U. of 0. Library k y rTr 77 "F7 MEWS llnlE skvk.ntkkntii vi:.u KI'IUN.JI'TKMl LA.N'i; ( OI'.V'IV, OI.'KCOX, 'II IlliSDA V, MAI.'CII I, U'iU. NCMHKK R MANY EW BOOKS HI PUBLIC LIBRARY L.UfM? Circulation in February. Many f'atrons Use the Rf.iflinrj Ri 'I lill I ' ' iX in i.i in i.i.i. i. . I i. Il.l 1 'I 1 I II I' Ill .1 ll V ! i. ' I. I, 'I In . i- li ..,n..l.-. I I, . i . t . i . ,1 I i n il !" Hi. .! J - :iiIm Iv Mi . ! ii I . 1! i 1.1. aU I I, 'I I ' III l.f II '.III.' 1 'I loom. " u book'. Ii.'IV" hlu .ii y. tin- II . II' I.i I Mllks llf bale lll'll III I'll ' " .1 Ii II III hoi l.f ho ' ll l ! In-. II TROUSERS FRISKED AWAY WHILE OWNER SLEEPS 'In anin III tin' morning and fm. I lil.i 1 1 inn. ii mlHuliig from tin If lie ii 1 1 ii 1 1 I place (in ii ihalr clime he 'llll- llll. Ill'll, Wil'l t 1 1 - experience of II .laiicil (ill .Mninl.iv A J I f liiliil tii. In- lound IIh-iii piled on a :i r ln 'l in another iniiiii. t j r tin y wi'H iiiinu. '! which h.- h;i. hli in IIh-i.i 'In ir!il In fun l.,il. il K.i" found iiinl tin- iiiI.Im-i li.nl aho (aiil"'l awav a h'aiclcl wnli h (if Mi'h. .1 1 1 r.t I V wlmii was valued ,i' ;i pic-i-M lio.a I;- I r.,'li.-i M I .1,11 Mil .llilllllri I liif t Ii.- J..I..- Il'lll ai, 1:1- ll.lll III i I I'.i l.i-.l ESSAY PRIZES IN LANE COUNTY ARE AWARDED Hi- n'l'i (if lh- army i'skhv cnnii'l fm' I.; in- county were announced " 1 ll ''; llight. HftlT II III f flu? Of .in- Jii .i'i-h in Kugcnc, ' follows: l ii I prize (boys). Ivan Houston, In i' ,.i i ;i'i In 1 1 v I ..'I 1 1. f I !-. i i.t I me 1. 1 MM I, l a i 'I I,. 1 1,.. hi.it 'I i I (ill .Id.. i ,Wol. l.l.l-i,' t.id.t 'I .. Ic he a'l l.iiinr ili.il In- In-Ill"!' 1 hi i in I -' In h.-ar I i. r I ii" ili.ii . .'i; i en ii:li . J . 1 1 1 a I., ci,. .r 7" M 1,1,1- i , III. K I ... I J I'.I I I : l.'..- in- high school; first prize lira' ! Almak. Kui'i nr junior 'I id .ic. Il.-l.-ii Tu!1i:.. C.j ' 'ioiiI : f on r l h prize. 'I yd." , : I. Cottage Crovo school : fifth l.itilicth II W I i v Kugciio lii-':i I; : ; x f ti prize, I'al'inia K l.ili--, .ii : Hill Jiuhl. i school. All of vlll In- i-iili-rialni.i at a diiiie-r 'In- Ostium ami at a theatre l Mo- (Mi 'i ii followed by a il llii- Itaij.m.w in tic i . I a 1 1 y i ' 1 1 1 c . FUNERAL OF ETHEL CLARK HELD TUESDAY Funeral services !( held Tii"n day afternoon from Walker's und'-r taking parlors for Kthl Clark, IT-yi-arold daughter of Mr. and Mr, i Martin Mark, who dl!(l early Sunday! limiting following an Illness from in fluenza which had developed Iron pneumonia Rev Linden I.e.'ivitt, ri-W pastor of the christian hnri h. con llllltl-'l till MTVI'1-S Wllll'll W.CI" fol-. i lowed l.y int.-niKjnt In the Laurel Mill (ciiiileiy. A quartet ((imposed of Mayor K I'. Mr and Mr. Roland Mosh 1 ' -s. H.riii(c Van 'alzah -in ml ni-( ial e!-( tioiM .I.iiihh Clark us iicr-om- THIEVES BREAK INTO LOCAL STORE Enter Through Windows in the Rear May Have Taken Stock, But No Cash. Jiv i a i pany' breaking a window- pane In the of the Springfield F-.'-il com - n'ore, robbf-rM Iasi night en- .- .H I l;ool -W i i i V. ere Of Ml I, !!.-. I ft :-. T:. ; Morri'-on. i.-r. iiinl f'i i n - hull ; vi' Ii Mi - i par r-i : ".t - . ( Tit 1 1 . ' I . w . ! I Ml '.'