THt'UsrUY, JANUARY 1. 102(1. PAGE 4 TI1R SWUNC,FIKU NKWrf THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday tU Spi lUgfiolJ. Luue County. Orvgou by TYLER A FRCELANO Samuel H Tyler H. B Freelimd Entered tt the Postofflce at Springfield. Oregon, Second elate Matter, F'.ruary 24. 1903. , SrUSi'KII'TlON KATES.: One Year 00 Three Months 6U Month $103 Single Copy One Year, When Paid In Advance - .. 60c Be $1.76 Happy New Year! o Make if happy all the year. o And prosperous, too. o Start the new year right by saving every week. o STAY-AT-HOME DOLLARS. The other day we heart! of a man investing a thousand dol lars in an industrial plant lo cated in a large city several hundred miles away. The in vestment probably is as safe as could be made along industrial lines. Pividends are reasonably sure, and the money was the man's own. to do with as he willed. That same man. a few weeks past, was asked to take stock in a local company, one as yet existing only in the minds of its originators. Some day it will be a fact. When that is so. the town will benefit. It will create a groat er demand for food grown near this city. It will in crease business of local mer chants, skilled and unskilled la bor, because it will add to the town's population and to its buying power. The chances are good that it will pay dividends. experienced business men. thoughtful local financiers, the new company project appeared even bit as nrnmisinsr as the outside corporation investment. Put not so to this particular t'an. He sent his dollars awav. TTe earned his dollars here. He sived them here. But he chooes tr send them away to do their b't toward boosting the rrowrh of the bier city rather th" the small home town. fhat is oro rppon the 'main roicen Viv the last census re- vmlr'l cpr-'i nil plarni'l1" hnP t'lPfv hc frowth. nomination wealth of towns and small ri'c t is one of the reasons v bv he largest chips erew so vrn.-dlv mi the .decade. The "Misn? of 1f):?A is expected to '' c?it1f c;fnt!stics. The ohvinnc. thin? to do with ' "iin'.dnvnpii flnPrs is to mvest ni :v .riio 'ndustries. If one haro the serMiritv o' i -mwI- hi"- tmvn. ountv and hi"h"nv bonds. The average small community markets its bonds in the large city and pays the discount, while at the same time it sends its savings to the same city and pays a commis sion upon its investments. T.y keeping dollars at home, working, you help build up the home community. That is build ing to your business. It is in creasing the value of your land. It will in time make it possible for you and your children to enjoy privileges and conven iences now only to be found in large cities. I'efore you refuse to put your savings into some local indus try, creamery, mill, factory, canning plant,, condensery or dehydrating plant, bear those things in mind. Always, remember this: many a small town industry is a bet ter investment (financially) than the average large city con cern. o - -SMALL FRUIT INDUSTRY CROWING. In spite of the damage done by the recent cold snap to some berry vines that had been put up on the trellises, increased acreage is going in rapidly. All berry vines and cones left down will make more roots and plants than ever from the soil enriched bv the heavy snow falls. Tips and plants will be multi plied and will be more valuable as a part of the crop and all growers should prepare to save them. As an example of what can be done two boys in western Oregon have taken up and sold at $3 per thousand L' strawberry plants. They have done this during t lie month just before the storm and what is more important they took the plants from a ten acre field. That is $00 an acre for plants, and before spring there will be as many more rooted and ready to take up for new plantations. Another field of three acres yielded loO.OOu plants or $Kf an acre as, a mere by-product of the small fruit industry. There is going to be the greatest possible demand for A good year! A very good year and you helped us make it bo! We thank you, and ex tend to you and yours the com pliments of the season. First National Bank SPRINGFIELD small fruits and for new plants to extend acreage and all should help supply them. And when the plants from the increased acreage begins yield ing there will be need of more antl better markets here. The canneries and near-by markets use u great deal but there is a demand for a closer and larger market. A dehydrating plant is the thing that is needed here. DO COOD ROADS PAY? The average cost of hauling on country roads in the I'nitcd States has been estimated at about LT cents per ton mile. This cost varied in the estimate for different types of road, as follows: On san-iy roads, when dry, til cents ton mile; on sandy roads when wet. 3J.t" cents per ton mile; on earth roads with ruts and mud. 3! cents; on broken stone road in ordinary condi tion, ll.'