielies not .
lo In- hail lor lit I orders
Many seeil ratal-n's conic to farm '
is and nl!ii i- gardeners from all pans'
nl' the ciiuiilry, I'nifi ssnr ltuiiiiet i
liiivs, lull Inning by mail orders from ;
(lisliinl firms is not n i oniineiiiled. If
such orders must he placed he advises (
pliiciiig lln in wilh old and repiiluble j
firms lluil will fill them wilh the;
varieiies named.
"llniue gardeners should plan how i
much of I heir lol h) to he used for
each of the vegetables to be grown,
ami then order the reiired amount
of seed nl nne lime," is I'rofeRsor
Hollillel's coillllleiit.
"Quality, seiiHoiiiiblenesK and pro
(liicllvencsH of vnrlety are the strong
pgluls to look for in selecting Heed.
It is mil easy lo make the selection
from the large numbers described In
the 'utalue.": "' ' '
llnlii'il Vim 'al..ili wits seriously
j III Jll nil Wednesday llffci IHlOII Wlll'll
, In' rnlliili'il wllli il louring 'nr. lrlv"n
li .1 A Hi'iniy, ni the Intersection
' nf Sltili mid I! I'lii-i lK lie i i-t vt-il
several i nl i about tin' body. No (itn
ii-lsi- n Injured Hi- was Immediately
; taken tn II hospital III Kllgcljo
Van Val.nli. mi ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r v i 1 1 was
traveling 1',-ihI mi It street and Mr,
.'.envi-v was rlilvlng north on Slx'h
Hin-i-l In n tin- ikii met nt tin- inter
si'ilnm Mr H'avev claims that lie
li;i,l brought ln i ;i i n in t Ini lly In n
iiiji't '.hip wln-ii ilif two ii'lllili'il l(
i'. Iiili-il tli;il '.in Yjil.all li ,p:i leu I h
In-I iiimIiuI nf tlii' iiintni ( yi Ii'
' .i" llimli'i' t'i I'l'li' r Mni nf aviil'l
-. 1 1 1 - I 1 1 1 Willi tin' i;n II l ill 'ii f-Ii!
il'iii Mr. '.in ',il.ili t.ilii-- tlii, ii'
i-p',n III lily fur tin- ;ii i tili-iil
t l.lM ! i i,l ! I I 1 'Ml I In- ll'i'-1 'i ' ll
' v . i , I ini' i'ii y :. I 'I l.n i-ni'ipli
' . ' I !l ;i -i - i x pi'i l i"l
It'iln'il Vim '.il,-ili i. tin- mm (if
Mr. A II Vtui Vil.ili of tlii-i ily
II'- w;i in tin n ivii i- iliinni' tin' war.
ex service men nf the count v
me h. liiK urt;e to nuther at the nri'i ,! , steelquUt. a.sHitant man;:
my in Kiie.iie Thursday nicht at 7 : .".0 K,.r ,,,,, from Albany, and Henry)
1o mke some action on tin- propoil- ;,,. nil,-i. r. an engineer from the Chi-1
tlon of bonus l.'Eislatlon now b.tnt;
considered hy congress.
Another mailer to come before the
meet ins i' the proposed erection of
n memorial huildliiR for the countv.
The last Hi Msion of the legislature au
thorized each county to iset aside cci
t.i'n sums for Ibis purpose
At ::i0 there in to h- a meetliiK of,
those who nre ornanliiiK a Leonard
Wood presidential club whii h w ill t
addressed by several speakers.
Alter mi ineroiin repoits of a "peep
ng Tnin' 'iiboiii town, polite autlioi
Ihes iii 1 1--led ii mat) whmn it is a I
leg'-il was caught in the act of peek
ing into windows Tuesday night lie
swi-i a ii e.. i i-d and on trial U i'iIihmI ,y
'n pi ill ii i l w ii I Mind $.'.'i
By Our Printer's Devil.
