The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 26, 1920, Image 1

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    77 ?T
I id
iSKvk.ntkkntii vi:au
Had Beef) Employe of Booth.
Kelly Lumber Mill and W.19
Respected by All.
Aftct It IWO WCI l lllltt'HH flOIII III
flllCIIa Wlllfll ICI'lll.ld III 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .
Joseph S I. II' llV I I.e. I itWHV III II I
home III tlil" i ll y early WodiiehditV
morning 'I'll'" f i t i i ; i ! vM'l be h'M
Fiidiiy it f t iiixin hi I ".'i finiii the
Walker iniili I tak nit. allot., followed
I. v iiiM i up ni In the i iin i' i ) ;it
I I. ii ii' Inn g Tin- Ma-'ons wiil li.m'
i Ihiuc ir Im- ' i i vii - ,il Hi.- vi. ni'
iiml l;. . n r. .1 II l.l'.-i'. .i i.ii' -if
(I..- M iliii'li i i hii!- It w I'l i "ii't.p i
t in- i i i. i .it I Ii- i h u i I
.Mi ! ii ' y. I...- .., i I.I - ".
I;i I: I :-' . ! .1 h, ' i . '
i .111.'- 1 ' ' . I I I" ll'l V
i, ! i . .I i I i,' ., ; r I I,. i t '
,,: .... : . .. Mr In I... l..i
.. . i . .,. : . ' .1 v. .', I... '... '! K. P.'
I I,,-; ,,,1.1. . I'l 1 ill 1 '"I Hi
Mini ,. I I 1 -I J ' I Hh l'l I
I ' 1 ! 1 II.. Ill I 'i'- .'-PI H'fl i'l I I.l.l:il
(. led I... I 1 1 1 1 1 .i 1 . v
1 1,. . ,, I--,. .. 1 i..t In- w ill' ; ti I
,. ,r 11I1! I ..iu.-S.t- I -M 1 ' Mali". In"
l.ilh.-r ui.ii ;n. -Mi. r. Mi and Mii '
N I.iihIi i-I I!. 1. II l.i. ir. .ui'l Hi'- fol
lowing bloth't "H i M-'"IH MIL Ii
S John-. M'i inKfu-l-l ; Mr W.ll
III 1 1 1 1 in .1 Mi' l'i -i' l. I ' "f l'-1'
.. Maxim- Lie-by. I'.ii'1 . Mi:
pal.h I.i l.- Vain i.iiM-r mill Gcoig.
Kulh ami 'I n 111 l.iihln i.f llarri -lung
Mi mi. I Ml- I N rin, I.- t.i
Spi .iiKli' l I W" Iim-m! i and 'ill "I 'he
I. imilv w:it I.-- .i.-'iil f'.r ili.' mm
I- ji iin- -r...' tin- fM i-pt mil
.if Mi- Ciiiii.-s v t o I t.'H 111 W illi
II. .. ml'.uei..a In n'l. 'inl
U'll llllitl"!' I'- ' - li.l Mill l.ll'l'
( ..Hit .'l New oil. ;l". .'!:. Ililh In-" II
... In I'l . - Mi. Ill Wll ''II I.' U
, , ,, IJnl,. 1 I I ii, ; .1- --'. I I H i.f
s'.lll- 'I'll.' I'-' ' "II W CI oa Mir
111-.,- 1 ' 1 11 1.1 .-;. 1.1 1 i ''
I I, - i -.1 .1 11. .1 :i I .''il 111:11 1 '
hull I,, I., 1.- I I..- iu.l- "I'l l! II.' I ii-
I I I . '. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 ,
( ll . I'" 'I'll'' I'"'' I 1 '"! ' I l l'l'' 1 I
IlltS Walled I ' I ' I II. te-.ilot-
t Ii 11 hi 1 1 . 1 11 1 tin' . .1 1 1 1 1 1 III. ii lln'V
II HIV I 1 1 1 lure t Ii. ji 1 1 i. i-s if - t'li- w In ii
Mile .ill' I.f IIH'. It declines. AlliillH V
i:.-li.-l,il I'lilni.-I' said tliul III.' wlmli'
Mill' Uil ft' III I'll I IlilS lll'l'll f i 1 1 III K f'r
ilii. lust 1 Ii ( month. Tin' ti 1. til
ili'.il.'l x li;i.. 1l.1i111.1l lli:il llii-lr Mitt
iii'S wi'ic ni. I .slink iiirrli;is-il 'at tin'
IfKll'T irl''i'S. Till' llttullli'V Kfll'Tltl
ili'fliiri'c, Iniwi'Vi r. Ui.ii tin- 1 1 Htm k
hlioulil I li.iiihi ni liy iliis tinii- iiml
llllli'SH llif ri'lyili'i h H'iIiu i" llii'if
i-i Hi'' m.iltiT will lie invi'l iKitti'il
'I'll. Ili i'l ni' a M'i Irs ni i lasM f 1
piiullial 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 n In inn rninlin l. il liv
M'-:s 1. 11I11 (I. Ml ft' S.i lni; will
- n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - l-'iiilm i-.-iiii; at tin- Klk-i
..iiili. 111 llni'iii.. Mi -n CimI si'iii'il
Willi III.' If.'il Cl'ii' ! oVi'l"i'if4 itlll illK
lln' war.
