The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 05, 1920, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    TittmsrAY. rrcnmtAiiY 6, 1020.
Tirfi sriiiNv.nttL.) nkws
Rich, Red Blood Will Bring
Color To Your Cheeks
Health aiul lli'ituty usually k hand in hand. Where perfeet
health allleH, worry and wrinkle have no plan. I'ure,
rich Mood Is the basis of woil health.
&ti6&r Bamboo Briar Compound
Will Imild up your blood and Kve a fclow of health to your
entire system. It will insure u dear, rosy complexion. Thin
blood remedy will keep the bowel regular, tone up the
stomal h and keep the kidneys ami liver in a healthy,
normal condition.
Take this n im dy now, and get your system in perfect
condit ion.
Price $1.00
'.PMMiairi n
m vi 11 3b- .OWE.
mcIiimiI nt mid year, anil w are -ijr-t
hey will nil noon oinc Kood II!
Joe Clark ha erifered hlfli ehool
Bfulu In Sprlngflwl'l.
Minn Vera SeriReiiHey vlnlf ic-hool
Monday morning.
Tim Klrln KhkIIkIi VI Jiihk of the
HflCI llOdll hilll R ll'-W llelller, .Milton
('off ma 11.
Tlii! Lombard glrla are. out of kchnol
on Hrrount of Hinallpox In tlii; family.
If thin kooi weather last much
lontier htiKkelhall will have to kIvo
' way for hasi-hall.
Tho H. If. H. tiid-ntR who take
typing nre delighted with the new
Iloyal typewriter which appeared at
M-hool laHt Wednesday.
We are. Clad to welcome fJIadya
.Smith, Hophornori', bn r k to k'IiooI. Sh)
has heen absent on account of iHro-M
H. II. S. Is very glad to see "IUng'
MnMtKiin hark again. He Is one ,,f
hint, year's ham-hall Mars.
Th KnkIIhIi 1 (Ibhh ejtti-nds hearty
thanks to MIhh I)erfliiiKer for her
kind thoiiKhtfiilric-SH of those who had
to take exams.
Mr. Hamlin Ih teaching ali-i hra In
Htead of MImk Miirhen.
Tin' French In sh have a i"W
teacher, MIkh f;rey al'li'iui'li she
HeeniH very different from the l.i t
'J one, we like her fine.
The Klrls h'lifclihh V clnh when as
H'luhled Monday found that because
Boots, shoes, rubber footwear, mitts,
gloves, sox, garters, caps and
arm bands -
W. A. flail Shoe Store
of I he :i !i- r ' 'if f.a'ii ej Or'I'ir:
I' II f , I l. V ve: e j, I.e, (,f ;, v.i "
I t -f . . i 1 j 1 'I !.. 11,' ' i .1 w-.i ; c ult ! 1
to oi 'l'-r t,v tl.e v 1 1 la i y. 'ti.n- I'.'!- m
I ! i !a -.. fame played between tho
-.on, and j'jn ior anain.-t the fro.h
i ! . 'iplion.oreH. la-it. Friday, resulted
'i.rd ai.d Ku'h ISr.i"a.'n v. a- -: -- t -rl if -! t :e nnni of IS to IS.
ice pi" i'i'-nl. ' ' 1 t. ( I'-an Patne was played an I
Tl.e M1.d i,t. I,..dy ai.d f. ti!i.y of Die ''' -I oi -nian.ship was shown by
S.i i.f-r M hitrhihool ; 1. to -vend "'"" Althm:fili there was not
th'-ir 'ie, j.e t F'.-aja ' v to Mr r"rl " 'norni'im rinniber of spect,.)-
.Mrv In-' i and family, "t!," "" ''- w''' "'" re showed
r ,.. v- l,w i..-t ;: 'i,i- of :(. iim.m '" ahility in rooting, which
p.y.'.l t !!. :,. . 'u,!. ;, . , s,.., I ' ' l'.'-'Ts I,:oie pep, hecailHO
, ,,.,.,,., i; , j i,., ,,,.,,. . .,,.( t"-y I: new they had the support of
1. ;,. :.-r ile w . : i '.'!,' ., (..; " : ' ''- "'
'" "' ' ;l ' ' ' 1 ',: ' ' "'' 'I !.. re will ,e a ha kethall game ho-
Im : i I t io ,':.: . ;,; '1 1... Mldit.-ll
1 1 a : a ,' a i-r :i i- - p v., i a 1.1
.-.nt or l.i r .
I v.-. . Hpi iiijrfiiM hiirli (ichool team
in-' Kltniia hith i-i hool Friday, Febr
uary ;.
Entered at the Springfield Potoff,ce at clitty matter,
Siihacriplion Itaies; '1'hone taking Spiln;field Now getM th pnper frei.
Will of E. I. Korn "
I. Karneht Korn. beliiK of Hound
mind, Kood health, and In excellent
hpnllN, hereby beitiealh to "Shorty
Howard our Ignoble l'ronh, tny Kent
in the hack row of Kcctiou 1. township
19. of Springfield ti it-'li school an
M'liibly hull.
Signed: It ('. OIhoii. Attorney.
MlhH HerflliiKir (In FiikIUIi VI
!ive the three prln lple partK of fle'.
Myrtle Mcllee Flea. tick, bedbug.
Three ymiliK ladleH were seen
Ilia r ll ill K fur W i st Spi liiKfli'hl, loaded
with lunch I'lmiii'li tur hIv and a
laiiici.i They reported to tie iiearrh
InK for pussv willowM. but we are cur
Ioiih to kllnw where the lunch went
We hiiw the Kirl.s return, it cms loaded
with piihsy willowh. but have, bnen un
nble to Holve the eatH (iii'Kl Ion, nil
Ihs the Kills have extra larpe ap
petites. Km mn to storckci'i er: I want to
liny a f j n it it of oysters.
