The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 01, 1920, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    YmmsruY, jaMAHy i, ifiiio.
Mr. an.l Mm. Melvln Fenwlrk wwrn
IiohIn at un Hiilioruti' iliiirir pat ty on
ChrlMliiiuK diiy. I'lnt-s war iluriil
for srvi-n. Afli-r h t h ift course din
nor. llm oll fiililiin"l Knicllfili plum
jiuililliiK which whs a Christina gift
of un old frW'iul of Mr. Kcnwlik'i who
IIvch In F.imlitnil, wns mitvi-iI. Thi"
gin-Hi wi'if Mr mid Mrs. J. K. Haul
Ihkm hikI hll(li4Mi mill ICurrifiti Koni.
Iluy KkkIiiiiiiiu'h milk hnuil. lie
uml lOr.
MImii Ciihi Tyli-r of Snlnin Is a
(ciii-Ht ul Ihc hoiiii' nf Mr. mid Mrs
Sum II Ty I'M' HiIh w l.
We have ulilpplnr cream, table
crram, awect milk and writ skimmed
milk for null- SprlnKflfld CratiMTy.
"SinurlhliiK HurrliTN" 1h the grcslfst
Hurliil it v u t In (! for sum yurs. (Jet
Mtiirtid with ihi fiinl i-iiltiodc, Tui'H
diiy, J ii nun ty 1.1.
Thi MhiHi-H I, w 11m mid Aim a Smith
lift Knnduy inoi nlim for I.IiihIuw Id
ii hiiiiic (liclr mi houl work nfti'r a two
wi'i-ka' vacation
M. M. I'i iv h worklmt In the ItfX
nil ilniK Htoti for u f'-w duyn ilutliiK
Un- uIihcih ! of Mr. uml Mm. Floyd
Dr. S. Ralph Ilpil. dentlat. Sprlnf
fleld, Oregon.
MIhk Kay Sinllh P'turni'd Saturday i
from Idaho wlii-n slit' bus ln-i-n vlnlt
Imk with MIhm (irai.i- TIhmiium. Mum'
Smith int to Mari-ola Sunday whiT
htm will re h ii mi- her ti-uihiiiK in tlx'
hi hool thrri.
Coni In and lirar (he new 1'lsypr
phone and tlii-n compare ll with any
older phonoitraph. Curmw i Ulbnon
Horn MathfWM and lniiKht-r Carrie-ln-11
of Thurston witi' In SprlnKflfld
Walter Plait of TliurHton waa a
tiiihlm-hM Miller In Si liif W-Ul Satur
luy. Have you examined the Deoman
liand tractor ul the Springfield Feed
company ?
fives. They may Iwafe at Mrowns
vllle, having wold their restaurant
When you patronize Springfield's
leading hank the Flint National
you deal with a city, county, atate
and national depository. Are you
safe? Well, yea, I guess ao.
Hi-it Hurper of IiotigliiH waa In
S rliiKfli'ld on business Saturday.
Harold ivory of I'ortland Is visit
hiK during the liolldayH with his par
ents, Mr. and Mm. M. M. I'eery. Har
old ha been wotkliiK In Ketels drug
Htori' ilurliiR Mr. KhH'h vlnlt In Fort
laud. Uat Our New Fresh Pack of Bacon
and Ltrd Swi'i't and mild cured.
HaniN , 40c per lb.
Itreakfait Karon 40c per lb.
Mai on Hark . 3.rr per lb.
Si-aMoiiIng Macon 30c per lb.
I'll tile llama ... .'We pe lb.
Colfax Holla .'if.c: per lb.
Pure l.ard .If.c per lb.
Flake White 30c per lb.
Swartt A- Waahburne
llert Miktim mid C. W. Allen of
Vldu wi-ra in Springfield on IhihIih-hm
Mr. mid MrH. Cliff I.ybarK'T of
l.i-iii vc an viHitliiK frh'tnlH and rela
tive here. durtiiK the. lioliilaya. On
their return Mr. and MrH. Lyharger
will Htop at LakeHide to vlhlt their
dauKhter. Mm. Al Stiffler.
r!iuand Rgglmann'i bread from
your grocer.