I'llll.'l'.l .n In-M 'i'.-
ip-H'l-iy at Sin it lil'irlil I'm- .1. ,1 .lntifs,
fatlifi- T It I,. Jiiiii'h. of SinlnnfiiM,
11111I Mis .I.iimis Cn. ni W -1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 M .
vnIih pnssi'il auii In I 'ml land. Mr.
,loiii'H was Vft-y f kii(Mi In Snin.r
Hi-Ill liaviiiK vlHiii'il Iiim'i' ii 11 11 : 1 1 1 mm
.f linn's with IiIk ti'lat Ives. )( Ih alsn
(In fallit-r of Mrs. Cliarli'W Ki-iini-il v
if 1'iH'llaiiil.
Another motor route Is lo bo added
from Eugene, which will take the'
dace of Eugene route 2. It will go
to Goshen, then return through
SprliiRfleld, going to Coburg mid re
turning lo Eugene through the Delt
rich gardeiiH. covering about 60 miles.
It will serve about 300 famllim. Thin
in made posslbla by the good roadn.
Tin' roil nly Trull IiH.m loi h uii'l
h.iuyliiK turif Iihvw Invmli'il SjirlnR-
Ih'lil iiml iii' lniNlly 'iiKnKi-i In a wur
1 mi tin- i-iii-niii-H of fruit IrcfH, him Ii
I im Kim JoMf mitlf. iiniHH uii'l iv
Iiimi'i In
! Will Slft-li'. 1 -1 1 1 1 v niutilv fruit 1 i-
i-jii'i im-. a ri ii'iii 110-H iliat oiili'TH furl
w-oik in Oils v. Inliy will bs 1 11 ken 1
' f.vir th" ilioiio liy rriitik Ih-I'ii.,)
I L'n W Mr. h- t .- kiivh tliat tiny
will d'l lln-ir li'-i't to KlW iloniit H'lV
Ice to nil lie 11 1 mo kI'm Hi" advli
that all tun' Itii-M inunt I." t;jiiayii
and hmmhi-s tin- ftnit Kl'"i l Unit
Hi.- In -1 of .lav iiialfil.iU ni" Ix'iiitJ
ifiil. a s tin) an- anxious to .tit Hi'
Inn: d Hi.- 1 utility In tlx- ln-'-t i-li.i. .
1 I 1 1 1 m ii t 1 1 ii.'- I In-i . a''' 1 : ' '
1.1, 1 .1 . ' I'l' il I It. ! I'l t '. '!'-.
.; . .... . ! 1 '.-: - i' l.i f.i.- I.. .I'L 1 I
I ,' I I'
'i II
!!' I
Resolutions Regarding News
Print Paper Situation
Are Passed.
At th" -'--- lull of 111 '.I. ;
Mi (.f tin (Hi-Hull II M - J . : I" I lll'll
I:. Id Hi i'.uw ii' lai-i I'llilay and S,,
iird.i. 1 "' oiiil i'.ii- wi" sn.
liiiimi; tin ipicliil m-lliiH" t i I' 1
Hl.Koti's t!.H" 1 dm at I ill-lit I
ll'Uii l ollow iliK .11" th" n -idilt nil- '
' Ilia- linn h .1- III" ii"W. :i" i nu n a'
iIhk riinf"! 1 in f n-i-oKiii." Hi" t-xi-"."!
)i.-!y i'i. -at ii.-.-d fill- nun-.- tilt : l 1 1 ri v: .
