IWOK b THE SWlIKnPlM.n NEWS 'hums day, rrcnutunv 12, 1020. BRISCO JITNEY Phone 11 Springfield Garage Dennis Cyr. Dav and night service. DR. EUCENE KESTER Physician and Surgeon Office I 'hone M' Home I'hone t7-. Office Hour: 9 am to 12 in.: 1 : :!0 pin. to 5 pin. DR. W. H. POLLARD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Springfield, OREGON I'hones: Office 20 J; Hes 20 M Office hours: 9 a m. to 12 in. 1:30 p in. to 5 p. m DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 20 J Residence Phone 129 W Springfield, Oregon L. H. RAMSEY THE TAILOR Perfect Fit Guaranteed First Clasi Material Best Wcikmin- Ship Mam Street Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon LEMLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Prop'r. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing. Hats blocked. Suits made to measure Main Street Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Corner Spnny'ield Main and Third Oregon FOR INSURANCE SKK CHAS. L. SCOTT at First National Bank Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER KINK WATCH UHI'.URI.VC A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy itt a favorite, with the mothers of hruall i hildreu for colds, croup and whoop ing cough lib pieuhitnt tiiste and the prompt cures which it effects hd-) won the good opinion of mothers every where. As thin remedy contains no opium or other narcotic it may be given as confidently to a baby aa to an adult. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lo. ni u .p!ic fi i i'ns, tlit-y cannot much the u, u t purooi. or tie- tar. Tbr im only one way 10 curv il.-ndi.-M, and that la b coi.ailluilonal renirai.-n Deafneaa la caua-d l.y an Intlan.d conduion of iter m u -cuua lining of ih Kuaiuchlan '1'uIjh. Wh.-n ihla tubtt la Intlairipd u hav. a lumliloia aunnd or luip.-i f.-i h-arlnv, and when It ia eiitiivly cloaed, I'.-ar'n.-i ia the reault, uud unjeaa tha Inllaniniaooii cun im takan ...ii and thla tubH r--aiored to Ita normal coridl Oon. kiearlnif will le dea'ioyed forevnr: nue. caaSa uni of i-n re L-ana.-4 by 'aian)i. wbi.-li ia nothing hni an intlarned c.jndiii'in ut ib mucotia surfacea W will (Ive bn Hundred Di.llara for anv caaa of lJeafriaa eiojae.l by cu.airli. Oidt cannot b ruia by Jiail a l aieiiu i.'mi. feud for C'lrculaia. frea r. J. fHtXEV CO., Toledo. Onlo. old by Drusalaia. 7S- aaaa tiaiia '"iiy i'lUS tvr oustlaUba In Society By Dorrl Sikea Wandering Jew Tine very prettily dH-orated the liorue of Mr. W. L. Roust1 last Friday afternoon when she was hote for th 1'HscUla club A two course luncheon completed the afternoon's onlvrtainnicut. The In vited KiieM for the meeting were: Mm. I. May. Mm A. Hower of Oregon Oily. Mrs. Man ("rites. Mrs Herbert Walker. Mrs W. F. Walker. Mrs. C.eoijte Catchinp. Mrs. Henry Adrian, and Mrs. Fratt Holverson. Mrs. John Seavey will be hostess for the next meeting of the club on February 20. Mrs. J S. l.usby delightfully enter tained the Needlecraft club member last Thursday afternoon. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Harry Whit ney and Mrs. Johns. The club mem bers present were Mrs. C K Fischer. Mrs. K. I,. Drury. Mrs. S. Ralph Dip pel. Mrs. A. P. McKinzey. Mrs. Kthvt Rally. Mrs. R. P. Mortenson. Mrs. H. E. Walker and Mrs. P. W. ("rites. Suggestions of the approaching Val in the decorations and the entertain ment at the Epworth league social last Saturday night, flusters of red hearts and arrows hung from each chandileer in the church parlor an 1 bowls of pussywillows were used to complete the decorations. About 25' members of the league were present. Those who served oa the committer for the affiar were Misses Amelia Rreune and Dorris Sikes and Oswald Olson and Herbert Moore. Mr. and Mrs. WinfielJ M Danl.-I of I.eona were dinner guests on Tuesday night at the home of the latter' brother. Dr. W. H Pollard, and fam ily. t The Christian Ktideavor of the Christian church will hold a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Schwarz at Sixth and D Mreets next Friday uight. Ail young people in 1 town are invited. The committer which is planning the affair is com posed of Clailvs Lepl.-v, Fern Travis i and Ray Weber. ADDRESSES EPWORTH LEAGUE Mis Ruth Flcgal. a .-tin). lit at the iinveiMty. spoke Sunday night be fore the P.pw'orth league of the Me'hodit church, on the student vol unteer conference hM recently In D.