The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 25, 1919, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    itmmSbAY, DECEMBER 26, mi
Mrs. Mitel Delay, daughter of M.
C. Hreaaler, returned Friday to htr
bom In Hot Lake, Oregon, sfter via
King severs! itaya In thin city.
Patronise home Imluatry. Bee I'llls'
corner Fourth and C streets for your
kltcben furniture. Prices reseonable.
Mr. and Mm. Cy McFarland of Mo
hawk ara vlaltlng with Ma. McFar
land'a uiothor, Mm. Morelotk of thin
Mr. and Mm. (May 1'arker of Mo
hawk were In Hprlmfli'ld ou bualneaa
Let ua tell you about tha Beeoian
hand tractor. Mprlngrittd Fvad coin
Mra. W. J. I.unri-fonl of Wend ling
waa a bualneaa rullrr In Fprlngflold
Mary I 'corf la acting aa Jnnltor In
the "White Front" grocery atnre dur
ing the holldaya.
Buy Egglnienn's milk
and Ue.
bread, lOe
J a mm Keya of Waltervltle waa In
town on buxlnpaa Hnturday.
Dan Ilaugh of Thornton
Rpringflpld Baturday.
waa In
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, dantlat, Spring
field, Oregon.
Mra. C. F. Kgglmann waa operated
on at the local hoapltal for appendl-
Ilia IuhI Thurxtlnr evening. Dr. Kent
r. who haa rhargn of t h caae. r
porta that she la doing aa well aa ran
) expected owing to the acrtouaneaa
of her condition. Mra. Eaglinann had
only returned from attending a elater
In Ran FranrlKco who waa III. when
alio waa etrlcken with the appendi
citis We bare whipping cream, tabla
cream, aweet milk and aweet aklmmed
milk for aale. Springfield Creamery.
Mra. II. Meltion of Kugene, formerly
Mlaa Mable Duryee waa In Springfield
Dean Morrow of Anacortea, Wash.,
la vlaltlng with L. J. Lcpley and fam
ily during the holldaya.
Mra. Ole Holveraon accompanied
Mr. and Mra. Floyd Green to Albany
W. W. EBBETT, Prop.
Main Street Phone 17.
flam Friday to vlalt Mr. and Mra.
Homer Davla. Mra. Davie waa for
'merly Mlaa Klxle Holveraon of thla
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, den tut, Spring
field, Oregon.
A town la Judged largely by its
banka. The flrat National Bank of
Springfield la on of thla town's
greateat aaaeta. Are you helping to
make It etronger by your patronage?
Marlon McOee of Portland arrived
Saturday to apend tha holldaya with
Mr. and Mra. William Arnold.
Otto Ooaaler of Thuraton la home
from Heaald to vlalt with frlenda and
relative daring the holldaya.
Come in and hear the new Player-
phone and then compare it with any
other phonograph. Coraaw Olflaon.
We have whipping cream, table
cream, aweet milk and aweet aklmmed
milk for aale. Springfield Creamery.
Mlaa May illarbert of Thuraton who
la teaching In the Cottage Grove high
achool ia home for the Cbrlatmaa va
Mlaa Nina Hufatader of Wendllng
apent the week-end with Misaea Helen
and Ufa trice Roberta.
Mra. E. Bcott la vlaltlng with her
alater, Mra. L. W. Montgomery of thla
Demand Egglmann'a
your grocer.
bread from
R. Garten of 1'leanant Hill
Springfield vlaltor Saturday.
waa a
We have whipping cream, tabla
cream, aweet milk and aweet aklmmed
milk for aale. Spring-field Creamery.
Jack Nickem baa been employed In
Stewart'a meat market of thla city.
Mra. C. Haatlnga of Thuraton waa
In Springfield ahlpping Saturday.
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. Jen: let., r'. ing
le''.!, Ortr.
A nice Chriatmaa preaent 8ee
thoae kitchen cabinets and Engl la h
breakfaat tablea at Pitta' Cabinet
hop, corner Fourth and C atreeta.
Dan Tyaon and wife of San Fran
claco, who have been vlaltlng at the
.'home of M. C. Dressier, bate tone
to Iirowaavllle to vlalt with Mr. Ty
jfcon's parents for two weeks. They
will visit III Springfield again before
their return to San Francisco.
Hava yon axamlaed tha Bsetnaa
hand tractor at tho I prisgflald read
8. Tennis and wife left Friday for
Centralis, Wash., for a two weeks'
EggloaaaB's bread mad clean,
wrapped clean, and sold cUaa.
, Mlaa Mildred Trice of Thurston was
In Springfield Saturday.
; It. D. Wilson left Saturday for Cot
tage Grove to apend tho holidays.
Use Our New Fresh Paek of tacen
and Lard Sweet and mild cured.