1:1 .ii. r . 11 1 1 t ; ; 1 1 1 ami ln-lter .-ll ; -t ' t
' i, rally (m Hi" Ui.uhii Ak 1 n nl l nr.. 1
1 1 ! Ii-i:". I in I 1. 1 1 ; .1 v ..I I j . .hi .1 n I
il.. tii. u-.'ii Ma'.i ii'iiin.i! m I mil, and
i'l-i-lnil- Ii .1- I'l- -'in.- nt til' K'T! I1.1-
:.., I Hi.- . li ail.!. 1 t . ,11, i .,1 I
I'i hi,, ri I. an -,il. .. !, I .
1 i T I '.
- I'"'
I 1 . , s i on t : 1 1 u '
1 1 r in.' at- n
l(.- ...!. , 1
in 1 . 1 rd 1
1 i-.lii-at .
Ihal l'i'
, Ih .
: .' I-
1 ,
In I.
( ii . ii
ili--n!. I..
tliat in 1 .
!'. II -I I'l
,l . ill III
I'l.f I" .: ml.' 1 Ii" I." t. a
. I , . ; 1 1 1 1 . , 1 tn,- 1 1 . ,'. I a I
!- i'.iie'-'".i .- i-i.- Ili j r
In-- .'i,c lull tliat w:!l
1 -it III,- primary "lectiuu
ii.!.'. I iii'i-n -it in,- .riiii:ii .-l.-i-'iun ..ii
May L'I -
othi-r iihnluiions iall"il lor 1111 in
vest i.'iil ion in I't-Kiti'il tn Ih" ii)"si-nt
Kitiiatioii in lizard In iii us (niiii
.iin r. anil iiikiiik puliliHlii'is tn iidnpt
it siii'titlli" coxi sysii-ni.
'I'll" Friday n f t 1 tioon ;"iln was
llillill'll III Slllljl'll III lOHt- III III"
imlilisliliiK Inisini'MS, while th" Satur
day linn niiii; M'ssioii was tli'Vulcd to
L-nii'l etliiin and ni vsian r pnlit ii .
A lniiiiii"t was i;ivi'ti th" ni'wspapt r
ni'" 1'iiday "Vt-nini; in tin- ('huiiitir
of ( 'iiiiiiiu-ii Saliiiday imi.ti th"
"ilitius win- vut'hts of Ih" iinivi'isily
si hiiol of J. hi 111 1 1,-in at a linn lit'iui in
I l.'iidi ii lis hall Aliniii fii'iy iii'w s'1.1
pi-ini'-n ol tin- .-.tali, vviih in aiL'tid
a in . .1 1 tin1 runl'i'i'iMif".
'I I"' ll'llilil.'I'IIJ.' of Hie 1 It I I
Morrison's feed store will -0011
completed In addition to o'h.i ie
pans a wardrobe room i I.. i,,c built
nunt.u A I mUNTtbANO
Moiitesiimi. Wash A dd at h ineiu ,
01 1 tilted .stiues troops sent Ironi 1
Ciimp Lewis, are 011 guard here. Thev !
will remain during the remainder of!
the trial of. the 10 I W. YVYm and will)
cooperate with the local peace offic
ers. Court has resumed, one of the
alieriiate jurors being substituted for
the one which has been 111 with
Information has been received in
this city that congress may pass a
bill giving all t-x service men an
added bonus for the lime they were
in the army. It Ih said by many in
this statu that the ex-aervlce men
will have to get 011 the Job and woik
for (heir rlgbta.
Two Papers Are Submitted for
County, State and Gov
ernment Contest.
All KiudfiitH of th" Sn lnf i-l'l
m h(,nl from Kral-H nix to twHlvc; ln-
ilii'lv. took part In tin. army "Hsiy
lonti 1 which wiiM lt"l'l throui;hout
tin- 1,1 loi'U of th' I'niii-d SiHt" on
l:i" all. ruooii of Frlilny, Ki-liiiiary 20.
'II1.1t I- to fay, that all Mudi-ntK w"r"
ii-ipil---I to wilt" an ' ay tion tin
alii.M' t.liji'ft an n Kcltool ext-r' ii-"
lil.l V. !l II tl"V Will ll'l lll. Kl ll'l'll
1 I"'!
I n'l
tint only llio-it- wh.i m i-l-m
-.1 itflllt', H'l-llrf.- I III III
' 1 ' ( nliv id. I ii t i., 11 in ill'- ni'
1 niiii
' I'y.