-s Moines. .Miss Flegal was one of 1". young men and women who went from tlin I'niveisity of Oregon. CHURCH NEWS Methodist Church. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. We are glad to have so many out for Sunday school but we can do much better. Morning worship at 11 a. nt. The Mibject for discussion Is "Heaven." The male quartet will sing "The Beau tiful Land"; Kpecia! anthem by the choir. Kp worth league at (5:30. Some of the I'niverMty volunteers will bad Evening service, will be a union serv ice in charge of the Student Volun teer band of the (,'niversity of Ore gon. Will be glad to have everybody come. Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thursday. Come for a great meeting. rmiiRiN. ' it eV Niitht w ! i r' Morning KeeoVbur EVes CUn - Clear Healthy CANCER NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD No Piasters and Pains for Hours or Days TUMORS, PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN 8KIN STOMACH, BOWELS Four years study In Europe. Over thirty years' Experience. Portland Phyaical Therapy Labors- j tories, 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland, Ore. HOBERT BURNS Lodge., Nc 78, A. M. V., Apctaut am Accepted Scottish Rita Uu: veraal and Symbolic Krw alaaona meets first and thin Friday evening in W. O. W balL Visiting brothers wet come. Lea Clark Chaa. Klogswell BecntUry. R, W. M SPENCER OUT FOR REELECTION AS COUNTY COMMISSIONER K. R. Speticer. who has been one of the Lane county commissioners for the Inst four years, bus decided to run again this year for .mother term In that office Judge H. I,. How n luis definitely decided that he will not be a cundi dale for reelection us l.uiio county Judge. Hence llie people will elect a new Judge and abut tote on t.vo i ounty comtuissiouet s this year. Effects of Constipation. ConM iput ion ( .in--, s a stoppage if the- sewerage Mcm of the body. The poisonous refuse matter (hat vhould be carried nwiiy is retained in th system ami often poisons the blood and causes tiuiueioiis disorders. N. one can afford to negle t his bowels A dose of Chamhei Iain's Tablets will afford relief. Avoid drastic rutluiitus us they take too mm h wnter out of the system and their line Is likely t be followed by i otistlpation. , CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our Irietnls and neighbors who assist.-,! n-t so kliullv in our ie'iit bereavement, and for the many be.iut ful fioweis. - Mr and Mi- V." r Ieets and family - Your Job printing wl'l be promptly done by The News. CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tin- County of Lane' In the Matt.-r of the INt.it.' of Wil 1 i.i III Jefferson If 'Win.iii lie. eased To F.llz.t Anna Vi.N. John Colic, Franklin D Ilowm.ui Edward Bow man. Nellie Parr. Ci.o.- Webb. Itos'i Moifhouse. Aithur M.ir.-I.ou . Curtis Stiver. Fred.-iuk S'-wr ml nil other persons unknown loir-, of said Wil liam Jefferson lioWM.iM. K r.-.-t I !!K In the name of the S ate of i)n-irn. you are herch . .te.l at-,.1 i.iiuired to appear in t h it. i . o i ' ol t iie - t,it t.f tiregmi. for tie - : i . - of I. .me a; the court loom M:et. i: Eitg.-iie. i:i the county of Lai.--, on Tuesday, the 2.'.rd day of March. 1i. .t l'i ml.uk in i lie forenoon of that day. then ami there to show i ause, it anv you have, why Ceorge Muiiioe administrator bf said . t it.- slionid not ..- lieens'-d to sell the following lots belonging; to said e-tate. lots 11 and 1 2 In blmk v Fan mount. ! .a 1 1 i.iuntc, Oi. g..n m cording to th. aniendej j.lo r th.-i.-of i i ay 'he d- l.ts and charges administration of silI estate. Tins tit;, turn -! ! upon you by piilin at i..n bv order of Harrv Hon II, judge of said lolllt dale. I I'll; 11. 1 '-. diiei ting that lids i I'ation be serve.) hi publishing the -aim- for four weei.:- in the Sprint! ndd New.-, b. ginning Feb. 12. 1?2". Witness, the Hon. Harry Ui,, Judge of t!,e i ounty (otirt of ihe state of Oregon, lor the county of l.ane and the seal of said court hereto affixed, this 11th day of February, l!tu (Seal County Court i -Attest: R S J'.ry.