The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    TliritSDAV. . MAIM'll 1 l!UO
ti:j: spiunwiem-) nkws
The Store That Does More
Than Merely Sell Merchandise
Your druggist is a men haul , and something more than
thai. 'I'll'1 proli ssioiial side of jiha rniacy must In- main
tained. We 14 i due 1 onsiili'i at ion to lioili tlic commercial and
professional sides of 1 1 1 business. We recognize our re
sponsibility lo tin- public and fulfill il the best we can
An clfott Is 1 1 1 . I - to give you just the quality of good a
and the Kind of service you should have. Our interests arc
mutual We have never believed that Immediate profit
was tli.- impoitaiit thing. If tin servlcl- Is right, profit will
in tin- lour, inn take can- of itself.
a kItk1I( r"fre J.ment for ttao
Follow i r K l ' "ui.iy on "The
A ! .1 (i i of KnliHliin-til 111 t li r New
I j-11 j o r .1 1 ! l'ca e t Ime Army." will
till h .MlMM Jennie JohllHOII who won
f 1 rn f .rii- In tin1 MkIi hi hool :
What ,i't vitni.'iK'' Iisih Hi" young man
of in I. iy nviT tin' youiiK m;in of yes
terday? 'I'lu ii! at" very many Indeed,
Inii to in- tin- Ki'fHN'Kl rif all Ih the
oppei'llity of JoltllllK til'- IH'W drriio
iiii 1 peacetime mmy. which will
mii t-l' make a lii'Mi-r citizen of any I
in. hi mill prepnie I1I111 to fan- tln fu- j
lui'v a more capable man than -v;r I
This new army has been 1 1 f f r-'
i-ti'lv planned than any other army or-1
Kaiuailoii c have yet had, for tin- plan these Idea have been wonder- these will. In turn, produce a sound
I hink tut: people of tin- I'nlti'il Slati'H fully carried out tiorly, !: r initnl, and a better man
tired or weary woman ami a flrt
I.imm tonh- and Kf r-n k t ti maker as
well. It I the most wholesome and
natural tonic known. If you are run
down cither by overwork or by ill
riesn use plenty of our milk anil you'll
woori regain your old h n 1 1 h and
have fui.lid thai we must hi- prepared
for w: r (mil that In prcparltiK tor
u ir ! r 1 1 it h ( haw- eilurated iiiiZ"-ni.
ulin u II In- of mop- ben. fit to ilii-m-
i-!i - Hu ll imihliv In the new
vi '
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1 'I .it a mi'i'tliiK li'M In 1 oiiiii-r-;
v. il 1lii- f.ii nii-r j-hnri 1 oiii'm- ot
I I loll A I'l I' II H II I .1 I l-ollr-K". 'I'll'!
v. 1 at Ii-im!''I I lw 11 1 Iiik Ha Id
. i- hi t.ivm nt l-.i-1'pmi' t!i"
; I 11 li!t;li stai,i:,rl. l!n r hy
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TIh- ni-at'M ailvaiiliKf" to ih" 111 "v,'' Wd.v-
voutiK man, wh.-n joining th" armv, A yo.inK man n-.-f m-t hfKitato to
is the opportunity ti mtiii.- 1111 i-luia l"i" "'' rniy on aroiint of financial
lion whirl, will t..- v.-ry h. n-fi lal to 'litfi. uliii-s. or ti. iau- of someone de-
hiin in hi-, f.itur.- lif.-. II.- mav iak- V-n:i'f on him at hotnf, for hiH ex-
hiiv loursi; wliii h h" l.-sir-. and I !! paid hy th- pov.-rnment
wh.-n h- has oi.ip.-t."-d it. will r.- !""l :' f-'ry of thirty dollarfl pr
. .iv.- a . . i liii. at.- FhowinK thai h- motith ik t-iv.-n hi:n. Afo-r thirty
has Hi.tisfaMoiilv finish-d tin- rour--. ";! i'- 'i r.-Hr: on IhrfP-
1 I,.- :.;.:ly ,a'. Ii- inn tak- h!i?'i fo-irtli ;,;iy and livf v.-. y ron.fortably.
. , t,, t . ,.i .... ,. ,, ... ,,,.1,. ,.r-,,i.i. Tl . I. -niis !' .nlisiii..-t;t in the
ai.-d f 1 iii tli- f'ominon n lioo!-. and
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Orcn.11. I'"' III'' I'lMl'i'i ot Lane
In tin- ..f Ih.- IM..!.- .il' Wil
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'IH Mia Anna M ills. .T 1 1 1 1 1 I 'ol If .