11 I :
I. .1
at 1!.
I '
I. I!'. II Ml
1 .
1 ... 1 y
I, ,1.1 .i
I 1.
im' 1 1 1 ir In
i'. in ad'lii;
:i!nalil" 'i
-1 liv
! arid
I 1: .
'!.. i-..
I V 1 1 , ' 1 1
inn ii'd
(it 1
,-i-t. .1
1 I'v. llif tat.-
I 111
1 1 il'-i.i
'S (if JlllllM'h II
ti pass upon In"
.-t Monday
paper- Mill
lCt v. Walter I.
I'l-of. Wentfall
i"H. M'lt'i-ted Ih"
.1 hool. while th.
assisted liy I'.
Hailev. n.
ami Miss
winners in
Rev. Jolui
n y Tyson
hi. ni ri
r " l,i;:l.
II 1.1. II
and Hi.
(in. ii u
M sses Male, Crui-ii" and 'of
i l"(l the prieH in the junii r
es were
award.-.! in eacli
1 hoi I : s follow s : ,
Pi izes In High School. j
.Jiiun.r Senior clas- FiikI. Miss
(Jfin e I!. 1 ford, $" cash (nnal"il by
lie- 1 '. in mi-re la I St.ite hank; nci-ninl. !
M -s Clridvjj.Jtlvird-. 11 i-rvhanilise
!..!' ! i M C Mri-v 1. r .V Son.
1 IT ICS i'irsl. MliS JeS.-i"
.Ii i" "'. (.'old rii.K suitably eiiKraved. 1
liv M.'..i K. I-: Mo'ii.-.n: si 1 on 1
M.- '
1 I 1
11 Tnmsi ;i. la, It hiii.dise do-
N'ewland's si'in-
a I'll si. M 1-- Nannie I..
" iii.-i i lia in 1. " or lci- do
I 'a 1 ni"i -' 1 A. ha nt--'1 ; sec mi 1.
a" Humph r. y. five pour d
. . doiiat"d b a ;m. Mill's. ,
rers in Lincoln S:htiol. '
tirade Fir--. Mal l" Koof.
'. 1.1-I1 iliiiiiii.-d by First Xatioiiii!
'-' 'ili . l - . "':. Charlotte Stewart. Wat- ,
" ' nit. J-! -'' l'oiiuiii 11 pi n donated by '
III.. 'll"s j-Uci Still'". 1
Sev". th jrrade --Ftr.-t. Jennie Hoi-'
U"i -on. in 1111 i liitiiiiise (lonnted J
by W. A. I bill; s. Kind. Malveinj
, Voiiiik, lliishliuhl doiiat.-il by Spril'f? ,
I id. I Kiii'iiKe.
Sixth f-'liide Fir.-t. K'lth Urattain
' lio:i e oi liiuiilain pen or 2A kodnk.i
iiiniitieu iiv iveo-i h iirun store; sec
olid, Myrtle llaney, box fancy stu
lioncry d inaud by Flannerv's di-u
stoic j
Tli" essay of Miss Jessie Johnson,
icpri'senliiiK the hih m hool and Miss1
Mii b!e Kiiui', iept( senhni; (he prades. '
Were sent
ti.'ii ;is to
to Kugciie
coiinly, sliu
r ciin.-idcr:i-nnd
mi ni pnes.
If every .school in .
took as much iiit. i . -1
is did ih.- Srii'Klicl I
Sam has certainly mi
stating a gi.'iti d
I . II il inil'il' the I i' . ic
pJilllS Ol the oMIInl
II this
I 111 11 lis
ci ili'il in dis
I of ii'tiirni.i
oiiivrnmg the
it for "dill a-
1 '"ii ami 11 at.i .;il 1 1 t,i
i'g in the
I 1: il cd Si;i It s ,11 my ..
'l'i iSiiy iiliiih w..s .'luiirdi'd first
l'i I-'" in Hie hiuh m hoi I w ill be 1111I1-
li-heil mxt
Mrs. Lloyd
iltigllter, June,
Gabriel and
are visiting
at the
A. C. Travis home on their way from
eastern Oregon, where they have been
visiting, to Kullerton, California,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Gabriel was Miss Erin a Rark
inan before her marriage and lived in
Miss Olive Smith, who is teaching
school In roitland, spent the week
end at the home of her father, R. V.