Storekeeper: 'c Fell theni by
niensiire. not by quarts. .
Kmnia: Well, then I want a
1. Frosh! Cee, but they're tinnier
ous. 2. Anywhere, everywhere, Frohh.
First pupil: "I wish ('uluiiihiis had
Iiecn a Frenchman '
Second pupil: "Why so?"
First pupil: "Ileinuse I said so in
the exam."
Knimii Travis hs taken n very
NtroiiR fancy to Hitne of our new
ftreen frosh. Why, Just it few minutes
ago she was heard to say. "Oh, isn't
that little one wilh the yellow strip-'
ped sweater on, a ilarlln!"
Some of the new Frosh seem t.l
luivu n rather had case of "IiIk head "
V?e hope it is not out, minus, hut
wit'll all OKtee that liny won't fed
(hut way very Ioiik. Walt until some
of us get stalled.
t'urrie was slitliiK In the dinliiR
room with Ashaid und her small sister
dlildu. The door leading Into the par
lor, where (he rest of thi family wpie
Houted wuh wldo open and suddenly
they heard Hilda say, "Carrio, kins
me, too. Ciirrie'H wits wero certainly
in trim order for who replied Immedi
ately. "Why. certainly, dear, hut you
should say twice. Two is not jo'tim
tnar." In Kcncrul silence; Mr. Itoth hand
iiift Ashael the desk chair, which has
arms on It: "This Is goimrally tlui
, Inibt kind of u ( hulr to have when w
rue til vo our grades."
Mr. Ituih: "How do you account fur'
the phenomenon of dew?"
I I'upll: "Well, jou see, the earth
I revolves on Its axis every IM hours
and in conseinience of this t rciuend-1
ous pace it perspires freely."
A Kroup of th' leadiiiR S. II. S. Iiovb ;
were Hitting around Florence Stall
Monday noon, when Charles Chard;
cam e up. pencon Olson, looking up, !
!nas: Well, ( buck, whv are you com-1
lug over here to sit by Florence?"
Charles, hlushlliKly replied: "Ilecamie '
I the rest are doing It." Hut we older
'girls arc wondering if Charles always
tells the truth. Much Is hid In a
blush, you know. j
As Kllen Tomseth was going to i
domestic science this afternoon a j
small boy stepped up and was offered
some candy. Of course ho accepted
It. saying. "I've got throe or four
hrothera and Bisters so I'll take
enough for them, too."
Tca her: Fxpress this sentence in
as few words as possible. Mr. and
Mrs. Flood drove up to the house and
Mopped. Mr. Flood threw down the
reins and helped his wife out; then
lin y entered the house.
I'upil: "Tho reins descended and
the floods came."
Mr. liuth: "How was iron first dis
covered ?"
I'npil: "Please, sir. you said yes
terday they smelt It."
Mary had a motor, onco
T'wns painted white as snow,
Whenever Mary wanted to go
The motor wouldn't go.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen
The saddest of all
I've flunked again.
"The mid terms are over, alas, aluek,
Hut who has tho heart to wish them.
Happy are those who passed back?
Many others ure cast in woe,
For before them, finals now loom in
And for aught they know, they may
fail in them, too.
Put here's too mid-terms and troubles
We heartily wish Ihey weru tho
Tho girls basketball game which
was to havo been played lust Friday
evening has been Indefinitely post
poned because of so many contagious
diseases In the country.
S, (, S. bids hourly welcome to all
the freshmen just entering nigh
Actual Proof of Value in
The Victory Model
Units used on MOON Cars. Also on other Higher
Priced Cars
These were lirtlaml Prices July IM, 191U
MOON $2145
National . $277".
Case $l!f.(i'i
Davis f:M' i
Jordan f:;ouii
Westcott Ji'S.'ai
Koanier JCyT.'i
MOON $2145
Fierce Arrow $54!."
Packard j:;.r
Winton k -t S 0
White .:,r,(iii
National .... '77"
suutz $:u:.o
MOON $2145
Franklin ?''S7"
Jordan $;hui,)
McFnrlun $5000
Cadillac $tiiiii
Peerlesa fSUlM
Wirt a; .
Nat Y.nal ..
l:i:iif-!s .
(:...!:. . ...
Piddle .
. .$214D
... M.M'll
... f!"
.... $4;100
MOON $2145
Cole ?:107"
rail'!'.!.' $1200
Premier ?::'V10
National 277"
Packard $.-.:$-.
('lliin;i:;;haill $"2U0
Cwcn Magnetic
MOON $2145
Packard $55S5
Locomobile , $8700
Pierce Arrow $S415
Cmkllac r $4200
Peerless $3330
Marmon $4200
MOON $2145
Darnels $4150
Men it $4S00
Jordan $3000
Stutz $3150
Packard $55S5
Mi Parian ,. .$5000
MOON $2145
Marmon $4200
Mercer $4S00
Pierce Arrow $8415
Packard $55S5
Panlcl-i 4150
Cadillac $4200
The MOON at $2145, Eugene, has
Genuine Heavy Tan Spanish Leather, '3 Firestone Demountable Rims. Nickel Steel
Transmission Gears, Timken Axles, Delco Ignition System, Solid Walnut Instrument
Boards Front and Rear, One Man 5 Bow Top, ComplMo Assortment of Tools, Tire Re
pair Outfit, Etc.