The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 12, 1920, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    TlItmSbAY, FKIthtTAilY ifc, 1D20
tnfe flrhiKamoD news
K. V. Mori'lion tin ft i turni'il f rom
n hiiMliicim nip lo S.i n KriutclMco
Wlllli' llli'li- liltMii'i (tin (OIlViMI
lion of Ihn Wi'hIitii JnliliiTH fruit mi l
X'fKc'nliNi iiHMiiiliii Inn ill which I In-rv
with it)'lKHii'M from nil nvi-r tin
I'liitivl Stuti'N uikI ( 'miiiiiIii. It hnn lii-i-n
r'iorli l luil I hi whb oii of Mih
liircHl ruiiM'ii i Iniin i-vi-r ln-hl In San
Tin' l-'lrnl S'litluniil Hunk, HpiliKt-
field, cull I like in i of nil your li
iiancliil iii'kiH lioih coiniiiK ami
A It ImIiiikI It'' I I illi-t hclonp
f li K l ('. I' K"ar o!' Mi!m city, him
pioilio i'i mi i'kk tiH'ii! itrlnn C',4 hy
7 Iiii Ih'm nml wi-U'liiiiK oiinccn Mr.
Ki'nr iiIho Iiiih ii liuyi- flock of Vhl!i
1,1'trliorliN which he hmvh iiri' i-xti'i
(mikI hiyiTM mill from which Ihi U n
ii'lvlmt Kooil jirofilH
I)r. S Italph IMppct, duiiMat, .Spring
fltilil, Oi'i'Koii.
Mrs ('. IV I'ctrlin.'iiili'n iiiinl, Mr
('. ('. (looilrlch who Iiiim heen vlalling
wild Mr ;ni'l Mm. Kkkiiihiiiii Hinci'
IiikI full, h'Tt S'ntiii'ilny for her homrt
III Aciiiiiio, Cullf
wuti'iiiy on liarlry-Davlclson motor
yil-H. Efforts r being mad to
m in k miotliT climb on Fob. 22.
Pom and Fgglmann's
your grorar.
brtad fron
MIhm Clara Larison vIhMim with her
Iiaii-ritu In thin city last Sunday, corn
Ins from Portland where she Is m
Donald David Hill secured a. license
hint Hnturdsy to marry Mlaa Lillian
KoHulle Allan of Rugn.
Ot your table cream, whipping
cream, nweet milk and aweet skim-ini-d
milk at ihu Springfield Creamery.
You will want to nee the screen's
hoinHli'Ht Hlar. Will Hngen In "Al
.inoMt a lliiMhund.' Tjaughs galore.
Hull t brain. Vvh. 18 19.
Il who KtfulM my purae may take
Mimi'thlng which 1 ought to hare da
ponlicd In the Klrat National Dank
In Kprlngflcld.
C I.. Si olt Ik llhlr
tifli-r IniMliK he li
hoini' for mi vim il w i
i ui' of lnf liH'iizn.
to In- ahiiitt nK.illi
i olif 'lu il In hi
Km w Ii Ii a ncviti
Tin' Sprlni-'flilil hotel mtvch the
Im"i iiiciiIh In the comity at the lowest
prlceH, We have yon. I clean rmima
Mr. ami Mrs I.mhi V Miller hace
moved to I ' ill lit nl where Ihey will
make Ihelr home Mr. Miller wum for
merly InleieniC'l In T he NeWH.
('. II. Slack of Man ola wax a IhikI
ncHM vlHltor In SprliiKflehl I;hI week.
". V. Until of Thurloii Iiiim pur
i hatted a new 1'oid.iou traitor for use
on liln farm.
Lloyd JoIiiihoii of this city. In com
puny with another youriK man from
KiiKeiio, (lliuht'd Sklnuer'M bull f last
aummer In Springfield a number ot
yeara ago, being employed In the
Dressier hardware atore. Jurlng the
war he went overseas with a company
of Oregon coaat artillery recruited at
Dr. f . Ralph, Dipp!, denttet, Spring
field, Oregoa.
The Pint National Bank of Spring
field la a mem bor of the Federal Re-
eerve bank system.
Bob Sutherland, who hat ben rutt
ing at the Corrle home In Dougla
Gardens for some time, returned last
(week to his home at Alameda, Calif.
Johnson A Thompson bare moved
from the FYy building to 361 Main
street, across from News office.
Wanted Good second hand sacks
at Morrison's Feed Store.
This chorus-girl welcomed a poor
man with open arms, although she re
jected a millionaire suitor to do it.
Why did she smash the traditions of
her profession? Why didn't she "grab
him"? Come to see, won't you? Ethel
Clayton In "PettigTew's .Girl. Bell
theater. Friday a ad Saturday, Febr
uary 13 and 14.
Three dozen White Leghorn laying
pulleta for sale. Phone 49.
In the "coop' for apeedlng one mo
ment, burning the road at 112 mlln
r...,- I. ...... .1... ....... I II
,.f ........... i.... . . r Mr nd Mrg- Janes Hart and small
... v...u.. ul n.r yliu tu p I M v , i riarM.. n. -u.ti,.,.m- v.. c.