Smith. She returned Monday after-
uoou, Monaay navtng been observed ,
aa a legal holiday since Washington's
birthday tame on Sunday this year. -
T. A. Smith of Goshen and V. K
Hutc IiIiim of RprlngfieM were fined
$10 each Monday morning hy City
fteeorder Kdwards on rhnrgeH of
peedliiK In Springfield .Saturday
Mlit. Chief of I'oliie Donaldwjn
1 harmed the boyn with vlolatl'in oil
tho city'H traffic lawa hy exceeding :
the upeed lillltH. F!otll yolini? lll'll
plead Kin It y to the fh.'irijeH. j
School attendance in Springfield
for the month emlliiK Fhruary 20th.
was over im per cent. In Fpitc of the
tiuiiihcr k'-pt out on account of small
1 ox. refual to vaci inat". inflii"ii.
and all other raiises
'I h" Il inl.i hi pel 1 entiti;.' of
ance w;i- in M.-i la,!,,,i.'i;'s
Mi" l!i, id t'tad" of Hi- Uncoil
- u h ) 1 : 1 r j I"! j.i-i 1 . ;,l pi Mi" mo:, :li
iiti.-n 1
I sc'
i-M rtur
Wi'li Ha- j-;d. I !
. ;:.;! '.1. 1 , j il- r Y- . 1.'
.! at.
d il
i tie
Ml. "
v.i 1
I- 1 ll '.I,,,''!' -ll'l".. ii 1
,11 l
.I mii I in all ad-
Labor Asks President to
Measure Which Passed by
47-to-17 Vote.
Washington The senate on Mon
day nipht passed the modified rail
road reorganization bill and it was
sfiit to the president who is expected
to ngn it. Labor leaders are urging
a veto.
Thiity two ll" ublicans and l'i
Democrats voted for adoption and
11 Democrats mid three Hepuhiicans
wei" against th" im a-ure.
Discussing the bill in the s"tiat.
Sen-uor Cummins said the bill merely
liii.-ct.'il tin- inti'i siiit" 1 .iinmi-r-.-
cnii! n. i-s i n in.-c.far a- w:;s prac
tiiiilil" it should ;i;aki- rates thai
would v i. Id a lu t operatine income
of a' fa r cent, 'upon the tni" value
of tin- railway property." 11" said tliat
on account of t ':; r '...nation same
l'.iails would earn nut more than 2
per ("tit. 1!" added that 1 .2" ..'..
I'uuhad bee n appro; riaied for expeii'Ji
tuie by the railroad administration.
"With respect to th,- labor piii
sinus of tin: conference report." Sen
ator Cummins added, "1 am utte'lv
unable to understand the opposition
which they have aroused among labcr
I lenders, for they leave all free men.
I whether employes or employers, to do
I whatsoever they please at any time.
at any place or under any circum
Among the deputies named by
ClllllltV Assessor ll.'.lliail I' W'-ilL-i.-
f,... fi..l,l ......1, o...... di 1
.". 1.1 ..inn 111 c imu ispi nij;iiei,l
tut 11, J. . Coffin and E. E. Kepner
The deputies will start
w ithin a week or 1 1 o.
U1 4 j
Was'iiiigtoii. K
1 :n'e tiii- oi'iiercil the opening
:h'(i tini) acres of land for hones
ciii-v ny cxseii a Men. .Most 01 llns
I- in Hi" Ko.-rlun ilis; in The d.u
lor entry
bv th
solilleia. It.g'n- oil
d. -to
li' ami em!;
ini'ormat ion
lilted State
July S, lOi'O. Com
may be bad from
land office, HO"
Fosiofii.e building, Portland.
W. A. Hall, lie enterprising
merchant on Main street, is now add-j
ing a new line of mens wear to his
M0l k- So,no tillu at?it "e hoea" with
a partial line of men's goods. With
Jhis he done so well that he has de
cided to give the men of this com
I'.iunity a belter service by making
his stock more complete. He has re
arranged the interior of his store and
will soon be in a positiou to give the
best of service.
Mrs. Sylvester Melvin and daugh
ter, Mrs. John Vaudaveer. have re
turned to their home in Greenfield.
III., after a short visit here. They
were railed to Oregon by the deatU
of Leon R. Melvin, son of the former.