I'laiitlui I! I'.'iw in. in. Kiluard lu
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Mnc.'liKii .-. AiIIiim- Mm I n 1 11 c. I'uilis
.'ivci', I'i '.'del 11 I- S'ucr ml all oilier
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In 1 In- in . I' the Si ; ' ( ( to I'.m.
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1 Im ic I ' li' . v 1 1 : if .1 1 1 v you ll.n
v. hy C ci " K . Mo 1. 1 . admini 1 .!
,f said ( 1 lie ' '1. vl. I I"- I'i '!.' ' d
t,i i-cll Ih.- lull. iv, 1'iv h.ts lii''iii,:
Iii sapl c: lale. Ids 1 I and 1 '-' in
1 1 1 1 1 - K s. fail 1 1 1 u 1 1 ' . 1,11110 roiinlv.
1 .. 1 1 . nccol (I -nr to Ih"' 11 mi'iidc I
Phil lluiinf lo pay llio drills and
(kao-'c of ad m in isl 1 11 1 ion of said
.-slali' This rilatlon is served upon
yon hy puhlirat ion by ordi r of Harry
liiiwi), JiiiIk'' of Kiiiil coiirl. ilnteil Feb.
II, 1 tt JO. illierliiiB that (IiIh citation
be Ht'l'Veil by publishing llic Hiime for
four weeks in the Spi in!l ielil .News.
.-dmilh: I'Yb. 1J. lflJO.
Wilni'KH. Ibi Hon. Harry Itown,
JiiilKi' of the louuty court of the stuto
of On'non, fur the county of Kiuip himI
tint hciiI of mild court hereto affixed,
i hiH 11th liny of Fi'bruury,
(Seal t'ounty Court.)
. --Attest: Tl. S. rtrynon, flerk.
Hutu I'll il publicutioH Feb. 12. 1920.
Dute 1h publication Mar. 4. 1920.
1 1 1 . . in ni
'1.1' I if I'l Op I I'
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tut a Is.
i d in .1 ' "n : -afl
Hi t:i-'..ftutiaif.
... .-I- 1 - I-..; :'.'''. p'l -i ally a -
'i,.-n ,1 1 ly Tl.-.- an- r. sii'ar
Im p!, (nl ( x. i'1 i.-- and train
in- aiiiif and for slc-pMic. an!
army. a!.-o ai'- inor.- -a t isfa rtory
li- ti ' r h. f. r-. A man who ha-?
ri'-v.-r n in fi.- ai my service be
fore ni-. (i oniy enli.-t for M.ree years,
iind i l-e ha.-i I - r: in -tijal s"rvlce (,., ai! I hat is neces-
ii. ei,:: r i.,r. H- n.'i-t. be 15
. - ' . r ::;(' 1 -tore ho C11
li. fnvivn-
. 1 , j .i.-- 1 :jt foi 'l. i.-- t, organize
1 f-t.-r 1! : I' armv. :-o tlia' vr- will be
In :te r pi'i-par.-d for the next war. Tn
ih;- way I ho:, -.a rnl of lives an.l rnil-
i ( 'or tinned on I 'aire C,)
in, Mniii'.iy. March hi tin- railroad lin- ol ih" Hmiili.-ni Tacific f'oinpany werr- rotunied to their
ov, 1. t., for o;.-i ai imi. A - a war nifasiiri' tiny hav In en in (harge ot tin? KorniiHM)t during the last
t v. o Mais and two inonilis The stocMiold.Ts in tint period had nothing to do with the management.
In taking over tin- LiaMaenii-iit of this property, the policy of the owners will he to give as patis
!:( ioi M'i;o' as 1ms m Mn ir iover in return for the patronage given trs; to seek the co-operation of
snippets ai i! pass.-uer.: ;'nii of the w holi- people m having our service reasonahly responsive to the
plli. lie Heeds.