"The Uourlnic lU.u" for everyone urda t d
who loves a thrill. Hell theatre, Mon-j
day and Tueaduy. Feb. 16 and 17. ! Mine Martha Williamson, domestic
science teacher, spent the (reek-end
at her home in Corvallis.
In the W. 0. W. hall. There will also
1m very urgent buslnoss to transact
ho make It a point to be there.
, Friday night, February 20, Is thej
date set for the big basket social to
be given by the Ladies Auxiliary and
American Legion. Watch next week's
paper for announcement where it will
be held.
Delbert McDee asHiated in tlio
Springfield Feed company's ware
house the fore part of the week, tak
ing the place of W. M. Hunter.
Mrs. C. Barnes has disponed of her
house and lot at First and C atreeiM.
W. R. Goddard, the new owner, will
take possession next week.
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. Sc.dWhi.
fle d, Oregon.
, . ing
R. li. Houston of Eugene transacted
buslneas in Springfield TueHday afternoon.
Huy F.KRltnann'B
ii ml Kic.
milk bread; 11c
Mixh Hi-rltle Druce apent the week
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mm. J S. Hruce. Mlaa Hruce is
leliclnliK Hchool we.t of Eugene.
J. W. McDowell Department store
1h lieudiinarterH for Valentines of ev
ery deNcriptlon.
Mr. and Mr. Herbert Smeed and
Mnall rod of Wultervllle were gueata
Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Montgomery
at their home at Eighth and D streets.
Hubert B. Hentley arrived Sunday
iiiKhl from Axhlund and waa the guet
nf SprliiKfield friends for we vera I dayB
thla week. Mr. Hentley apent one
wanted at Morrlion Feed
A Good Medicine Fop the Grip.
George W. Waitt, South Gardiner,
Me., relates his experience with tht
grip, "I had the worm cough, cold
and grip and had taken a lot of uah
of no account. Chamberlain's Couch
Remedy Is the only thing that has
done me any good whatever. I have
used one bottle of- it and the cold
and grip have left me."
Why pay rent; own your home;
make your own terms In reason; sure
a snap. Will Bishop, 6157 37th Ave,
S. E., Portland, Oregon.
Expert Jeweler and
Have your watch repaired
by an Expert Watchmaker.
My 8ierialty is fine watch,
clock and jewelery repair
ing. Jewelry made to
Agates cut and mounted.
We also carry a complete
line of glasses. Why pay
$12 to $15 for a pair of
glasses? I have them to fit
you from $2.50 to $5.00.
The best gold filled.
Variety Store
337 Main Street
Winifred L. May left Sunday after
noon for a year's course in Behnke
Walker business college in Portland.
He will join a number of other Spring
field boys who are attending differ
ent schools In Portland.
, The Willing Workers of the Christ
ian church will hold a tea Lb tha
church parlors Friday afternoon. Feb.
20. You are welcome.
, The Ladles Auxiliary of the Ameri
can legion will aerve refreshments
at the next Legion meeting which
will be held Monday night, Feb. 16,
i f ti riiiii it sljii i ". i
Man i k i i
. 1
mm wr W lMa'
When mother
is the
active vounratera WILL
play out of doors in all kinds of
weather and in the biggest pud
dles in the neighborhood, if poa-
bie. you will appreciate having
in your medicine cabinet always)
jar of
i.l.M O...IiiiI W
"I i...i mi im-itx "
taAiK ak
Young and old alike will be grate
ful for the relief brought by its
penetrating warmth when applied
for etiff neck or back, apraina,
bruiaea, sore throat, congestion of
the lungs, rheumatism or neu
ralgia. PUROLA M-.t.r-Oiwt ie w iUm
tropU kom rmU ikat mrvy We a
kold (Would Wave ready fr (We ia
numtttbU gcctiiou I Wat arwe t
it uae MCMMijr.
Ak your drvggwt ( a af of PUROLA
Mutr-Ouit now.
fAij pwM'M mpptmn o amy
rVKOLA Mca: Tk Hmmnw
rank LmbormlvhM oM IS oV
fit wU nM torn ISM prtpmrmtym
1arantt it to fit MliKiM. It
it tlouU not. rttwrm H f IJU oVr
titt ram wham it mu MreoM.
H wvM crn(V rtraj Ik prim
pom paid fmr it. fVltOLA trtpf
ttont mutt tatufp.
ProMrod awd Ci
y two
'i rBlumauer-rrn,"1 l
Program for the coming week
in "PETTIGREW'S GIRL." Mack Sennett Comedy
'Hide and Seek Detectives."
"THE ROARING ROAD." Sixth Episode of "Smash
ing Barriers."
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Feb. 1S-19 Will Rogers
ln"ALMOST A HUSBAND." Lloyd Comedy.
Where Cash Beats
Crackers, per pound 18c
Blue VitroL fcound ... 15C
Matches, per )ox 5C
Large Gold Dust 25 C
Lye, 3 cans for ....I 25 C
Bread, per loaf ...... 10 aml 15 C
Flake White, per pound -30C
Pure Lard, er pound 35 C
Liberty Jell, 3 packages 25 C
W, deliver, anything too big to carry or $2 worth or more,
A. Pa. Gray, Prop.
W. M. Green, Mgr.