Speaker Reviews Cause of War
and Outlines Tasks Yet
to Be Accomplished.
Servlres in honor of the dead sol-
; diers of the war were held Sunday
1 nipht in the Christian rhim.-h under
, the aupi"cs of th" ioral poof, of th-3
American l.exion. All churche., of the
city united.
Th" Maiscillaise was rendered !
the choir after which Prof. Hamlin
outlined t!:" purpo.-e of tli" meeting
ati. I fiiv in l.ri"f th" principl'-s of
th" American I.esrion. Two r'-adintcs
v.. i" j'ivcij l,,- Mi.-s Amy ('arson.
l:.v. Uaiu-:- I.. Iia,ey l..' , v o.-ed th
yl-il ol 1 l.e ii en in sr.
After l!-- lii-r:".lif 'ion tin- l.-autiful
, ., 1 jf , ;. 1 .... tr , , M ,y ),,. Fi'-ruli frov
'iH! I-:;1 to Tli- m arcs' of kin of tho
'lead l.eroe a- h m'-iiiDiia! token of
their sacrifice, were presented to the
relatives prem-nt.
The IteveK-nd Bailey said in part:
"It is very befitting that this me
morial service be held in this place,
wlu-ie Christ is worshipped. The
church stands as a memorial to Hiia
1 who pave his life that all men every
where mipht be free. This service ii
held in honor of our younc men who
made the supreme sacrifice to per
petuate this freedom. I feel that there
is a relationship existing between the
( loss of Christ and the thousands of
cio.-ses markine the spots where our
1 heroes lay. They all stand for saori
. fi e in the interest of human freo-
j "Standing in fancy among these
I graves, where thousands of mothers
are daily dropping both tears and
flowers, our hear'; paicfully inqui:e
Into t li e caub" of such a tragedy.
iCeitainly it was not the philosophy
of the gentle Christ that maddened
men into a thirst for coniuest. The
Co,;fi Rule wouii! never lead in this
, 'I redion. Xo! The iron cross war
s:ib.-!iiutei for the cross of Christ.
"The u l-oie German empire prove 1
to be a vast reservoir of infamy filled
with forty years of heartless concpi
'"'.v against civilization. The frail
"et li-l'l this us( f,)r W0lI(j
siin-ion wft$ punctured by the Serbian
a f fail' ail;; '!" black wei'i
V-ii flood
of i l k-lit fulness swept over the peace"
lovmc peoples of Europe. Little Bel
i pium threw herself into the rent but
i was overpowered by Die onrushing
1 fury of so vast a force. Hut by her
j faithfulness and persistency, gave
j civilization time to save the day."
I In speaking of America's part hi
! the war, he said :
"America brought the potent prin
ciples 0f democracy Into the struggle.
A freedom loving people will be sure
to put up a slrong fight for this priti-
1 ciple which is life to them. America
the war encouraced ih.-i
Said a Urili.-h officer as
sighted the anrvoacli of ti,a
-r---"-... u.r 1 l l
American transport leaded iit.
American troops; 'The Mayflower in
returning." The same si.irir 11, . i...i
TO SOLDIERSjour faih-rs ,0 the shores of New Ens
i'Ii. 2ti. S ti-, tiiry . hind i-.ins..,i ii...i.-
I -' - i-o.-ieio ill I f l II I IV
f, and die to liiotia t the soil
die to Protect the
once thev were etislnveil
erica remembered the services
of Fiatue during ilie Kevoiut ii ma 1 y
I . . 1 . ; .
I ".11. n ins nisi spec, 11 in France at
iMie tomb of Lafayette. IVishimr sai l
'Lafayette, we are here." America ha 1
net f,ii-i.,ni,.i, n,. ,i.,, ..e
"The war demonstrated that
tio ns can be brothers in a irre.i t emu..
1 This brot ..f ...ti......
be. allowed to so "refer
1 brothers I stood for a 1
... iiuuuiia yn Oil.'
to nations as
ommon ideal
and fought for a common cause dur
ing the war. Why cannot they all
Mund together in peace to protect th
principle for w'iiieh they paid so
great a price in war? What has hap
pened to Americas faith in the in
tegrity of her former allies? Is it that
these nations are less trustworthy or
that America is less interested in hu
manity? "A great task remains for the whole
world. In America we must fight dis
ease, ignorance and lawlessness. Ia
the United States we turn 5000 peo-
(Contiaued oa Page 4)