.t cents; on broken stone road, dry and in good or der. S cents. In 1 !t Mi the interstate com merce commission estimated that L'ti."."oo.iino tons wen passing annually over country roads. On this basis. Paul Vogt. a rural soi -iolonist. has found that a sauim oi - : cents pet ton mile in cost of hauling i would save the farmers of the Country Soihmmmmh mi a year. j Road buildim; is pensiv e. I even with improving conditions in its management . I'.m the state of Indiana, it i lVun.1. has experienced an in !:.--. i value of land throurh road improve ment of I per a re in t lie '.improved di.-t riets. Add to this the increased price received for .perishable (lops 1 1 : i k'y hauled., Consider also tp. tot merly : from hatila po-i . d until, roads admitted i! movement of1 the uoods. And dc mit inrimi to i consider how road improvement ' widens l;e prod"' ",' market-1 ing area. i Then ( (iiisid'T i lie improved roa,d from ann'lnr a.-pect than; the financial one. !low many Children are getting a longer school year, in a I. iter, consoli dated school. heetUM. eo;il. ale making the ; o n,d Pi v est n em of better road.-.' !l"v many lives are saved bc-anse medical aid may be Iii-ohm'ii when- i' could not go before? Y!tc i iregon Farmer. o REMEDY THE GOLDEN RULE. We hear much talk these days about the middle-man. lie is blamed for a larue part of the present high cost of living. The public utility industry employs no iiiidl"-man. Public utility service is sold direct from producer to consumer. i This may be the reason that utility companies have been able to survive on hut slightly increased rates during the past few years of skyrocketing prices and wages. I Put the best utility manage-' nient has reached the limti. It can't live on sawdust, any more! than the farmers horse. I The public must recognize the facts and allow an adequate! income to these great public, servants. ! The problem is not compli cated and the remedy is simple, j The public must be willing to pay for service rendered and not demand something for, nothing. A slight, application of thej (iolden Rule is all that is neces sary. - .Manufar l urer. In fact, not only a slight ap plication of the (Iolden Rule, but a real earnest application of the (Jolden Rule would go far towards solving all the other perplexing problems of the pres ent day. It would help to solve the difficulties between capital i and labor, between producerl and consumer and all industrial! situations. It could even be ap-j plied to politics and national and International alia its, in which places it has long been neglected, even considered as being an old and out of date theory. Now is a good time to give the (Jolden Rule a chance by I prac ticing it in the individual I A .j j-gjjjCT of the New Year SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY life which is an important unit ami factor in the national life, o A Mount Angel farmer re cently marketed his crop of hops from seven acres, from whic h he averaged $:?no an acre, of course this is extra good for hops, but compare it with the result of an upper Willamette liver valley farmer who received $l-'oo from two acres of straw berries, or $iMi for each acre. And the strawberry farmer had tar less expense for growing ami harvesting his crop than did the hop raiser. This was also from first year strawberry plants which will yield heavier the succeeding years, both in berries and plants. - o - FORMER MOVIE MEN VISIT IN SPRINGFIELD VV Putter and Leo A. Potter were In Spi liiKfl' I'l Iiini week on Incline mill lenewliiK old in Uiill)liiii eH They lived here until aliout fle e;i l hk: The Potter hrolherx limit ami ope ruled the Hell thealei for xeveral year. Liter elllnK out. iiiul are now eiiKHReil In IhI rlhilt I It k 1 1 1 i 1 1 ) K !'' IlireM tliroUKhollt llie liorthwext, hav ing ihelr headiUar(eri U) Seattle J II Peahody. who lx now opeoil'tiR he Hell ! lu-Mter, secured from the Potter lirolheri one of the lieM pic fiiien now dhowlng In the west. "The Kyen of Youth" whlth will inn her" two dayH, Keliriinry Ti unil ! Tlni plrlure run two week III Seattle and hiiM been hooked for a Kood run In Portland at one of the Miki-hI play Iioum-m. In HpeuklliK of the picture VV. Poller Maid that Mr. Peahodv l.t lo lie ronKratlllltted ell heliiK utile to xhow Oil film pluy, and that in- remiii niendiwl the picture to ull hln former frieiidn here. I am opening a second hand furniture department in conjunction with my new furniture department and will be able to save you money in that line. Trade in your old furniture for new. I have everything in new and second hand furniture, stoves and phonographs. BERRX PIANO AND FURNITURE COMPANY mm 9 ',n m mw rv USMES are for all a happy New Year Springfield Creamery