! I'd I, .-I, e'.e ill! that I beer ;i-il
a in 'In- miigii.eeiis I d think I wuz
1 1 v i 1 1 ' in an age of bliss, content and
hai ninny. The big fellers speel bout
the great pi i, spa 1 1 i I an dupe but I
kail!) see no il ll let em e. Ailll peeple
Jes as big lings as ever; don't people
ir to swindle, cheat all try to run
Ihe llllier feller out? Shucks, its all
hunk. A dollar is a dollar only they
aim worth so much now as they wu.
itfoie the war. They sez that th's
war In, been a great thing because
it gives people sumtllitl to think
about an em ites patriotism. Wall,
ii do., but ihair's alius somebuddy
read) lo grab iiml rob an spoil the
"GiviKs mm imr
... ;'v -') ''' ' - -r
out - x;mte$r3
, - - ,, , . . s.rM1
On Sitiinlay only, March 1.1, vn
will f?Hf with I'Vi-iy new HiiliMiriP'
in ii in Th" KprinKf ii lil N!WH, o
I'iitliliiilir iliiti' Itlelil lii'i'd. l.i
Ki-ilur with a ri'flin t it hi In our
iiids tiuin $1.7." t'i $1.50 for tin-
V I', I I
'I !n I'iithfitiiliT Kali' Im h wind"!'
f'l'l.v i on vciiji'iit KHii". cn.'iMitiK
mii i i open ami kIijI your t?:il'
wlii'.i- 'i'Hl''l In your flutn or
w.ii It iiin hi- cotiMt nu'tcil vi'iy
I III 'I . Ol llldi't. Hliy olll K' 'ini
l.i- i.i.'iMy iiiti'li' nv' r Tin' ;il
I i : 'iii'il iiikI tin- riiiti- KU-lit
i",'. .:- ; iliawirut it i ' I pi. ins wllii h
I'i.i ; i, I lllll ll il'i'I'l lull Jlllil pl'ltl'lt
I", ln.iMiiiK a h many Kati-h ;ik yo.i
li ; , in your ii'Vli pin .
i i , it innili-l of tlii' .'iiti' nn
' 1 1 . t . i n i ill ion lit our nt I H i-
ii," 'I iiiii'i l our i-;ji"i;il offi-r-of
V'.n Tlii- N KWS for nin' yai
,-. I' .I. V Olll v.
i (' M. Mrewer, general maiiaKcr of
,i,.. i, .....tain Mm ten I'mer i-oinnanv
,.aKO 0r,.e of the RylleHby InterestB,
were in Springfield Tuesday. They
xvere UiokiiiK over the plant here In
ii'Kiird to ome Iniprovernenti planned
lor tin future.
first Rnm of baseball this ea-
H scheduled for Friday afternoon.
W1'athi-r permitting. The frctihnien of
the high school will play the Lincoln
sihonl team.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd '1'lenls. who hav
. been a1 l.eahurg Hince last suinmer,
ha.- moved to Springfield where Mr.
lUetiis is employeil at the Mt. States
I'ower cmiipaiiy s plant, lie had been
i'ii) piny I'd by this company for a num
ber of years, but a year ago th"y
i tinned to a farm at I.eaburu.
( eiinle an
place, even
Ih. re's a
in skool.
lus hogs
An so
when I see ii speel on prosperity er
lope. I sez, "hunk"!
Coarse there was a lot of dope in
vented durin the war sech as depfi
bombs an poisin gases, bin this "big
bug's" speel is a!o gas. Airyplanes
an truck industry wuz developed bm
llieez wood have bill developed any
how. An what are theez few grate
steps in comparison to the grate un
rest in this "grate prosperity" that
hez never roamed the wnrhl afore?
1 tu t I can't see where ihey git all
Ibis dope about prosperity
tins high cost uv livin.
rr -
.. ..r
w v
Alii'tition! The murine .hand of 31'
! pii'ci-H will Klve a concert here- on thej
i afternoon of Sunday, March 21. This;
In accoriliriK to word Just received'
I from Sri I'.i-i rynian. marine recruit-1
ini; officer in Kujcene. who Hay Hmi Financiers Declare Reduction in
unanreiiicntu have heen completed . Oregon Interest Rates Would
with iiioM- in chaiKe of the hand. j Drive Money Away.
i If tin- weather Ih HuilaMe the eon- :
I cert will he tlven out of ilooi'H. Ani There Ih an effort under way by
effort will he made to have people of profeHHional, paid circulators In Tort-
Spi iiii'field who have autos, u to land to ohtain signatures to the pro
i "-'uiji'i.e for the marine hoyn and posed 4 and 5 per cent Intereft rate
lirlni; them here for the entertain- hill, hut. by reason of the opposition.
nii'iit They will he permitted to ejieouMercd hy thinking people, ara
I pi-nil several hour here. This i one meetirm with poor surceHs.
I i i firu-ht hand" In the t'nited "In effect li i h proposed hill pro-
Slates and they have received much hibits harpiriK a rate of interest in
liraiM' whi'iever they have appeared.
K .1. Ail.iiiiH of Kimene will speak
mi Hie road bond issue at the gather
inu of the Hrot herhnoi at the Method-!