. I'..!l. , . "i. .-. , . .. I.i. in. hi 1 1 1 1 I J' Ii lie i in In. iw of .ln. i. I.' M in: I'I. ii i bun hill . .iiH' (;ie I y Kin k . It, i hinoiiil . Il.is ll) I . II ll ll v 'II 1 1 II III . Tin I 'I I.. hi v b );.. I , :i I ' I,'.- I Wa '. . I.v I ip ii .Lin by Ki ll. hi. I . .'.il.l. I.v li.-ll, T!i.-l-ack.iiil . Tin' liwi-ll I. t'lii by iiihlmi liMili-r l.i'Kimi bv Alldlhi I dill'- SIllH'H i hi 1 1 ill linii i ' by l ; nn-p I hi- City of Number" I Th" Law I lieu kern Man of ih- Korehl ; .1 i I ' -1 ..f'i r hi .mi'i 1 UDCET COURSE OIVtN AT U. OF 0. M III I, ' I, l by . I 11" In I 'Ii prinl w i i k it lici' "i-r Ii i ii i i. 'Hit of (be In i tin;.- of ii. -w pap r The . - i. bile Ihi-i U e ;ik our piilioiis' liii bear lllll ,l'il,l i- the b.-Kt pOMMbl" I. 'I ol To ,' of (!".'. II Mil in boll ' i ' i mid t -1 t i linnii'li r ti .- r .i t i keep I rack of t hi'i r ! -. p.-ncf. aiioidniK to Mi-.; n I ll i;le. head ol the ib-pa rt lii"li t tin i I'liold arts in the iinivcrsilv. ; i. "ill , it thi I'vll Minn TitiKle. In ! f,i I : i r 1 v (-in idoved I i n , ;i ii ; i - b ik.ei-v but n-'-entlv 1 :nl In "li wolhll.V a f the olfli e of ti'" I:. 'I T Ii iilii-t,. .. on: X'.'t ri in Kn'-'-! -. I " . ..ii - to ( i. ruin.' to Spi i : j ir f n !d lii -t Ml! - h" !:m-. at I lakridt'e. Sin- (-av.- li.-i.l"-. her parent- Mi. and M'tv !.'i'iii link. n". i-n brother- and ..-i.-r--, -ill oi' v .bom with th" f-xcep- 1 1 . t . of tin- father. :ii" 1 1' ' M,;ila(v. tired their Htore They aNo reniov'I another larire pane to enter the front loom hi-ic the grocery stock an1 ii -Ii r t' -ii r is kept. o cash was taken, th" company having lockitd It in th"lr safe at nit'iit. f)n accounf of the heavy ste- k of t-r.a eries and the i"i i nf inovint; of the s'ore, thpy ;.! mi;. hi" to asci-rtaln wiether th-.? thi"t-.s had removed any lui k. Appan Mly the robber had pntoretl ihrouph iui opening of about 12 by IT inches ami in leaving had removed heavy bar aero the rear doublo doors. The bar had been nailed down The net cam in coop. rat. on with I. Walter Morton. : Commercial State hank for ile.-ni of the t-cliool of commerce, is;i!tlf was $:',. STT. 4 1. Total resourceH TEDDY L E A V ITT HAS NEW CHARGE IN WASHINGTON with tli" with extra heavy spikes and coulr' ! scarcely have been removed by the I person leaning throupn the window. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK ! Night Watchman Hinson noticed the SHOWS GOOD GROWTH doors standing a bit open about 2 (o'clock in the mornine and notified resource for the;,.,, - . haf, the year , ,, I i ii it niui r. I As yet no trace of the thieves has i i ... . r . l. ... .... t- t. j .n.n ... niiinin,' a ciuiihi' iii nousenom , f.i uie naiiK on .nan n isu, w, rejbeen found 1 ('Mint mic I. Villa of the ,'iimlly by Co li) III wood . Krhkinc. 'I he I-IIHH In UlllMle; U .I.-, Tin Wolf Huntem The Kyi- of I tread bv Short Ciii by CreKory, Hook keeping and hank iug 1 .:'.. 1 4.". M and on Keh. 2. 1320. the i 12-CENT OFFER AT SALEM The Corfel! bv Culluin; HIm Las! liow In A Cdiian I ii ! ; Th" Hai-s of Iron l.y h.