-on. Clerk. Date first publication Feb. 12, 1920. Date last publication Mar. i. 1920. CITATION In the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for the County of Lane: In the Matter of Hip Kafale of Ihhc fHtrom, Deceased. To Carrie Ostrom, J. J (islrom, flaniel Oatrnm, (I. K. Ostrom, havld Ontrom, l.ydia (Jstroin. Anna Ostrom, Ksthftr Owtrom, Jacob Ostrom, Hulh OHtrom, ii ml Kllen I'eterHon, Tlllda Keynolda, and other heirs unknown, of aaid deceased, greeting: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear fn the county court of tin Mate of Oregon, for the county of l.ane, at the court room thereof, n Eugene, in the county .of I.hiih. on Tuesday, the 2:trd day of March, 1020, tit 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any you have, why It. K. Urabham, administrator of the above estatn should not be licenaeil to Hell lot A, block 2, I'niveisity Addition to Eu gene, iu Lane county, Oregon, for the emrpohe of paying debts and charges of adminiKtitition of auld estate. This citation ia nerved upon the above named persons, other than Ellen Peterson, by publication for four weeks iu the .Springfield News, beginning Feb. 12, 1920, by order of Harry Hown, Judge of, haid couit, dated Feb. 11, 1920. Witimsa, thu Hon. Hairy Down, Judge of the county court of thn state of Oregon, for the ounty of Lane unit the seal of said court hereto f rixed. this 11th day of February. 192J. (Seal County Couit. I Attest: n. S. Bryson. Clerk l)nl first publication Feb. 12. 1920. Dat last publication Mar. i, 1920. RAILWAY TIME CARDS Southern Pacific Railway Electrlo cars leave Eun for Springfield every half hour from 6:30 a m. to 11 HO p. m. Arrittt Main l.lne Arrive. Souih bound - Kugen Northbound 12:22 a m 2. a. in. 60 m. iu 4:30 a. lu. 1 60 p. in 10:60 a in J. 50 p. m 2:66 p. nt. 7: 10 p. iu 6:05 p. ui. Oregon Electric Portland to Eugene Arrive Eugene- Leave 11:35 p. m 7:25 a. tu. 6:40 p. ru 1:40 p. in. 8X60 p ui 6:25 p. tu. Southern Pacific Wending Branch Leave Springfield Arrive 4:16 p ni 8:40 a. ui. 7:15 a m (mixed train) 12:60 p. tu. Southern Pacific Oakrldge Branch l eave Springfield 1:46 p. ui. Mon days. Wednesdays and Friday; arrive Springfield 11:15 a. ui. Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS AT SPRINGFIELD P09TOFFICE Northbound Malls close at 10 a. ui. and 4 p in; arrlvt at 11 a. m. aud 5:1a p. m. Southbound- Malls close at 1:30 P m. and 6:30 p. ui.; arrive at 6:30 a tu. aud 2:30 p. m. Weudllnc BraucU (Dally except Sun-.' day) Mall closes at 4 p. n.; arrives l'it k your ow n jury --make it twvlvc hungry small boys. S't lorth llw bi-st pit's of your own making and th.-n :t CnniMtAKKD IMK. rnanlnious v-rdi.t will 'That COOD I'll' Is lb. natt'st hit iu pifdoin." Good Pies ar all pun- fruits and pun pastry. Smooth? I b'liciotiH? Tlw rinht wtird hasn't been invented. EGGIMANN'S "A Good Bakery" DIAMONO: for 1920 Plant Only TlieBojI- Y'Mir Nuntc ASK I 5 , I SalMroom METHODIST CHURCH Coino to u ctiurcli (hut l ullvo, winn you will ftr ot nil your wi'fkly tru blfs iiml your hoiiI will f illotl with Koil things. (!ood iiitisU- by rlmir atid' inab' (ii;utot. I'rciu IiIiik of (Jod'H Won!. )tirt and uu ailllltrnilod. Conn" whrlt pcoiib' will lovt you. Pastor, John H. Ebert. at 8:30 a. iu. Albany Oakrldge Bratxh- Mall clos es at 1:16 p. iu. Mondays. Weduea days and Fridays; arilvus at 11:16 a. iu. Tuesdays, Thunlavs atol Sat urdays. McKrnzle River (l'ully exiept Sun day) Mail closes 7 JU a. m ; uril,-i 1:30 p. ui. Mohawk Rural Route No. 1 and McKeiule Rural Route No 2 (Dully except Suuday)-Carriers leae post office at 8 a. m ; arrive at 1 p m. i For the Liver and Bowels. When your liver and bowela be come torpid K,-t a bottle of Chamber tu I ii m TabletH They will tone iii rnir liver ami cauxe a gentle innve uieiit of the bowels They ill mo im prove the dlKctitioli QUALITY D The increased cost of farm itio makes necessary the ciicful selection ol seeds- un piov. d Varieties that piodueC pml it able ei ops. A Safe Guide to Quality and Fair Price Our Seed Citao; and Planter's (jUlJt-ls the sl.iild.ild relerencc lor growers of the Noithwcsl. honaur Loinplcic Ik.cm.I VrJ. I r. c uri.l I'lunts. lcoihzrr I'o.iluy u...t IWc Sui.lirt. Must an.l S.iarit. DjiiV Soei.l:e. anj l;.ui inci.l This handsome book is more than a Catalog Iff a true uidc to Profitable Planting tt'iulJ le on our Mjiling I M AIM. Mi N WarshouM Eat First Ald.r and Second Su. VOKIUkb VSBBBaVMMiaBtajaHBjA