Hams .. 40c per lb,
Breakfaat Bacon .0 per lb.
Bacon Backs ,.l&c per lb.
Seasoning Bacon JOc per lb.
Picnic Hama . 30c pad lb.
CotUge Rolls .ISc per In.
Pure Lard tie per lb.
Hake Whlto I0 per lb.
Swart 4k Washburn
Mra. Ray Rennle of Thuraton was a
bualneaa caller In Springfield Satur
V. F. Lyona of Goahen was
'Springfield on bualneaa Saturday.
Big Jail Chriatmaa dance. Stevena
hall Dec. 26, 1:30 p, m. everybody
welcome. Popular prices.
Virgil Moon and family moved from
their former home at Fall Creek to
a farm on Pleasant Hill where they
will make their home. Mr. Moon and
family lived on a farm near Seavy
ferry before going to Fall Creek.
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. dentlas, Spring
field. Oregon.
T. C. May from Landax Is In Spring
field, visiting with the R. O. Barnes
family during the holidays.
Coming sootC Wm. S. Ilart
"Truthful Tulllver." Beil theater.
Mrs. tl. B. Freeland went to Salem
laat Saturday to be with her parenta
over the holldaya. H. B. Freeland
left laat night for Salem where he
will also vlalt with parents and rela
tires over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs.
Freeland will return 8unday.
Wo have whipping cream, table
cream, sweet milk and sweet skimmed
"milk for sale. Springfield Creamery.
Coming: Geraldlne Farrar in "The
Stronger Vow. Watch for It at Bell
theater soon.
C. F. Hill from Moro. Sherman
county. Ore., la vlaltlng- with bis par
ents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hill In this
city during the holidays. Mr. Hill will
return to Mora next week where he
Is teaching school.
Do yon live In 8prlngfleld and do
your banking In Eugene T If so. It Is
not necesaary for the First National
In Springfield will take care of all
your Interests aa well as any bank
; Big Jan Chrlatmas dance, Stevens
hall Dec. 26, 8:30 p. m. Everybody
welcome. Popular prices.
' Dr. and Mrs. S. Ralph Dlppel left
Tuesday evening (or Bandon, Ore.,
where they will visit with Mrs. Dip
pel's parenta.
J. W. Coffin went to Portland Tues
day on a business trip. .
Fatty Arbuckle la the "button bust
er" comedy "Out West," Bell theater
Mlaa Jane Llndsey, who taught In
the Springfield schools laat year, and
now teaching at Oregon City, is vla
ltlng during the Christmas holidays
'with Mrs. J. J. Bryan during- the holl
daya. O. C. Caswell of the Springfield
Flour mills left Monday morning for
points In southern Oregon for a busi
ness trip of a few days.
You're missing; something If you
haven't heard tha new Playerphon
now on display at our store. It's dif
ferent. Coreaw Gibson.
Mrs. Frank Lenhart left Tuesday
for North Bend where she will visit
with her brotherd, J. L. Stltt during
the holidays.
Do yon live In Springfield and do
your banking In Eugene T If so. It !s
not necessary for tho First National
In Springfield will take car of all
your Interests as well as any bank
, i
NELSON BURCH At tbs office of
' the county Judge In Eugene, Satur
day, Decetnbar 29, 11, Miss Dora
Borch and Samuet Nelson, both of
Marco la.
' Tho Nelsons will make their horns
at Marcola. .
Type wrt tor paper of an kinds and
ribbons for any make of typewriter
tor sale at Tho News office.
Dr. TIL. York
Who has been practicing in Eu
gene for many years with of
fices in the Preston - Hales
building, has formed a partner
ship with Dr. J. D. Tyo, former
ly of Portland, and they are In
stalling some of the latest, up
to date equipment, and are ar
ranging their rooms accord
ingly, v
With modern equipment, per
fect service and absolute sani
tary methods one can rest as
sured of the best of service in
the practice of
Every effort will be made to
please, both in price and workmanship.
Merry Christmas
Program for the coming week
Thursday, Dec. 25 Sessue Hayakawa in
Friday, Dec 26 Shorty Hamilton in
(A gripping story from the Canadian Northwest.)
Also Fatty Arbuckle in "OUT WEST" .
Saturday, Dec. 27 May Allison in
Sunday, Dec. 28 Special, "LITTLE WOMEN"
( From Louisa M. Alcott's story of that name.) "
Monday, Dec 29 Enid Bennett in
Tuesday, Dec. 30 Last Episode of "Red Glove," Serial
Also Bessie Barriscale in "KITTY KELLY, M. D."
Wednesday, Dec. 31 Billie Rhodes in
erry Christmas
To our many new friends
and customers
A. R, Gray, Prop.
' Jeweler '
' : i . i ;
Wishes you a .
New Year
News Office
Main Street
W. M. Green, Mgr.