We li.ive to a.-!, t!.'' I'M;. .-nt f i 1 o ;; ra 1 1 ( e of the p,;lili;- during the readjustment period of the next six
i:ih-v I' is nil" diitii.i il.ese six h'ouths die (jov- fi'iiient continues the standard return allowed the
v.!ii!c under iis icntr 1. ktsed on tl.-- pie-war " linings, lint this return is subject to certain legis
i:io i!iii " i . ins .y (otLT' s tint v. ill aifc t operation.- duiiuu this pel iod which ends August 81st next.
'a pe- 1 how e .-r. v in in thi- si 'mciiIis io nmiuie j !ai;.- for the future. These1 plans had to be held
use ot u'M-.-i tait.ty as io t .) I'-li. iat , 1 (cnditioiis to accompany the return ot
1 ; ope rat io.. ami the-e -o ndiiioiis have been determined by congress only
We t ow have 'n .-tudv 1- befoie us in law ami in fact and get our bear-
1 "i. ; io e tens !.ii' I ".
t !.. t -a. i ; io 1 1 1 i r o v 1 1 ' ;
. I' .'.' ' ! I" ' !.i- I lev. 1 i.l
iiu.s a 11 '. .
T!.-' ( )p"i-al inu ol '.'.'.
hit iii 'lam-ed c'.' "...
1 1." !.'.(:'. I ( 'l' a 1 iy lie v. 1
n.' i.' i :,' ol pel iod. w .1
:i 'Mfon as it i.-icil under Souiln ru I'aeifie ma nagemeiit has been to some ex-
i- 1 1 i - i 01' federal ontrl anil operating iractices have been changed, but
; a - !!(-s that may have proved efficient m the public service during the govern
( i.'.iis. . be retained.
We cru'.d not purchase eiuipin.i,i alter we entered the war because the government took control
and war financing Ovi upii i the field, while during the rest of the time the question of adequate credit
had to wait for answer in congressional action. On the other hand, the locomotives and cars in service
have In en subjected 10 the most ac tive use and ne.v rolling stock has not been renewed throughout the
country in normal numbers for the increase of normal traffic. The burden of extradordinary war move
ments fell heavily upon till Kinds of rolling stock, making it impossible to shop the equipment at the proper
time, and repair work was further delayed by shortage during the larger part of the war period in both
men and material.
The problem before us at once, therefore, is how to put to the best use the passenger train cars
and the freight cars that are in service, and how to put into good condition for service every piece of equip
ment to be had. This problem is before every railro:id. Abreast of this is the larger question whether
the earniims under the new law, the "Transportation Act of lln'O." will be enough to establish the credit
of the railroads at a point where they can provide themselves with the facilities of all kinds that they need
to give th: public proper service. We have the will if only we can find the ways and means These are
not ea.-y lo find, for an assumed earning of even ii per cent, and no assurance of that, is not attractive
to anyone having money to invest when money is worth 7 or S per cent in the open market.
Hence, the effect of the new act of congress un u earnings and upon the credit of the railroads can
not be immediately determined. This act provides for a rate-making structure, under which, during the
ma! iwo vears (he railroads will he permitted lo earn up 10 .'.. per cent annually on the value of th-?
railroads as may be determined by the Interstate (Vn uierce Commission.. The Commission has power
at iis discretion to increase these puss-ildo earnings to u per cent, the added one-half of 1 per cent to be
used only for improvements lo the property.
No guarantee of any kind is given lo any railroad. !h'( hall of any earnings over d per cent are to be
taken hv ih" government to make loans to railroads that may m-ed them for improvements or to care for
)hligations falling due. or to obtain and lease equip aeut to the larri-'is that cannot afford to buy it.
Obviously these elements in Ihe situation will have to he considered in making our plans. The Inter
slate Commerce Commission is the deciding body with respect to value of the properties, as well as the
rates which are to yield the Ti'.j per cent return thereon, and much will depend upon the vision and
promptness of action with which that body accepts its great responsibilities.
In the meantime, it is particularly desirable, in view of the shortage of equipment, that every effort
be made by shippers and the railway forces to continue heavy car loading and train loading;, and to lose
no time in loading and unloading cars.
llelieviug that we will have the full co-operation of the people served by our lines in dealing with the
problems presented, it is due them that in thus aiding us they should know what problems we have to
meet. You can rest assured we are not idle with respect to them.
WM. SPROULE. President.