1st church Monday night. A supper
will be served by the Ladies Aid f pon arf' fa",,fI upon, from time to
the church at fi:no after which the;''"1"- (lown on su,n misguided
sjeaker will give the address of the ol,Is a ,h" of this proposed
evening. an'' these voters can be depended
The Brotherhood follows a policy "Don ,0 ,io BO in thi Instance,
of bringing speakers and lecturers "'n 'he event this bill should be
lo talk on up to date subjects and route a law it would have the effect
nueslions upon which the public d-!"f destroying the borrowing power
I Hires Information. All men of the'eitv
are cordially invited to attend these
With the end of government eon-l,oan n",nev in Oregon at 5 per cent
trol. the Southern Pacific has aban-iwhen 6- 7 or ? "er cent u ea&ily ob
doned the Sailing Day plan for handl- talnabIe ln evpry otber 8tate in the
ing less than carload shipments andil'nion- with ,n" resu,t of a 8enerl
is now furnlshlnE to smaU shinnem
a daily rreigiit service to all way"1"" -
points at their option. - .v.; . Let every individual think It over.
The Sailing Day plan was installed ' If ' are denied the privilege of
k a car-saving measure and re-' borrowing money for your needs. If
stricted less than carload .shipments ' Werv one of. your friends nd nelpb
to way points to certain days in the hots were in the same boat, if the lii
wi i k. It was not popular with small dustrie's In Oregon are compelled to
shippers who welcome the restol :i-; close down for lack of funds to carry
lion of a daily service. .on their business. Oregon would be
, i compelled to set her clock back "0
Mr. and Mrs. W. I'. Tyson and -vei"'-.-mall
daughter are all confined to
their home with the influenza. Mrs. -SUNDAY SCHOOL CON
Tyson became ill with the malady, VENTION HERE MARCH 19
yesterday ami Mr. Tyson and the;
daughter have been sick for sever il Delegates from every Lane county
days. Doth are improving, however. Sunday school are expected to gather
. j in Springfield on Friday, March 19th,
A Republican senate committee has
teporied favorably on the plan to r
ilnce postage on "drop letters" to
one cent. The reason for a reduction
on drop h-tlers is obvious. The purely
local letter need not be sorted for
train transportation, it need not be
handled by railway mail clerks, and ' the Harvard plan. They will be met
the government pays no railway nt the depot by it reception conimit
transp'ortation on it. Because the cost tee. Those who come from a great
of handling the local letter is mucn distance are urged to come to Spring
less, the government can afford to field Thursday in order to he on time
liandle it at a loss rate of postage. ! Vriday morning. Adequate prepara-
I Hut as a matter of fact, the country
is- less interested in a lower rate i f
posage ban in an improved service.
J MIL. Lii
. -,-, i
t..y - ;
w? i .
xcei-K of r, per rent." said a local
man who in well pouted on financial
matters in Oregon. "Kotir rer cent
would he the lenal rate. Jjist why
any oik- with the mental capacity to
reason can support, a law ho abso
lutely pernicious in its character in
beyond our underptandinp," he con
tinued. "However, the voters In Ore-
of every individual, corporation and
j industry in this state," he added. "It
; i-t reasonable to suppose that every
loan now outstanding would be called
when It becomes due for It is utterly
foolish to believe that any one will
I paralysis oi every line oi activity m
lor a one day convention. I he ses
sions will be held in the Methodist,
An interesting program 'has been
prepared beginning at l:4! and clos
ing at. fi o'clock in the evening. N'otsl
speakers and workers of the staie
will address the convention.
Delegates are to he entertained on
Hons are being made to care for those
expected to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cox have
moved I'rum the Fry property at
iixth and A streets to Eighth and, "
streets where they will remain until
I going to California m the spring.
I -Mr. and Mrs. S. Director will occupy
i the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
j Cox.
W. 11. Savage of Corvallis has been
elected president of the stale fair
board, succeeding M. L. Jones. An
arena for the judging of livestock was
also authorized and will he construct
ed at a cost of $N00n.
Important business is to he taken
up hy the local chapter of the Amer
ican Legion at its meeting next Mon
thly night. Kvery member should be
It is expected that the case of the
10 1. W. W. being tried for the murder
of Warren O. Crimm will go to the
Jury Friday. Both defense and prose
cution have rested their cases, fn
t ructions of the court to the Jury,
arguments of counsel and deliberatlr
of the Jury will precede the verdict.
lirtad carefully pace S.