Hoy I'MtnutiHton of TliurHton was In
town Saturday.
Virgil Criim. an attorney of Port
land, wuh In Springfield on business
hint Friday.
We have whipping cream, table
cream, sweet milk and aweet skimmed
milk for aale. Springfield Creamery.
Mr. and Mm. W. C. FoMer of Fort
land are visiting with Mm. FohIit'h
parentH, Mr. and Mm. Frank I)e Pun.
Dr. it Ralph Dlppel, dentlae, Spring
field, Oregon.
Mr. and Mm, W. Cochran left Mon- Mr. and Mm. William Kohhton of
day for Albany where they will viait Colorado and their niece, V'elna of
for a few dayH mid then ko to limwiiK- j Kugene. vlxited with frlenda and relu
vllle where they will vIhU with relu- ' Uvea in Springfield during the week-
m i I
l :! 'lir'l I: - i . Iri iJUl W v::,:: .in: a 1:. ,1 i . ;R-tu.,u..l.
Our Wish
is a happy New Year for you and
W. W. EBBETT, Prop.
Main Street Phone 1 7
iiiid. Mr. mid Mr. HoIiIhoii are on
their way to California.
MI ih Fllzuheth Harbert of Thuraton
wui in Sptitigfield Saturday.
Vou will tu-e In "The Stronger Vow"
a tluilllrig, modern drama of the
npiich hatiniH of Farla. Hell theater,
Thumduy, January 1.
Mm. M. M. Feery returned thin
week from Kan Francisco after an
extended vlait with her daughter In
that city.
You'rs mlastng- something If you
haven't beard the new Playerphons
now on display at our store. It's dif
ferent. Corsaw & OlbsoL.
Should he fight or quit with the
Clrl? He came Into the world a thor
oughbred pnclflM! See Charles Ilay
in "The Sheriff's Son," Hell theater
Monday, January 6.
MIhh Itertha Llndley npent the
week-end vlHltlng with relatives In
Santa Clara.
Mr. and Mm. J. C. Dodd spent
ChriMiuas with Mm. A. 11. Van Val-
a h.
Will CheHhire of Fortlaml Is vUlt
i ii K with friendH Ul Hpringfleld.
A town Is Judged largely by Us
banks. The First National Bank of
Springfield Is one of this town's
KreiiteHt aaHets. Are you helping to
make It stronger by your patronage?
Mr. and Mm. J. W. McDowell npent
Chti.stmaH with their daughter, Mrs.
J. C. Snider of Monroe.
W, H. Adrian has been suffering
with a severe cane of the hiccoughs.
HIk friends do not know whether It
was caused from eating too much
CliriHimas dinner, or celebrating as
did Home of the easterners, or riding
In a Ford. He declares that a Ford
will not caune the hiccoughs, that
he positively did not celebrate In the
HHine faHliion a many of the eastern
people because this country Is abso
lutely "dry." ho it must have been I
caused by eating too much on Christ
niaH. Or perhaps the "hies" were left
in Adrian's HtockingH Instead of the
Packard auto he wanted.
See the Beenian hand tractor at the
Springfield Feed company.
Don't fail to see Martin Johnson's
"Cannibals of the'South Seas," Bell
theater. Wednesday, Jan. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Flanery spent
Christmas with friends and relatives
in Corvallis.
Bill Hart In "Truthful Tulllver" In'
which he team the roof off Glory Hole j
In a thrilling western feature. Bell J
ineuier, r riaay, January t.
ur. s. Kaiph Dlppel. dentist. Spring
field, Oregon.
P. Bogart of Springfield is visiting
friends and rtdutlvea ut Kuluh and Re
serve. J. R. Sllverstono of Portland, at
torney of the Weinhurdt estate, was
in town on business lust week.
