The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    THtmstUY. .lAS'tTATtV 2ft. 1020.
For fancy cuts and government inspected
Meats, Fresh Fish of all kinds.
Don't forget the Peoples' Market If you can't come,
Phone 24 and your order will be given prompt attention.
On Main Street, near Third
A. M. VINYARD, Prop.
Marcola News
(By Special Correspondent)
Marcola. Jan. 2',. The It. X. A. and
the M. W A. held a joint installation
t officers lor their members and
their families last Saturday evening,
alur which refreshments were
served and everyone took part in
The Marcola high school called a
meeting on Tuesday afternoon and
organized a M. H. S. Literary so
ciety to be held during school time in
the hieli school. The organization
I I, ins to have special sessions or
exercises in the evenings especially
for visitors who wish to attend.
The date for meeting has not been
!-f ini'tdy planned. The first meeting
a- ; 1 probably 1" h-M in about two
.Mi. ..I,.! Mrs diaries Slack and
'"! daughters I.a Wile ami Jam-i'.
were Eugene visitors during the past
Mrs. O. R. Slack spent Tuesday It
Eugene shopping.
The M. H. S. student body held a
party on Monday evening for its mem
bers and a few friends, which was
well attended and enjoyed by all.
Charles Hager has been quite ill at
his home for the past few days.
J S. Churchill is able to be about
-again after a long illnss.
Miss Olive Yockey Is among those
who are having terrible colds.
(J It Blakley of Bartle Court. Eu
gene. visited relatives and friends in
Marcola over Sunday.
Walter McDonald of Donna visited
relatives in Marcola over Sunday.
Do you live in Springfield and do
your banking in Eugene? If bo, It )
not necessary for the First National
in Springfield will take care of all
your interests as well as any bank
1919 Model
Gas Range
AS nearly perfect as any
range can be made. It
conserves time, food, fuel
and money. Remarkably
easy to keep clean with its
white porcelain tray and
splasher back. Enables you
to do your cooking with a
minimum of time and ef
fort, giving you leisure for
out-doors. A truly wonder
ful range for the money and
thoroughly guaranteed.
Mountain States Power Co.
Cornar Sixth and Main
January C6 j
Dallas Commercial tlub contractu i
support for n cnnnety to be built at,
once. j
Salem-State grant'" permit f ir
electrical power development on the !
Deschutes river to serve Metollui.
Frieda. Coleman, Meic.i. White
Horse Hnpfds and Pelton.
I.ane county and Eugene to hare
expense of a soldiers memorial bouse.
Docks commission planning L'n.i'ii't
Ion coal bunkers a' St Johns
Oregon Cit It. ink of Commerce
will erect $."ii.000 building.
Medfonl oil incorporated
nt Vancouver.
Port land Cnited Artisans will
erect $110,000 home on east side.
Klamath Kails 1'uwii nee company
erecting 100. 000 ft. capacity sawmill
Huntington Idaho men lease Red
Morse mine and will operate name.
Cottage C,rovt Modern fit.. 000 foot
sawmill going In on Pass Creek.
North Bend tnnd flats to be re
deemed by $400,000 ret Lunation pro
ject. Ashlantl to get sawmill and box
factory to cut 13,noo.'"" rect lumber
from forests in the Si-kyous to be
trucked to city.
Astoria votes $r!T.rt.nt0 bonds for
auditorium, pluy grounds and civic
center, ami $riH0,Ooo fur water frieit
anil title land reclamation work
Kosehurg ha organized n company
to build a sanatorium ami tubercu
losis rure. with total plans involving
$2"0.000 expenditure.
Railroad const ruction fiotu I.nke
vlew south through Crooked Creek to
Soda Springs to start in l lie spring.
Oil drilling to start on lo.u- Cre-k
near Ashland
Drew ;old strike J.'aiO to the
ton made near here
Brighton Shingie otnpany organ
ized with $..'. 000 capital.
Portland to get fat toiv to m.ike air
springs for autom.iln'e
Machinery for l-'b r. to light plart
is being Installed.
Alsea to have f o t ;- . i ' - v( hoo dur
ing latter part of Jji.miv
Kosehurg-On at 'out of inade
quacy of presetit t'aii' tus Id handle
phenomenal increase t,f laihvay traf
fic here in the past year, increase of
truckage to practically double present
amount ami addition of another unit
equal to present rotnnlhoil-e accom
modations will be undertaken within
the next vear .WW .-ll'S-Cle 1:1.11 starls
llwaco llwaeo .V1I Lumber Co.
doubling i ap,n ity of plant
Ketlmoml F.ight bumlri tl at te
near here brings $?.". onn.
Sisters An in rated ranch of 1'iO
acre.-' sells for $10. Win. whit h is a
record price in tlii1 community.