-ll Chi-Ktian i Inin h Mr and Mm. Lcavltt have , been hi Springfield for Home llm and have made n host of friends wh URCE NEW BENEFITS regret I.i see Iheni leave Hesld FOR EX-SERVICE MEN l,ls W"lk ""' ('hriN,i:"1 Hunch !n Siirlngfleld. Mr Leavitt ban held a: I rglng the iiibiptliin of a propoK.'d '"'l runny lunfngH In the ciiinmun lull whiih giants iiniiii'eil pt1vii-g, - - - . i for the ImUrtehold. development of a . recourses had climbed to $24T.02?..0T. i rry GROWERS REFUSE !(' and Mm I eddy Leaviit left dull liiidget hystem and general in-, I he heals ol inis institution reel tn?t thin afternoon for AtnicorteM. Wash siruitii n In accounting for the house.; thin in an excellent growth and that ington. when- Mr. I.ealit has been ' iold wit! he included in the coume. i ii shows up well for the community. appointed In i hinge of tin "REDS an PROFITEARS 99 By Our Printer's Devil. ! h piiighdilt Lane ((unity. to cxMi-iv'ic mi n and women, a ti.ill has I... i, On u .1 I 'led to 111.- gun I epi. -.i mat I . in the r -. -1 1 1 ' el a in.-. In. k Mi. lid. ' I 1 1' 1 1 1 ..' Am. in. -in b.-i - a I w b i. h I nu ll " II, "li ,1- I I. ' .1 !:,,-, - II, 1.' V I" III I he I I e,., 'I ll" li" . I I'I .. II I ' I ' I : . I.llt'l III I' I .1 .'I i"."l , pell I ir- li-l II I I. Ill, I I ..' I. Ill 11 Jill l.ll p t, 11 II I lllll I'.., 1 J!- "II ; 1 1 I I. an t'i" I Th l' l!i i i- I'.. ,. , I m l- I ii I n , h. lii'-a ii i 'I ; il. 1 1 ' ASSESSOR AND DEPUTIES START WORK IN LAN C.'iM A-s." i.r II I! Walker has -'l"l hi- depilti.". nil tie- lAdlk of nit i ill III !' ! 1 " .t I Il.l I :i 'II l.f Hi" (dll I ' Mil..' 'I''., i 'I llll" I 111,1 ! lull Will bl C -i I In I "il tlll:i .- f I I.I ll rli'l' h'I'iil . I'I" I.-1 ii,. i ;.:! : I " friiii .Tnw it V ill ' ' I i ' J ' I : l 1 1 1 1 . l' ' i ' I I..' ai leilU-' "I hi. ir in- an. I n. . n b.-. 1 1 ii, g fruil .ill I ' Thei'e's, Jes wun thing that I'd like id le iii.- wurld no an that in. I likes led.s. and profitcars hunt as well an i I dd ( .iter oil an as fcr as like'n i:ii I i-il.-r than l In -t I her, they're belli 'I !. 1 1 i 1 i ' I . t ; : 1 1 t 1: I I l- I'.i at I I Will I, III .1 lire t-pci il'i"il 'I in." n"'.i I hi iiil .,1 din measures w hi. li pl.'p.e I l 1.1 I I ale I .a liil -.el I I. -in. -nl with pi. nt In llllplll. ,,.l I I. ill..- .. 1. 1 h -e.l e! lillin ti.l pill li.i " ill . IIht a riiial nr city hum" I 'a Hi "ll I In be i 1 1 i . 1 1 1 " ' 1 1 so lh.il '.I th" "iui of -In i.iis inimlpal ami in l"i"-i h.ue hi'i ii paid in ,i I n ma 1 l r. i in in' at guvei iini"ii! i en . m ailililiim In present sy -iiiii nf oi a t inn. 1 1 training lor whi"h i-VM-iNi." men and wium-ii have paid dill nf war risk insurance. I'ill dollar blind lor cat li nionlli dl' 1 "I u . FLU SITUATION IMPROVING ' i . .. '.. Iui. at al. . ..ill. : -' u in. i .t i ' 1 1 . I . tn lei ei mil Til p. III l" a he. p I Will he V i'i IVi graded 1 1 1 in t.'lk will ciii hii:!i i ..'ll i n u s tn I "il, h" placed r Slock ..'..:. ed al 1 1 1 mi j Jii t i i and goals at ilin d a! Ironi 111 lo J"i hie' I'll. I r. i lul- il I -aim i I mi en th" profit "ii rs i ,i i . use l"r a labliil that I list i:" i-.-!'s.-; they aM n..- t.. P ti-ln r linv w lien I U'-t i . I I I '. e or llll C"!.