Ted Burnes Is visiting with bis
mother, Mrs. C. Barnes who Is teach
ing school at Kula.
Egglmann's bread made clen,
wrapped clean, and sold clean.
Wilfred Cochran of this city spent
the week-end with relatives In Cot
tage Grove.
J-eslie Miller and family of Yon
calla visited at the home of Jess Smit
son Christmas day.
We hare whipping cream, table
cream, sweet milk and sweet skimmed
milk for sale. Springfield Creamery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frill of Eugene
spent Christmas with friends and rela
tives in Springfield.
Miss Vera Senseny and Lena Tilton
who aro teaching at Oakrldge are
home for the holidays.
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentist, Spring
field, Oregon.
George Cox of Winona, Wash., and
his mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Cox of Stay-
ton Ore., arrived Monday for a few
days visit with J. A. Cox and family.
Margaret Tomseth, who clerks in
Cox's store is back to work again
after a few days' illness.
Do you live in Springfield and do
your banking in Eugene? If so, It Is
not necessary for the First National
in Springfield will take care of all
your Interests as well as any bank
J. I). Uodman of Dexter spent Sun
day with bis mother, Mrs. Julia Ood
tnan of this city.
Mrs. Charles Hanks and Children
of Eugene, formerly of Springfield,
visited Monday with Mrs. Hanks' sis
ter, Mrs. F. A. Worely.
Woi. Desmond in "The Sage Brush
Hamlet," will furnish plenty of ac
tion to those who like action. Bell
theater, Tuesday, Jan. 6th.
Patronize home Industry. See Pitts'
corner Fourth and C streets for your
kitchen furniture. Prices reasonable.
J. A. Mcllenry was In Springfield
a few days this week on bis way to
Mable where he will work In the mill.
Mrs. Lucina Richardson who teaches
school near Corvallis, and her son
Peery of Marshfield, were both in
Springfield during the holidays.
Mrs. W. E. Rhodes and son Austin
returned Saturday to Leona after a
weeks visit In Springfield.
Miss Marie Green of Coburg is vis
iting with her aunt Mrs. Ernest Skin
ner. If money Is worth having It is
worth saving. Begin the saving habit
now by starting an account at the
First National Bank In Springfield.
Miss Jane Llndsey left Friday for
Oregon City after spending the holi
days with Mrs. J. J. Bryan.
Expert Jeweler and
Have your watch repaired
by an Expert Watchmaker.
My specialty ia fine watch,
dork and Jowelory repair
ing. Jewelry made to
Agates cut and mounted.
We also carry a complete
line of glasses. Why pay
$12 to $15 for a pair of
glasses? I have them to fit
you from $2.50 to $5.00.
The best gold filled.
News Office
Main Street
Happy New Year
Program for the coming week
Thursday, Jan. 1 Geraldine Farrar in "THE STRONGER
VOW." (Apache love In the heart of Parts.)
Friday, Jan. 2 Wm. S. Hart in "TRUTHFUL TULLIVER."
(Thrilling feats mark this production of Hart's.) Also
a Mack Sennett comedy.
Saturday, Jan. 3 Enid Bennett in "LAW OF MEN.". Lloyd
Sunday, Jan. 4 "FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE," De Mille
Monday, Jan. 5 Charles Ray in "THE SHERIFF'S SON."
A strong and original story of the west, p
Tuesday. Jan. 6 Wm. Desmond in "A SAGEBRUSH HAM
LET." A rollicking comedy drama with wild western
Wednesday, Jan. 7 Martin Johnson's "CANNIBALS OF
THE SOUTH SEAS" will hold its own with any photo
We have a warm spot In our hearts
for YOU, good people of Springfield,
this New Year Day!
May you live to enjoy MANY New
Years, and may the GOOD THING8
A. R. Gray, Prop.
W. M. Green, Mgr.