Et ho-- Bank of Echo to have new
1 wo story home.
Pendleton- fun'rad let for $77.f'"
apartment house.
Klamath Kails to have io-w saw
mill to cut '.". lion. 000 feel per year
Albany Iron works to enlarge
The Dalles Modern hotel building
to be erected.
Ashland Complete oil well drilling
outfit has arrived for the Trlgonia
Oil company. Drilling to be under
way soon.
"I Don't Need to Tell You"
says the Good Judge
Why so many men arc
going to the smalt chew of
this good tobacco.
You get real tobacco nat
isfaction out of this Minall
chew. The rich taste
lasts and lasts. You don't
need a fresh chew ho
often. Any man who uses
the Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
YV-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
C S. Land Office at Kosehurg Ore
gon. January 14. 1920.
Notice la hend).v riven that, as ill
retted by the Commissioner of the
Cietieral Land Oflce. under provision.
of Section 245r. K. S. pursuant to the
application of Herman Seymour Sinltu.
Serial Number 011789. we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, but ,
at not lens than $3 00 per acre, at 10 ;
o'clock A. M , ou the 2ath day of reb
ruary. next, at this offke. the follow
ing tract of land: the Southwest tjuar
ter Southwest quarter suction two
Township seventeen South. Kunge two
Kast of Wllllmette Meridian.
This tract U ordered Into the mar
ket on a showing that the greater pot
ion thereof is mountainous or too
rough for cultivation.
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when thoxo
piebt-nt at the hour named have
ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to liu
mediately pay to the Kecclver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above -described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
W. II. CANNON. KegiKier.
Date of first pub.. Jan. 22.
Dhte of last pub.. Feb. 20.
growers throughout tin state are
whether oi not the plant w Itl make
a crop, sunt- the iiimlatiiie heads ni
prattlcally unproict t. d hv the luign
leaves, al-o whetlor iloie will b
-Hough oi the Juki! letl Itl protett
the biotioli from damage while eu
unite to the eat
Broct oil Is rapldh coming to Ibn
front us an enstein toller and a
shoit.ige would li eaii u Cleat loss In
the Oregon gl o ei M.
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor
vallis. Jan. 2.S. Oregon broccoli will
mature normaly provided the mild
weather continues, in the opinion of
A !. Bouquet, professor of vegeta
ble gardening at the college. Should
another cold snap materialize, how
ever, it is doubt till If much can be
done to save the crop, he believes.
The chief Injury done by the Decem
ber cold snap was to break off ami
generally damage the large leaves.
Specimen plants from the growers
of Douglas county Bhow complete
freezing of the large veins in the
leaves but this may not materially
devitalize the plant.
The question rained by the broccoli
If money Is worth having It I
worth saving Begin the having habit
now by stinting an account nt thu
First National Bank In Springfield
Notice it hereby given that the mi-
llemlgnetl has hern duly appointed bv
the county court of the stutt of ore
Ron for the county of Lane, executrix
ii( the last will and testament of I lari y
Klefer. deceased All persons hnvllig
Halms agitlui said estate are hep-hy
tiotlflett to present the same to tue at
the office of Frank A. Del'ue. attorney
for the estate, at Springfield. Oregon,
wihln six months from the date of this
notice. All claims must bo properly
verified as by law required.
Dated this 7th day of January, l-'d.
Kxeulrlx of the last Will ami Testa
ment and Fstate of Harry Klefer,
Frank A. Depue, Attorney for the ate.
We Do
A want ad will work for you.
Glass making industries in Belgium
are working at 100 per cent of normal
and other industries are rapidly get
ting on a similar basis.
Department of Interior,
U. 3. Land Office at ItoBoburg, Ore.
January 3, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given that Harry
E. Bush of Wlnberry. Oregon, who,
; on June 7, 1915, made wennd Home-
mead Entry, Serial No. 010010, for
the southeast quarter of northwest
quarter, Houlhwest quarter of north
east quarter and west half of north
west quarter of Section 24, Town
hip 19 South, Kange 1 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before E. O. Immel,
17. S. CommiHHloner, at his office, at
Eugene, Oregon, on the 14th day of
February, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
i Charles MrBee, of Wlnberry, Ore.
Hugh Mooney, of Wlnberry, Ore.
Clark Handle, of Wlnberry, Ore.
Jack Phillips, of Springfield, Ore.
Date first publication Jan. 8, 1920.
Date last publication Feb. 5, 1920.
Old III Cost
A cat has nine'
but no future
Whereas a shoe
may loose its sole
And still ho)e
for the best
WE HAVE: Gloves, Mittent, Artie Socks, Logging Shoes, Shoe
Greases, Shoe Oils and General Shoe Shop Supplies.
Complete line of cotton and woolen gloves; leather mittens
L. C. HELMER Shoe Shop