-". Inn it I i mil e-i inure I wouldn't kare I'd mh'.iIv in. it wink m Ati I d bum l:i" Iui; hi ll, h ! "i it but in" bi ll! In r has - "ill' t , i b t .1 bl 11 1 - fer nnv. i 'i: ik . Ii.il " I goi cosl me I -e an 1 ulc to g:t them fi r on :;it a n c e l ull of i ho';- ; Salem Loganberry growers are re ; fusing to contract their 1920 crop at 12 cents per pound which is being of fered now. Some believe the price ; ma go an high as 20 cent6, while oth ers look for the average to be from lien of mine. An the worst of it alL l" to IS cents per pound. y. I kaint afford no moovies er a new! sine an I gess mil dame will quit me R EPU B LIC AN AND DEMO now. hut I aint woiyin bout that, but i CRATIC ISSUES DEFINED Iui a thinkin that thairs gonna be a: M ii.i ii iii.ii mill iiiiiin iiae i vi snte Rut ma sez she aint gonna lil.ll eny nioi. rakes Willi frost in oil it p'es. only on Sundays an spec '.a I "kaOuis I wuz gonna by a lizzy but InlW in.- air ensile has slid. , All thi here has m cum down li i ins., p.... pie ajnt gntina stand fer U alius and inaihe if things would cu'n 'low n maybe them red-- er bulshevee '.i. -- v, ouldn'i h- so much in favor, an Differences in New Voters- Parties Explained to -Platforms Stated. thin: liu ii Mi.- vvoui In'i h;ivi ii ' a ir per pi. iiinl to he Valued S.i w Iui- . and mills uie to be thousand feci, while aid will he placed IhiiM'S and iniii -s al from $.'.ii o 1i;i) Inn. in b"s al the assessed ill . per lumber in 1 1 1 - -al In. in to in. and fuel lumber al i.u per i ciii of its market value. Crams are In be assessed at I'.vi lb, ids actual maikcl value; wool on hand al 2T cents and mohair at :'.'. cents. I. r Ion - n t si- ci'ii'l in. ik" I'iil'i; or In in s i h an l!iei l iv ii -1 a mm h !cr An sis si" s!e akoui ! of sin: i - I I." I pa,'., ni" last suit' a? I drl In- l!:. its nit- won ilni' l like ii to Ion', a I "I'leklly good how. I wnii'ilii'l kii 1. Iioiil this h w uti afore i hat an now out ;in now if mi' jane suie I gess she'll have r:i r on the II C. I. fer an excuse an it would be plain ana iky. The profitears don't ram a lot because the laborin class ,;sts f.-r iu i if wages an they jost I- el's sea -s;t win thai a way an what I'm a wondi-rin. w lu res it all gout. a slop'.' I ain't :i gaiuin nuthiu. only hiii.'u my Jane an a lot of pla.uve. I'd riither see things drop softly, th.'ll ;ill of a suddin. Tlieres its wun wav to fix thes, i'"!l"i s iin ilia! is croak ni because if if you ship cm on! they jes cum back ec! thing wet tli.'in proiiiear! cer bit of ii. ahead ol Hi" an cv. r body er a p: ol ilcar. an if yer i;p in j crpnshiin n it i!us manages in kci p ' -I ' les j.'S Inn pegs Ice, unless ire. yer no mi its tn much trouble a jale. I sc. and so do John New bug, that reds nml profitears slumM be t reeled alike an croaked and n.t le! em croak of old age either. ii 1 1 1 t,, lb" li bel 111 llll a . . ol III! llll olln.is Hi. alum i; Wi le II poll. (..day Tin improving. SPEAKING OF BUREAUS INCOME TAX IN NUTSHELL i.. ii- ii. ni in. .re li.nl in'i Internal in which WHO S.i. fie pi is. .ii in I on nine nf v ni I.I lor tin- enr I!'!'.'. M.,iTied ciniiiles I n i Im nine of ."'. ' Ml or more. WHEN Mau l' I i. ll'Jn. is linul dine lor liliiii.' nl', in- : 1 1 1 1 1 in.il; iim In -I pa. iihti t .-. WHCI1E I '-'Hi'i l.ir e Lev i nn.' lo'- I '"-! i i. ' Ibe person I'eniiles. HO'.V l ull ibrecl olis liiinA iiinl I'm in ,1111; also law iiinl icgulal ions. WHAT lour pel ecu! I i IT 1 1 1 1 1 lav mi 1,-iMibb' income up lo IXK) In excels of exemption. Ij.IiI per cclil luirmal lax on bnl. nice of taxable income. Slir lllX. fl'nlil one per cell! In Klxty live per cent mi lie! incomes over V'l.t'HHI. on I'orm Hie oh ecrri: ,a5 .mnnini)i!niii))i COUNTY I il CREDIT GOOD AQENTJHj AtNCltS ROADS i'" . , ' P,gECTTgAP.Ncj,CoopEBoWMT NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL UNITV 4 14 Washington. Feb. 2.S The follow 'iig summary of the differences be tween the Republican and Democratic parties was today given out by the Republican Publicity association front its W ashington h. aihpianers. "It is h'lited in various quarters that the exigeiu i.-s of war. with othpr cin uni-!;iiii "s. have served to be cloud the real issues that separate iin- Republican and Democrat ic par ties. t least one of (lie candidates for president siites that he can not r.lly himself with eihter party until the principles upon which they stand are more dearly enunciated. Inquiries from women voters, who this year will deposit their f!rst presidestial ballots. ;ii" numerous. For the en lightenment of those who seek infor mation upon the subject, there are given below some of the points of di vergence he! ween the two parties. "1. The Republican narty believes in placing duties on imports that will equalize the cost of production at home and abroad, thereby furnishing: to keep em in protection to American industries. I lie pemocratic party holds that the government 'has no right or pow er to impose or collect tariff duties except for the purpose of revenue. ' "'1. The Republican parly protests Ihgams! any infringetreni upon Annr j i 'an soveie gmy by any foreign in- 1'hieiice whatsoever, and adheres to our traditional policy of freedom from i en(am:lii ir alliances as promulgated i by Washington. t The I 'Mi!o rat ic party believes the , l'nitt.1 Stales should desert that ; policy ;u.,i unite with t'oivitin govern ' ii'eiits in ih,. settlement of world af- lairs ":! Th- Republican parly has always sl""'l for :n' army and a navy ade. uui'te to nn e! any military emergency lliiii may confront the nation. ' The I- iii' iv-i ii t ii party, even in Hie. nii'dsi (f a voi hi war that momen tarily threatened to engulf this coun 1 try. conducted a presidential cam j naign on the slogan 'He kept us out of war," and its leaders publicly re j 'diced when that war was upon us . that it found us unprepared. '; "4. The Republican party pledges j its 'aid in restoring order ami main j laining peace in Mexico. We promls i to our citizens on and near our border, land to those in Mexico, wherever tlhey mav be found, adequate and absolute protection in their lives, lib ertv, and property ' The Democratic pany for the seven years it has been in power has wit nessed an uninterrupted succession of murders of Americans, outrages upon Americans, and destructions of Amer ican property, interspersed with artaal invasions of American terrl- . , . .1 5 (Continued on Pace 8)